import tables h5file = tables.openFile("msd_summary_file.h5") h5file musicbrainz = h5file.root.musicbrainz.songs analysis = h5file.root.analysis.songs from collections import defaultdict by_year = defaultdict(list) for row1 in musicbrainz.where('year != 0'): row2 = analysis[row1.nrow] by_year[row1['year']].append(row2['tempo']) print("Year\tAvg. BPM") for year, values in by_year.iteritems(): num_songs = len(values) print("{}\t{:0.2f} ({} songs)".format(year, float(sum(values))/num_songs, num_songs)) # lowess function from import numpy as np from math import ceil from scipy import linalg def lowess(x, y, f=2./3., iter=3): """lowess(x, y, f=2./3., iter=3) -> yest Lowess smoother: Robust locally weighted regression. The lowess function fits a nonparametric regression curve to a scatterplot. The arrays x and y contain an equal number of elements; each pair (x[i], y[i]) defines a data point in the scatterplot. The function returns the estimated (smooth) values of y. The smoothing span is given by f. A larger value for f will result in a smoother curve. The number of robustifying iterations is given by iter. The function will run faster with a smaller number of iterations.""" n = len(x) r = int(ceil(f*n)) h = [np.sort(np.abs(x - x[i]))[r] for i in range(n)] w = np.clip(np.abs((x[:,None] - x[None,:]) / h), 0.0, 1.0) w = (1 - w**3)**3 yest = np.zeros(n) delta = np.ones(n) for iteration in range(iter): for i in range(n): weights = delta * w[:,i] b = np.array([np.sum(weights*y), np.sum(weights*y*x)]) A = np.array([[np.sum(weights), np.sum(weights*x)], [np.sum(weights*x), np.sum(weights*x*x)]]) beta = linalg.solve(A, b) yest[i] = beta[0] + beta[1]*x[i] residuals = y - yest s = np.median(np.abs(residuals)) delta = np.clip(residuals / (6.0 * s), -1, 1) delta = (1 - delta**2)**2 return yest %matplotlib inline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = np.arange(1950, 2010) y = np.array([np.mean(by_year[i]) for i in x]) # need to rescale, else we get a singular matrix scaled_x = np.arange(0,1, 1.0/len(x)) ymax = float(np.max(y)) scaled_y = y / ymax f = 0.25 # smoothing span; larger == smoother yest = lowess(scaled_x, scaled_y, f=f, iter=3) yest *= ymax plt.xlim(1950, 2010) plt.scatter(x, y, label='y raw') plt.plot(x, yest, label='y smoothed') plt.xlabel('year') plt.ylabel('Average BPM') plt.title('BPMs over time')