まず準備として、始点と終点が指定されたときに始点から終点に至るパスのうちの一つを求めるアルゴリズムを実装したい。「Breadth First Search(BFS, 幅優先探索)やDFS(Depth First Search)を用いて実装できる」とレクチャーノートに書いてあるので、試しにBFSを用いて実装してみる。
BFSの実装にはQueueというデータ構造を用いる。(cf: DFSではstackを用いる。)Pythonでは、dequeというデータ構造(stackとqueueを合わせたようなデータ構造)が提供されているので、それを用いる。
Given a graph G and a starting vertex s, a breadth first search proceeds by exploring edges in the graph to find all the vertices in G for which there is a path from s. The remarkable thing about a breadth first search is that it finds all the vertices that are a distance k from ss before it finds any vertices that are a distance k+1. (http://interactivepython.org/runestone/static/pythonds/Graphs/ImplementingBreadthFirstSearch.html)
# dequeをimport
from collections import deque
# dequeのメソッドの確認
d = deque([1,2,3,4,5])
print (d)
# append: push/enqueueに対応
print (d)
# pop: 右の要素を削除し、返す
print (d.pop())
print (d)
# popleft: 一番左の要素を削除し、返す
print (d.popleft())
print (d)
deque([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) deque([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0]) 0 deque([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) 1 deque([2, 3, 4, 5])
# NetworkXをインポート
import networkx as nx
G = nx.DiGraph()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Position nodes using Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm.
pos = nx.spring_layout(G, k=5.)
# Draw labels for nodes and edges.
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos)
# Finish drawing.
nx.draw(G, pos)
# Display with Matplotlib.
[2, 3, 4]
# もう少し賢く書くべきか
# 書き直したので、以後ここはみなくてよい
def bfsPath(G, s, e):
G: a graph
s: a start point
e: an end point
path: a list of edges which represents a path from s to e.
the number of nodes the path contains is smallest.
past = [] # 過去に訪れた点を記録
path = []
# 全ての点のsからの距離の初期値を無限大に
for p in G.nodes():
G.node[p]['dist'] = float('inf')
# node s の距離を0に
G.node[s]['dist'] = 0
# sに隣接する点をqueueに
queue = deque(G.successors(s))
# sに隣接する点の距離を1に
for p in G.successors(s):
G.node[p]['dist'] = 1
# この部分がBFS
while len(queue)>0:
v = queue.popleft()
if v == e: break
for p in G.successors(v):
if (not p in past):
if G.node[p]['dist'] > G.node[v]['dist'] + 1:
G.node[p]['dist'] = G.node[v]['dist'] + 1
# pathが存在しない場合はNoneを返す
if len(G.successors(s)) == 0:
v = s
if v != e or v == s:
print ('There is no path.')
return None
# 終点から遡ってpathを形成する
pp = e
while (1):
if pp == s:
pred = G.predecessors(pp)
for p in pred:
if G.node[p]['dist'] == G.node[pp]['dist']-1:
path.insert(0, (p,pp))
pp = p
return path
# dequeをimport
from collections import deque
def BFS(G, s):
Implementing BFS
G=(V, E): a graph
V's attribute
v.color, v.parent, v.distance
s: a starting point
# 全ての頂点を初期化
for v in G.nodes():
G.node[v]['color'] = 'white'
for v in G.nodes():
G.node[v]['distance'] = float('inf')
for v in G.nodes():
G.node[v]['parent'] = None
# sについて初期化
G.node[s]['color'] = 'gray'
G.node[s]['distance'] = 0
queue = deque()
while len(queue) > 0:
u = queue.popleft()
for v in G.successors(u):
if (G.node[v]['color'] == 'white'):
G.node[v]['color'] = 'gray'
G.node[v]['distance'] = G.node[u]['distance'] + 1
G.node[v]['parent'] = u
G.node[v]['color'] = 'black'
def BFS_path(G, s, t):
Implementing BFS
G=(V, E): a graph
V's attribute
v.color, v.parent, v.distance
s: a starting point
t: an end point
a shortest path from s to t
BFS(G, s)
path = []
v = t
if (G.node[v]['distance'] == float('inf')):
print('there is no path')
return []
while (v != s):
path.insert(0, v)
v = G.node[v]['parent']
path.insert(0, v)
return path
for v in G.nodes():
print ( G.node[v]['parent'] )
None 1 1 1 2
for v in G.nodes():
print ( G.node[v]['distance'] )
0 1 1 1 2
[1, 2, 5]
[3, 4, 5]
there is no path
前節で作ったbfsPathを元に、naive greedy algorithmを実装することがこの節の目標。
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_edges_from([('s','v',{'cap': 3}),('s','w',{'cap': 2}),('v','w',{'cap': 5}),('v','t',{'cap': 2}),('w','t',{'cap': 3})])
for e in G.edges():
G[e[0]][e[1]]['flow'] = 0
# 描画(edgeについている数字はcapacity)
# Position nodes using Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm.
# 点の位置はランダムに決まるので、出来上がったグラフの形が微妙だったら、何回かやり直せばよい。
# 座標を指定することもできるので、点の数が少ない場合は手動で形を決めた方が良いかも(後述)
pos = nx.spring_layout(G, k=5.)
# Draw only weight attribute as edge label.
edge_labels = {(i, j): w['cap'] for i, j, w in G.edges(data=True)}
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels)
# Draw labels for nodes and edges.
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos)
# Finish drawing.
nx.draw(G, pos)
# Display with Matplotlib.
# もろもろをインポート
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import deque
# 例のグラフGを生成
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_edges_from([('s','v',{'capacity': 3}),('s','w',{'capacity': 2}),('v','w',{'capacity': 5}),('v','t',{'capacity': 2}),('w','t',{'capacity': 3})])
for e in G.edges():
G[e[0]][e[1]]['flow'] = 0
まず、前節で作ったbfsPath(flowやcapacityについては考慮してなかった)を、naive greedy algorithmの中で使えるもの(bfsFlowPath)に改変する。
def bfsFlowPath_(G, s, e):
Search a path from s to t all of whose points have strictly positive capacity.
G: a graph
s: a start point
e: an end point
each edge has two attributes:
capacity: capacity
flow: its current flow which should be no more than its capacity
path: a list of edges which represents a path from s to e.
At each edge of the path, its current flow is strictly less than its capacity.
In case there is no path from s to t, return None.
past = [] # 過去に訪れた点を記録
path = []
# 全ての点のsからの距離の初期値を無限大に
for p in G.nodes():
G.node[p]['dist'] = float('inf')
# node s の距離を0に
G.node[s]['dist'] = 0
# sに隣接する点をqueueに
# queueには、今後訪れるべき点が格納される
queue = deque()
for p in G.successors(s):
# current flow < capacity となるedgeだけをpathの候補に
# flow < capacity となるedge以外は存在しないものとして扱うのと同じ
if G[s][p]['flow'] < G[s][p]['capacity']:
# あとで条件分岐に用いる
numberOfSuccessorsOfSource = len(queue)
# sに隣接する点の距離を1に
for p in queue:
G.node[p]['dist'] = 1
# BFSを用いてflow < capacityを満たすsからeへのpathがあるのか調べる
# pastに過去に訪れた点を格納
while len(queue)>0:
v = queue.popleft()
if v == e: break
for p in G.successors(v):
# (過去に訪れていない and flow < capacity)を満たすedge
if ( (not p in past) and ( G[v][p]['flow'] < G[v][p]['capacity']) ):
if ( not p in queue):
if G.node[p]['dist'] > G.node[v]['dist'] + 1:
G.node[p]['dist'] = G.node[v]['dist'] + 1
# sからeへのpathが存在しない場合はNoneを返す
if numberOfSuccessorsOfSource == 0:
v = s
if v != e or v == s:
# print ('There is no path.')
return None
# 以下、sからeへのpathが存在する場合
# 終点から遡ってpathを形成する
pp = e
while (1):
if pp == s: break
pred = G.predecessors(pp)
count = 0
for p in pred:
# ここに、flow < capacity の条件を追加
# distの作り方から、flow < capは自然に満たされる
if ( G.node[p]['dist'] == G.node[pp]['dist']-1):
path.insert(0, (p,pp))
pp = p
count += 1
# 条件を満たすedgeがない
if count == len(pred):
# pathがない場合
# 無駄な条件か?(ここまで来ているのなら、pathはあるはず。念のため残しておく。)
if path[0][0] != s:
return None
return path
def bfsFlowPath_(G, s, e):
Search a path from s to t all of whose points have strictly positive capacity.
G: a graph
s: a start point
e: an end point
each edge has two attributes:
capacity: capacity
flow: its current flow which should be no more than its capacity
path: a list of edges which represents a path from s to e.
At each edge of the path, its current flow is strictly less than its capacity.
In case there is no path from s to t, return None.
# 過去に訪れた点を記録
# sは最初から入れておく
past = [s]
# pathを記録するためのリスト
path = []
# 全ての点のsからの距離の初期値を無限大に
for p in G.nodes():
G.node[p]['dist'] = float('inf')
# node s の距離を0に
G.node[s]['dist'] = 0
# sに隣接する点をqueueに
# queueには、今後訪れるべき点が格納される
queue = deque()
for p in G.successors(s):
# current flow < capacity となるedgeだけをpathの候補に
# flow < capacity となるedge以外は存在しないものとして扱うのと同じ
if G[s][p]['flow'] < G[s][p]['capacity']:
# あとで条件分岐に用いる
numberOfSuccessorsOfSource = len(queue)
# sに隣接する点の距離を1に
for p in queue:
G.node[p]['dist'] = 1
# BFSを用いてflow < capacityを満たすsからeへのpathがあるのか調べる
# pastに過去に訪れた点を格納
while len(queue)>0:
v = queue.popleft()
if v == e: break
for p in G.successors(v):
# (過去に訪れていない and flow < capacity)を満たすedge
if ( (not p in past) and ( G[v][p]['flow'] < G[v][p]['capacity']) ):
if ( not p in queue):
if G.node[p]['dist'] > G.node[v]['dist'] + 1:
G.node[p]['dist'] = G.node[v]['dist'] + 1
# sからeへのpathが存在しない場合はNoneを返す
if numberOfSuccessorsOfSource == 0:
v = s
if v != e or v == s:
# print ('There is no path.')
return None
# 以下、sからeへのpathが存在する場合
# 終点から遡ってpathを形成する
pp = e
while (1):
if pp == s: break
pred = G.predecessors(pp)
count = 0
for p in pred:
# ここに、flow < capacity の条件を追加
# distの作り方から、flow < capは自然に満たされる
if ( G.node[p]['dist'] == G.node[pp]['dist']-1):
path.insert(0, (p,pp))
pp = p
count += 1
# 条件を満たすedgeがない
if count == len(pred):
# pathがない場合
# 無駄な条件か?(ここまで来ているのなら、pathはあるはず。念のため残しておく。)
if path[0][0] != s:
return None
return path
# 多分これで合ってる(上の2つは失敗作)
def bfsFlowPath(G, s, e):
Search a path from s to t all of whose points have strictly positive capacity.
G: a graph
s: a start point
e: an end point
each edge has two attributes:
capacity: capacity
flow: its current flow which should be no more than its capacity
path: a list of edges which represents a path from s to e.
At each edge of the path, its current flow is strictly less than its capacity.
In case there is no path from s to t, return None.
# 過去に訪れた点を記録
# sは最初から入れておく
past = [s]
# pathを記録するためのリスト
path = []
# 全ての点のsからの距離の初期値を無限大に
for p in G.nodes():
G.node[p]['dist'] = float('inf')
# node s の距離を0に
G.node[s]['dist'] = 0
# sに隣接する点をqueueに
# queueには、今後訪れるべき点が格納される
queue = deque()
for p in G.successors(s):
# current flow < capacity となるedgeだけをpathの候補に
# flow < capacity となるedge以外は存在しないものとして扱うのと同じ
if G[s][p]['flow'] < G[s][p]['capacity']:
# あとで条件分岐に用いる
numberOfSuccessorsOfSource = len(queue)
# sに隣接する点の距離を1に
for p in queue:
G.node[p]['dist'] = 1
# BFSを用いてflow < capacityを満たすsからeへのpathがあるのか調べる
# pastに過去に訪れた点を格納
while len(queue)>0:
v = queue.popleft()
if v == e: break
for p in G.successors(v):
# (過去に訪れていない and flow < capacity)を満たすedge
if ( (not p in past) and ( G[v][p]['flow'] < G[v][p]['capacity']) ):
if ( not p in queue):
if G.node[p]['dist'] > G.node[v]['dist'] + 1:
G.node[p]['dist'] = G.node[v]['dist'] + 1
# sからeへのpathが存在しない場合はNoneを返す
if numberOfSuccessorsOfSource == 0:
v = s
if v != e or v == s:
# print ('There is no path.')
return None
# 以下、sからeへのpathが存在する場合
# 終点から遡ってpathを形成する
pp = e
while (1):
if pp == s: break
pred = G.predecessors(pp)
count = 0
for p in pred:
# ここに、flow < capacity の条件を追加
# distの作り方から、flow < capは自然に満たされる???
if ( G.node[p]['dist'] == G.node[pp]['dist']-1 and G[p][pp]['flow'] < G[p][pp]['capacity']):
path.insert(0, (p,pp))
pp = p
count += 1
# 条件を満たすedgeがない
if count == len(pred):
return path
# bfsFlowPathが機能することを確認
print ( bfsFlowPath(G,'s','t') )
[('s', 'w'), ('w', 't')]
# 確認その2
print ( bfsFlowPath(G,'t','w') )
# 確認その3
G['s']['w']['flow'] = 10
print ( bfsFlowPath(G,'s','w') )
[('s', 'v'), ('v', 'w')]
# 確認その4
G['s']['w']['flow'] = 10
print ( bfsFlowPath(G,'s','t') )
[('s', 'v'), ('v', 't')]
# 確認その5
G['s']['w']['flow'] = 2
G['s']['v']['flow'] = 3
print ( bfsFlowPath(G, 's', 'w'))
bfsFlowPathはキチンと動いていそう。次に、Naive Greedy Algorithmを実装してみる。
def naiveGreedy(G, s, t):
G: a graph
s: a source vertex
t: a sink vertex
the graph G whose flow was modified by this naive greedy algorithm
In case there is no path from s to t, return None.
# initialize flows
for e in G.edges():
G[e[0]][e[1]]['flow'] = 0
# そもそもsからtへのパスがあるのか確認
path = bfsFlowPath(G, s, t)
if path == None:
print ("There is no path from " + str(s) + " to "+ str(t) )
return None
# sからtへのパスがある場合(lecture noteのA Naive Greedy Algorithmの部分に相当)
path = bfsFlowPath(G, s, t)
if path == None:
# path上のedgeについて、cap - flowの最小値を調べる
min = float('inf')
for edge in path:
if ( min > G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['cap'] - G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['flow'] ):
min = G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['cap'] - G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['flow']
# path上のedgeのflowを更新
for edge in path:
G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['flow'] += min
return G
# 実験1
# 実験2
G_opt = naiveGreedy(G, 's', 't')
# 描画(edgeに付いている数字は(capacity, 'flow')の意味)
# Position nodes using Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm.
# pos = nx.spring_layout(G_opt, k=5.)
# 各ノードの座標を指定することも可能
# flowとcapacityを同時に表示させようとしてみた
# なにが起きてるのかよくわからないけど、(capacity, 'flow')というかんじでうまいこと表示されてる
edge_labels = {(i, j): (w['cap'], str((w['flow'])) ) for i, j, w in G_opt.edges(data=True)}
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G_opt, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels, font_color='r')
# Draw labels for nodes and edges.
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G_opt, pos)
# Finish drawing.
nx.draw(G_opt, pos)
# Display with Matplotlib.
Ford-Fulkerson algorithmを実装する準備として、あるグラフについて、対応するResidual graphを生成する関数(makeResidualGraph)を作る必要がある。
def makeResidualGraph(G):
Input: a graph G
Output: its residual graph Gf
Gf = G.copy()
edgeList = G.edges()
for edge in edgeList:
# Initialize flow
Gf[edge[0]][edge[1]]['flow'] = 0
# 逆向きのedgeがないものは追加
if not (edge[1], edge[0]) in edgeList:
Gf[edge[1]][edge[0]]['capacity'] = Gf[edge[0]][edge[1]]['flow']
Gf[edge[1]][edge[0]]['flow'] = 0
return Gf
Gf = makeResidualGraph(G)
[('t', 'w'), ('t', 'v'), ('s', 'w'), ('s', 'v'), ('w', 't'), ('w', 's'), ('w', 'v'), ('v', 't'), ('v', 's'), ('v', 'w')]
0 2 0 0
Ford-Fulkerson Algorithmを実装してみる。
import numpy as np
def fordFulkerson(G, s, t):
G: a graph
s: a source vertex
t: a sink vertex
the graph G whose flow was modified by Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
In case there is no path from s to t, return None.
# initialize flows
for e in G.edges():
G[e[0]][e[1]]['flow'] = 0
# Forward edgesを記録
forwardEdges = G.edges()
# Residual Graphの作成
Gf = makeResidualGraph(G)
# そもそもGにおいてsからtへのパスがあるのか確認
path = bfsFlowPath(G, s, t)
if path == None:
print ("There is no path from " + str(s) + " to "+ str(t) )
return None
# Gにおいてsからtへのパスがある場合
# これ以上パスがみつからない場合は最適なのでそこでループを打ち切る
path = bfsFlowPath(Gf, s, t)
if path == None:
# まだパスがある(最適でない)場合
# path上のedgeについて、capacity - flowの最小値を調べる
diff = float('inf')
for edge in path:
diff = np.min([diff, Gf[edge[0]][edge[1]]['capacity'] - Gf[edge[0]][edge[1]]['flow'] ])
# path上のedgeのflowを更新
for edge in path:
if edge in forwardEdges:
Gf[edge[0]][edge[1]]['flow'] += diff
# このとき、backward edgeのcapacityを更新する必要あり?
Gf[edge[1]][edge[0]]['capacity'] += diff
Gf[edge[0]][edge[1]]['flow'] -= diff
Gf[edge[1]][edge[0]]['capacity'] -= diff
# もともと無かったedgeを消去
for edge in Gf.edges():
if not edge in forwardEdges:
return Gf
# Ford-Fulkersonを用いて最大流を求めてみる
T = fordFulkerson(G, 's', 't')
# 描画(edgeに付いている数字は(capacity, 'flow')の意味)
edge_labels = {(i, j): (w['capacity'], str((w['flow'])) ) for i, j, w in T.edges(data=True)}
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(T, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels, font_color='r')
nx.draw_networkx_labels(T, pos)
nx.draw(T, pos)
# 例のグラフGを生成
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_edges_from([('s','v',{'capacity': 3}),
('s','w',{'capacity': 2}),
('v','w',{'capacity': 5}),
('v','t',{'capacity': 2}),
('w','t',{'capacity': 3})])
flow_value, flows = nx.maximum_flow(G,'s','t')
print('maximum flow: {}'.format(flow_value))
caps = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'capacity')
for u in nx.topological_sort(G):
for v, flow in sorted(flows[u].items()):
print('({}, {}): {}/{}'.format(u, v, flow, caps[(u, v)]))
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import deque
import numpy as np
def bfsFlowPath(G, s, e):
Search a path from s to t all of whose points have strictly positive capacity.
G: a graph
s: a start point
e: an end point
each edge has two attributes:
capacity: capacity
flow: its current flow which should be no more than its capacity
path: a list of edges which represents a path from s to e.
At each edge of the path, its current flow is strictly less than its capacity.
In case there is no path from s to t, return None.
# 過去に訪れた点を記録
# sは最初から入れておく
past = [s]
# pathを記録するためのリスト
path = []
# 全ての点のsからの距離の初期値を無限大に
for p in G.nodes():
G.node[p]['dist'] = float('inf')
# node s の距離を0に
G.node[s]['dist'] = 0
# sに隣接する点をqueueに
# queueには、今後訪れるべき点が格納される
queue = deque()
for p in G.successors(s):
# current flow < capacity となるedgeだけをpathの候補に
# flow < capacity となるedge以外は存在しないものとして扱うのと同じ
if G[s][p]['flow'] < G[s][p]['capacity']:
# あとで条件分岐に用いる
numberOfSuccessorsOfSource = len(queue)
# sに隣接する点の距離を1に
for p in queue:
G.node[p]['dist'] = 1
# BFSを用いてflow < capacityを満たすsからeへのpathがあるのか調べる
# pastに過去に訪れた点を格納
while len(queue)>0:
v = queue.popleft()
if v == e: break
for p in G.successors(v):
# (過去に訪れていない and flow < capacity)を満たすedge
if ( (not p in past) and ( G[v][p]['flow'] < G[v][p]['capacity']) ):
if ( not p in queue):
if G.node[p]['dist'] > G.node[v]['dist'] + 1:
G.node[p]['dist'] = G.node[v]['dist'] + 1
# sからeへのpathが存在しない場合はNoneを返す
if numberOfSuccessorsOfSource == 0:
v = s
if v != e or v == s:
# print ('There is no path.')
return None
# 以下、sからeへのpathが存在する場合
# 終点から遡ってpathを形成する
pp = e
while (1):
if pp == s: break
pred = G.predecessors(pp)
count = 0
for p in pred:
# ここに、flow < capacity の条件を追加
if ( G.node[p]['dist'] == G.node[pp]['dist']-1 and G[p][pp]['flow'] < G[p][pp]['capacity']):
path.insert(0, (p,pp))
pp = p
count += 1
# 条件を満たすedgeがない
if count == len(pred):
return path
def naiveGreedy(G, s, t):
G: a graph
s: a source vertex
t: a sink vertex
the graph G whose flow was modified by this naive greedy algorithm
In case there is no path from s to t, return None.
# initialize flows
for e in G.edges():
G[e[0]][e[1]]['flow'] = 0
# そもそもsからtへのパスがあるのか確認
path = bfsFlowPath(G, s, t)
if path == None:
print ("There is no path from " + str(s) + " to "+ str(t) )
return None
# sからtへのパスがある場合(lecture noteのA Naive Greedy Algorithmの部分に相当)
path = bfsFlowPath(G, s, t)
if path == None:
# path上のedgeについて、capacity - flowの最小値を調べる
min = float('inf')
for edge in path:
if ( min > G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['capacity'] - G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['flow'] ):
min = G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['capacity'] - G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['flow']
# path上のedgeのflowを更新
for edge in path:
G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['flow'] += min
return G
def makeResidualGraph(G):
Input: a graph G
Output: its residual graph Gf
Gf = G.copy()
edgeList = G.edges()
for edge in edgeList:
# Initialize flow
Gf[edge[0]][edge[1]]['flow'] = 0
# 逆向きのedgeがないものは追加
if not (edge[1], edge[0]) in edgeList:
Gf[edge[1]][edge[0]]['capacity'] = Gf[edge[0]][edge[1]]['flow']
Gf[edge[1]][edge[0]]['flow'] = 0
return Gf
def fordFulkerson(G, s, t):
G: a graph
s: a source vertex
t: a sink vertex
the graph G whose flow was modified by Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
In case there is no path from s to t, return None.
# initialize flows
for e in G.edges():
G[e[0]][e[1]]['flow'] = 0
# Forward edgesを記録
forwardEdges = G.edges()
# Residual Graphの作成
Gf = makeResidualGraph(G)
# そもそもGにおいてsからtへのパスがあるのか確認
path = bfsFlowPath(G, s, t)
if path == None:
print ("There is no path from " + str(s) + " to "+ str(t) )
return None
# Gにおいてsからtへのパスがある場合
# これ以上パスがみつからない場合は最適なのでそこでループを打ち切る
path = bfsFlowPath(Gf, s, t)
if path == None:
# まだパスがある(最適でない)場合
# path上のedgeについて、capacity - flowの最小値を調べる
diff = float('inf')
for edge in path:
diff = np.min([diff, Gf[edge[0]][edge[1]]['capacity'] - Gf[edge[0]][edge[1]]['flow'] ])
# path上のedgeのflowを更新
for edge in path:
if edge in forwardEdges:
Gf[edge[0]][edge[1]]['flow'] += diff
# このとき、backward edgeのcapacityを更新する必要あり?
Gf[edge[1]][edge[0]]['capacity'] += diff
Gf[edge[0]][edge[1]]['flow'] -= diff
Gf[edge[1]][edge[0]]['capacity'] -= diff
# もともと無かったedgeを消去
for edge in Gf.edges():
if not edge in forwardEdges:
return Gf