#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # $$ # \newcommand{\Xs}{\mathcal{X}} # \newcommand{\Ys}{\mathcal{Y}} # \newcommand{\y}{\mathbf{y}} # \newcommand{\balpha}{\boldsymbol{\alpha}} # \newcommand{\bbeta}{\boldsymbol{\beta}} # \newcommand{\aligns}{\mathbf{a}} # \newcommand{\align}{a} # \newcommand{\source}{\mathbf{s}} # \newcommand{\target}{\mathbf{t}} # \newcommand{\ssource}{s} # \newcommand{\starget}{t} # \newcommand{\repr}{\mathbf{f}} # \newcommand{\repry}{\mathbf{g}} # \newcommand{\x}{\mathbf{x}} # \newcommand{\prob}{p} # \newcommand{\vocab}{V} # \newcommand{\params}{\boldsymbol{\theta}} # \newcommand{\param}{\theta} # \DeclareMathOperator{\perplexity}{PP} # \DeclareMathOperator{\argmax}{argmax} # \DeclareMathOperator{\argmin}{argmin} # \newcommand{\train}{\mathcal{D}} # \newcommand{\counts}[2]{\#_{#1}(#2) } # \newcommand{\length}[1]{\text{length}(#1) } # \newcommand{\indi}{\mathbb{I}} # $$ # # Open Items Lecture 2 # # * Fixed [shirtless slide](/notebooks/chapters/introduction.ipynb#/slide-9-0)! # * Workload for assignments: 5h-20h per assignment, depending on your background, skills etc # * Module Selection Priorities: # * Optional # * Elective # * Non-CS (update: will not be impossible) # * First Come First Serve, but Elective students will only know if they have a spot after next Friday # # Open Items Lecture 3 # # * Please use the moodle for questions regarding the assignment # * No office hour today # * Next: [Language Models: MLE](chapters/language_models_slides.ipynb) # # # Open Items Lecture 4 # # * Assignment questions? # * Please use the moodle for questions regarding the assignment # * I will not be available for office hours today # * Next: [Language Models: MLE](chapters/language_models_slides.ipynb) # # # Open Items Lecture 5 # # * Assignment Questions # * Are we allowed to use the `replace_OOVs` function on `_snlp_test_song_words`? # * Will the hidden test set we are assessed on already have the replace OOV's function applied to it? # * Can we use helper functions from the exercices in the coursework? # * Question on the `OOVAwareLM` # * Next: Word-Based Machine Translation # # Open Items Lecture 6 # # * Do read the course notes # * Assignment: # * You are allowed to use both development and training set as "larger training set" but understand the potential drawbacks. # * If you try something interesting that doesn't work, do report it! # * There is a potential to cheat (don't) # * Re question on simplification: http://nlp.cs.swarthmore.edu/semeval/tasks/task10/summary.shtml # * Next: MT Noisy Channel # # Open Items Lecture 7 # # * LectureCast: online! # * Next: [Word-based MT](/notebooks/chapters/word_mt_slides.ipynb), EM Algorithm # # # Open Items Lecture 8 # # * Assignments: # * It's possible to train most (unless neural) LMs by scanning through the data once and gathering counts # * You often do not need to calculate normalizers by explicit summing (e.g. in Absolute Discounting) # * Next: CFGs in [Parsing](/notebooks/chapters/parsing_slides.ipynb) # # # Open Items Lecture 9 # # * Assignment 2 coming out today! # * will be about feature engineering # * see lecture notes on text classification and sequence labelling # * you have 4 weeks! # * After reading week we will discuss possible MSc projects # * Next: [Parsing](/notebooks/chapters/parsing_slides.ipynb), PCFG # # # Open Items Lecture 10 # # * [South England NLP Meetups](https://www.meetup.com/South-England-Natural-Language-Processing-Meetup/?_cookie-check=BhaN3MFi2WYR6z7T) # * Next: text classification # # # Open Items Lecture 11 # # * Office hours: now at 90 High Holborn, still Friday 5 PM - 6 PM # * Dec 6 & 8: Pontus will present # * Last Week: Industry Speakers (currently: DeepMind, Benevolent AI) # * Next: Conditional Log-Linear Models # # Open Items Lecture 12 # # * Please fill out the attendance form # * Assignment 1 Marking: # * Students did change the "do not change" fields # * Students did submit code that didn't work (I will get in touch with you separately) # * Assignment 2 Typo: You get 20pts for Task 1! # * Office hours: now at 90 High Holborn, still Friday 5 PM - 6 PM # * But I will head over to the cafeteria in the Roberts building to chat for a while # * Next: Sequence Models # # Open Items Lecture 13 # # * Assignment 2: Annotation Noise? # * Next: Maximum Entropy Markov Models # # Open Items Lecture 14 # # * Assignment 2: You can't save/submit your training parameters, but you can fix your hyperparameters # * Thanks for amazing support on Moodle! # * Next: Unsupervised Relation Extraction # # Open Items Lecture 15 # # * Assignment 1: Marks out today. # * Scores for description come with short justifications based on a global point system # * Creativity vs Substance: KN standard on creativity, high on substance # * Assignment 2: Due today! # * Assignment 3: coming out today # * Next: Dependency Parsing # # Open Items Lecture 16 # # * Assignment 1 Marks # * Please be polite when requesting re-assessment or raise issues # * We will not change the valuation of contributions, but if we find that other students got more points for "the same thing", we will adapt. # * Please do make sure your code runs, and your text renders. # * MSc Projects: # * [Initial Ideas](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fdgNcF49uAHUcyJyVp16mzMJ7pojPQ2zK7g0eRvjXwg/edit#slide=id.g2b7a5d13b8_4_2) # * [Previous projects](http://mr.cs.ucl.ac.uk/prev_msc_dissertations) # * Next Week: Pontus Stenetorp # * Next: More Deep Learning # # Open Items Lecture 19 # # * Assignment 1 example solutions: # * modelling lower-case/upper case # * caching: looking at the most recent histories and build a local LM + interpolate # * motivate by repetition in songs # * special treatment of `BAR` # * OOV parameters # * cross-validation of parameters to see robustness # * motivate higher order models by showing hit-rate # * Next: injecting prior knowledge into NNs # In[ ]: