# matrices/vectors of the sizes given above, containing small random integers: A = rand(-9:9, 5,3) B = rand(-9:9, 3,4) x = rand(-9:9, 3,1) r = rand(-9:9, 1,5) s = rand(-9:9, 1,3); # a sample operation: replace this with A*B etcetera to check your answers above. (x*s)^3 A*B B*A x*s s*x r*s A+B 2A + x*r r*A*x x*A*r A^3 L₁ = Matrix(UpperTriangular(rand(-9:9, 5,5))) L₂ = Matrix(UpperTriangular(rand(-9:9, 5,5))) L₁ * L₂ m = 1000 A = rand(m,m) B = rand(m,m) BLAS.set_num_threads(1) # only use a single processor — multiprocessing makes things much weirder @time A*B; @time A*B; @time A*B; m = 2000 A = rand(m,m) B = rand(m,m) BLAS.set_num_threads(1) # only use a single processor — multiprocessing makes things much weirder @time A*B; @time A*B; @time A*B;