using Plots, ComplexPhasePortrait, ApproxFun, SingularIntegralEquations
Dr. Sheehan Olver
Office Hours: 3-4pm Mondays, Huxley 6M40
Consider a function ϕ(z) analytic in ˉC∖[−1,1] such that ϕ(∞)=0. Surrounding it by a positively oriented simple closed contour Γ (e.g., an ellipse) we have from Cauchy's exterior integral formula ϕ(z)=−12πi∮Γϕ(ζ)ζ−zdζ
We can consistently construct a function with a prescribed subtractive jump using the Cauchy transform, which really is just Cauchy's integral formula but where we know nothing about f(ζ): we don't assume it is analytic.
Definition (Cauchy transform) Cγf(z):=12πi∫γf(ζ)ζ−zdζ
We focus on the case of an interval [a,b]: C[a,b]f(z):=12πi∫baf(x)x−zdx
x = Fun(-1 .. 1)
f = exp(x)*sqrt(1-x^2)
portrait(-3..3, -3..3, z -> cauchy(f,z))
Remark As an aside, these integrals are computationally difficult because of the singularity in the integrand, hence standard integration methods become slow as z approaches the interval. There are other specialised routines (as implemented in cauchy(f,z)
) that are much more efficient:
z = 0.1 +0.001im
@time cauchy(f, z )
@time sum(f/(x-z))/(2π*im)
0.000018 seconds (13 allocations: 640 bytes) 0.013608 seconds (287 allocations: 12.823 MiB)
0.5493442175548764 - 0.2181261671282511im
It turns out that the Cauchy transform has a very simple subtractive jump. Here we denote C+[a,b]f(x)=limϵ→0C[a,b]f(x+iϵ)C−[a,b]f(x)=limϵ→0C[a,b]f(x−iϵ)
Theorem (Plemelj on the interval I) Suppose (b−x)α(x−a)βf(x) is differentiable on [a,b], for α,β<1. Then the Cauchy transform has the following properties:
Demonstration We can evaluate the Cauchy transform using cauchy
, including the limit from above and below. Here we see numerically that we recover f from taking the difference:
cauchy(f, 0.1+0.0im)-cauchy(f, 0.1-0.0im) , f(0.1)
Sketch of Proof We show the proof for [−1,1].
We know it is analytic at ∞ because Cf(z−1)=z12πi∫1−1f(x)zx−1dx
Here is a plot of x−1x−t showing that it is small on an increasing portion of the interval as x→1 from the right:
x = 1 + 0.01
tt = linspace(-1.,1.,1000)
plot(tt, abs.((x - 1) ./ (x .- tt)); legend=false)
Here is a plot of γ±x:
x = 0.4
r = 0.1
tt = linspace(π,0.,100)
plot([-1.; x + r*cos.(tt);1.0], [0.; r*sin.(tt); 0.0];ylims=(-0.5,0.5),label="g_x^+")
plot!([-1.; x + r*cos.(tt);1.0], [0.; -r*sin.(tt); 0.0];ylims=(-0.5,0.5),label="g_x^-")
We can use the results of the previous results to show that it is in fact unique.
Theorem (Plemelj on the interval II) Suppose ϕ(z) satsfies the following properties:
where (b−x)α(x−a)βf(x) is differentiable in [a,b] for α,β<1.
Then ϕ(z)=C[a,b]f(z).
Sketch of Proof Consider A(z)=ϕ(z)−C[a,b]f(z)
Example 1 We can use this theorem to prove the following relationships (using ⋄ for the dummy variable):
1√z−1√z+1=−2iC[1√1−⋄2](z)=−1π∫1−1dx√1−x2(x−z)(1) follows because the jumps cancel. (2 and 3) are immediate. (4) follows from a simple calculation. Here we show that it has the correct jump:
x = Fun()
z = 2 +2im
Example 2 Now consider a problem of reducing ϕ(z)=√z−1√z+1
We can subtract out the singularity at infinity first to determine
ϕ(z)=z+2iC[√1−⋄2](z)Note this works because, as z→∞, we have ϕ(z)=z(√1−1/z√1+1/z)=z(1+O(1/z))(1+O(1/z))=z+O(1/z)
Because ϕ(z)−z decays, we can now deploy Plemelj II to determine: ϕ(z)−z=C[ϕ+−ϕ−](z)
sqrt(z-1)sqrt(z+1), z +2im*cauchy(sqrt(1-x^2),z)
Example 3 Finally, we have the following (also verifiable using indefinite integration):