This file is part of postpic.
postpic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
postpic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with postpic. If not, see
Copyright Stephan Kuschel 2016-2018
First, download the example data
def download(url, file):
import urllib3
import shutil
import os
if os.path.isfile(file):
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
print('downloading {:} ...'.format(file))
with http.request('GET', url, preload_content=False) as r, open(file, 'wb') as out_file:
shutil.copyfileobj(r, out_file)
# download the example data
import os
if not os.path.exists('_epochexample'):
+ '6588b96090caa9032a6a9ed8d785f2034f446ad2/epoch_exampledata.tar.xz',
import tarfile
tar ='_epochexample/epoch_exampledata.tar.xz')
downloading _epochexample/epoch_exampledata.tar.xz ... done.
%pylab inline
import postpic as pp
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
# open a specific dump
dr = pp.readDump('_epochexample/epoch_exampledata/0420.sdf')
# the dumpreader knwos all the information of the simulation
print('The simulations was running on {} spatial dimensions.'.format(dr.simdimensions()))
<Sdfreader at "_epochexample/epoch_exampledata/0420.sdf"> The simulations was running on 2 spatial dimensions.
# if needed, postpic can be bypassed and the underlying datastructure (sdf in this case)
# can be accessed directly via keys
['Header', 'Electric Field/Ex', 'Electric Field/Ey', 'Magnetic Field/Bz', 'Particles/Weight/electron', 'Particles/Weight/electront', 'Particles/Px/electron', 'Particles/Px/electront', 'Particles/Py/electron', 'Particles/Py/electront', 'Particles/Pz/electron', 'Particles/Pz/electront', 'Particles/ID/electron', 'Particles/ID/electront', 'Grid/Particles/electron', 'Grid/Particles/electront', 'Derived/Number_Density', 'Grid/Grid', 'Grid/Grid_mid', 'CPUs/Original rank', 'CPU split/electron', 'CPU split/electront', 'CPUs/Current rank']
{'code_io_version': 1, 'code_name': 'Epoch2d', 'file_revision': 4, 'file_version': 1, 'jobid1': 1520354594, 'jobid2': 572, 'other_domains': False, 'restart_flag': False, 'station_file': False, 'step': 1489, 'time': 5.001526760099565e-13}
Field data is data, which is already on a grid, examples are Electric Field, Magnetic Field, Number Density, A velocity field of the streaming particles... Such data can be accessed by the datareader directly. It is represented in postpic by a postpic.Field object, which is a numpy array holding the data plus information about the axis.
def addcolorbar(ax, im):
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
cbar = colorbar(im, cax=cax)
return cbar
ez = dr.Ex()
fig, ax = subplots()
im = ax.imshow(ez.T, origin='lower', extent=ez.extent*1e6)
addcolorbar(ax, im)
ax.set_xlabel('y [$\mu m$]');
ax.set_ylabel('z [$\mu m$]');
<Field "Ex" (240, 150)>
Particle data is represented in postpic by a postpic.MultiSpecies object. It contains a number of particles and it offers a very easy to use interface to access the properties or derived quantities or even use derived quantities to create a postpic.Field object, which can finally be plotted.
# the multispecies Object is used to access particle data
ms = pp.MultiSpecies(dr, 'electron')
# now, ms is representing the species "electrons"
['electron', 'electront'] <MultiSpecies including all "electron" (36248)>
# we can access the properties for each individual particle, like the x coordinate
x = ms('x')
# or do something more complicated such as:
pr = ms('sqrt(px**2 + py**2)')
# actually ridiculous things will work:
pr = ms('x + x**2 + (gamma**2 - 2) - sin(px/pz)')
# you can look at for a list of predefined values
Ekin = gamma_m1 * mass * c**2 Ekin_MeV = Ekin / elementary_charge / 1e6 Ekin_MeV_amu = Ekin / elementary_charge / 1e6 / mass_u Ekin_MeV_qm = Ekin / elementary_charge / 1e6 / mass_u * charge_e Ekin_keV = Ekin / elementary_charge / 1e3 Ekin_keV_amu = Ekin / elementary_charge / 1e3 / mass_u Ekin_keV_qm = Ekin / elementary_charge / 1e3 / mass_u * charge_e Eruhe = mass * c**2 _np2 = (px**2 + py**2 + pz**2)/(mass * c)**2 angle_xaxis = arctan2(sqrt(py**2 + pz**2), px) angle_xy = arctan2(py, px) angle_xz = arctan2(pz, px) angle_yaxis = arctan2(sqrt(pz**2 + px**2), py) angle_yx = arctan2(px, py) angle_yz = arctan2(pz, py) angle_zaxis = arctan2(sqrt(px**2 + py**2), pz) angle_zx = arctan2(px, pz) angle_zy = arctan2(py, pz) beta = sqrt(gamma**2 - 1) / gamma betax = vx / c betay = vy / c betaz = vz / c charge = charge charge_e = charge / elementary_charge gamma = _np2 / (sqrt(1 + _np2) + 1) + 1 gamma_m = gamma * mass gamma_m1 = _np2 / (sqrt(1 + _np2) + 1) id = id m = mass m_u = mass / atomic_mass mass = mass mass_u = mass / atomic_mass p = sqrt(px**2 + py**2 + pz**2) px = px py = pz pz = py q = charge q_e = charge / elementary_charge r_xy = sqrt(x**2 + y**2) r_xyz = sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) r_yz = sqrt(y**2 + z**2) r_zx = sqrt(z**2 + x**2) t = time time = time v = beta * c vx = px / (gamma * mass) vy = py / (gamma * mass) vz = pz / (gamma * mass) w = weight weight = weight x = x x_um = x * 1e6 y = y y_um = y * 1e6 z = z z_um = y * 1e6 --> 56 known particle scalars.
# we can use the particle properties to create a Field for plotting.
# Particle Shapes as in the Simulation will be included
# calculate the number density
nd = ms.createField('x', 'y', bins=[240, 150], shape=3)
# note, that particle weights are included automatically
# and plot
fig, ax = subplots()
im = ax.imshow(nd.T/1e6, origin='lower', extent=nd.extent*1e6)
addcolorbar(ax, im)
ax.set_xlabel('x [$\mu m$]');
ax.set_ylabel('y [$\mu m$]');
# create a Field object qd holding the charge density
# note, that particle weights are included automatically
qd = ms.createField('x', 'y', weights='charge', bins=[240, 150], shape=3)
# and plot
fig, ax = subplots()
im = ax.imshow(qd.T, origin='lower', extent=qd.extent*1e6)
addcolorbar(ax, im)
ax.set_xlabel('x [$\mu m$]');
ax.set_ylabel('y [$\mu m$]');
# average kinetic energy on grid
ekin = ms.createField('x', 'y', weights='Ekin_MeV', bins=[240, 150])
ekinavg = ekin/nd
# and plot
fig, ax = subplots()
im = ax.imshow(ekinavg.T, origin='lower', extent=ekinavg.extent*1e6, vmax=20)
addcolorbar(ax, im)
ax.set_title('Avg kin. Energy on Grid [MeV]')
ax.set_xlabel('x [$\mu m$]');
ax.set_ylabel('y [$\mu m$]');
/glusterhome/stephan/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/postpic/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide result = getattr(ufunc, method)(*inputs, **kwargs)
f = ms.createField('x', 'p', bins=[240, 150])
# and plot
fig, ax = subplots()
im = ax.imshow(f.T, origin='lower', extent=f.extent, aspect='auto', vmax=0.5e41)
addcolorbar(ax, im)
ax.set_xlabel('x [m]');
f = ms.createField('x', 'gamma', bins=[240, 150])
# and plot
fig, ax = subplots()
im = ax.imshow(f.T, origin='lower', extent=f.extent, aspect='auto', vmax=1e19)
addcolorbar(ax, im)
ax.set_xlabel('z [$\mu m$]');
f = ms.createField('x', 'beta', bins=[240, 150])
# and plot
fig, ax = subplots()
im = ax.imshow(f.T, origin='lower', extent=f.extent, aspect='auto', vmax=5e21)
addcolorbar(ax, im)
ax.set_xlabel('z [$\mu m$]');
The Simulationreader represents an entire simulation, i.e. a series of dumps.
sr = pp.readSim('_epochexample/epoch_exampledata/normal.visit')
print('There are {:} dumps in this simulationreader object.'.format(len(sr)))
There are 5 dumps in this simulationreader object. <Visitreader at "_epochexample/epoch_exampledata/normal.visit" (5 dumps)>
for dr in sr:
print('Simulation time of current dump t = {:.2e} s'.format(dr.time()))
Simulation time of current dump t = 1.68e-16 s Simulation time of current dump t = 1.25e-13 s Simulation time of current dump t = 2.50e-13 s Simulation time of current dump t = 3.75e-13 s Simulation time of current dump t = 5.00e-13 s
fig, axs = subplots(1,5)
for dr, ax in zip(sr, axs):
f = dr.Ex()
im = ax.imshow(f.T, origin='lower', extent=f.extent*1e6)
#addcolorbar(ax, im)
ax.set_xlabel('x [$\mu m$]');
ax.set_ylabel('y [$\mu m$]');
ax.set_title('{:.2f} fs'.format(dr.time()*1e15))