using namespace ROOT; cout << "Loop on sequence of integers from 0 to 10" << endl; for (auto i : TSeqI(10)) { cout << "Element " << i << endl; } cout << "Loop on sequence of integers from -5 to 29 in steps of 6" << endl; for (auto i : TSeqI(-5, 29, 6)) { cout << "Element " << i << endl; } cout << "Loop backwards on sequence of integers from 50 to 30 in steps of 3" << endl; for (auto i : TSeqI(50, 30, -3)) { cout << "Element " << i << endl; } cout << "stl algorithm, for_each" << endl; TSeqUL ulSeq(2,30,3); std::for_each(std::begin(ulSeq),std::end(ulSeq),[](ULong_t i){cout << "For each: " << i <