Chapter2 contains the commands used in Chapter 2 of the tutorial and present some tools for analysis of random functions with respect to their correlation, spectral and distributional properties. The presentation is divided into three examples:
Example1 is devoted to estimation of different parameters in the model. Example2 deals with spectral densities and Example3 presents the use of WAFO to simulate samples of a Gaussian process.
Some of the commands are edited for fast computation.
Observed crossings compared to the expected for Gaussian signals
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import wafo
import wafo.objects as wo
xx =
me = xx[:, 1].mean()
sa = xx[:, 1].std()
xx[:, 1] -= me
ts = wo.mat2timeseries(xx)
tp = ts.turning_points()
cc = tp.cycle_pairs()
lc = cc.level_crossings()
Next we compute the mean frequency as the average number of upcrossings per time unit of the mean level (= 0); this may require interpolation in the crossing intensity curve, as follows.
T = xx[:, 0].max() - xx[:, 0].min()
f0 = np.interp(0, lc.args,, 0) / T #! zero up-crossing frequency
print('f0 = %g' % f0)
f0 = 0.224071
fm = len( / (2 * T) # frequency of maxima
alfa = f0 / fm # approx Tm24/Tm02
print('fm = %g, alpha = %g, ' % (fm, alfa))
fm = 0.456159, alpha = 0.491212,
We finish this section with some remarks about the quality of the measured data. Especially sea surface measurements can be of poor quality. We shall now check the quality of the dataset {\tt xx}. It is always good practice to visually examine the data before the analysis to get an impression of the quality, non-linearities and narrow-bandedness of the data.First we shall plot the data and zoom in on a specific region. A part of sea data is visualized with the following commands
ts.plot_wave('k-', tp, '*', nfig=1, nsub=1)
plt.axis([0, 2, -2, 2])
[0, 2, -2, 2]
However, if the amount of data is too large for visual examinations one could use the following criteria to find possible spurious points. One must be careful using the criteria for extremevalue analysis, because it might remove extreme waves that are OK and not spurious.
import wafo.misc as wm
dt = ts.sampling_period()
# dt = np.diff(xx[:2,0])
dcrit = 5 * dt
ddcrit = 9.81 / 2 * dt * dt
zcrit = 0
inds, indg = wm.findoutliers(, zcrit, dcrit, ddcrit, verbose=True)
Found 0 missing points Found 0 spurious positive jumps of Dx Found 0 spurious negative jumps of Dx Found 37 spurious positive jumps of D^2x Found 200 spurious negative jumps of D^2x Found 244 consecutive equal values Found the total of 1149 spurious points
Periodogram: Raw spectrum
Lmax = 9500
S = ts.tospecdata(L=Lmax)
_=plt.axis([0, 5, 0, 0.7])
mom, text = S.moment(nr=4)
print('sigma = %g, m0 = %g' % (sa, np.sqrt(mom[0])))
sigma = 0.472955, m0 = 0.472955
Lmax0 = 200; Lmax1 = 50
S1 = ts.tospecdata(L=Lmax0)
S2 = ts.tospecdata(L=Lmax1)
Obviously knowing the spectrum one can compute the covariance function. The following code will compute the covariance for the unimodal spectral density S1 and compare it with estimated covariance of the signal xx.
Lmax = 85
R1 = S1.tocovdata(nr=1)
Rest = ts.tocovdata(lag=Lmax)
_=plt.axis([0, 25, -0.1, 0.25])
We can see in Figure below that the covariance function corresponding to the spectral density S2 significantly differs from the one estimated directly from data. It can be seen in Figure above that the covariance corresponding to S1 agrees much better with the estimated covariance function.
R2 = S2.tocovdata(nr=1)
(([<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2585dab92c8>], [Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Auto Covariance Function '), Text(0.5, 0, 'Lag [s]'), Text(0, 0.5, 'ACF')]), [(([<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2585dc61588>], []), None), (([<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2585dc76b48>], []), None)])
We begin with computing skewness and kurtosis for the data set xx and compare it with the second order wave approximation proposed by Winterstein:
import wafo.stats as ws
rho3 = ws.skew(xx[:, 1])
rho4 = ws.kurtosis(xx[:, 1])
sk, ku = S1.stats_nl(moments='sk')
import wafo.transform.models as wtm
gh = wtm.TrHermite(mean=me, sigma=sa, skew=sk, kurt=ku).trdata()
g = wtm.TrLinear(mean=me, sigma=sa).trdata() # Linear transformation
glc, gemp = lc.trdata(mean=me, sigma=sa)
glc.plot('b-') #! Transf. estimated from level-crossings
gh.plot('b-.') #! Hermite Transf. estimated from moments
TESTGAUSSIAN simulates e(g(u)-u) = int (g(u)-u)^2 du for Gaussian processes given the spectral density, S. The result is plotted if test0 is given. This is useful for testing if the process X(t) is Gaussian. If 95% of TEST1 is less than TEST0 then X(t) is not Gaussian at a 5% level.
As we see from the figure below: none of the simulated values of test1 is above 1.00. Thus the data significantly departs from a Gaussian distribution.
test0 = glc.dist2gauss()
# the following test takes time
N = len(xx)
test1 = S1.testgaussian(ns=N, cases=50, test0=test0)
is_gaussian = sum(test1 > test0) > 5
indicates that the underlying distribution has a "heavy" upper tail and a "light" lower tail.
_=ws.probplot(, dist='norm', plot=plt)
Example 2: Different forms of spectra
import wafo.spectrum.models as wsm
Hm0 = 7; Tp = 11;
spec = wsm.Jonswap(Hm0=Hm0, Tp=Tp).tospecdata()
D = wsm.Spreading('cos2s')
Sd = D.tospecdata2d(spec)
#Se = spec2spec(Sd,'encdir',0,10);
#plotspec(Se), hold on
#plotspec(Sd,1,'--'), hold off
#disp('Block = 17'),pause(pstate)
##!#! Frequency spectra
#Sd1 =spec2spec(Sd,'freq');
#Sd2 = spec2spec(Se,'enc');
#plotspec(spec), hold on
#hold off
#disp('Block = 18'),pause(pstate)
##!#! Wave number spectrum
#Sk = spec2spec(spec,'k1d')
#Skd = spec2spec(Sd,'k1d')
#plotspec(Sk), hold on
#plotspec(Skd,1,'--'), hold off
#disp('Block = 19'),pause(pstate)
##!#! Effect of waterdepth on spectrum
#plotspec(spec,1,'--'), hold on
#S20 = spec;
#S20.S = S20.S.*phi1(S20.w,20);
#S20.h = 20;
#plotspec(S20), hold off
#disp('Block = 20'),pause(pstate)
##!#! Section 2.3 Simulation of transformed Gaussian process
##!#! Example 3: Simulation of random sea
##! The reconstruct function replaces the spurious points of seasurface by
##! simulated data on the basis of the remaining data and a transformed Gaussian
##! process. As noted previously one must be careful using the criteria
##! for finding spurious points when reconstructing a dataset, because
##! these criteria might remove the highest and steepest waves as we can see
##! in this plot where the spurious points is indicated with a '+' sign:
#[y, grec] = reconstruct(xx,inds);
#axis([0 inf -inf inf])
#disp('Block = 21'),pause(pstate)
##! Compare transformation (grec) from reconstructed (y)
##! with original (glc) from (xx)
#trplot(g), hold on
#plot(grec(:,1),grec(:,2)), hold off
#disp('Block = 22'),pause(pstate)
#L = 200;
#x = dat2gaus(y,grec);
#Sx = dat2spec(x,L);
#disp('Block = 23'),pause(pstate)
#dt = spec2dt(Sx)
#Ny = fix(2*60/dt) #! = 2 minutes = grec;
#ysim = spec2sdat(Sx,Ny);
#disp('Block = 24'),pause(pstate)
fp = 1.1;dw = 0.01
H0 = S1.characteristic('Hm0')[0]
St = wsm.Torsethaugen(Hm0=H0,Tp=2*np.pi/fp).tospecdata(np.arange(0,5+dw/2,dw))
_=plt.axis([0, 6, 0, 0.4])
dt = St.sampling_period()
va, sk, ku = St.stats_nl(moments='vsk' )
#sa = sqrt(va)
gh = wtm.TrHermite(mean=me, sigma=sa, skew=sk, kurt=ku, ysigma=sa)
ysim_t = St.sim(ns=240, dt=0.5)
xsim_t = ysim_t.copy()
xsim_t[:,1] = gh.gauss2dat(ysim_t[:,1])
ts_y = wo.mat2timeseries(ysim_t)
ts_x = wo.mat2timeseries(xsim_t)
_=ts_y.plot_wave(sym1='r.', ts=ts_x, sym2='b', sigma=sa, nsub=5, nfig=1)