Firstly we import all the require libraries
import io
from IPython.nbformat import current
def execute_notebook(nbfile):
with as f:
nb =, 'json')
ip = get_ipython()
for cell in nb.worksheets[0].cells:
if cell.cell_type != 'code':
Sun Dec 21 14:43:04 2014
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/brian/utils/sparse_patch/ UserWarning: Couldn't find matching sparse matrix patch for scipy version 0.14.0, but in most cases this shouldn't be a problem. warnings.warn("Couldn't find matching sparse matrix patch for scipy version %s, but in most cases this shouldn't be a problem." % scipy.__version__)
In the gupta paper the first layer consist of 15 leaky integrate and fire nuerons.The input for those neurons were a constant current in case the pixel was "on" or a null current in case the pixel was "off". If the neuron receives a constant current,it will fire around 3 times for a normal exposing of a character.
In this implementation, instead of simulating a leaky integrate and fire neurons, we directly use the class SpikeGeneratorGroup, to generate spikes at spicified times. The adavantage of this implementacion is that we have more control over the neurons we are trying to train ('second layer'). The "dictionary" class is responsable for generating the array which contains the firing time for the first layer
epochs = 100
spikeMiliseconds = 100
spikeInterval = spikeMiliseconds * ms
spikeIntervalUnformatted = spikeMiliseconds * .001
dictionaryLongitude = 4
firstLayerSize = 15
dictionary = dictionary()
spiketimes = dictionary.spikeTimes(dictionaryLongitude, spikeInterval, spikesPerChar, epochs)
LIK = SpikeGeneratorGroup(firstLayerSize, spiketimes)
spikeMonitor = SpikeMonitor(LIK)
run(spikesPerChar * dictionaryLongitude * spikeInterval , report='text')
100% complete, 0s elapsed, approximately 0s remaining.
** We will now plot the images which will be used to train the network**
for i in range(0,dictionaryLongitude):
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,dictionaryLongitude,i+1)
ax.imshow(dictionary.dictionary[i][1], interpolation="nearest", cmap =
plt.xticks(np.arange(0,3, 1.0))
Here we plot the spikes of the first layer, the first character is letter A, as you can see, the neuron 0,2,4,10,13 spikes at 100,200,300 miliseconds
Rembember you can zoon and pam clicking on the icons on the botton-left of the plot
A nicer looking version of the raster_plot for low number of neurons
As you can check, the black pixels of the images above correspondes to the neurons which fired on the scatter plot below.
neuronArray = np.empty(0, dtype=int)
firetimeArray = np.empty(0, dtype=double)
neuronColor = np.random.rand(firstLayerSize)
colors = np.empty(0, dtype=float)
for neuron in range(0,15):
for fire in range(0,spikeMonitor.spiketimes[neuron].size):
neuronArray = np.append(neuronArray, neuron)
firetimeArray = np.append(firetimeArray,spikeMonitor.spiketimes[neuron][fire])
colors = np.append(colors,neuronColor[neuron])
plt.scatter(firetimeArray,neuronArray, s=100, c=colors)
plt.xticks(np.arange(0,max(firetimeArray)+0.1, 0.1))
plt.yticks(np.arange(0,firstLayerSize, 1.0))
ylabel("Neuron number")
We will now, build an artificial raster plot to show how an idealy trained network should look like, make sure to zoom on it, to see that only one neuron fire when a given character is presented
neuronArray = np.empty(0, dtype=int)
firetimeArray = np.empty(0, dtype=double)
neuronColor = np.random.rand(4)
colors = np.empty(0, dtype=float)
#Each neuron learn to represent a random character
neuronIndex = 0
time = 0
for charNumber in range(0 ,dictionaryLongitude ):
neuronIndex = (neuronIndex + 1)%4
neuron = neuronList[neuronIndex]
for charRepetetion in range(0,spikesPerChar):
time = time + spikeInterval / ms
neuronArray = np.append(neuronArray, neuron)
firetimeArray = np.append(firetimeArray,time)
colors = np.append(colors,neuronColor[neuron])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE'),figsize=(13,4))
points = plt.scatter(firetimeArray * ms,neuronArray, s=100, c=colors)
plt.yticks(np.arange(0,4, 1.0))
ylabel("Neuron number")
If you want to see a real simulation of the second layer click here