We solve the Tiger Example, a famous example of POMDP (Partially Observable Markov Decision Process), by discretizing the belief state of the corresponding MDP.
%matplotlib inline
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from quantecon.markov import DiscreteDP
States (in POMDP):
: Tiger is on the lefts_R
: Tiger is on the rightActions:
States (in MDP):
def prob_TL(belief, noise_prob_L=0.15, noise_prob_R=0.15):
return (1-noise_prob_L) * (1-belief) + noise_prob_R * belief
def prob_TR(belief, noise_prob_L=0.15, noise_prob_R=0.15):
return noise_prob_L * (1-belief) + (1-noise_prob_R) * belief
def bayes_update_TL(belief, noise_prob_L=0.15, noise_prob_R=0.15):
return noise_prob_R * belief / prob_TL(belief, noise_prob_L, noise_prob_R)
def bayes_update_TR(belief, noise_prob_L=0.15, noise_prob_R=0.15):
return (1-noise_prob_R) * belief / prob_TR(belief, noise_prob_L, noise_prob_R)
def nearest_idx(grid, v):
mid_points = (grid[:-1] + grid[1:]) / 2
return np.searchsorted(mid_points, v)
def tiger_mdp(belief_grid, beta=0.95):
# Number of actions
num_actions = 3
# Actions
# 0: Listen, 1: OpenL, 2:OpenR
# Number of state-action pairs
grid_size = len(belief_grid)
L = grid_size * num_actions
s_indices = np.repeat(np.arange(grid_size), num_actions)
a_indices = np.tile(np.arange(num_actions), grid_size)
# Reward vector
reward = 10
penalty = -100
cost = -1
R = np.empty((grid_size, num_actions))
# Listen
R[:, 0] = cost
# OpenL
R[:, 1] = penalty * (1 - belief_grid) + reward * belief_grid
# OpenR
R[:, 2] = reward * (1 - belief_grid) + penalty * belief_grid
R.shape = (L,)
# Transition probability matrix
data = np.empty(grid_size*(num_actions+1))
row = np.empty(grid_size*(num_actions+1), dtype=int)
col = np.empty(grid_size*(num_actions+1), dtype=int)
# If listen:
a = 0
# observe TL with prob prob_TL
data[a*grid_size:(a+1)*grid_size] = prob_TL(belief_grid)
row[a*grid_size:(a+1)*grid_size] = np.arange(a, L, num_actions)
col[a*grid_size:(a+1)*grid_size] = \
nearest_idx(belief_grid, bayes_update_TL(belief_grid))
# observe TL with prob prob_TR
data[(a+1)*grid_size:(a+2)*grid_size] = prob_TR(belief_grid)
row[(a+1)*grid_size:(a+2)*grid_size] = np.arange(a, L, num_actions)
col[(a+1)*grid_size:(a+2)*grid_size] = \
nearest_idx(belief_grid, bayes_update_TR(belief_grid))
# Once open the door, the problem is reset
prob_half_idx = np.abs(belief_grid-1/2).argmin()
for a in [1, 2]:
data[(a+1)*grid_size:(a+2)*grid_size] = 1
row[(a+1)*grid_size:(a+2)*grid_size] = np.arange(a, L, num_actions)
col[(a+1)*grid_size:(a+2)*grid_size] = prob_half_idx
Q = sparse.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(L,grid_size))
return DiscreteDP(R, Q, beta, s_indices, a_indices)
grid_size = 5001
belief_grid = np.linspace(0, 1, grid_size)
array([ 0.00000000e+00, 2.00000000e-04, 4.00000000e-04, ..., 9.99600000e-01, 9.99800000e-01, 1.00000000e+00])
mdp = tiger_mdp(belief_grid, beta=0.95)
res = mdp.solve(method='policy_iteration')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))
action_labels = ['Listen', 'Open Left', 'Open Right']
upper_bounds = np.empty(len(action_labels))
for a, label in enumerate(action_labels):
segment = np.where(res.sigma==a)[0]
ax.plot(belief_grid[segment], res.v[segment], label=label)
ax.set_title('Value function with regular grid of size {0}'.format(grid_size))
cutoffs = (np.where(res.sigma==1)[0][0], np.where(res.sigma==2)[0][-1])
plt.xticks(list(plt.xticks()[0]) +
[belief_grid[cutoff] for cutoff in cutoffs])