#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # This tutorial forms part of the documentation for Bempp. Find out more at bempp.com # # Electric field integral equation # # This tutorial shows how to solve the electric field integral equation (EFIE) for exterior scattering problems, as described in section 5 of Scroggs et al (2017). # # ## Background # # In this tutorial, we use consider an incident wave $$\mathbf{E}^\text{inc}(\mathbf{x})=\left(\begin{array}{c}\mathrm{e}^{\mathrm{i}kz}\\0\\0\end{array}\right)$$ scattering off the unit sphere. # # We let $\mathbf{E}^\text{s}$ be the scattered field and look to solve # $$ # \begin{align} # \textbf{curl}\,\textbf{curl}\,\mathbf{E}-k^2\mathbf{E}&=0\quad\text{in }\Omega^\text{+},\\ # \mathbf{E}\times\nu&=0\quad\text{on }\Gamma,\\ # \lim_{|\mathbf{x}|\to\infty}\left(\textbf{curl}\,\mathbf{E}^\text{s}\times\frac{\mathbf{x}}{|\mathbf{x}|}-\mathrm{i}k\mathbf{E}^\text{s}\right)&=0, # \end{align} # $$ # # where $\mathbf{E}=\mathbf{E}^\text{s}+\mathbf{E}^\text{inc}$ is the total electric field. # # ### Standard EFIE # To formulate the (indirect) EFIE, we write the scattered field in the following form. # # $$\mathbf{E}^\text{s}=-\mathcal{E}\Lambda,$$ # # where $\Lambda$ is an unknown tangential vector function. To find $\Lambda$, we use following boundary integral equation. # $$\mathsf{E}\Lambda=\gamma_\mathbf{t}^\text{+}\mathbf{E}^\text{inc}.$$ # # Here, $\gamma_\mathbf{t}^\text{+}$ is the tangential trace of a function, defined for $\mathbf{x}\in\Gamma$ by # $$\gamma_\mathbf{t}^\text{+}\mathbf{A}(\mathbf{x}) := \lim_{\Omega^\text{+}\ni\mathbf{x'}\to\mathbf{x}}\mathbf{A}(\mathbf{x}')\times\nu(\mathbf{x}).$$ # # ### Calderón preconditioned EFIE # # The boundary integral equation for the EFIE is ill-conditioned, and so will be infeasible to solve for larger problems. Using properties of the multitrace operator, we can show that $$\mathsf{E}^2=-\tfrac14\mathsf{Id}+\mathsf{H}.$$ This is a compact perturbation of the identity, and so this will lead to a well conditioned system. # # The boundary integral equation for the Calderón preconditioned EFIE is therefore # $$\mathsf{E}^2\Lambda=\mathsf{E}\gamma_\mathbf{t}^\text{+}\mathbf{E}^\text{inc}.$$ # As mentioned in the multitrace operator tutorial, the spaces used to discretise this must be chosen carefully to ensure that a stable discretisation is achieved. # ## Implementation # First, we do the usual imports and set the wavenumber. # In[2]: import bempp.api import numpy as np k = 3 # Next, we define the grid. In the paper, we use the sphere, plus the Nasa almond (`bempp.api.shapes.almond`) and a level 1 Menger sponge (`bempp.api.shapes.menger_sponge`). # In[3]: grid = bempp.api.shapes.sphere(h=0.1) # We will first solve the non-preconditioned EFIE. For this, we define the spaces of Raviart–Thomas (RT) and Nédélec (NC) functions. # In[4]: rt_space = bempp.api.function_space(grid, "RT", 0) nc_space = bempp.api.function_space(grid, "NC", 0) # Next, we define the incendent field and its tangential trace. # In[5]: def incident_field(x): return np.array([np.exp(1j*k*x[2]), 0.*x[2], 0.*x[2]]) def tangential_trace(x, n, domain_index, result): result[:] = np.cross(incident_field(x), n, axis=0) grid_fun = bempp.api.GridFunction(rt_space, fun=tangential_trace, dual_space=nc_space) # We define the electric field operator, using RT functions for the domain and range spaces and NC functions for the dual space. # In[6]: electric = bempp.api.operators.boundary.maxwell.electric_field( rt_space, rt_space, nc_space, k) # Finally, we solve the discretisation of the problem and print the number of iterations. # In[7]: sol, info, iterations = bempp.api.linalg.gmres( electric, grid_fun, return_iteration_count=True) print("Number of iterations:", iterations) # As expected, the number of iterations taken to solve the non-preconditioned system is high. # ## Calderón preconditioned EFIE # # To solve the preconditioned EFIE, we begin by importing Bempp and Numpy and defining the wavenumber and incident wave as above. # In[8]: import bempp.api import numpy as np k = 3 grid = bempp.api.shapes.sphere(h=0.1) def incident_field(x): return np.array([np.exp(1j*k*x[2]), 0.*x[2], 0.*x[2]]) def tangential_trace(x, n, domain_index, result): result[:] = np.cross(incident_field(x), n, axis=0) # We define the multitrace operator, extract the spaces we will need from it, and build a grid function representing the incident wave. # In[9]: multitrace = bempp.api.operators.boundary.maxwell.multitrace_operator( grid, k) bc_space = multitrace.range_spaces[1] snc_space = multitrace.dual_to_range_spaces[1] grid_fun = bempp.api.GridFunction(bc_space, fun=tangential_trace, dual_space=snc_space) # We extract the electric field operators `E1` and `E2` from the multitrace operator, then form the products $\mathsf{E}^2$ and $\mathsf{E}\gamma_\mathbf{t}^\text{+}\mathbf{E}^\text{inc}$. # In[10]: E2 = -multitrace[1,0] E1 = multitrace[0,1] op = E1 * E2 rhs = E1 * grid_fun # Next, we solve the discrete system and print the number of iterations. # In[11]: sol, info, iterations = bempp.api.linalg.gmres( op, rhs, return_iteration_count=True) print("Number of iterations:", iterations) # As expected, the preconditioned system requires a much lower number of iterations. # # To plot a slice of the solution, we define a grid of points and use the representation formula to evaluate the squared electric field density at these points. # In[12]: x_p, y_p, z_p = np.mgrid[-5:5:300j, 0:0:1j, -5:5:300j] points = np.vstack((x_p.ravel(), y_p.ravel(), z_p.ravel())) efie_pot = bempp.api.operators.potential.maxwell.electric_field( sol.space, points, k) plot_me = incident_field(points) - efie_pot * sol plot_me = np.real(np.sum(plot_me * plot_me.conj(), axis=0)) for i,p in enumerate(points.T): if np.linalg.norm(p) <= 1: plot_me[i] = None # Finally, we plot the slice of the solution. # In[13]: # The next command ensures that plots are shown within the IPython notebook get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # Adjust the figure size in IPython import matplotlib matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 8.0) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.imshow(plot_me.reshape((300,300)).T, origin='lower', extent=[-5,5,-5,5], vmin=0, vmax=4, cmap='coolwarm') plt.colorbar() plt.title("Plot at y=0") plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("z") plt.show() # In[ ]: