#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'widget') from tvb.simulator.plot.head_plotter_3d import HeadPlotter3D # # Display ROIs & M/EEG sensor positions # # *Candidate for new tutorial on visualizing all elements of the data set* # # To be sure of the accuracy of forward solution for M/EEG, it is important to verify the geometry of the sources and sensors, as well as the boundaries. Here, we plot these elements of the forward solution for TVB's default dataset. # # First, we load the data # In[2]: hp = HeadPlotter3D() # then, plot the different elements # In[3]: hp.display_source_sensor_geometry() # _More visualizations to come:_ # # * volume data -> MRI acquisition -> Registration -> Coordinates transform to MNI space # | # \-- voxel-based gray matter parcellation (obtain parcellation mask) -> AAL/anatomical template # # * surfaces data (cortical, skull, skin surfaces extraction) -> FSL/BET # # * connectivity data (white matter weights, tract-lengths) -> Diffusion Toolkit + TrackVis # # * region mapping between parcellation and number of vertices in the cortical surface. # # + lead-field matrices (ie, projection matrices) mapping nodes onto EEG/MEG space