#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # This is a Markdown Cell with some embedded [mermaid](https://github.com/knsv/mermaid) # # > Wait for the embedded mermaid... # #
# graph LR # A[Square Rect] -- Link text --> B((Circle)) # A --> C(Round Rect) # B --> D{Rhombus} # C --> D #
# # > That was great! # # This is another markdown cell. # # > It has two mersmaid. # #
graph TB # subgraph one # a1-->a2 # end # subgraph two # b1-->b2 # end # subgraph three # c1-->c2 # end # c1-->a2 #
# # ### Here's some markdown between them! # #
sequenceDiagram # participant Alice # participant Bob # Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? # loop Healthcheck # John->>John: Fight against hypochondria # end # Note right of John: Rational thoughts
prevail... # John-->>Alice: Great! # John->>Bob: How about you? # Bob-->>John: Jolly good! #
# > The below must be included somewhere, but the end is fine! # In[70]: get_ipython().run_cell_magic('html', '', '\n\n\n')