CHAPTER1 gives an overview through examples some of the capabilities of WAFO. WAFO is a toolbox of Matlab routines for statistical analysis and simulation of random waves and loads. The commands are edited for fast computation.
Simulation of the sea surface from spectrum. The following code generates 200 seconds of data sampled with 10Hz from the Torsethaugen spectrum.
A common situation is that one wants to estimate the spectrum for wave measurements. The following code simulate 20 minutes signal sampled at 4Hz and compare the spectral estimate with the original Torsethaugen spectum.
Probability distribution of wave trough period: WAFO gives the possibility of computing the exact probability distributions for a number of characteristics given a spectral density. In the following example we study the trough period extracted from the time series and compared with the theoretical density computed with exact spectrum, S1, and the estimated spectrum, Sest.
Here are a few lines of code, which produce directional spectra with frequency independent and frequency dependent spreading.
The simulations show that frequency dependent spreading leads to much more irregular surface so the orientation of waves is less transparent compared to the frequency independent case.
The figure is not shown in the Tutorial
Switching Markow chain of turningpoints. In fatigue applications the exact sample path is not important, but only the tops and bottoms of the load, called the sequence of turning points (TP). From the turning points one can extract load cycles, from which damage calculations and fatigue life predictions can be performed. The commands below computes the intensity of rainflowcycles for the Gaussian model with spectrum S1 using the Markov approximation. The rainflow cycles found in the simulated load signal are shown in the figure.
Formation of 5 min maxima
Estimation of GEV for yuramax