# Version 3, 29 June 2007
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://fsf.org/>
# Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
# of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
# James Gaboardi, 2016
import IPython.display as IPd
# Local path on user's machine
path = '/Users/jgaboardi/AAG_16/Data/'
⟹ Automating solutions for p-median, p-center, and p-centdian problems with p={1, 2, ..., n} facilities
⟹ Combine solutions for p-median and p-center in a 'new' method mimicing the p-centdian problem
⟹ Compare coverage and costs numerically, graphically, and visually
Sergio Rey at Arizona State University leads the PySAL project. [https://geoplan.asu.edu/people/sergio-j-rey].
was principally developed by Jay Laura at Arizona State Universty and the United States Geological Suvery. [https://geoplan.asu.edu/people/jay-laura]
"PySAL is an open source library of spatial analysis functions written in Python intended to support the development of high level applications. PySAL is open source under the BSD License." [https://pysal.readthedocs.org/en/latest/]
Gurobi 6.5.0
⇒ gurobipy
¶Relatively new company founded by optimization experts formerly at key positions with CPLEX. [http://www.gurobi.com] [http://www.gurobi.com/company/about-gurobi]
The objective of the p-median problem, also know as the minimsum problem and the PMP, is to minimize the total weighted cost while siting [p] facilities to serve all demand/client nodes. It was originally proposed by Hakimi (1964) and is well-studied in Geography, Operations Research, Mathematics, etc. In this particular project the network-based vertice PMP is used meaning the cost will be calculated on a road network and solutions will be determined based on discrete locations. Cost is generally defined as either travel time or distance and it is the latter in the project. Population (demand) utilized as a weight at each client node. The average cost can be calculated by dividing the minimized total cost by the total demand.
For more information refer to references section.
Subject to
Adapted from:
The objective of the p-center problem, also know as the minimax problem and the PCP, is to minimize the worst case cost (W) scenario while siting [p] facilities to serve all demand/client nodes. It was originally proposed by Minieka (1970) and, like the PMP, is well-studied in Geography, Operations Research, Mathematics, etc. In this particular project the network-based vertice PCP is used meaning the cost will be calculated on a road network and solutions will be determined based on discrete locations. Cost is generally defined as either travel time or distance and it is the latter in the project.
For more information refer to references section.
Subject to
Adapted from:
The p-CentDian Problem was first descibed by Halpern (1976). It is a combination of the p-median problem and the p-center problem with a dual objective of minimizing both the worst case scenario and the total travel distance. The objective used for the model in this demonstration is the average of (1) the p-center objective function and (2) the p-median objective function divided by the total demand. An alternative formulation is the p-λ-CentDian Problem, where ( λ ) represents the weight attributed to the p-center objective function and (1 - λ) represents the weight attributed to the p-median objective function which was was proposed by Pérez-Brito, et al (1997).
For more information refer to references section.
Subject to
Adapted from:
automated & efficient decision making for those who don't have access to multiple-objective capable solvers or the know-how to formulate a mutliple objectives into a single objective funtion
*what it is*:
*what it is not*:
# Conceptual Model Workflow
workflow = IPd.Image(path+'/AAG_16.jpeg', width=700, height=700)
I use Waverly Hills, a smallish neighborhood in Tallahassee, FL where quite a few professors at Florida State University own homes. The houses tend to be designed by well-known architects, but there are no sidewalks...
This shapefile was clipped from a US Census TIGER/Line file. Additionally, there are some good topological challenges in Waverly Hills that make for good test cases, as seen below.
F = IPd.Image(path+'/F.png', width=600, height=600)
# Tallahassee
T = IPd.Image(path+'/T.png', width=600, height=600)
# Waverly
W = IPd.Image(path+'/W.png', width=400, height=400)
# Avon Circle
Avon_Cir = IPd.Image(path+'/Avon.jpg', width=400, height=400)
# Millstream Road
Millstream_Rd = IPd.Image(path+'/Millstream.jpg', width=400, height=400)
import pysal as ps
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import shapefile as shp
from shapely.geometry import Point
import shapely
from collections import OrderedDict
import pandas as pd
import qgrid
import gurobipy as gbp
import time
import bokeh
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.io import output_notebook, output_file, show
from bokeh.models import (HoverTool, BoxAnnotation, GeoJSONDataSource,
GMapPlot, GMapOptions, ColumnDataSource, Circle,
DataRange1d, PanTool, WheelZoomTool, BoxSelectTool,
ResetTool, MultiLine)
import utm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
%matplotlib inline
/Users/jgaboardi/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/font_manager.py:273: UserWarning: Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may take a moment. warnings.warn('Matplotlib is building the font cache using fc-list. This may take a moment.')
def c_s_matrix(): # Define Client to Service Matrix Function
global All_Dist_MILES # in meters
All_Neigh_Dist = ntw.allneighbordistances(
All_Dist_MILES = All_Neigh_Dist * 0.000621371 # to miles
def Gurobi_PMCP(sites, Ai, AiSum, All_Dist_Miles):
# Define Global Variables
global pydf_M #--------- median globals
global selected_M
global NEW_Records_PMP
global VAL_PMP
global AVG_PMP
global pydf_C #--------- center globals
global selected_C
global NEW_Records_PCP
global VAL_PCP
global pydf_CentDian #--------- centdian globals
global selected_CentDian
global NEW_Records_Pcentdian
global VAL_CentDian
global pydf_MC #--------- pmcp globals
global VAL_PMCP
global p_dens
# Initiate Solutions
for p in range(1, sites+1): #--------- for all [p] in p = length(service facilities)
# [p] --> sites
# Demand --> Ai
# Demand Sum --> AiSum
# Travel Costs
Cij = All_Dist_MILES
# Weighted Costs
Sij = Ai * Cij
# Total Client and Service nodes
client_nodes = range(len(Sij))
service_nodes = range(len(Sij[0]))
t1_PMP = time.time()
# Create Model, Add Variables, & Update Model
# Instantiate Model
mPMP = gbp.Model(' -- p-Median -- ')
# Turn off Gurobi's output
# Add Client Decision Variables (iXj)
client_var_PMP = []
for orig in client_nodes:
for dest in service_nodes:
# Add Service Decision Variables (j)
serv_var_PMP = []
for dest in service_nodes:
# Update the model
# 3. Set Objective Function
for orig in client_nodes for dest in service_nodes),
# 4. Add Constraints
# Assignment Constraints
for orig in client_nodes:
for dest in service_nodes) == 1)
# Opening Constraints
for orig in service_nodes:
for dest in client_nodes:
mPMP.addConstr((serv_var_PMP[orig][0] - client_var_PMP[dest][orig] >= 0))
# Facility Constraint
mPMP.addConstr(gbp.quicksum(serv_var_PMP[dest][0] for dest in service_nodes) == p)
# 5. Optimize and Print Results
# Solve
# Write LP
t2_PMP = time.time()-t1_PMP
# Record and Display Results
print '\n*************************************************************************'
selected_M = OrderedDict()
dbf1 = ps.open(path+'Snapped/SERVICE_Snapped.dbf')
NEW_Records_PMP = []
for v in mPMP.getVars():
if 'x' in v.VarName:
elif v.x > 0:
var = '%s' % v.VarName
#selected_M[var]=('X') ## Change for pdf export
for i in range(dbf1.n_records):
if var in dbf1.read_record(i):
x = dbf1.read_record(i)
print ' | ', var
pydf_M = pydf_M.append(selected_M, ignore_index=True)
# Instantiate Shapefile
SHP_Median = shp.Writer(shp.POINT)
# Add Points
for idy,idx,x,y in NEW_Records_PMP:
SHP_Median.point(float(x), float(y))
# Add Fields
# Add Records
for idy,idx,x,y in NEW_Records_PMP:
# Save Shapefile
print ' | Selected Facility Locations -------------- ^^^^ '
print ' | Candidate Facilities [p] ----------------- ', len(selected_M)
val_m = mPMP.objVal
VAL_PMP.append(round(val_m, 3))
print ' | Objective Value (miles) ------------------ ', val_m
avg_m = float(mPMP.objVal)/float(AiSum)
AVG_PMP.append(round(avg_m, 3))
print ' | Avg. Value / Client (miles) -------------- ', avg_m
print ' | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) ------------- ', t2_PMP
print '*************************************************************************'
print ' -- The p-Median Problem -- '
print ' [p] = ', str(p), '\n\n'
t1_PCP = time.time()
# Instantiate P-Center Model
mPCP = gbp.Model(' -- p-Center -- ')
# Add Client Decision Variables (iXj)
client_var_PCP = []
for orig in client_nodes:
for dest in service_nodes:
# Add Service Decision Variables (j)
serv_var_PCP = []
for dest in service_nodes:
# Add the Maximum travel cost variable
W = mPCP.addVar(vtype=gbp.GRB.CONTINUOUS,
# Update the model
# 3. Set Objective Function
mPCP.setObjective(W, gbp.GRB.MINIMIZE)
# 4. Add Constraints
# Assignment Constraints
for orig in client_nodes:
for dest in service_nodes) == 1)
# Opening Constraints
for orig in service_nodes:
for dest in client_nodes:
mPCP.addConstr((serv_var_PCP[orig][0] - client_var_PCP[dest][orig] >= 0))
# Add Maximum travel cost constraints
for orig in client_nodes:
for dest in service_nodes) - W <= 0)
# Facility Constraint
mPCP.addConstr(gbp.quicksum(serv_var_PCP[dest][0] for dest in service_nodes) == p)
# 5. Optimize and Print Results
# Solve
# Write LP
t2_PCP = time.time()-t1_PCP
# Record and Display Results
print '\n*************************************************************************'
selected_C = OrderedDict()
dbf1 = ps.open(path+'Snapped/SERVICE_Snapped.dbf')
NEW_Records_PCP = []
for v in mPCP.getVars():
if 'x' in v.VarName:
elif 'W' in v.VarName:
elif v.x > 0:
var = '%s' % v.VarName
for i in range(dbf1.n_records):
if var in dbf1.read_record(i):
x = dbf1.read_record(i)
print ' | ', var, ' '
pydf_C = pydf_C.append(selected_C, ignore_index=True)
# Instantiate Shapefile
SHP_Center = shp.Writer(shp.POINT)
# Add Points
for idy,idx,x,y in NEW_Records_PCP:
SHP_Center.point(float(x), float(y))
# Add Fields
# Add Records
for idy,idx,x,y in NEW_Records_PCP:
# Save Shapefile
print ' | Selected Facility Locations -------------- ^^^^ '
print ' | Candidate Facilities [p] ----------------- ', len(selected_C)
val_c = mPCP.objVal
VAL_PCP.append(round(val_c, 3))
print ' | Objective Value (miles) ------------------ ', val_c
print ' | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) ------------- ', t2_PCP
print '*************************************************************************'
print ' -- The p-Center Problem -- '
print ' [p] = ', str(p), '\n\n'
# p-CentDian
t1_centdian = time.time()
# Instantiate P-Center Model
mPcentdian = gbp.Model(' -- p-CentDian -- ')
# Add Client Decision Variables (iXj)
client_var_CentDian = []
for orig in client_nodes:
for dest in service_nodes:
# Add Service Decision Variables (j)
serv_var_CentDian = []
for dest in service_nodes:
# Add the Maximum travel cost variable
W_CD = mPcentdian.addVar(vtype=gbp.GRB.CONTINUOUS,
# Update the model
# 3. Set Objective Function
M = gbp.quicksum(Sij[orig][dest]*client_var_CentDian[orig][dest]
for orig in client_nodes for dest in service_nodes)
Zt = M/AiSum
mPcentdian.setObjective((W_CD + Zt) / 2, gbp.GRB.MINIMIZE)
# 4. Add Constraints
# Assignment Constraints
for orig in client_nodes:
for dest in service_nodes) == 1)
# Opening Constraints
for orig in service_nodes:
for dest in client_nodes:
mPcentdian.addConstr((serv_var_CentDian[orig][0] -
>= 0))
# Add Maximum travel cost constraints
for orig in client_nodes:
for dest in service_nodes) - W_CD <= 0)
# Facility Constraint
for dest in service_nodes)
== p)
# 5. Optimize and Print Results
# Solve
# Write LP
t2_centdian = time.time()-t1_centdian
# Record and Display Results
print '\n*************************************************************************'
selected_CentDian = OrderedDict()
dbf1 = ps.open(path+'Snapped/SERVICE_Snapped.dbf')
NEW_Records_Pcentdian = []
for v in mPcentdian.getVars():
if 'x' in v.VarName:
elif 'W' in v.VarName:
elif v.x > 0:
var = '%s' % v.VarName
for i in range(dbf1.n_records):
if var in dbf1.read_record(i):
x = dbf1.read_record(i)
print ' | ', var, ' '
pydf_CentDian = pydf_CentDian.append(selected_CentDian, ignore_index=True)
# Instantiate Shapefile
SHP_CentDian = shp.Writer(shp.POINT)
# Add Points
for idy,idx,x,y in NEW_Records_Pcentdian:
SHP_CentDian.point(float(x), float(y))
# Add Fields
# Add Records
for idy,idx,x,y in NEW_Records_Pcentdian:
# Save Shapefile
print ' | Selected Facility Locations -------------- ^^^^ '
print ' | Candidate Facilities [p] ----------------- ', len(selected_CentDian)
val_cd = mPcentdian.objVal
VAL_CentDian.append(round(val_cd, 3))
print ' | Objective Value (miles) ------------------ ', val_cd
print ' | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) ------------- ', t2_centdian
print '*************************************************************************'
print ' -- The p-CentDian Problem -- '
print ' [p] = ', str(p), '\n\n'
# p-Median + p-Center Method
# Record solutions that record identical facility selection
if selected_M.keys() == selected_C.keys() == selected_CentDian.keys():
pydf_MC = pydf_MC.append(selected_C, ignore_index=True) # append PMCP dataframe
p_dens.append('p='+str(p)) # density of [p]
VAL_PMCP.append([round(val_m,3), round(avg_m,3),
round(val_c,3), round(val_cd,3)]) # append PMCP list
# Instantiate Shapefile
SHP_PMCP = shp.Writer(shp.POINT)
# Add Points
for idy,idx,x,y in NEW_Records_PCP:
SHP_PMCP.point(float(x), float(y))
# Add Fields
# Add Records
for idy,idx,x,y in NEW_Records_PCP:
# Save Shapefile
¶# Waverly Hills
STREETS = gpd.read_file(path+'Waverly_Trim/Waverly.shp')
# Leon County
#STREETS = gpd.read_file(path+'LCSTSEG/LCSTSEG.shp')
STREETS.to_crs(epsg=2779, inplace=True) # NAD83(HARN) / Florida North
0 | N Ride | 110158908901 | S1400 | M | LINESTRING (621388.7127543514 163519.180833002... |
1 | N Ride | 110158908902 | S1400 | M | LINESTRING (621970.5489300904 163446.280840687... |
2 | S Ride | 110158908913 | S1400 | M | LINESTRING (621390.8512775075 163260.113274841... |
3 | Walton Dr | 110158976711 | S1400 | M | LINESTRING (623030.6549003529 165573.807212860... |
4 | Fontaine Dr | 110159019423 | S1400 | M | LINESTRING (623368.1251134621 165788.033358145... |
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x114ec0750>
¶ntw = ps.Network(path+'WAVERLY/WAVERLY.shp')
shp_W = ps.open(path+'WAVERLY/WAVERLY.shp')
buff = STREETS.buffer(200) #Buffer
0 POLYGON ((621465.3167118202 163719.7320321212,... 1 POLYGON ((622011.323892185 163231.3835929646, ... 2 POLYGON ((621448.7888749669 163451.5130565979,... 3 POLYGON ((623119.6454389954 165752.7642512885,... 4 POLYGON ((623171.3152202072 165844.5275350949,... dtype: object
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11674fc50>
buffU = buff.unary_union #Buffer Union
buff1 = gpd.GeoSeries(buffU)
buff1.crs = STREETS.crs
Buff = gpd.GeoDataFrame(buff1, crs=STREETS.crs)
Buff.columns = ['geometry']
geometry | |
0 | POLYGON ((622700.1341171626 163125.4208353004,... |
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x116bf2990>
x = np.random.uniform(shp_W.bbox[0], shp_W.bbox[2], 1000)
y = np.random.uniform(shp_W.bbox[1], shp_W.bbox[3], 1000)
coords0= zip(x,y)
coords = [shapely.geometry.Point(i) for i in coords0]
Rand = gpd.GeoDataFrame(coords)
Rand.crs = STREETS.crs
Rand.columns = ['geometry']
geometry | |
0 | POINT (623427.8190332755 166275.3062495199) |
1 | POINT (622697.2031300153 162992.9652048317) |
2 | POINT (621922.7038578516 164917.050600741) |
3 | POINT (621615.3609543599 164243.1879802518) |
4 | POINT (623454.7605480383 163733.8321171276) |
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x116d5fa10>
DF of the random points within the Unary Buffer¶Inter = [Buff['geometry'].intersection(p) for p in Rand['geometry']]
INTER = gpd.GeoDataFrame(Inter, crs=STREETS.crs)
INTER.columns = ['geometry']
geometry | |
0 | POINT (623427.8190332755 166275.3062495199) |
1 | () |
2 | POINT (621922.7038578516 164917.050600741) |
3 | POINT (621615.3609543599 164243.1879802518) |
4 | () |
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1195e55d0>
# Add records that are points within the buffer
point_in = []
for p in INTER['geometry']:
if type(p) == shapely.geometry.point.Point:
[<shapely.geometry.point.Point at 0x1195daa50>, <shapely.geometry.point.Point at 0x11961b9d0>, <shapely.geometry.point.Point at 0x1195da990>, <shapely.geometry.point.Point at 0x119636310>, <shapely.geometry.point.Point at 0x119636410>]
CLIENT = gpd.GeoDataFrame(point_in[:100], crs=STREETS.crs)
CLIENT.columns = ['geometry']
SERVICE = gpd.GeoDataFrame(point_in[-15:], crs=STREETS.crs)
SERVICE.columns = ['geometry']
geometry | |
0 | POINT (623427.8190332755 166275.3062495199) |
1 | POINT (621922.7038578516 164917.050600741) |
2 | POINT (621615.3609543599 164243.1879802518) |
3 | POINT (621862.673209806 163415.9461312958) |
4 | POINT (621659.2900576409 163168.6459518427) |
geometry | |
0 | POINT (623558.8536816949 166234.7359778296) |
1 | POINT (623016.3125997729 166225.5051476926) |
2 | POINT (621521.47511704 164019.1317467149) |
3 | POINT (621613.5815189295 163400.6942524033) |
4 | POINT (623159.364408439 165123.3394007629) |
g = nx.Graph() # Roads & Nodes
g1 = nx.MultiGraph() # Edges and Vertices
GRAPH_client = nx.Graph() # Clients
g_client = nx.Graph() # Snapped Clients
GRAPH_service = nx.Graph() # Service
g_service = nx.Graph() # Snapped Service
points_client = {}
points_service = {}
CLI = ps.open(path+'CLIENT/CLIENT.shp')
for idx, coords in enumerate(CLI):
points_client[idx] = coords
GRAPH_client.node[idx] = coords
SER = ps.open(path+'SERVICE/SERVICE.shp')
for idx, coords in enumerate(SER):
points_service[idx] = coords
GRAPH_service.node[idx] = coords
# Client Weights for demand
Ai = np.random.randint(1, 5, len(CLI))
Ai = Ai.reshape(len(Ai),1)
AiSum = np.sum(Ai) # Sum of Weights (Total Demand)
¶client = shp.Writer(shp.POINT) # Client Shapefile
# Add Random Points
for i,j in CLI:
# Add Fields
counter = 0
for i in range(len(CLI)):
counter = counter + 1
client.record('client_' + str(counter), Ai[i])
client.save(path+'Simulated/RandomPoints_CLIENT') # Save Shapefile
¶service = shp.Writer(shp.POINT) #Service Shapefile
# Add Random Points
for i,j in SER:
# Add Fields
counter = 0
for i in range(len(SER)):
counter = counter + 1
service.record('y' + str(counter), 'x' + str(counter))
service.save(path+'Simulated/RandomPoints_SERVICE') # Save Shapefile
# Snap
Snap_C = ntw.snapobservations(path+'Simulated/RandomPoints_CLIENT.shp',
'Rand_Points_CLIENT', attribute=True)
Snap_S = ntw.snapobservations(path+'Simulated/RandomPoints_SERVICE.shp',
'Rand_Points_SERVICE', attribute=True)
# Create Lat & Lon lists of the snapped service locations
y_snapped = []
x_snapped = []
for i,j in ntw.pointpatterns['Rand_Points_SERVICE'].snapped_coordinates.iteritems():
¶service_SNAP = shp.Writer(shp.POINT) # Snapped Service Shapefile
# Add Points
for i,j in ntw.pointpatterns['Rand_Points_SERVICE'].snapped_coordinates.iteritems():
# Add Fields
counter = 0
for i in range(len(ntw.pointpatterns['Rand_Points_SERVICE'].snapped_coordinates)):
counter = counter + 1
service_SNAP.record('y' + str(counter), 'x' + str(counter), y_snapped[i], x_snapped[i])
service_SNAP.save(path+'Snapped/SERVICE_Snapped') # Save Shapefile
# Draw Graph of Roads
for e in ntw.edges:
nx.draw(g, ntw.node_coords, node_size=5, alpha=0.25, edge_color='r', width=2)
# Draw Graph of Snapped Client Nodes
g_client = nx.Graph()
for p,coords in ntw.pointpatterns['Rand_Points_CLIENT'].snapped_coordinates.iteritems():
g_client.node[p] = coords
nx.draw(g_client, ntw.pointpatterns['Rand_Points_CLIENT'].snapped_coordinates,
node_size=75, alpha=1, node_color='b')
# Draw Graph of Snapped Service Nodes
g_service = nx.Graph()
for p,coords in ntw.pointpatterns['Rand_Points_SERVICE'].snapped_coordinates.iteritems():
g_service.node[p] = coords
nx.draw(g_service, ntw.pointpatterns['Rand_Points_SERVICE'].snapped_coordinates,
node_size=200, alpha=1, node_color='c')
# Draw Graph of Random Client Points
nx.draw(GRAPH_client, points_client,
node_size=20, alpha=1, node_color='y')
# Draw Graph of Random Service Points
nx.draw(GRAPH_service, points_service,
node_size=75, alpha=1, node_color='w')
# Legend (Ordered Dictionary)
LEGEND = OrderedDict()
LEGEND['Network Nodes']=g
LEGEND['Snapped Client']=g_client
LEGEND['Snapped Service']=g_service
LEGEND['Client Nodes']=GRAPH_client
LEGEND['Service Nodes']=GRAPH_service
plt.legend(LEGEND, loc='upper left', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5, scatterpoints=1)
# Title
plt.title('Waverly Hills\n Tallahassee, Florida', family='Times New Roman',
size=40, color='k', backgroundcolor='w', weight='bold')
# Must be changed for different spatial resolutions, etc.
plt.arrow(624000, 164050, 0.0, 500, width=50, head_width=125,
head_length=75, fc='k', ec='k',alpha=0.75,)
plt.annotate('N', xy=(623900, 164700), fontstyle='italic', fontsize='xx-large',
fontweight='heavy', alpha=0.75)
plt.annotate('<| ~ .25 miles |>', xy=(623200, 163600),
fontstyle='italic', fontsize='large', alpha=0.95)
# Call Client to Service Matrix Function
Data Frames¶# PANDAS DATAFRAME OF p/y results
p_list = []
for i in range(1, len(SER)+1):
p = 'p='+str(i)
y_list = []
for i in range(1, len(SER)+1):
y = 'y'+str(i)
Dataframes¶pydf_M = pd.DataFrame(index=p_list,columns=y_list)
pydf_C = pd.DataFrame(index=p_list,columns=y_list)
pydf_CentDian = pd.DataFrame(index=p_list,columns=y_list)
pydf_MC = pd.DataFrame(index=p_list,columns=y_list)
# p-Median
P_Med_Graphs = OrderedDict()
for x in range(1, len(SER)+1):
P_Med_Graphs["{0}".format(x)] = nx.Graph()
# p-Center
P_Cent_Graphs = OrderedDict()
for x in range(1, len(SER)+1):
P_Cent_Graphs["{0}".format(x)] = nx.Graph()
# p-CentDian
P_CentDian_Graphs = OrderedDict()
for x in range(1, len(SER)+1):
P_CentDian_Graphs["{0}".format(x)] = nx.Graph()
VAL_PMP = []
AVG_PMP = []
VAL_PCP = []
# CentDian
VAL_CentDian = []
p_dens = [] # when the facilities for the p-median & p-center are the same
Gurobi_PMCP(len(SER), Ai, AiSum, All_Dist_MILES)
************************************************************************* | y10 | Selected Facility Locations -------------- ^^^^ | Candidate Facilities [p] ----------------- 1 | Objective Value (miles) ------------------ 252.628622209 | Avg. Value / Client (miles) -------------- 1.01866379923 | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) ------------- 0.211796998978 ************************************************************************* -- The p-Median Problem -- [p] = 1 Optimize a model with 1701 rows, 1516 columns and 6115 nonzeros Coefficient statistics: Matrix range [2e-03, 3e+00] Objective range [1e+00, 1e+00] Bounds range [1e+00, 1e+00] RHS range [1e+00, 1e+00] Presolve removed 1600 rows and 1500 columns Presolve time: 0.13s Presolved: 101 rows, 16 columns, 1515 nonzeros Variable types: 1 continuous, 15 integer (15 binary) Found heuristic solution: objective 2.8439770 Found heuristic solution: objective 2.6194347 Found heuristic solution: objective 2.2724425 Presolve removed 9 rows and 9 columns Presolved: 7 rows, 108 columns, 657 nonzeros Presolve removed 7 rows and 108 columns Root relaxation: objective 1.619386e+00, 6 iterations, 0.00 seconds Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time 0 0 1.61939 0 4 2.27244 1.61939 28.7% - 0s H 0 0 1.7981720 1.61939 9.94% - 0s 0 0 cutoff 0 1.79817 1.79817 0.00% - 0s Explored 0 nodes (8 simplex iterations) in 0.15 seconds Thread count was 4 (of 4 available processors) Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04) Best objective 1.798172038792e+00, best bound 1.798172038792e+00, gap 0.0% ************************************************************************* | y10 | Selected Facility Locations -------------- ^^^^ | Candidate Facilities [p] ----------------- 1 | Objective Value (miles) ------------------ 1.79817203879 | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) ------------- 0.262228965759 ************************************************************************* -- The p-Center Problem -- [p] = 1 Optimize a model with 1701 rows, 1516 columns and 6115 nonzeros Coefficient statistics: Matrix range [2e-03, 3e+00] Objective range [1e-05, 5e-01] Bounds range [1e+00, 1e+00] RHS range [1e+00, 1e+00] Presolve removed 1600 rows and 1500 columns Presolve time: 0.13s Presolved: 101 rows, 16 columns, 1615 nonzeros Variable types: 1 continuous, 15 integer (15 binary) Found heuristic solution: objective 1.6074385 Presolve removed 1 rows and 100 columns Presolved: 15 rows, 17 columns, 45 nonzeros Root relaxation: objective 1.408418e+00, 1 iterations, 0.00 seconds Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time * 0 0 0 1.4084179 1.40842 0.00% - 0s Explored 0 nodes (1 simplex iterations) in 0.15 seconds Thread count was 4 (of 4 available processors) Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04) Best objective 1.408417919012e+00, best bound 1.408417919012e+00, gap 0.0% ************************************************************************* | y10 | Selected Facility Locations -------------- ^^^^ | Candidate Facilities [p] ----------------- 1 | Objective Value (miles) ------------------ 1.40841791901 | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) ------------- 0.320183038712 ************************************************************************* -- The p-CentDian Problem -- [p] = 1 ************************************************************************* | y12 | y15 | Selected Facility Locations -------------- ^^^^ | Candidate Facilities [p] ----------------- 2 | Objective Value (miles) ------------------ 178.435962925 | Avg. Value / Client (miles) -------------- 0.719499850505 | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) ------------- 0.122321844101 ************************************************************************* -- The p-Median Problem -- [p] = 2 Optimize a model with 1701 rows, 1516 columns and 6115 nonzeros Coefficient statistics: Matrix range [2e-03, 3e+00] Objective range [1e+00, 1e+00] Bounds range [1e+00, 1e+00] RHS range [1e+00, 2e+00] Presolve time: 0.01s Presolved: 1701 rows, 1516 columns, 6015 nonzeros Variable types: 1 continuous, 1515 integer (1515 binary) Found heuristic solution: objective 1.9504745 Found heuristic solution: objective 1.9092634 Found heuristic solution: objective 1.8309455 Root relaxation: objective 1.091514e+00, 1348 iterations, 0.03 seconds Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time 0 0 1.09151 0 409 1.83095 1.09151 40.4% - 0s H 0 0 1.5822633 1.09151 31.0% - 0s H 0 0 1.4568885 1.09151 25.1% - 0s 0 0 cutoff 0 1.45689 1.45689 0.00% - 0s Cutting planes: Gomory: 1 MIR: 6 Zero half: 4 Explored 0 nodes (3729 simplex iterations) in 0.14 seconds Thread count was 4 (of 4 available processors) Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04) Best objective 1.456888501112e+00, best bound 1.456888501112e+00, gap 0.0% ************************************************************************* | y4 | y7 | Selected Facility Locations -------------- ^^^^ | Candidate Facilities [p] ----------------- 2 | Objective Value (miles) ------------------ 1.45688850111 | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) ------------- 0.247992038727 ************************************************************************* -- The p-Center Problem -- [p] = 2 Optimize a model with 1701 rows, 1516 columns and 6115 nonzeros Coefficient statistics: Matrix range [2e-03, 3e+00] Objective range [1e-05, 5e-01] Bounds range [1e+00, 1e+00] RHS range [1e+00, 2e+00] Presolve time: 0.01s Presolved: 1701 rows, 1516 columns, 6015 nonzeros Variable types: 1 continuous, 1515 integer (1515 binary) Found heuristic solution: objective 1.3653839 Root relaxation: objective 9.384803e-01, 959 iterations, 0.02 seconds Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time 0 0 0.93848 0 313 1.36538 0.93848 31.3% - 0s H 0 0 1.3108682 0.93848 28.4% - 0s H 0 0 1.1642570 0.93848 19.4% - 0s 0 0 0.98114 0 356 1.16426 0.98114 15.7% - 0s 0 0 0.98266 0 379 1.16426 0.98266 15.6% - 0s 0 0 1.00716 0 462 1.16426 1.00716 13.5% - 0s 0 0 1.00822 0 472 1.16426 1.00822 13.4% - 0s 0 0 1.00925 0 519 1.16426 1.00925 13.3% - 0s 0 0 1.00955 0 460 1.16426 1.00955 13.3% - 0s 0 0 1.01074 0 423 1.16426 1.01074 13.2% - 0s 0 0 1.01100 0 493 1.16426 1.01100 13.2% - 0s 0 0 1.01201 0 492 1.16426 1.01201 13.1% - 0s 0 0 1.01202 0 493 1.16426 1.01202 13.1% - 0s 0 0 1.01223 0 468 1.16426 1.01223 13.1% - 0s 0 0 1.01289 0 452 1.16426 1.01289 13.0% - 0s 0 0 1.01313 0 499 1.16426 1.01313 13.0% - 0s 0 0 1.01316 0 514 1.16426 1.01316 13.0% - 0s 0 0 1.01337 0 508 1.16426 1.01337 13.0% - 0s 0 0 1.01339 0 507 1.16426 1.01339 13.0% - 0s 0 0 1.01374 0 490 1.16426 1.01374 12.9% - 0s H 0 0 1.1104573 1.01374 8.71% - 0s 0 0 1.01419 0 523 1.11046 1.01419 8.67% - 0s 0 0 1.01450 0 492 1.11046 1.01450 8.64% - 0s 0 0 1.01455 0 509 1.11046 1.01455 8.64% - 0s 0 0 1.01466 0 493 1.11046 1.01466 8.63% - 0s 0 0 1.01466 0 494 1.11046 1.01466 8.63% - 0s 0 0 1.01466 0 494 1.11046 1.01466 8.63% - 0s 0 2 1.01466 0 494 1.11046 1.01466 8.63% - 0s Cutting planes: Gomory: 3 MIR: 5 Zero half: 8 Explored 32 nodes (3159 simplex iterations) in 0.79 seconds Thread count was 4 (of 4 available processors) Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04) Best objective 1.110457339150e+00, best bound 1.110457339150e+00, gap 0.0% ************************************************************************* | y7 | y15 | Selected Facility Locations -------------- ^^^^ | Candidate Facilities [p] ----------------- 2 | Objective Value (miles) ------------------ 1.11045733915 | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) ------------- 0.945061206818 ************************************************************************* -- The p-CentDian Problem -- [p] = 2 ************************************************************************* | y6 | y9 | y15 | Selected Facility Locations -------------- ^^^^ | Candidate Facilities [p] ----------------- 3 | Objective Value (miles) ------------------ 136.143483242 | Avg. Value / Client (miles) -------------- 0.548965658235 | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) ------------- 0.115061044693 ************************************************************************* -- The p-Median Problem -- [p] = 3 Optimize a model with 1701 rows, 1516 columns and 6115 nonzeros Coefficient statistics: Matrix range [2e-03, 3e+00] Objective range [1e+00, 1e+00] Bounds range [1e+00, 1e+00] RHS range [1e+00, 3e+00] Presolve time: 0.01s Presolved: 1701 rows, 1516 columns, 6015 nonzeros Variable types: 1 continuous, 1515 integer (1515 binary) Found heuristic solution: objective 1.5785868 Found heuristic solution: objective 1.4568885 Root relaxation: objective 8.591137e-01, 912 iterations, 0.02 seconds Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time 0 0 0.85911 0 338 1.45689 0.85911 41.0% - 0s H 0 0 1.3729803 0.85911 37.4% - 0s H 0 0 1.2590943 0.85911 31.8% - 0s H 0 0 1.1257531 0.85911 23.7% - 0s 0 0 cutoff 0 1.12575 1.12575 0.00% - 0s Cutting planes: Gomory: 1 MIR: 1 Explored 0 nodes (2761 simplex iterations) in 0.13 seconds Thread count was 4 (of 4 available processors) Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04) Best objective 1.125753136820e+00, best bound 1.125753136820e+00, gap 0.0% ************************************************************************* | y6 | y9 | y15 | Selected Facility Locations -------------- ^^^^ | Candidate Facilities [p] ----------------- 3 | Objective Value (miles) ------------------ 1.12575313682 | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) ------------- 0.214766979218 ************************************************************************* -- The p-Center Problem -- [p] = 3 Optimize a model with 1701 rows, 1516 columns and 6115 nonzeros Coefficient statistics: Matrix range [2e-03, 3e+00] Objective range [1e-05, 5e-01] Bounds range [1e+00, 1e+00] RHS range [1e+00, 3e+00] Presolve time: 0.01s Presolved: 1701 rows, 1516 columns, 6015 nonzeros Variable types: 1 continuous, 1515 integer (1515 binary) Found heuristic solution: objective 1.1092692 Root relaxation: objective 7.343400e-01, 739 iterations, 0.01 seconds Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time 0 0 0.73434 0 369 1.10927 0.73434 33.8% - 0s H 0 0 1.0374863 0.73434 29.2% - 0s H 0 0 0.8373594 0.73434 12.3% - 0s 0 0 0.74354 0 411 0.83736 0.74354 11.2% - 0s 0 0 0.74705 0 427 0.83736 0.74705 10.8% - 0s 0 0 0.75609 0 342 0.83736 0.75609 9.71% - 0s 0 0 0.75609 0 287 0.83736 0.75609 9.71% - 0s 0 0 0.77291 0 292 0.83736 0.77291 7.70% - 0s 0 0 0.77304 0 293 0.83736 0.77304 7.68% - 0s 0 0 0.78962 0 371 0.83736 0.78962 5.70% - 0s 0 0 0.78994 0 343 0.83736 0.78994 5.66% - 0s 0 0 0.79100 0 383 0.83736 0.79100 5.54% - 0s 0 0 0.79102 0 384 0.83736 0.79102 5.53% - 0s 0 0 0.79115 0 385 0.83736 0.79115 5.52% - 0s 0 0 0.79192 0 369 0.83736 0.79192 5.43% - 0s 0 0 0.79215 0 377 0.83736 0.79215 5.40% - 0s 0 0 0.79238 0 375 0.83736 0.79238 5.37% - 0s 0 0 0.79238 0 386 0.83736 0.79238 5.37% - 0s 0 0 0.79240 0 387 0.83736 0.79240 5.37% - 0s 0 0 0.79261 0 372 0.83736 0.79261 5.34% - 0s 0 0 0.79264 0 384 0.83736 0.79264 5.34% - 0s 0 0 0.79294 0 433 0.83736 0.79294 5.31% - 0s 0 0 0.79298 0 400 0.83736 0.79298 5.30% - 0s 0 0 0.79388 0 405 0.83736 0.79388 5.19% - 0s 0 0 0.79388 0 406 0.83736 0.79388 5.19% - 0s 0 0 0.79395 0 396 0.83736 0.79395 5.18% - 0s 0 0 0.79400 0 403 0.83736 0.79400 5.18% - 0s 0 0 0.79417 0 390 0.83736 0.79417 5.16% - 0s 0 0 0.79418 0 389 0.83736 0.79418 5.16% - 0s 0 0 0.79419 0 390 0.83736 0.79419 5.16% - 0s 0 2 0.79419 0 390 0.83736 0.79419 5.16% - 0s Cutting planes: Gomory: 3 MIR: 9 Zero half: 11 Explored 18 nodes (2973 simplex iterations) in 0.88 seconds Thread count was 4 (of 4 available processors) Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04) Best objective 8.373593975272e-01, best bound 8.373593975272e-01, gap 0.0% ************************************************************************* | y6 | y9 | y15 | Selected Facility Locations -------------- ^^^^ | Candidate Facilities [p] ----------------- 3 | Objective Value (miles) ------------------ 0.837359397527 | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) ------------- 1.03144812584 ************************************************************************* -- The p-CentDian Problem -- [p] = 3 ************************************************************************* | y6 | y9 | y12 | y15 | Selected Facility Locations -------------- ^^^^ | Candidate Facilities [p] ----------------- 4 | Objective Value (miles) ------------------ 113.400992358 | Avg. Value / Client (miles) -------------- 0.457262065961 | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) ------------- 0.121757030487 ************************************************************************* -- The p-Median Problem -- [p] = 4 Optimize a model with 1701 rows, 1516 columns and 6115 nonzeros Coefficient statistics: Matrix range [2e-03, 3e+00] Objective range [1e+00, 1e+00] Bounds range [1e+00, 1e+00] RHS range [1e+00, 4e+00] Presolve time: 0.01s Presolved: 1701 rows, 1516 columns, 6015 nonzeros Variable types: 1 continuous, 1515 integer (1515 binary) Found heuristic solution: objective 2.1103205 Found heuristic solution: objective 1.8656435 Found heuristic solution: objective 1.8309455 Root relaxation: objective 7.619977e-01, 1001 iterations, 0.02 seconds Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time 0 0 0.76200 0 316 1.83095 0.76200 58.4% - 0s H 0 0 1.4589251 0.76200 47.8% - 0s H 0 0 1.4492867 0.76200 47.4% - 0s H 0 0 1.4396841 0.76200 47.1% - 0s 0 0 0.81016 0 313 1.43968 0.81016 43.7% - 0s 0 0 0.81016 0 323 1.43968 0.81016 43.7% - 0s H 0 0 1.4395274 0.81016 43.7% - 0s H 0 0 1.4286353 0.81016 43.3% - 0s 0 0 0.84044 0 326 1.42864 0.84044 41.2% - 0s H 0 0 1.3773513 0.84044 39.0% - 0s 0 0 0.86119 0 355 1.37735 0.86119 37.5% - 0s 0 0 0.86426 0 327 1.37735 0.86426 37.3% - 0s H 0 0 1.3448528 0.86426 35.7% - 0s H 0 0 1.2773295 0.86426 32.3% - 0s 0 0 0.86931 0 249 1.27733 0.86931 31.9% - 0s 0 0 0.86931 0 249 1.27733 0.86931 31.9% - 0s H 0 0 1.2689454 0.86931 31.5% - 0s H 0 0 1.0419579 0.86931 16.6% - 0s H 0 0 1.0388639 0.86931 16.3% - 0s 0 0 0.87521 0 242 1.03886 0.87521 15.8% - 0s 0 0 0.91169 0 159 1.03886 0.91169 12.2% - 0s 0 0 0.94070 0 113 1.03886 0.94070 9.45% - 0s H 0 0 0.9408986 0.94070 0.02% - 0s Explored 0 nodes (8909 simplex iterations) in 0.41 seconds Thread count was 4 (of 4 available processors) Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04) Best objective 9.408985900044e-01, best bound 9.408985900044e-01, gap 0.0% ************************************************************************* | y4 | y6 | y12 | y13 | Selected Facility Locations -------------- ^^^^ | Candidate Facilities [p] ----------------- 4 | Objective Value (miles) ------------------ 0.940898590004 | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) ------------- 0.513636112213 ************************************************************************* -- The p-Center Problem -- [p] = 4 Optimize a model with 1701 rows, 1516 columns and 6115 nonzeros Coefficient statistics: Matrix range [2e-03, 3e+00] Objective range [1e-05, 5e-01] Bounds range [1e+00, 1e+00] RHS range [1e+00, 4e+00] Presolve time: 0.01s Presolved: 1701 rows, 1516 columns, 6015 nonzeros Variable types: 1 continuous, 1515 integer (1515 binary) Found heuristic solution: objective 0.9313797 Root relaxation: objective 6.508189e-01, 528 iterations, 0.01 seconds Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time 0 0 0.65082 0 249 0.93138 0.65082 30.1% - 0s H 0 0 0.8177119 0.65082 20.4% - 0s H 0 0 0.7267475 0.65082 10.4% - 0s 0 0 0.66575 0 273 0.72675 0.66575 8.39% - 0s 0 0 0.66575 0 243 0.72675 0.66575 8.39% - 0s 0 0 0.68720 0 241 0.72675 0.68720 5.44% - 0s 0 0 0.69032 0 213 0.72675 0.69032 5.01% - 0s 0 0 0.69233 0 226 0.72675 0.69233 4.74% - 0s 0 0 0.70014 0 177 0.72675 0.70014 3.66% - 0s 0 0 0.70037 0 177 0.72675 0.70037 3.63% - 0s H 0 0 0.7059598 0.70037 0.79% - 0s 0 0 0.70073 0 216 0.70596 0.70073 0.74% - 0s 0 0 0.70129 0 215 0.70596 0.70129 0.66% - 0s 0 0 0.70129 0 228 0.70596 0.70129 0.66% - 0s 0 0 0.70129 0 153 0.70596 0.70129 0.66% - 0s 0 0 0.70135 0 169 0.70596 0.70135 0.65% - 0s 0 0 0.70298 0 171 0.70596 0.70298 0.42% - 0s 0 0 0.70320 0 203 0.70596 0.70320 0.39% - 0s 0 0 0.70378 0 198 0.70596 0.70378 0.31% - 0s 0 0 0.70380 0 203 0.70596 0.70380 0.31% - 0s 0 0 0.70384 0 203 0.70596 0.70384 0.30% - 0s 0 0 0.70384 0 123 0.70596 0.70384 0.30% - 0s 0 0 0.70384 0 59 0.70596 0.70384 0.30% - 0s 0 0 cutoff 0 0.70596 0.70596 0.00% - 0s Explored 0 nodes (2083 simplex iterations) in 0.46 seconds Thread count was 4 (of 4 available processors) Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04) Best objective 7.059598493583e-01, best bound 7.059598493583e-01, gap 0.0% ************************************************************************* | y6 | y9 | y12 | y15 | Selected Facility Locations -------------- ^^^^ | Candidate Facilities [p] ----------------- 4 | Objective Value (miles) ------------------ 0.705959849358 | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) ------------- 0.603713035583 ************************************************************************* -- The p-CentDian Problem -- [p] = 4 ************************************************************************* | y6 | y9 | y10 | y12 | y15 | Selected Facility Locations -------------- ^^^^ | Candidate Facilities [p] ----------------- 5 | Objective Value (miles) ------------------ 102.664903993 | Avg. Value / Client (miles) -------------- 0.41397138707 | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) ------------- 0.12637591362 ************************************************************************* -- The p-Median Problem -- [p] = 5 Optimize a model with 1701 rows, 1516 columns and 6115 nonzeros Coefficient statistics: Matrix range [2e-03, 3e+00] Objective range [1e+00, 1e+00] Bounds range [1e+00, 1e+00] RHS range [1e+00, 5e+00] Presolve time: 0.01s Presolved: 1701 rows, 1516 columns, 6015 nonzeros Variable types: 1 continuous, 1515 integer (1515 binary) Found heuristic solution: objective 2.1103205 Found heuristic solution: objective 2.0703495 Found heuristic solution: objective 2.0155480 Root relaxation: objective 7.212557e-01, 988 iterations, 0.02 seconds Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work
# PMP Total
PMP_Tot_Diff = []
for i in range(len(VAL_PMP)):
if i == 0:
elif i <= len(VAL_PMP):
n1 = VAL_PMP[i-1]
n2 = VAL_PMP[i]
diff = n2 - n1
perc_change = (diff/n1)*100.
PMP_Tot_Diff.append(str(round(perc_change, 2))+'%')
# PMP Average
PMP_Avg_Diff = []
for i in range(len(AVG_PMP)):
if i == 0:
elif i <= len(AVG_PMP):
n1 = AVG_PMP[i-1]
n2 = AVG_PMP[i]
diff = n2 - n1
perc_change = (diff/n1)*100.
PMP_Avg_Diff.append(str(round(perc_change, 2))+'%')
PCP_Diff = []
for i in range(len(VAL_PCP)):
if i == 0:
elif i <= len(VAL_PCP):
n1 = VAL_PCP[i-1]
n2 = VAL_PCP[i]
diff = n2 - n1
perc_change = (diff/n1)*100.
PCP_Diff.append(str(round(perc_change, 2))+'%')
# p-CentDian
CentDian_Diff = []
for i in range(len(VAL_CentDian)):
if i == 0:
elif i <= len(VAL_CentDian):
n1 = VAL_CentDian[i-1]
n2 = VAL_CentDian[i]
diff = n2 - n1
perc_change = (diff/n1)*100.
CentDian_Diff.append(str(round(perc_change, 2))+'%')
PMCP_Diff = []
counter = 0
for i in range(len(VAL_PMCP)):
for j in range(len(VAL_PMCP[0])):
if i == 0:
elif i <= len(VAL_PMCP):
n1 = VAL_PMCP[i-1][j]
n2 = VAL_PMCP[i][j]
diff = n2 - n1
perc_change = (diff/n1*100.)
PMCP_Diff[i].append(str(round(perc_change, 2))+'%')
pydf_M = pydf_M[len(SER):]
pydf_M.index = p_list
pydf_M.columns.name = 'Decision\nVariables'
pydf_M.index.name = 'Facility\nDensity'
pydf_M['Tot. Obj. Value'] = VAL_PMP
pydf_M['Tot. % Change'] = PMP_Tot_Diff
pydf_M['Avg. Obj. Value'] = AVG_PMP
pydf_M['Avg. % Change'] = PMP_Avg_Diff
pydf_M = pydf_M.fillna('')
#pydf_M.to_csv(path+'CSV') <-- need to change squares to alphanumeric to use
pydf_C = pydf_C[len(SER):]
pydf_C.index = p_list
pydf_C.columns.name = 'Decision\nVariables'
pydf_C.index.name = 'Facility\nDensity'
pydf_C['Worst Case Obj. Value'] = VAL_PCP
pydf_C['Worst Case % Change'] = PCP_Diff
pydf_C = pydf_C.fillna('')
#pydf_C.to_csv(path+'CSV') <-- need to change squares to alphanumeric to use
pydf_CentDian = pydf_CentDian[len(SER):]
pydf_CentDian.index = p_list
pydf_CentDian.columns.name = 'Decision\nVariables'
pydf_CentDian.index.name = 'Facility\nDensity'
pydf_CentDian['CentDian Obj. Value'] = VAL_CentDian
pydf_CentDian['CentDian % Change'] = CentDian_Diff
pydf_CentDian = pydf_CentDian.fillna('')
#pydf_CentDian.to_csv(path+'CSV') <-- need to change squares to alphanumeric to use
pydf_MC = pydf_MC[len(SER):]
pydf_MC.index = p_dens
pydf_MC.columns.name = 'D.V.'
pydf_MC.index.name = 'F.D.'
pydf_MC['Min.\nTotal'] = [VAL_PMCP[x][0] for x in range(len(VAL_PMCP))]
pydf_MC['Min.\nTotal\n%\nChange'] = [PMCP_Diff[x][0] for x in range(len(PMCP_Diff))]
pydf_MC['Avg.\nTotal'] = [VAL_PMCP[x][1] for x in range(len(VAL_PMCP))]
pydf_MC['Avg.\nTotal\n%\nChange'] = [PMCP_Diff[x][1] for x in range(len(PMCP_Diff))]
pydf_MC['Worst\nCase'] = [VAL_PMCP[x][2] for x in range(len(VAL_PMCP))]
pydf_MC['Worst\nCase\n%\nChange'] = [PMCP_Diff[x][2] for x in range(len(PMCP_Diff))]
pydf_MC['Center\nMedian'] = [VAL_PMCP[x][3] for x in range(len(VAL_PMCP))]
pydf_MC['Center\nMedian\n%\nChange'] = [PMCP_Diff[x][3] for x in range(len(PMCP_Diff))]
pydf_MC = pydf_MC.fillna('')
#pydf_MC.to_csv(path+'CSV') <-- need to change squares to alphanumeric to use
# Create Graphs of the PMCP results
PMCP_Graphs = OrderedDict()
for x in pydf_MC.index:
PMCP_Graphs[x[2:]] = nx.Graph()
size = 3000
for i,j in P_Med_Graphs.iteritems():
# p-Median
P_Med = ps.open(path+'Results/Selected_Locations_Pmedian'+str(i)+'.shp')
points_median = {}
for idx, coords in enumerate(P_Med):
points_median[idx] = coords
P_Med_Graphs[i].node[idx] = coords
# Draw Network Actual Roads and Nodes
for e in ntw.edges:
nx.draw(g, ntw.node_coords, node_size=5, alpha=0.25, edge_color='r', width=2)
# Legend (Ordered Dictionary)
LEGEND = OrderedDict()
for i in P_Med_Graphs:
loc='upper left',
# Title
plt.title('Optimal p-Median Solutions', family='Times New Roman',
size=40, color='k', backgroundcolor='w', weight='bold')
# North Arrow and 'N' --> Must be changed for different spatial resolutions, etc.
plt.arrow(624000, 164050, 0.0, 500, width=50, head_width=125,
head_length=75, fc='k', ec='k',alpha=0.75,)
plt.annotate('N', xy=(623900, 164700), fontstyle='italic', fontsize='xx-large',
fontweight='heavy', alpha=0.75)
plt.annotate('<| ~ .25 miles |>', xy=(623200, 163600),
fontstyle='italic', fontsize='large', alpha=0.95)
qgrid.show_grid(pydf_M, show_toolbar=True)
source_m = ColumnDataSource(
x=range(1, len(SER)+1),
TOOLS = 'wheel_zoom, pan, reset, crosshair, save'
hover = HoverTool(line_policy="nearest", mode="hline", tooltips="""
<span style="font-size: 17px; font-weight: bold;">@desc</span>
<span style="font-size: 15px;">Average Minimized Cost</span>
<span style="font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; color: #ff4d4d;">[@avg]</span>
<span style="font-size: 15px;">Variation</span>
<span style="font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; color: #ff4d4d;">[@change]</span>
# Instantiate Plot
pmp_plot = figure(plot_width=600, plot_height=600, tools=[TOOLS,hover],
title="Average Distance vs. p-Facilities", y_range=(0,2))
# Create plot points and set source
pmp_plot.circle('x', 'y', size=15, color='red',source=source_m,
legend='Total Minimized Cost / Total Demand')
pmp_plot.line('x', 'y', line_width=2, color='red', alpha=.5, source=source_m,
legend='Total Minimized Cost / Total Demand')
pmp_plot.xaxis.axis_label = '[p = n]'
pmp_plot.yaxis.axis_label = 'Miles'
one_quarter = BoxAnnotation(plot=pmp_plot, top=.35,
fill_alpha=0.1, fill_color='green')
half = BoxAnnotation(plot=pmp_plot, bottom=.35, top=.7,
fill_alpha=0.1, fill_color='blue')
three_quarter = BoxAnnotation(plot=pmp_plot, bottom=.7, top=1.05,
fill_alpha=0.1, fill_color='gray')
pmp_plot.renderers.extend([one_quarter, half, three_quarter])
# Display the figure
size = 3000
for i,j in P_Cent_Graphs.iteritems():
# p-Center
P_Cent = ps.open(path+'Results/Selected_Locations_Pcenter'+str(i)+'.shp')
points_center = {}
for idx, coords in enumerate(P_Cent):
points_center[idx] = coords
P_Cent_Graphs[i].node[idx] = coords
# Draw Network Actual Roads and Nodes
for e in ntw.edges:
nx.draw(g, ntw.node_coords, node_size=5, alpha=0.25, edge_color='r', width=2)
# Legend (Ordered Dictionary)
LEGEND = OrderedDict()
for i in P_Cent_Graphs:
loc='upper left',
# Title
plt.title('Optimal p-Center Solutions', family='Times New Roman',
size=40, color='k', backgroundcolor='w', weight='bold')
# Must be changed for different spatial resolutions, etc.
plt.arrow(624000, 164050, 0.0, 500, width=50, head_width=125,
head_length=75, fc='k', ec='k',alpha=0.75,)
plt.annotate('N', xy=(623900, 164700), fontstyle='italic', fontsize='xx-large',
fontweight='heavy', alpha=0.75)
plt.annotate('<| ~ .25 miles |>', xy=(623200, 163600),
fontstyle='italic', fontsize='large', alpha=0.95)
qgrid.show_grid(pydf_C, show_toolbar=True)
source_c = ColumnDataSource(
x=range(1, len(SER)+1),
TOOLS = 'wheel_zoom, pan, reset, crosshair, save'
hover = HoverTool(line_policy="nearest", mode="hline", tooltips="""
<span style="font-size: 17px; font-weight: bold;">@desc</span>
<span style="font-size: 15px;">Worst Case Cost</span>
<span style="font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; color: #00b300;">[@obj]</span>
<span style="font-size: 15px;">Variation</span>
<span style="font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; color: #00b300;">[@change]</span>
# Instantiate Plot
pcp_plot = figure(plot_width=600, plot_height=600, tools=[TOOLS,hover],
title="Worst Case Distance vs. p-Facilities", y_range=(0,2))
# Create plot points and set source
pcp_plot.circle('x', 'y', size=15, color='green', source=source_c,
legend='Minimized Worst Case')
pcp_plot.line('x', 'y', line_width=2, color='green', alpha=.5, source=source_c,
legend='Minimized Worst Case')
pcp_plot.xaxis.axis_label = '[p = n]'
pcp_plot.yaxis.axis_label = 'Miles'
one_quarter = BoxAnnotation(plot=pcp_plot, top=.35,
fill_alpha=0.1, fill_color='green')
half = BoxAnnotation(plot=pcp_plot, bottom=.35, top=.7,
fill_alpha=0.1, fill_color='blue')
three_quarter = BoxAnnotation(plot=pcp_plot, bottom=.7, top=1.05,
fill_alpha=0.1, fill_color='gray')
pcp_plot.renderers.extend([one_quarter, half, three_quarter])
# Display the figure
# CentDian
size = 3000
for i,j in P_CentDian_Graphs.iteritems():
P_CentDian = ps.open(path+'Results/Selected_Locations_CentDian'+str(i)+'.shp')
points_centdian = {}
for idx, coords in enumerate(P_CentDian):
points_centdian[idx] = coords
P_CentDian_Graphs[i].node[idx] = coords
# Draw Network Actual Roads and Nodes
for e in ntw.edges:
nx.draw(g, ntw.node_coords, node_size=5, alpha=0.25, edge_color='r', width=2)
# Legend (Ordered Dictionary)
LEGEND = OrderedDict()
for i in P_CentDian_Graphs:
loc='upper left',
# Title
plt.title('Optimal p-CentDian Solutions', family='Times New Roman',
size=40, color='k', backgroundcolor='w', weight='bold')
# Must be changed for different spatial resolutions, etc.
plt.arrow(624000, 164050, 0.0, 500, width=50, head_width=125,
head_length=75, fc='k', ec='k',alpha=0.75,)
plt.annotate('N', xy=(623900, 164700), fontstyle='italic', fontsize='xx-large',
fontweight='heavy', alpha=0.75)
plt.annotate('<| ~ .25 miles |>', xy=(623200, 163600),
fontstyle='italic', fontsize='large', alpha=0.95)
qgrid.show_grid(pydf_CentDian, show_toolbar=True)
source_centdian = ColumnDataSource(
x=range(1, len(SER)+1),
TOOLS = 'wheel_zoom, pan, reset, crosshair, save'
hover = HoverTool(line_policy="nearest", mode="hline" ,tooltips="""
<span style="font-size: 17px; font-weight: bold;">@desc</span>
<span style="font-size: 15px;">Center Median Cost</span>
<span style="font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; color: #3385ff;">[@obj]</span>
<span style="font-size: 15px;">Variation</span>
<span style="font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; color: #3385ff;">[@change]</span>
# Instantiate Plot
centdian_plot = figure(plot_width=600, plot_height=600, tools=[TOOLS,hover],
title="Center Median Distance vs. p-Facilities", y_range=(0,2))
# Create plot points and set source
centdian_plot.circle('x', 'y', size=15, color='blue', source=source_centdian,
legend='Center Median')
centdian_plot.line('x', 'y', line_width=2, color='blue', alpha=.5, source=source_centdian,
legend='Center Median')
centdian_plot.xaxis.axis_label = '[p = n]'
centdian_plot.yaxis.axis_label = 'Miles'
one_quarter = BoxAnnotation(plot=pcp_plot, top=.35,
fill_alpha=0.1, fill_color='green')
half = BoxAnnotation(plot=pcp_plot, bottom=.35, top=.7,
fill_alpha=0.1, fill_color='blue')
three_quarter = BoxAnnotation(plot=pcp_plot, bottom=.7, top=1.05,
fill_alpha=0.1, fill_color='gray')
centdian_plot.renderers.extend([one_quarter, half, three_quarter])
# Display the figure
size = 3000
for i,j in PMCP_Graphs.iteritems():
size = size-1200
if int(i) <= len(SER)-1:
pmcp = ps.open(path+'Results/Selected_Locations_PMCP'+str(i)+'.shp')
points_pmcp = {}
for idx, coords in enumerate(pmcp):
points_pmcp[idx] = coords
PMCP_Graphs[i].node[idx] = coords
# Draw Network Actual Roads and Nodes
for e in ntw.edges:
nx.draw(g, ntw.node_coords, node_size=5, alpha=0.25, edge_color='r', width=2)
# Legend (Ordered Dictionary)
LEGEND = OrderedDict()
for i in PMCP_Graphs:
if int(i) <= len(SER)-1:
loc='upper left',
# Title
plt.title('Optimal PM+CP Solutions', family='Times New Roman',
size=40, color='k', backgroundcolor='w', weight='bold')
# Must be changed for different spatial resolutions, etc.
plt.arrow(624000, 164050, 0.0, 500, width=50, head_width=125,
head_length=75, fc='k', ec='k',alpha=0.75,)
plt.annotate('N', xy=(623900, 164700), fontstyle='italic', fontsize='xx-large',
fontweight='heavy', alpha=0.75)
plt.annotate('<| ~ .25 miles |>', xy=(623200, 163600),
fontstyle='italic', fontsize='large', alpha=0.95)
qgrid.show_grid(pydf_MC, show_toolbar=True)
# Quad Graphs
# p-Median
P_Med_Graphs_Quad = OrderedDict()
for x in range(1, len(SER)+1):
P_Med_Graphs_Quad["{0}".format(x)] = nx.Graph()
# p-Center
P_Cent_Graphs_Quad = OrderedDict()
for x in range(1, len(SER)+1):
P_Cent_Graphs_Quad["{0}".format(x)] = nx.Graph()
# p-CentDian
P_CentDian_Graphs_Quad = OrderedDict()
for x in range(1, len(SER)+1):
P_CentDian_Graphs_Quad["{0}".format(x)] = nx.Graph()
PMCP_Graphs_Quad = OrderedDict()
for x in pydf_MC.index:
PMCP_Graphs_Quad[x[2:]] = nx.Graph()
# Draw Network Actual Roads and Nodes
for e in ntw.edges:
nx.draw(g, ntw.node_coords, node_size=2, alpha=0.1, edge_color='r', width=2)
size = 700
for i,j in P_Med_Graphs_Quad.iteritems():
# p-Median
P_Med_Quad = ps.open(path+'Results/Selected_Locations_Pmedian'+str(i)+'.shp')
points_median_quad = {}
for idx, coords in enumerate(P_Med_Quad):
points_median_quad[idx] = coords
P_Med_Graphs_Quad[i].node[idx] = coords
# Title
plt.title('PMP', family='Times New Roman',
size=30, color='k', backgroundcolor='w', weight='bold')
# Must be changed for different spatial resolutions, etc.
plt.arrow(624000, 164050, 0.0, 500, width=50, head_width=125,
head_length=75, fc='k', ec='k',alpha=0.75,)
plt.annotate('N', xy=(623900, 164700), fontstyle='italic', fontsize='xx-large',
fontweight='heavy', alpha=0.75)
plt.annotate('<|~ .5 miles |>', xy=(623200, 163600),
fontstyle='italic', fontsize='large', alpha=0.95)
# Draw Network Actual Roads and Nodes
for e in ntw.edges:
nx.draw(g, ntw.node_coords, node_size=2, alpha=0.1, edge_color='r', width=2)
size = 700
for i,j in P_Cent_Graphs_Quad.iteritems():
# p-Center
P_Cent_Quad = ps.open(path+'Results/Selected_Locations_Pcenter'+str(i)+'.shp')
points_center_quad = {}
for idx, coords in enumerate(P_Cent_Quad):
points_center_quad[idx] = coords
P_Cent_Graphs_Quad[i].node[idx] = coords
# Title
plt.title('PCP', family='Times New Roman',
size=30, color='k', backgroundcolor='w', weight='bold')
# Must be changed for different spatial resolutions, etc.
plt.arrow(624000, 164050, 0.0, 500, width=50, head_width=125,
head_length=75, fc='k', ec='k',alpha=0.75,)
plt.annotate('N', xy=(623900, 164700), fontstyle='italic', fontsize='xx-large',
fontweight='heavy', alpha=0.75)
plt.annotate('<|~ .5 miles |>', xy=(623200, 163600),
fontstyle='italic', fontsize='large', alpha=0.95)
# Draw Network Actual Roads and Nodes
for e in ntw.edges:
nx.draw(g, ntw.node_coords, node_size=2, alpha=0.1, edge_color='r', width=2)
# CentDian
size = 700
for i,j in P_CentDian_Graphs_Quad.iteritems():
P_CentDian_Quad = ps.open(path+'Results/Selected_Locations_CentDian'+str(i)+'.shp')
points_centdian_quad = {}
for idx, coords in enumerate(P_CentDian_Quad):
points_centdian_quad[idx] = coords
P_CentDian_Graphs_Quad[i].node[idx] = coords
# Title
plt.title('CentDian', family='Times New Roman',
size=30, color='k', backgroundcolor='w', weight='bold')
# North Arrow and 'N' --> Must be changed for different spatial resolutions, etc.
plt.arrow(624000, 164050, 0.0, 500, width=50, head_width=125,
head_length=75, fc='k', ec='k',alpha=0.75,)
plt.annotate('N', xy=(623900, 164700), fontstyle='italic', fontsize='xx-large',
fontweight='heavy', alpha=0.75)
plt.annotate('<|~ .5 miles |>', xy=(623200, 163600),
fontstyle='italic', fontsize='large', alpha=0.95)
# Draw Network Actual Roads and Nodes
size = 700
for i,j in PMCP_Graphs_Quad.iteritems():
size = size - 300
if int(i) <= len(SER)-1:
counter = counter+1
pmcp_Quad = ps.open(path+'Results/Selected_Locations_PMCP'+str(i)+'.shp')
points_pmcp_Quad = {}
for idx, coords in enumerate(pmcp_Quad):
points_pmcp_Quad[idx] = coords
PMCP_Graphs_Quad[i].node[idx] = coords
for e in ntw.edges:
nx.draw(g, ntw.node_coords, node_size=2, alpha=0.1, edge_color='r', width=2)
# Legend (Ordered Dictionary)
LEGEND = OrderedDict()
for i in PMCP_Graphs:
if int(i) <= len(SER)-1:
LEGEND['PMP/PCP == '+str(i)]=PMCP_Graphs[i]
loc='upper left',
# Title
plt.title('PM+CP', family='Times New Roman',
size=30, color='k', backgroundcolor='w', weight='bold')
# Must be changed for different spatial resolutions, etc.
plt.arrow(624000, 164050, 0.0, 500, width=50, head_width=125,
head_length=75, fc='k', ec='k',alpha=0.75,)
plt.annotate('N', xy=(623900, 164700), fontstyle='italic', fontsize='xx-large',
fontweight='heavy', alpha=1)
plt.annotate('<|~ .5 miles |>', xy=(623200, 163600),
fontstyle='italic', fontsize='large', alpha=0.95)
TOOLS = 'wheel_zoom, pan, reset, crosshair, save, hover'
bokeh_df_PMCP = pd.DataFrame()
bokeh_df_PMCP['p'] = [int(i[2:]) for i in p_dens]
bokeh_df_PMCP['Total Obj. Value'] = [VAL_PMCP[x][0] for x in range(len(VAL_PMCP))]
bokeh_df_PMCP['Avg. Obj. Value'] = [VAL_PMCP[x][1] for x in range(len(VAL_PMCP))]
bokeh_df_PMCP['Worst Case Obj. Value'] = [VAL_PMCP[x][2] for x in range(len(VAL_PMCP))]
bokeh_df_PMCP['CentDian Obj. Value'] = [VAL_PMCP[x][3] for x in range(len(VAL_PMCP))]
plot_PMCP = figure(title="Optimal PMP & PCP Selections without Sacrifice",
plot_width=800, plot_height=600, tools=[TOOLS], y_range=(0,2))
plot_PMCP.circle('x', 'y', size=5, color='red', source=source_m, legend='PMP')
plot_PMCP.line('x', 'y',
color="#ff4d4d", alpha=0.2, line_width=2, source=source_m, legend='PMP')
plot_PMCP.circle('x', 'y', size=5, color='green', source=source_c, legend='PCP')
plot_PMCP.line('x', 'y',
color='#00b300', alpha=0.2, line_width=2, source=source_c, legend='PCP')
plot_PMCP.circle('x', 'y', size=5, color='blue', source=source_centdian, legend='CentDian')
plot_PMCP.line('x', 'y',
color='#3385ff', alpha=0.2, line_width=2, source=source_centdian, legend='CentDian')
bokeh_df_PMCP['Avg. Obj. Value'],
legend="Location PMP=PCP for PM+CP",
bokeh_df_PMCP['Worst Case Obj. Value'],
legend="Location PCP=PMP for PM+CP",
bokeh_df_PMCP['CentDian Obj. Value'],
legend="Location CentDian = PMCP",
plot_PMCP.xaxis.axis_label = '[p = n]'
plot_PMCP.yaxis.axis_label = 'Miles'
one_quarter = BoxAnnotation(plot=plot_PMCP, top=.35,
fill_alpha=0.1, fill_color='green')
half = BoxAnnotation(plot=plot_PMCP, bottom=.35, top=.7,
fill_alpha=0.1, fill_color='blue')
three_quarter = BoxAnnotation(plot=plot_PMCP, bottom=.7, top=1.05,
fill_alpha=0.1, fill_color='gray')
plot_PMCP.renderers.extend([one_quarter, half, three_quarter])
points = SERVICE
points.to_crs(epsg=32616, inplace=True) # UTM 16N
LonLat_Dict = OrderedDict()
LonLat_List = []
for i,j in points['geometry'].iteritems():
LonLat_Dict[y_list[i]] = utm.to_latlon(j.xy[0][-1], j.xy[1][-1], 16, 'N')
LonLat_List.append((utm.to_latlon(j.xy[0][-1], j.xy[1][-1], 16, 'N')))
Service_Lat_List = []
Service_Lon_List = []
for i in LonLat_List:
for i in LonLat_List:
# p-Median Selected Sites
list_of_p_MEDIAN = []
for y in range(len(y_list)):
for p in range(len(p_list)):
if pydf_M[y_list[y]][p_list[p]] == u'\u2588':
# p-Center Selected Sites
list_of_p_CENTER = []
for y in range(len(y_list)):
for p in range(len(p_list)):
if pydf_C[y_list[y]][p_list[p]] == u'\u2588':
# p-CentDian Selected Sites
list_of_p_CentDian = []
for y in range(len(y_list)):
for p in range(len(p_list)):
if pydf_CentDian[y_list[y]][p_list[p]] == u'\u2588':
# PMCP Selected Sites
list_of_PMCP = []
for y in range(len(y_list)):
for p in p_dens:
if pydf_MC[y_list[y]][p] == u'\u2588':
map_options = GMapOptions(lat=30.4855, lng=-84.265, map_type="hybrid", zoom=14)
plot = GMapPlot(
x_range=DataRange1d(), y_range=DataRange1d(), map_options=map_options, title="Waverly Hills")
hover = HoverTool(tooltips="""
<span style="font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold;">Site @desc</span>
<span> \b </span>
<span style="font-size: 17px; font-weight: bold;">p-Median: </span>
<span style="font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; color: #ff4d4d;">@p_select_median</span>
<span> \b </span>
<span style="font-size: 17px; font-weight: bold;">p-Center</span>
<span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; color: #00b300;">@p_select_center</span>
<span> \b </span>
<span style="font-size: 17px; font-weight: bold;">p-CentDian</span>
<span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; color: #3385ff;">@p_select_centdian</span>
<span> \b </span>
<span style="font-size: 17px; font-weight: bold;">PMCP Method</span>
<span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; color: 'gray';">@p_select_pmcp</span>
source_1 = ColumnDataSource(
p_select_centdian= list_of_p_CentDian,
facilties = Circle(x="lon", y="lat",
size=10, fill_color="yellow",
fill_alpha=0.6, line_color=None)
plot.add_glyph(source_1, facilties)
plot.add_tools(PanTool(), WheelZoomTool(), BoxSelectTool(), ResetTool(), hover)
library to bring together spatial analysis & spatial optimization in one package [spanoptpy
], potentially incorporating:¶QGIS | PySAL | NetworkX | Pandas & QGrid | GeoPandas | NumPy / SciPy | Shapely | Bokeh | PuLP & COIN | |
GIS | network analysis | network analysis | data frames | geo dataframes | scientific computing | geometric objects | visualizations | optimization | DBMS |
to be able to handle larger networks¶PostgreSQL
& PostGIS
for data storage¶Linux
⟹ query_ball_point()
for approx. neighbors¶PuLP
from COIN-OR
example with CBC
, Gurobi
, and CPLEX
Subject To
import pulp
x = pulp.LpVariable("x", 0, cat='INTEGER')
y = pulp.LpVariable("y", 0, cat='BINARY')
prob = pulp.LpProblem("myProblem", pulp.LpMaximize)
prob += 2*x - 3*y >= 25
prob += 5*x + 2*y <= 100
prob += 4*x + 2*y
status = prob.solve()
cbc = round(pulp.value(prob.objective), 5)
status = prob.solve(solver=pulp.GUROBI(msg = 0))
guro = round(pulp.value(prob.objective), 5)
status = prob.solve(solver=pulp.CPLEX(msg = 0))
cplex = round(pulp.value(prob.objective), 5)
print 'obj. --> ', cbc
print 'x -----> ', pulp.value(x)
print 'y -----> ', pulp.value(y)
if pulp.LpStatus[status] == 'Optimal':
print '\nSolved to optimality'
print '\nCOIN-OR CBC, Gurobi, and CPLEX solutions equal to 5 significant digits?'
print cbc == guro == cplex
import datetime as dt
import os
import platform
import sys
import bokeh
names = ['OSX', 'Processor ', 'Machine ', 'Python ','PySAL ','Gurobi ','Pandas ','GeoPandas ',
'Shapely ', 'NumPy ', 'Bokeh ', 'PuLP', 'Date & Time']
versions = [platform.mac_ver()[0], platform.processor(), platform.machine(), platform.python_version(),
ps.version, gbp.gurobi.version(), pd.__version__, gpd.__version__,
str(shapely.__version__), np.__version__,
bokeh.__version__, pulp.VERSION, dt.datetime.now()]
specs = pd.DataFrame(index=names, columns=['Version'])
specs.columns.name = 'Platform & Software Specs'
specs['Version'] = versions
specs # Pandas DF of specifications
Behnel, S., R. Bradshaw, C. Citro, L. Dalcin, D. S. Seljebotn, and K. Smith. 2011. Cython: The best of both worlds. Computing in Science and Engineering 13 (2):31–39.
Bokeh Development Team. 2014. Bokeh: Python library for interactive visualization.
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Conde, E. 2008. A note on the minmax regret centdian location on trees. Operations Research Letters 36 (2):271–275.
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Dan Fylstra, L. Hafer, B. Hart, B. Kristjannson, C. Phillips, T. Ralphs, (Matthew Saltzman, E. Straver, (Jean-Paul Watson, and H. G. Santos. CBC. https://projects.coin-or.org/Cbc.
Daskin, M. 2013. Network and Discrete Location: Models, Algorithms and Applications 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Daskin, M. S. 2008. What You Should Know About Location Modeling. Naval Research Logistics 55 (2):283–294.
GeoPandas Developers. 2013. GeoPandas. http://geopandas.org.
Gillies, S., A. Bierbaum, and K. Lautaportti. 2013. Shapely.
Gurobi. 2013. Gurobi optimizer quick start guide.
Hagberg, A. A., D. A. Schult, and P. J. Swart. 2008. Exploring network structure, dynamics, and function using NetworkX. Proceedings of the 7th Python in Science Conference (SciPy 2008) (SciPy):11–15.
Hakimi, S. L. 1964. Optimum Locations of Switching Centers and the Absolute Centers and Medians of a Graph. Operations Research 12 (3):450–459.
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