Here, we'll explore what Python libraries give us map projections. Most libraries that include some form of mapping rely on Google Maps or Open Street Map as a backend that supplies the map tiles, which are displayed using the Mercator projection only. But the world isn't flat, and so when zoomed out enough this massively distorts land area. A projection is a way to take the spherical geometry of the Earth and project it onto a flat surface, i.e. our screens.
Our adventure pretty much has to begin with Basemap.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from IPython.display import set_matplotlib_formats
from mpl_toolkits import basemap
cyl Cylindrical Equidistant merc Mercator tmerc Transverse Mercator omerc Oblique Mercator mill Miller Cylindrical gall Gall Stereographic Cylindrical cea Cylindrical Equal Area lcc Lambert Conformal laea Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area nplaea North-Polar Lambert Azimuthal splaea South-Polar Lambert Azimuthal eqdc Equidistant Conic aeqd Azimuthal Equidistant npaeqd North-Polar Azimuthal Equidistant spaeqd South-Polar Azimuthal Equidistant aea Albers Equal Area stere Stereographic npstere North-Polar Stereographic spstere South-Polar Stereographic cass Cassini-Soldner poly Polyconic ortho Orthographic geos Geostationary nsper Near-Sided Perspective sinu Sinusoidal moll Mollweide hammer Hammer robin Robinson kav7 Kavrayskiy VII eck4 Eckert IV vandg van der Grinten mbtfpq McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic gnom Gnomonic rotpole Rotated Pole
# create a Robinson projection that's centered around
# lon=0, the prime meridian
m = Basemap(projection='robin', lon_0=0.)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))
# background color of grey
# draw white with no boundary line
m.drawmapboundary(color='none', fill_color='white')
# draw continents and countries, with the coastline adding extra definition
m.fillcontinents(color='black', lake_color='white')
m.drawcountries(linewidth=1, color='white')
<matplotlib.collections.LineCollection at 0x2a3f9d3ce10>
import geopandas
world = geopandas.read_file(geopandas.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
pop_est | continent | name | iso_a3 | gdp_md_est | geometry | |
0 | 28400000.0 | Asia | Afghanistan | AFG | 22270.0 | POLYGON ((61.21081709172574 35.65007233330923,... |
1 | 12799293.0 | Africa | Angola | AGO | 110300.0 | (POLYGON ((16.32652835456705 -5.87747039146621... |
2 | 3639453.0 | Europe | Albania | ALB | 21810.0 | POLYGON ((20.59024743010491 41.85540416113361,... |
3 | 4798491.0 | Asia | United Arab Emirates | ARE | 184300.0 | POLYGON ((51.57951867046327 24.24549713795111,... |
4 | 40913584.0 | South America | Argentina | ARG | 573900.0 | (POLYGON ((-65.50000000000003 -55.199999999999... |
# world = world[(!="Antarctica")]
mercator = '+proj=merc'
robinson = '+proj=robin'
wgs84 = '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'
# robinson projection
worldRobinson = world.to_crs(robinson)
worldRobinson.plot(figsize=(20,20), color="black", linewidth=1, edgecolor="white",)
Chris Roach's talk about Basemap:
...and his GitHub repo of the same: