The Hungarian algorithmを実装してみた。 効率が悪い(good pathsを探すときの辺の選び方はもっと賢くできる)ので要改良
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import deque
import numpy as np
def Initialize_H(G):
Initialize a matching M and prices of all vertices.
G = (V+W, E): a bipartite graph
V+W: vertices
E: edges
M: a list of the edges which are a subset of E, a graph attribute
H: initialized graph with zero prices and an empty matching M
H = G.copy()
# Initialize a matching
# graph attributeとして定義
H.graph['M_edges'] = []
H.graph['M_vertices'] = []
# Initialize prices
for v in H.nodes():
H.node[v]['price'] = 0
return H
def BFS_GP(G, r, V, W):
Implementing BFS modified for a good path
Need to be modified in the future(BFS is poorly implemented.)
G=(V+W, E): a bipartite graph with a current matching M
V+W: vertices
p: prices
M: a current matching
r: the first unmatched vertex r of V(the root of a BFS tree)
a list (path, S, N, match)
path: a list of vertices representing a stucked path P, [r, ..., v]
S: even level vertices of the BFS tree
N: odd level ones
match: False if the search tree contains an unmatched vertex w in W
def candidate(G, v, level, past):
'''return a list of vertices(say, candidates) that satisfy the condition(*):
1. adding (v,p) to the current path keep the path M-alternating
2. (v,p) is tight
3. p has not been reached before
If the length of the returned list is zero, BFS is stucked.
G: a bipartite graph
v: a current node
level: a current level of BFS(v lies in level i of the BFS tree)
# Check if stucked or not
# level: odd のとき(v is in W)は、matchingに含まれる枝の中から探す必要あり
# level: even のとき(v is in V)は、まだ訪れていない(pastを使う)tight edgesから探す必要あり
if level % 2 != 0:
# このときcandidatesには多くとも一点しか(vとmatchしている点)含まれないはず
candidates = [p for p in G.neighbors(
v) if ((v, p) in G.graph['M_edges'])]
candidates = [p for p in G.neighbors(v) if ((p not in past) and (
G[v][p]['cost'] - G.node[v]['price'] - G.node[p]['price'] == 0))]
return candidates
# 過去に訪れた点を格納するためのリスト
past = []
# これから訪れる点を格納するためのqueue
future = deque()
# pathを格納するためのリスト
path = []
# BFS treeを格納するためのlist, S: even level, N: odd level
S = []
N = []
# set a distance from the root
for p in G.nodes():
if (p != r):
G.node[p]['distance'] = float('inf')
G.node[p]['distance'] = 0
# set a current node v as r
v = r
# level of a BFS tree
level = 0
# candidates, a list of nodes
candidates = candidate(G, v, level, past)
# for debugging
print('before growing the BFS tree')
print('the root is: ' + v)
print('its price: ' + str(G.node[v]['price']))
print('its candidate: ' + str(candidates))
while(len(candidates) != 0 and not (set(V) <= set(G.graph['M_vertices']))):
# level = 0, or unstucked and there is a unmatched vertex of V
# v: current vertex
# level: current level
# for debugging
print('Grow the tree!')
if (level % 2 == 0):
# for debugging
print('level: ' + str(level))
print('add ' + v + ' to S')
# for debugging
print('level: ' + str(level))
print('add ' + v + ' to N')
level += 1
# for debugging
print('current node: ' + v)
print('candidates: ' + str(candidates))
print('future: ' + str(future))
print('distance: ' + str(G.node[v]['distance']))
for p in candidates:
if p not in future:
print ('append ' + p + ' to future')
G.node[p]['distance'] = G.node[v]['distance'] + 1
print ('distance: ' + str(G.node[p]['distance']))
if(len(future) == 0):
v = future.popleft()
print('the next node: ' + v)
print('level: ' + str(level))
print('past: ' + str(past))
candidates = candidate(G, v, level, past)
print('candidates: ' + str(candidates))
if (len(candidates) == 0):
if (level % 2 == 0):
# After terminating the while loop, BFS search is stucked
# First, check if v is another unmatched vertex or not
match = False
if (v in G.graph['M_vertices']):
# In case that the last vertex v is matched
match = True
# Construct a good path from r to v
# 以下、sからeへのpathが存在する場合
# 終点から遡ってpathを形成する
pp = v
# for debugging
loopCount2 = 0
print ('initial pp: ' + pp)
while (1):
loopCount2 += 1
print ('loopCount2: ' + str(loopCount2))
if loopCount2 == 20:
return 'bugbug'
path.insert(0, pp)
print('add ' + pp +' to path')
if pp == r:
pred = G.predecessors(pp)
for p in pred:
if (G.node[p]['distance'] == G.node[pp]['distance'] - 1
and (G[p][pp]['cost'] - G.node[p]['price'] - G.node[pp]['price'] == 0)):
print('go backward')
pp = p
return [path, S, N, match]
def Hungarian(G, V, W):
'''Solving min-cost bipartite matching problem
G=(V+W, E): a bipartite graph
V+W: vertices, |V| = n
E: edges
the reduced cost of (v,w) = cost of (v,w) - price of v - price of w
M: matching
1. the reduced costs of all edges in G >= 0
2. the reduced costs of all edges in M = 0(tight)
the min-cost matching M of G
H = Initialize_H(G)
# for debugging
exLoopCount = 0
NUM = 30
while (len(H.graph['M_vertices']) != len(V) + len(W)):
# a current matching M is not a perfect matching
# for debugging
exLoopCount += 1
print('exLoopCount: ' + str(exLoopCount))
if (exLoopCount == NUM):
# pick the first unmatched node r of V
for p in V:
if (p not in H.graph['M_vertices']):
r = p
# S: even level vertices of the BFS tree
# N: odd level ones
# path: a stucked path
# match: False if the BFS tree has an unmatched vertex
result = BFS_GP(H, r, V, W)
path = result[0]
S = result[1]
N = result[2]
match = result[3]
# for debugging
print('path: ' + str(path))
print('S: ' + str(S))
print('N: ' + str(N))
print('match: ' + str(match))
print('current matching(edges): ' + str(H.graph['M_edges']))
print('current matching(vertices): ' + str(H.graph['M_vertices']))
if (not match and len(path) > 1):
# the path contains an unmatched vertex w in W
# If such w exists, it is the last vertex of the path
# replace M
for i in range(len(path) - 1):
if (i % 2 == 0):
# the edge is from V to W, is not in M
if (not path[i] in H.graph['M_vertices']):
# 毎度条件をcheckするのは非効率的か
if (not path[i+1] in H.graph['M_vertices']):
# 両方向に枝を追加
H.graph['M_edges'].append((path[i], path[i + 1]))
H.graph['M_edges'].append((path[i + 1], path[i]))
# the edge is from W to V, is in M
if (not path[i] in H.graph['M_vertices']):
if (not path[i+1] in H.graph['M_vertices']):
H.graph['M_edges'].remove((path[i], path[i + 1]))
H.graph['M_edges'].remove((path[i + 1], path[i]))
# set diff as the reduced cost of the last edge in the stucked path
# stucked pathが1点(この場合'v')からなるとき、('v','v')は存在しないのでkeyerror
# stucked pathが一点からなる場合(while loopの一周目)
if (len(path) == 1):
diff = float('inf')
for p in H.successors(path[0]):
diff = min(diff, H[path[0]][p]['cost'])
H.node[path[0]]['price'] += diff
# for debugging
print ('add ' + str(diff) + 'to ' + str(path[0]) + 's price')
# stucked pathが二点以上からなる場合
# ここの決め方が問題
# (v,w), v in S, w not in N, となる枝をtightに
diff = float('inf')
for v in S:
for w in H.successors(v):
if w not in N:
diff = min(diff, H[v][w]['cost'] - H.node[v]['price'] - H.node[w]['price'])
for v in S:
H.node[v]['price'] += diff
# for debugging
print ('add ' + str(diff) + ' to ' + v + 's price')
for w in N:
H.node[w]['price'] -= diff
# for debugging
print ('subtract ' + str(diff) + ' to ' + w + 's price')
if exLoopCount == NUM:
return 'still bugged'
return H.graph['M_edges']
# Figure 10 のグラフを作ってみる
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import deque
import numpy as np
G = nx.DiGraph()
V = ['v', 'x']
W = ['w', 'y']
edgelist = [('v', 'w'), ('v', 'y'), ('x', 'w'), ('x', 'y')]
for edge in edgelist:
G['v']['y']['cost'] = 3
G['y']['v']['cost'] = 3
G['v']['w']['cost'] = 2
G['w']['v']['cost'] = 2
G['x']['w']['cost'] = 5
G['w']['x']['cost'] = 5
G['x']['y']['cost'] = 7
G['y']['x']['cost'] = 7
Hungarian(G, V, W)
exLoopCount: 1 before growing the BFS tree the root is: v its price: 0 its candidate: [] initial pp: v loopCount2: 1 add v to path path: ['v'] S: [] N: [] match: False current matching(edges): [] current matching(vertices): [] add 2to vs price exLoopCount: 2 before growing the BFS tree the root is: v its price: 2 its candidate: ['w'] Grow the tree! level: 0 add v to S current node: v candidates: ['w'] future: deque([]) distance: 0 append w to future distance: 1 the next node: w level: 1 past: ['v'] candidates: [] initial pp: w loopCount2: 1 add w to path go backward w 1 v 0 loopCount2: 2 add v to path path: ['v', 'w'] S: ['v'] N: ['w'] match: False current matching(edges): [] current matching(vertices): [] exLoopCount: 3 before growing the BFS tree the root is: x its price: 0 its candidate: [] initial pp: x loopCount2: 1 add x to path path: ['x'] S: [] N: [] match: False current matching(edges): [('v', 'w'), ('w', 'v')] current matching(vertices): ['v', 'w'] add 5to xs price exLoopCount: 4 before growing the BFS tree the root is: x its price: 5 its candidate: ['w'] Grow the tree! level: 0 add x to S current node: x candidates: ['w'] future: deque([]) distance: 0 append w to future distance: 1 the next node: w level: 1 past: ['x'] candidates: ['v'] Grow the tree! level: 1 add w to N current node: w candidates: ['v'] future: deque([]) distance: 1 append v to future distance: 2 the next node: v level: 2 past: ['x', 'w'] candidates: [] initial pp: v loopCount2: 1 add v to path go backward v 2 w 1 loopCount2: 2 add w to path go backward w 1 x 0 loopCount2: 3 add x to path path: ['x', 'w', 'v'] S: ['x', 'v'] N: ['w'] match: True current matching(edges): [('v', 'w'), ('w', 'v')] current matching(vertices): ['v', 'w'] add 1 to xs price add 1 to vs price subtract 1 to ws price exLoopCount: 5 before growing the BFS tree the root is: x its price: 6 its candidate: ['w'] Grow the tree! level: 0 add x to S current node: x candidates: ['w'] future: deque([]) distance: 0 append w to future distance: 1 the next node: w level: 1 past: ['x'] candidates: ['v'] Grow the tree! level: 1 add w to N current node: w candidates: ['v'] future: deque([]) distance: 1 append v to future distance: 2 the next node: v level: 2 past: ['x', 'w'] candidates: ['y'] Grow the tree! level: 2 add v to S current node: v candidates: ['y'] future: deque([]) distance: 2 append y to future distance: 3 the next node: y level: 3 past: ['x', 'w', 'v'] candidates: [] initial pp: y loopCount2: 1 add y to path go backward y 3 v 2 loopCount2: 2 add v to path go backward v 2 w 1 loopCount2: 3 add w to path go backward w 1 x 0 loopCount2: 4 add x to path path: ['x', 'w', 'v', 'y'] S: ['x', 'v'] N: ['w', 'y'] match: False current matching(edges): [('v', 'w'), ('w', 'v')] current matching(vertices): ['v', 'w']
[('x', 'w'), ('w', 'x'), ('v', 'y'), ('y', 'v')]
とりあえず、Figure 10の例でうまく動くことは確認(もしかしたらバグがまだ残っているかも)