import random as random import re from decimal import * import locale import itertools import sympy from sympy import * import pandas from pandas import DataFrame import math import scipy.stats as stats import numpy as np from sympy import latex import matplotlib from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from pyspark.sql import SQLContext from pyspark.sql import DecimalType from pyspark.sql import FloatType from pyspark import Row import seaborn as sns from IPython.core.display import HTML #initialize some things for the IPython session init_printing() locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US') #Generate a bar chart with data, title, y-label, x-label and whether #the chart should be bar scale. def bar_chart(label_to_count, title, y_label, x_label,log): OX = [x[0] for x in label_to_count] OY = [y[1] for y in label_to_count] fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle(title, size=14) ax = plt.subplot(111) width = .35 ind = np.arange(len(OY)) rects =, OY, alpha=0.35, color='b', label=y_label) for ii,rect in enumerate(rects): height = rect.get_height() plt.text(rect.get_x()+rect.get_width()/2., 1.02*height, '%.2fM'% (OY[ii]), ha='center', va='bottom') ax.legend() ax.grid(True) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(OX)) + width) ax.set_xticklabels(OX) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) fig.autofmt_xdate() #Take a 2D array of data and create a dataframe to display #the data in tabular form def print_table(column_labels, row_labels, contents): tmp = [[t[0]] + t[1] for t in zip(row_labels, contents)] df = DataFrame(tmp, columns=column_labels) pandas.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 100) display(HTML(df.to_html())) #Truncate long lines on word boundaries def truncate(line, length=40): if(len(line) > length): output_line = "" for token in line.split(' '): next = output_line + " " + token if len(next ) >= length: return next + "..." else: if len(output_line) == 0: output_line = token else: output_line = next else: return line #Let's overlay some structure from our raw data #after the pig job, we get a ctrl-A separated file raw_data = sc.textFile("/user/hrt_qa/open_payments/general/post/part-m-*") #create a SQL Context so that we may use spark-sql #This allows us to use a very simple subset of SQL, for a more complete #set of SQL available, you can use Hive as the underlying engine #by using HiveContext instead of SQLContext sqlContext = SQLContext(sc) #split up the line into tokens separated on ctrl-a parts = l : l.split('\x01')) #We're only really concerned about a few fields, so we'll project out only #the fields we're interested in. def tokens_to_columns(tokens): return Row( physician_id=tokens[7]\ , physician_name="{} {}".format(tokens[8], tokens[10])\ , physician_specialty=tokens[21] \ , payer=tokens[43] \ , reason=tokens[52] \ , amount_str=tokens[48] \ , amount=float(tokens[48]) \ , amount_decimal=Decimal(tokens[48]) \ ) #Consider rows with either empty or null physician ID's to be bad and we want to ignore those. payments =\ .filter(lambda row : len(row.physician_id) > 0) #Now, we can register this as a table called payments. #This allows us to refer to the table in our SQL statements schemaPayments = sqlContext.inferSchema(payments) schemaPayments.registerAsTable('payments') #Broken down by reasons count_by_reasons = sqlContext.sql("""select reason, count(*) as num_payments from payments group by reason order by num_payments desc""").collect() print_table(['Payment Reason', '# of Payments']\ , [x[0] for x in count_by_reasons]\ , [ [locale.format("%d", x[1], grouping=True)] for x in count_by_reasons]\ ) #Which specialties are getting the most reimbursements? totals_by_specialty = sqlContext.sql("""select physician_specialty, count(*) as cnt, sum(amount) as total from payments group by physician_specialty""").collect() total_count_by_specialty = sum([t[1] for t in totals_by_specialty]) top_count_by_specialty = sorted(totals_by_specialty, key=lambda t : t[1], reverse=True)[0:10] print_table(['Specialty', '# of Payments', "% of Payments"]\ , [x[0] for x in top_count_by_specialty]\ , [ [ locale.format("%d", x[1], grouping=True)\ , '{0:.2f}%'.format(100*x[1]/total_count_by_specialty)\ ] \ for x in top_count_by_specialty]\ ) #Which specialties are getting the most money? top_total_by_specialty = sorted(totals_by_specialty, key=lambda t : t[2], reverse=True)[0:10] total_amount_by_specialty = sum([t[2] for t in totals_by_specialty]) print_table(['Specialty', 'Amount of Payments', '% of Total Amount']\ , [x[0] for x in top_total_by_specialty]\ , [ ['$' + locale.format('%0.2f', x[2], grouping=True)\ , '{0:.2f}%'.format(100*x[2]/total_amount_by_specialty)\ ] \ for x in top_total_by_specialty\ ]\ ) #who is getting the most gifts? gift_amount_by_physician = sqlContext.sql("""select physician_id, physician_specialty, payer, count(*) as cnt, sum(amount) as total from payments where reason = \'Gift\' group by physician_id, physician_specialty, payer order by total desc """).filter(lambda t:len(t[0]) > 3).take(10) print_table(['Physician','Specialty', 'Payer', 'Number of Gifts', 'Total Amount for Gifts']\ , [x[0] for x in gift_amount_by_physician]\ , [ [ x[1] \ , x[2] \ , locale.format('%d', x[3], grouping=True)\ , '$' + locale.format('%0.2f', x[4], grouping=True)\ ] \ for x in gift_amount_by_physician]\ ) #who is getting the most Food? food_amount_by_physician = sqlContext.sql("""select physician_id , physician_specialty , payer, count(*) as cnt , sum(amount) as total from payments where reason = \'Food and Beverage\' group by physician_id, physician_specialty, payer order by total desc """).filter(lambda t:len(t[0]) > 3).take(10) print_table(['Physician','Specialty', 'Payer', 'Number of Payments', 'Total Amount for Payments']\ , [x[0] for x in food_amount_by_physician]\ , [ [ x[1] \ , x[2] \ , locale.format('%d', x[3], grouping=True)\ , '$' + locale.format('%0.2f', x[4], grouping=True)\ ] \ for x in food_amount_by_physician]\ ) #Who is paying the most? amount_by_payer = sqlContext.sql("""select payer, reason, count(*) as cnt, sum(amount) as total from payments group by payer, reason order by total desc """).filter(lambda t:len(t[0]) > 3).take(10) print_table(['Payer','Reason', 'Number of Payments', 'Total Amount for Payments']\ , [x[0] for x in amount_by_payer]\ , [ [ x[1] \ , locale.format('%d', x[2], grouping=True)\ , '$' + locale.format('%0.2f', x[3], grouping=True)\ ] \ for x in amount_by_payer]\ ) #Take the data above and generate a bar chart with it bar_chart([ [x[0] + ' - ' + truncate(x[1], length=20) \ , x[3] /1000000.0 \ ] for x in amount_by_payer ]\ , 'Most Paid'\ , 'Total Paid in $1M'\ , 'Payer/Reason'\ , False\ ) #Some useful functions for more advanced analytics #Joins in spark take RDD[K,V] x RDD[K,U] => RDD[K, [U,V] ] #This function returns U def join_lhs(t): return t[1][0] #Joins in spark take RDD[K,V] x RDD[K,U] => RDD[K, [U,V] ] #This function returns V def join_rhs(t): return t[1][1] #Add a key/value to a dictionary and return the dictionary def annotate_dict(d, k, v): d[k] = v return d #Plots a density plot of a set of points representing inliers and outliers #A rugplot is used to indicate the points and the outliers are marked in red. def plot_outliers(inliers, outliers, reason): fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1) sns.distplot(inliers + outliers, ax=ax, rug=True, hist=False) ax.plot(outliers, np.zeros_like(outliers), 'ro', clip_on=False) fig.suptitle('Distribution for {} Values'.format(reason), size=14) #Outlier analysis using Median Absolute Divergence #Using reservoir sampling, uniformly sample N points #requires O(N) memory def sample_points(points, N): sample = []; for i,point in enumerate(points): if i < N: sample.append(point) elif i >= N and random.random() < N/float(i+1): replace = random.randint(0,len(sample)-1) sample[replace] = point return sample #Returns a function which will extract the median at location 'key' #a list of dictionaries. def median_func(key): #Right now it uses numpy's median, but probably a quickselect implementation is called for #as I expect this doesn't scale return lambda partition_value : (partition_value[0], np.median([d[key] for d in partition_value[1]])) #Compute the modified z-score for use by as per Iglewicz and Hoaglin: #Boris Iglewicz and David Hoaglin (1993), #"Volume 16: How to Detect and Handle Outliers", #The ASQC Basic References in Quality Control: Statistical Techniques #, Edward F. Mykytka, Ph.D., Editor. def get_z_score(reason_to_diff): med = join_rhs(reason_to_diff) if med > 0: return 0.6745 * join_lhs(reason_to_diff)['diff'] / med else: return 0 def is_outlier(thresh): return lambda reason_to_diff : get_mad(reason_to_diff) > thresh #Return a RDD of a uniform random sample of a specified size per key def get_inliers(reason_amount_pairs, size=2000): group_by_reason = reason_amount_pairs.groupByKey() return t : (t[0], sample_points(t[1], size))) #Return the outliers based on Median Absolute Divergence #See for more info. #The input key structure is reason_specialty => dict(amount, physician, payer, specialty) def get_outliers(reason_amount_pairs, thresh=3.5): """ This uses the median absolute divergence (MAD) statistic to find outliers for each reason x specialty partitions. Outliers are computed as follows: * Let X be all the payments for a given specialty, reason pair * Let x_i be a payment in X * Let MAD be the median absolute divergence, defined as MAD = median( for all x in X, | x - median(X)| ) * Let M_i be the modified z-score for payment x_i, defined as 0.6745*(x_i − median(X) )/MAD As per the recommendations by Iglewicz and Hoaglin, a payment is considered an outlier if the modified z-score, M_i > thresh, which is 3.5 by default. REFERENCE: Boris Iglewicz and David Hoaglin (1993), "Volume 16: How to Detect and Handle Outliers", The ASQC Basic References in Quality Control: Statistical Techniques, Edward F. Mykytka, Ph.D., Editor. """ group_by_reason = reason_amount_pairs.groupByKey() #Filter by only reason/specialty's with more than 1k entries #and compute the median of the amounts across the partition. #NOTE: There may be some scalability challenges around median, so some care should #be taken to reimplement this if partitioning by (reason, specialty) #does not yield small enough numbers to handle in an individual map function. reason_to_median = group_by_reason.filter(lambda t: len(t[1]) > 1000) \ .map(median_func('amount')) #Join the base, non-grouped data, with the median per key, consider just the payments more than the median #since we're looking for large money outliers and annotate the dictionary for each entry x_i with the following: # * diff = |x_i - median(X)| in the parlance of the comment above. # NOTE: Strictly speaking I can drop the absolute value since x_i > median(X), but I choose not to. # * median = median(X) # reason_abs_dist_from_median = \ reason_amount_pairs.join(reason_to_median) \ .filter(lambda t : join_lhs(t)['amount'] > join_rhs(t)) \ .map(lambda t: (t[0],dict( diff=abs(join_lhs(t)['amount'] - join_rhs(t))\ , row=annotate_dict(join_lhs(t) \ , 'median' \ , join_rhs(t) \ )\ )\ )\ ) # Given diff cached per element, we need only compute the median of the diffs # to compute the MAD. #Remember, MAD = median( for all x in X, | x - median(X)| ) reason_to_MAD = reason_abs_dist_from_median.groupByKey() \ .map(median_func('diff')) reason_to_MAD.take(1) # Joining the grouped data to get both | x_i - median(X) | and MAD in the same place, we can compute # the modified z-score, 0.6475*| x_i - median(X)| / MAD, and filter by the ones which are more than threshold # we can then do some pivoting of keys and sort by that threshold to give us the ranked list of outliers. return reason_abs_dist_from_median.join(reason_to_MAD) \ .filter(is_outlier(thresh))\ .map(lambda t: (get_z_score(t), annotate_dict(join_lhs(t)['row'], 'key', t[0]))) \ .sortByKey(False) \ .map(lambda t: (t[1]['key'], annotate_dict(t[1], 'mad', t[0]))) #Filter the outliers by reason and return a RDD with just the outliers of a specified reason. def get_by_reason(outliers, reason): return outliers.filter(lambda t: str.startswith(t[0].encode('ascii', 'ignore'),reason)) #Grab data using Spark-SQL and filter with spark core RDD operations to only yield the data #we want, ones with physicians, payers and reasons reason_amount_pairs = sqlContext.sql("select reason, physician_specialty, amount, physician_id, payer from payments")\ .filter(lambda row:len(row.reason) > 3 and len(row.physician_id) > 3 and len(row.payer) > 3) \ .map(lambda row: ( "{}_{}".format(row.reason, row.physician_specialty)\ , dict(amount=row.amount\ ,physician_id=row.physician_id\ ,payer=row.payer\ ,specialty=row.physician_specialty\ )\ )\ ) #Get the outliers based on a modified z-score threshold of 3.5 outliers = get_outliers(reason_amount_pairs, 3.5) #Get a sample per specialty/reason partition inliers = get_inliers(reason_amount_pairs) #display the top k outliers in a table and a distribution plot #of an inlier sample along with the outliers rug-plotted in red def display_info(inliers_raw, outliers_raw_tmp, reason, k=None): outliers_raw = [] if k is None: outliers_raw = sorted(outliers_raw_tmp, key=lambda d:d[1]['amount'], reverse=True) else: outliers_raw = sorted(outliers_raw_tmp, key=lambda d:d[1]['amount'], reverse=True)[0:k] inlier_pts = [] for i in [d[1] for d in inliers_raw]: for j in i: inlier_pts.append(j['amount']) outlier_pts= [d[1]['amount'] for d in outliers_raw] plot_outliers(inlier_pts[0:1500], outlier_pts, reason) print_table(['Physician','Specialty', 'Payer', 'Amount']\ , [d[1]['physician_id'] for d in outliers_raw]\ , [ [ d[1]['specialty'] \ , d[1]['payer'].encode('ascii', 'ignore') \ , '$' + locale.format('%0.2f', d[1]['amount'], grouping=True)\ ] \ for d in outliers_raw]\ ) #outliers for food and beverage purchases food_outliers = get_by_reason(outliers, 'Food and Beverage').collect() food_inliers = get_by_reason(inliers, 'Food and Beverage').collect() display_info(food_inliers, food_outliers, 'Food and Beverage', 4) travel_outliers = get_by_reason(outliers, 'Travel and Lodging').collect() travel_inliers = get_by_reason(inliers, 'Travel and Lodging').collect() display_info(travel_inliers, travel_outliers, 'Travel and Lodging', 10) consulting_outliers = get_by_reason(outliers, 'Consulting Fee').collect() consulting_inliers = get_by_reason(inliers, 'Consulting Fee').collect() display_info(consulting_inliers, consulting_outliers, 'Consulting Fee', 10) gift_outliers = get_by_reason(outliers, 'Gift').collect() gift_inliers = get_by_reason(inliers, 'Gift').collect() display_info(gift_inliers, gift_outliers, 'Gift', 10) education_outliers = get_by_reason(outliers, 'Education').collect() education_inliers = get_by_reason(inliers, 'Education').collect() display_info(education_inliers, education_outliers, 'Education', 10) #Compute benford's distribution for first and second digit respectively benford_1=np.array([0] + [math.log10(1+1.0/i) for i in xrange(1,10)]) benford_2=np.array([ sum([ math.log10(1 + 1.0/(j*10 + i)) for j in xrange(1, 10) ]) for i in xrange(0,10)]) #Return a numpy array of zeros of specified $length except at #position $index, which has value $value def array_with_value(length, index, value): arr = np.zeros(length) arr[index] = value return arr #Perform chi-square test between an expected probability #distribution and a list of empirical frequencies. #Returns the chi-square statistic and the p-value for the test. def goodness_of_fit(emp_counts, expected_probabilities): #convert from probabilities to counts exp_distr = expected_probabilities*np.sum(emp_counts) return stats.chisquare(emp_counts, f_exp=exp_distr) #For each (reason, payer) pair compute the first and second digit distribution #for all payments. Return a RDD with a ranked list based on likely goodness of fit to the #distribution of first digits predicted by Benford's "Law". def benfords_law(min_payments=350): """ Benford's "law" is a rough observation that the distribution of numbers for each digit position of certain data fits a specific distribution. It holds for quite a bit real-world data and, thus, has become of interest to forensic accountants. This function computes the distribution of first and second digits for each (reason, payer) pair and ranks them by goodness of fit to Benford's Law based on the first digit distribution. In particular, the goodness of fit metric that it is ranked by is kullback-liebler divergence, but chi-squared goodness of fit test is performed and the results are cached. """ #We use this one quite a bit in reducers, so it's nice to have it handy here sum_values = lambda x,y:x+y #Project out the reason, payer, amount, and amount_str, throwing away values < 10 #since they don't have 2nd digits. This probably skews the results, so in real-life, I'd #not throw out entries so cavalierly, but for the purpose of simplicity, I've done it here. #Also, we're pulling out the first and second digits here reason_payer_amount_info = sqlContext.sql("""select reason, payer, amount, amount_str from payments """)\ .filter(lambda t:len(t[0]) > 3 and t[2] > 9.99) \ .map(lambda t: ( (t[1], t[0]) \ ,dict( payer=t[1]\ , reason=t[0] \ , first_digit=t[3][0] \ , second_digit=t[3][1] \ )\ )\ ) reason_payer_amount_info.take(1) #filter out the reason / payer combos that have fewer payments than the minimum number of payments reason_payer_count = t: (t[0],1)) \ .reduceByKey(sum_values) \ .filter(lambda t: t[1] > min_payments) #inner join with the reason/payer's that fit the count requirement and annotate value with the num payments reason_payer_digits = reason_payer_amount_info.join(reason_payer_count) \ .map(lambda t: (t[0] \ , annotate_dict(join_lhs(t)\ , 'num_payments'\ , join_rhs(t)\ )\ )\ ) #compute the first digit distribution. #First we count each of the 9 possible first digits, then we translate that count into a vector of dimension 10 #with count for digit i in position i. We then sum those vectors, thereby getting the full frequency #per digit. first_digit_distribution = t: ( (t[0], t[1]['first_digit'] ) , 1) ) \ .reduceByKey(sum_values) \ .map(lambda t: (t[0][0]\ , array_with_value(10\ , int(t[0][1])\ , t[1]\ )\ )\ ) \ .reduceByKey(sum_values) #same thing with the 2nd digit second_digit_distribution = t: ( (t[0], t[1]['second_digit']) , 1) ) \ .reduceByKey(sum_values) \ .map(lambda t: (t[0][0]\ , array_with_value(10\ , int(t[0][1])\ , t[1]\ )\ )\ ) \ .reduceByKey(lambda x,y:np.array(x) + np.array(y)) #we join the two, compute the goodness of fit based on chi-square test and the distance from benford's #distribution based on kl divergence. Finally we sort by kl-divergence ascending (good fits come first). return \ first_digit_distribution.join(second_digit_distribution) \ .map(lambda t : (t[0], dict( payer=t[0][0] \ , reason=t[0][1] \ , first_digit_distr=join_lhs(t) \ , second_digit_distr=join_rhs(t) \ , first_digit_fit = goodness_of_fit(join_lhs(t)[1:10] \ , benford_1[1:10] \ ) \ , second_digit_fit = goodness_of_fit(join_rhs(t), benford_2) \ , kl_divergence=stats.entropy( benford_1[1:10], join_lhs(t)[1:10]) ) \ ) \ ) \ .map(lambda t : (t[1]['kl_divergence'], t[1]) )\ .sortByKey(True) \ .map(lambda t : ( (t[1]['payer'], t[1]['reason']), t[1]) ) benford_data = benfords_law(400) #Plot the distribution of first and second digit side-by-side for a set of payers. def plot_figure(title,entries): num_rows = len(entries) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=len(entries), ncols=2, figsize=(12,12)) fig.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.91, hspace=0.55, wspace=0.3) fig.suptitle(title, size=14) bar_width = .4 for i,entry in enumerate(entries): first_ax = axes[i][0] first_digit_distr = entry[1]['first_digit_distr'][1:10] sample_label_1 = """$\chi$={}, $p$={}, kl={}, n={}""".format(locale.format('%0.2f'\ , float(entry[1]['first_digit_fit'][0])\ ) \ , locale.format('%0.2f'\ , float(entry[1]['first_digit_fit'][1])\ )\ , locale.format('%0.2f'\ , float(entry[1]['kl_divergence'])\ )\ , int(np.sum(first_digit_distr))\ ) first_digit_distr = first_digit_distr/np.sum(first_digit_distr),10) ,first_digit_distr, alpha=0.35, color='blue', width=bar_width, label="Sample"),10)+bar_width ,benford_1[1:10], alpha=0.35, color='red', width=bar_width, label='Benford') first_ax.set_xticks(np.arange(1,10)) first_ax.legend() first_ax.grid() first_ax.set_ylabel('Probability') first_ax.set_title("{} First Digit\n{}".format(entry[0][0].encode('ascii', 'ignore'), sample_label_1)) second_ax = axes[i][1] second_digit_distr = entry[1]['second_digit_distr'] sample_label_2 = '$\chi$={}, $p$={}, n={}'.format(locale.format('%0.2f', float(entry[1]['second_digit_fit'][0])) \ , locale.format('%0.2f', float(entry[1]['second_digit_fit'][1]))\ , int(np.sum(second_digit_distr)) ) second_digit_distr = second_digit_distr/np.sum(second_digit_distr),10) ,second_digit_distr, alpha=0.35, color='blue', width=bar_width, label="Sample"),10) + bar_width,benford_2, alpha=0.35, color='red', width=bar_width, label='Benford') second_ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0,10)) second_ax.legend() second_ax.grid() second_ax.set_ylabel('Probability') second_ax.set_title("{} Second Digit\n{}".format(entry[0][0].encode('ascii', 'ignore'), sample_label_2)) #Take n-worst or best (depending on t) entries for reason based on goodness of fit for benford's law #and plot the first/second digit distributions versus benford's distribution side-by-side #as well as the distribution of kl-divergences. def benford_summary(reason, data = benford_data, n=5, t='best'): raw_data = data.filter(lambda t:t[0][1] == reason).collect() s = [] if t == 'best': s=raw_data[0:n] plot_figure("Top 5 Best Fitting Benford Analysis for {}".format(reason), s) else: s=raw_data[-n:][::-1] plot_figure("Top 5 Worst Fitting Benford Analysis for {}".format(reason), s) plot_outliers([d[1]['kl_divergence'] for d in raw_data], [d[1]['kl_divergence'] for d in s], reason + " KL Divergence") # Gift Benford Analysis (Best) benford_summary('Gift', t='best') benford_summary('Gift', t='worst') # Travel and Lodging Benford Analysis benford_summary("Travel and Lodging") benford_summary("Travel and Lodging", t='worst') benford_summary("Consulting Fee") benford_summary("Consulting Fee", t='worst')