Calculate an isosurface of caffeine at a low level, something like 0.5 electrons/∘A3. You may already have noticed that a slice is missing from one of the atoms. Look at the other side of the molecule, and you'll find the slice there (hanging in mid-air). Can you think of an explanation?.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (8, 6)
# add path to the Modules
import sys, os
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..', 'src'))
from Reconstruction import *
cutoff = 2
step = 1./8
H, K, L = xyzgrid(cutoff, step)
caf = Molecule('caffeine.pdb')
F = moltrans(caf, H,K,L)
# Compute Gaussian window
sigma = 1
G = np.exp(-(H**2 + K**2 + L**2)/(2*sigma**2))
# Multiply the molecular transform with the window.
F = F*G
rho = fft.fftshift(abs(fft.ifftn(F, [2**6, 2**6, 2**6])))
rhoScale = step**3 *
rho = rho * rhoScale
isosurface(rho, 0.5)
Leave the three-dimensional stuff for now, and recreate the two-dimensional projection from the first exercise. Use a cut-off of 8 to get decently sharp atoms, and use subplot to display four projections created with the step sizes 1/8, 1/7, 1/6 and 1/5. What happens as you decrease the step size? Look at an atom near an edge and follow it as the step size decreases.
def transform(mol, step, cutoff):
Wrap up some of the commonly used commands.
H, K, L = TwoD_grid(step, cutoff)
F = moltrans(mol, H,K,L)
rho = np.fliplr(fft.fftshift(abs(fft.ifftn(F, [2**10, 2**10]))))
# rescale
rhoScale = step**3 *
rho = rho * rhoScale
return rho
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2)
ax[0,0].imshow(transform(caf, 1./8, 8), interpolation='none')
ax[0,1].imshow(transform(caf, 1./7, 8), interpolation='none')
ax[1,0].imshow(transform(caf, 1./6, 8), interpolation='none')
ax[1,1].imshow(transform(caf, 1./5, 8), interpolation='none')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x12b1f08d0>
The explanation, again, is given by the convolution theorem. However, first we need to introduce the sampling/replicating function sha
The sha-function is essentially an array of delta functions (impulses) with unit strength and unit spacing. It is also called the sampling function because when you multiply a continuous function with sha, you extract a set of uniformly spaced samples from that function (this is a useful way to treat discrete mathematics in a continuous framework). We can represent an array of unit impulses with spacing a as
and extract a set of samples with spacing a from the molecular transform by writing
So, how does this multiplication affect the electron density? Enter the convolution theorem. The sha function has the useful property that it is its own Fourier transform. Scaling with a factor a propagates between the spaces according to the similarity theorem (which you probably have learned at some point). Anyway, the end result is:
In words, sampling the molecular transform with spacing a is equivalent to convoluting the electron density with an array of delta functions with spacing 1/a. I have used the suffix periodic because the effect of this convolution is to erect a complete copy of the electron density around each delta function, creating a periodic function. Thus, sampling the molecular transform with spacing a is equivalent to periodically repeating the electron density in real space. The period of the repeat is 1/a.
When you execute the FFT (fast Fourier transform), it will calculate a single repeat for you and it is taken for granted that you know that the result is periodic. In the plots you made above, you gradually decreased the sampling distance a = step until the resulting period in real space (1/a = 1/step) was so small that adjacent repeats of the electron density started to overlap. This is called aliasing (vikningsdistortion in swedish). It is the same phenomena as the distortion you hear when music is sampled at a too low bit rate.
Do you now see why you used the default sampling step of 1/8 for the caffeine molecule? (Recall the very first question of the tutorial.) In fact, a sampling step of 1/8 is just a little too large. That is why you could see a slice of an atom being cut off and inserted on the other side.