## Clone or download the repo First get local copies of the tutorial notebooks: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh-notebooks.git ``` Or download from: https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh-notebooks/archive/master.zip ## Install the dependencies This tutorial has been tested on: * bokeh 3.0.0 * pandas 1.4.4 * notebook 6.5.1 * pillow 9.2.0 * selenium 3.141.0 Other combinations may work also. The quickest, easiest way to install is to use Anaconda (or Miniconda): #### Installing with anaconda Install [anaconda](http://anaconda.com/downloads) Anaconda should come with all the dependencies included, but you may need to update your versions. #### Installing with miniconda Install [miniconda](http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html). Use the command line to create an environment and install the packages: ```bash $ conda env create $ source activate bokeh-notebooks ``` NOTE: Run this in the `tutorial` directory where `environment.yml` file is. ---- Once you've got a base install, you can install the remaining dependencies with: ```bash conda install phantomjs pillow selenium ``` ## Get the sample data Bokeh has a [sample data](https://docs.bokeh.org/en/latest/docs/installation.html#sample-data) download that gives us some data to build demo visualizations. To get it run the following command at your command line: ```bash $ bokeh sampledata ``` or run the following from within a Python interpreter: ```python import bokeh.sampledata bokeh.sampledata.download() ``` ### Install Datashader and Holoviews (optional) Some optional sections require the additional packages Flask, Datashader, and Holoviews. These can be installed with: ```bash $ conda install -c pyviz datashader holoviews flask ``` ## Run the Jupyter notebook From this folder run jupyter notebook, and open the [00 - Introduction and Setup.ipynb](00 - Introduction and Setup.ipynb) notebook. ``` $ jupyter notebook ```