def sets_of_rectangles(sides): "Given exactly 10 sides, yield all sets of rectangles that can be made from them." A = min(sides) for (A, B) in each_rectangle(sides): for (C, D) in each_rectangle(sides - {A, B}): for (E, F) in each_rectangle(sides - {A, B, C, D}): for (G, H) in each_rectangle(sides - {A, B, C, D, E, F}): for (I, J) in each_rectangle(sides - {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H}): yield {(A, B), (C, D), (E, F), (G, H), (I, J)} def each_rectangle(sides): "Yield all (A, B) pairs, where A is minimum of sides, and B ranges over all other sides." A = min(sides) for B in (sides - {A}): yield (A, B) sides = set(range(1, 11)) sets = list(sets_of_rectangles(sides)) len(sets) def sets_of_rectangles(sides): "Given a set of sides, yield all sets of rectangles that can be made from sides." if sides: A = min(sides) for B in (sides - {A}): for rest in sets_of_rectangles(sides - {A, B}): yield {(A, B)}.union(rest) else: yield set() # For example, with 6 sides: list(sets_of_rectangles({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6})) # Reaffirm the answer with 10 sides sets = list(sets_of_rectangles(sides)) len(sets) sets[::100] (1 * 2) + (3 * 4) + (5 * 6) + (7 * 8) + (9 * 10) (1 * 10) + (2 * 9) + (3 * 8) + (4 * 7) + (5 * 6) def area(rectangle): (w, h) = rectangle; return w * h def total_area(rectangles): return sum(area(r) for r in rectangles) areas = {total_area(s) for s in sets} max(areas) min(areas) print sorted(areas) set(range(110, 191)) - areas [s for s in sets if total_area(s) in {121, 144, 169}] len(_) empty = (0, 0) def Grid(width, height): return [[empty for col in range(width)] for row in range(height)] def Square(size): return Grid(size, size) Square(5) def place_rectangle_at(rect, grid, pos): """Place the rectangle of size (w, h) onto grid at position (x0, y0). Return a new grid, or None if the rectangle cannot be placed.""" (w, h) = rect (x0, y0) = pos newgrid = map(list, grid) # make a copy try: for x in range(x0, x0+w): for y in range(y0, y0+h): if newgrid[y][x] is not empty: return None newgrid[y][x] = rect return newgrid except IndexError: # went off the grid return None # Place a 3 x 4 rectangle on a square grid, 2 cells over and 1 down: place_rectangle_at((3, 4), Square(5), (2, 1)) # Place two rectangles on a grid grid2 = place_rectangle_at((3, 4), Square(5), (2, 1)) grid3 = place_rectangle_at((2, 5), grid2, (0, 0)) grid3 # Now try to place a third rectangle that does not fit; should fail print place_rectangle_at((6, 1), grid3, (0, 2)) def pack(rectangles, grid): """Find a way to pack all rectangles onto grid and return the packed grid, or return None if not possible.""" if not rectangles: return grid # Placing no rectangles give you the original grid elif not grid: return None # Can't put rectangles on an illegal grid else: pos = first_empty_cell(grid) for (w, h) in rectangles: # for each rectangle for rect in [(w, h), (h, w)]: # in either orientation grid2 = place_rectangle_at(rect, grid, pos) solution = pack(rectangles - {(w, h)}, grid2) if solution: return solution return None def first_empty_cell(grid): "The uppermost, leftmost empty cell position on grid." for (y, row) in enumerate(grid): for (x, cell) in enumerate(row): if cell is empty: return (x, y) pack({(1, 3), (2, 5), (3, 4)}, Square(5)) import ipythonblocks def show(grid): "Convert a python grid into an ipythonblocks BlockGrid and show it." (w, h) = (len(grid[0]), len(grid)) bg = ipythonblocks.BlockGrid(w, h) for x in range(w): for y in range(h): bg[y,x] = color(grid[y][x]) def color(rect): "Determine a color for a rectangle." # Base the color on the length of the sides of the rectangle # Choose R,G,B values to give rectangles different colors light = 240 # R,G,B = 240,240,240 is a light grey short, long = sorted(rect) # Find the short and long sides R, G, B = light-24*short, light-24*long, light-(50*(long%3) + 70*(short%3)) return (R, G, B) show(pack({(1, 3), (2, 5), (3, 4)}, Square(5))) def show_packable(sets): "Given a sequence of sets of rectangles, show the ones that can be packed into a square." for rectangles in sets: A = total_area(rectangles) side = int(A ** 0.5) if side ** 2 == A: grid = pack(rectangles, Square(side)) if grid: show(grid) %time show_packable(sets) import IPython.display import time def pack(rectangles, grid): """Find a way to pack all rectangles onto grid and return the packed grid, or return None if not possible.""" if not rectangles: return grid # Placing no rectangles give you the original grid elif not grid: return None # Can't put rectangles on an illegal grid else: show(grid) # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CHANGE HERE time.sleep(0.3) # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CHANGE HERE IPython.display.clear_output() # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CHANGE HERE pos = first_empty_cell(grid) for (w, h) in rectangles: # for each rectangle for rect in [(w, h), (h, w)]: # in each orientation grid2 = place_rectangle_at(rect, grid, pos) solution = pack(rectangles - {(w, h)}, grid2) if solution: return solution return None rectangles = {(1, 2), (3, 7), (4, 6), (5, 10), (8, 9)} show_packable([rectangles]) from __future__ import division import itertools, string, re def solve_all(formula): """Given a formula like 'NUM + BER = PLAY', fill in digits to solve it. Input formula is a string; generate each digit-filled-in string.""" for exp in replace_letters(formula.replace(' = ', ' == ')): if valid(exp): yield exp def replace_letters(formula): "Generate all possible replacements of letters with digits in formula." letters = ''.join(set(re.findall('[A-Z]', formula))) for digits in itertools.permutations('1234567890', len(letters)): trans = string.maketrans(letters, ''.join(digits)) yield formula.translate(trans) def valid(exp): "Expression is valid iff it has no numbers with leading zero, and evals true." try: return not'\b0[0-9]', exp) and (eval(exp) is True) except ArithmeticError: return False % time list(solve_all('NUM + BER = PLAY')) len(_)