#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #
# # Measurement Research within the Python3 Ecosystem # ============================================ # # ### [Steffie Jacob Eravuchira](mailto: s.eravuchira@jacobs-university.de) , [Vaibhav Bajpai](mailto: v.bajpai@jacobs-university.de) , [Jürgen Schönwälder](mailto: j.schoenwaelder@jacobs-university.de) # # School of Engineering and Sciences, # Campus Ring 1, Jacobs University Bremen, # Bremen 28759 # Bremen, Germany # # #

# *** # # This notebook is available online at: https://github.com/vbajpai/ripe69-python3-toolset # #
# Table of Contents # ---------------- # # * [Fetching Multi-Dimensional Data](#fetching-multidim-data) # * [Frictionless SQL Storage](#frictionless-sql-storage) # * [Frictionless Data Retrieval](#frictionless-data-retrieval) # * [Data Analysis](#data-analysis) # * [Data Visualisation](#data-visualization) # #

# ## Fetching Multi-Dimensional Data #
# * [`requests`](#requests) # * [`requests + atlas.ripe.net`](#requests-ripeatlas) # * [`requests + stat.ripe.net`](#requests-ripestat) # #

# # ### [`requests` →](http://docs.python-requests.org) # In[1]: import requests # #### `get_json_resource_from_absolute_uri(...):` # - Takes an absolute URI to a JSON resource and a dictionary of query parameters # - Performs HTTP GET request on the absolute URI to fetch the JSON resource. # - Returns the JSON resource as a dictionary # In[2]: def get_json_resource_from_absolute_uri(url, query_params): try: res = requests.get(url, params = query_params) except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) else: try: res_json = res.json() except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) else: return res_json # #### Example Usage: # In[3]: import json url = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php' query_params = {'action': 'query', 'titles': 'Albert_Einstein', 'prop': 'info', 'format': 'json', 'rawcontinue':'true'} res = get_json_resource_from_absolute_uri(url, query_params) if res: print(json.dumps(res,indent = 4)) # - - - #

# # ### `requests` + [`atlas.ripe.net` →](http://atlas.ripe.net) # In[4]: import requests # #### `get_count_registered_atlas_probes(...):` # - Returns the count of registered probes using the [RIPE Atlas probe API →](https://atlas.ripe.net/docs/rest/#probe) # In[5]: def get_count_registered_atlas_probes(): base_uri = 'https://atlas.ripe.net'; url = '%s/api/v1/probe'%base_uri try: res = get_json_resource_from_absolute_uri(url, None) except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) else: try: total_registered = res['meta']['total_count'] except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) else: return total_registered # #### Example Usage: # In[6]: count = get_count_registered_atlas_probes() if count: print("# RIPE Atlas Registered Probes: %d"%count) # - - - #
# #### `get_count_connected_atlas_probes(...):` # - Returns the count of connected probes using the [RIPE Atlas probe API →](https://atlas.ripe.net/docs/rest/#probe) # In[7]: def get_count_connected_atlas_probes(): base_uri = 'https://atlas.ripe.net'; url = '%s/api/v1/probe'%base_uri offset = 0; limit = 100; connected_objects = 0 registered_count = get_count_registered_atlas_probes() if not registered_count: return None while (offset <= registered_count): query_params = {'offset': '%d'%offset, 'limit': '%d'%limit} try: res = get_json_resource_from_absolute_uri(url, query_params) except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr); return None try: objects = res['objects'] except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr); return None for object in objects: if object['status'] == 1: connected_objects += 1 print('.', end='') offset = offset + limit print('') return connected_objects # #### Example Usage: # In[8]: count = get_count_connected_atlas_probes() if count: print("# RIPE Atlas Connected probes: %d"%count) # - - - #

# # ###`requests +` [`stat.ripe.net` →](https://stat.ripe.net) # In[9]: import requests # #### `get_holder_from_asn(...)` # - Takes ASN as input # - Fetch the holder organization name associated with the ASN using the [RIPEstat Data API →](https://stat.ripe.net/docs/data_api) # - Returns the fetched organization name associated with the ASN. # In[10]: def get_holder_from_asn(asn): base_uri = 'https://stat.ripe.net'; url = '%s/data/as-overview/data.json'%base_uri params = {'resource' : asn} try: res = get_json_resource_from_absolute_uri(url, params) except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) try: holder = res['data']['holder'] except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) return holder # #### Example: # In[11]: asn = '15169' holder = get_holder_from_asn(asn) print('%s => %s'%(asn, holder)) # - - - #
# #### `get_asn_from_endpoint(...):` # # - Takes an IP endpoint as input # - Using the [RIPEstat Data API →](https://stat.ripe.net/docs/data_api) # - Calculates the 1st-level less-specific prefix encompassing the IP endpoint. # - Fetches the ASN (`ASN`) announcing the prefix. # - Fetches the holder organization name (`holder`) associated with the ASN. # - Returns a list of `(ASN, holder)` tuple. # In[12]: def get_asn_from_endpoint(endpoint): asn = holder = None base_uri = 'https://stat.ripe.net'; url = '%s/data/prefix-overview/data.json'%base_uri params = {'resource' : endpoint} try: res = get_json_resource_from_absolute_uri(url, params) except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr); return None try: asns_holders = [] for item in res['data']['asns']: asn = item['asn']; holder = item['holder'] asns_holders.append((asn, holder)) except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) return asns_holders # #### Example: # In[13]: ep4 = '' ep6 = '2001:4860:4860::8888' asns_holders_v4 = get_asn_from_endpoint(ep4) asns_holders_v6 = get_asn_from_endpoint(ep6) print('%s'%ep4) for asn, holder in asns_holders_v4: print('=> %d, %s'%(asn, holder)) print('\n%s'%ep6) for asn, holder in asns_holders_v6: print('=> %d, %s'%(asn, holder)) # - - - #
# #### `create_pretty_node_names(...)` # - Takes ASN and associated holder organization name as input # - Returns the pretty-printed form of input # In[14]: def create_pretty_node_names(asn, holder): firstname = holder.split('-')[0].split(' ')[0] if 'AS' in str(asn): nodename = '%s (%s)'%(firstname, asn) else: nodename = '%s (AS%s)'%(firstname, asn) return nodename # #### Example: # In[15]: node = create_pretty_node_names(asn, holder) print(node) # - - - # [Back to Top](#top) #

# ## Frictionless SQL storage #
# * [`pandas + DataFrame`](#pandas-dataframe) # * [`pandas + to_sql`](#pandas-to-sql) # #

# # ### [`pandas` →](http://pandas.pydata.org/) + `DataFrame` # In[16]: import pandas as pd # #### `pandas.DataFrame(...)` # - We use the [RIPE Atlas probe archive API →](https://atlas.ripe.net/docs/rest/#probe-archive) # - We only show few probe API fields for brevity reasons. # - The probe ID is set as the index of the `DataFrame`. # In[17]: url = 'https://atlas.ripe.net/api/v1/probe-archive/' res = get_json_resource_from_absolute_uri(url, {'format': json}) df = pd.DataFrame(res['objects']) df[['id', 'asn_v4', 'asn_v6', 'country_code', 'status_name', 'tags']].head() # - - - #

# ### `pandas` + `to_sql(...)` # ####`sqlite3.connect(...)` function: # # Connects to a `sqlite3` database: # - Creates the database if it does not exist, or # - Connects to the databse if it exists # In[18]: import sqlite3 DBNAME = 'ripe69-toolset.db' con = sqlite3.connect(DBNAME) # We need to unbox DataFrame columns of a object datatype into a string representation to allow insertion into a SQL table # In[19]: for c in df.columns: if df[c].dtype == object: df[c] = df[c].astype(str) # In[20]: df = df.set_index('id') # ####`DataFrame.to_sql(...)`: # # Write DataFrame records to a SQL database table: # - Creates the table (with the supplied table name) if it does not exit. # - Overwrites if the table (with the suppleid table name) exists. # - Inserts the records within a DataFrame into the table. # In[21]: try: cur = con.execute('pragma foreign_keys=ON') except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) else: TABLENAME = 'ra_probe_api_2014' try: df.to_sql( '%s'%TABLENAME , con , flavor='sqlite' , if_exists = 'replace' , index_label = 'id' ) except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) con.commit() # - - - # [Back to Top](#top) #

# ## Frictionless Data Retrieval #
# ### `pandas` + `read(...)` # ####`pd.read(...)` function: # - Takes a SQL connection object and a SQL query as input. # - Applies the SQL query on the connected database and returns a `pandas DataFrame` # In[22]: query = '''select id, asn_v4, asn_v6, country_code, status_name, tags from %s'''%TABLENAME df = pd.read_sql(query, con) df.head() # - - - # [Back to Top](#top) #

# ## Data Analysis #
# ### `python3 ipaddress` # In[23]: import ipaddress # ####`ipaddress.ip_address(...)` : # Creates an IPv4/ipv6 address object from the input string # In[24]: try: myipv4 = ipaddress.ip_address(ep4) myipv6 = ipaddress.ip_address(ep6) except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) else: print('%s => %s'%(myipv4, type(myipv4))) print('%s => %s'%(myipv6, type(myipv6))) # ####`ipaddress.is_private`: # # - Returns `True` if IP endpoint is Private [RFC1918 →](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1918) # - Returns `False` if IP endpoint is not Private [RFC1918 →](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1918) # In[25]: print('Is %s Private [RFC1918]? => %s'%(myipv4, myipv4.is_private)) # ####`ipaddress.version`: # # - Returns 4 if IP endpoint is IPv4. # - Returns 6 if IP endpoint is IPv6. # # In[26]: print("%s => IPv%s"%(myipv4, myipv4.version)) print("%s => IPv%s"%(myipv6,myipv6.version)) # - - - # [Back to Top](#top) #

# ## Data Visualization #
# # ### `pandas + matplotlib` # # - Uses `Pandas.read_sql(...)` to read the probe ID and ASN v4 from the sqlite3 table (dump of the probe API data). # - Uses `DataFrame.groupby(...)` to group the probe IDs by ASN v4. # - Uses `DataFrameGroupby.agg(...)` to aggregate by counting the number of probes behind each ASN v4. # - Uses `DataFrame.sort(...)` to sort the ASN v4 aggregates by number of probes. # In[27]: query = '''select id, asn_v4 from %s'''%TABLENAME df = pd.read_sql(query, con) dfgroupby = df.groupby('asn_v4') dfagg = dfgroupby.agg(len) dfsort = dfagg.sort('id', ascending=False) df = dfsort.reset_index().reset_index() df['index'] = df['index'].apply(lambda x: x+1) # - Uses `DataFrame.plot(...)` to plot the distribution of number of probes by ASN index (designated by the number of deployed probes). # In[29]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('pylab', 'inline') ax = df.plot('index', 'id', logx = True, kind = 'area', legend = False, figsize = (12,8)) ax.set_ylabel("# of Registered RIPE Atlas probes", fontsize=18) ax.set_xlabel("ASN index (log scale)", fontsize=18) # [Back to Top](#top) #

# # ### Work Supported by Leone Project: [leone-project.eu →](http://leone-project.eu/) ###