%run -i load_bromo.py # Simulation time step t_step = 0.5e-6 # seconds # Time duration of the simulation t_max = .3 # seconds # Particles definition P = gen_particles(15, box) # Particle simulation definition S = ParticlesSimulation(D=D, t_step=t_step, t_max=t_max, particles=P, box=box, psf=psf) S.open_store(chunksize=2**20) # Simulate 3D diffusion and emission S.sim_motion_em_chunk(total_emission=False, delete_pos=True) # Generate timestamps S.sim_timestamps_em_store(max_rate=3e5, bg_rate=2e3, seed=1) S.compact_name_core() S.compact_name_core(t_max=True) S.compact_name() print 'Main groups:\n' for node in S.store.data_file.root: print node for n in node: print '\t%s' % n.name print '\t %s' % n.title group = '/parameters' print 'Numeric attributes (nodes) in %s:\n' % group print S.store.data_file.get_node(group) for node in S.store.data_file.get_node(group)._f_list_nodes(): print '\t%s' % node.name print '\t %s' % node.title group = '/parameters' print 'Attributes in %s:\n' % group print S.store.data_file.get_node(group) for attr in S.store.data_file.get_node(group)._v_attrs._f_list(): print '\t%s' % attr print '\t %s' % type(S.store.data_file.get_node(group)._v_attrs[attr]) group = '/psf' print 'Nodes in in %s:\n' % group print S.store.data_file.get_node(group) for node in S.store.data_file.get_node(group)._f_list_nodes(): print '\t%s %s' % (node.name, node.shape) print '\t %s' % node.title node_name = '/psf/default_psf' node = S.store.data_file.get_node(node_name) print "\n%s %s: '%s'" % (node.name, node.shape, node.title) print '\n List of attributes:' for attr in node.attrs._f_list(): print '\t%s' % attr print "\t %s" % repr(node._v_attrs[attr]) group = '/trajectories' print 'Nodes in in %s:\n' % group print S.store.data_file.get_node(group) for node in S.store.data_file.get_node(group)._f_list_nodes(): print '\t%s %s' % (node.name, node.shape) print '\t %s' % node.title node_name = '/trajectories/emission' node = S.store.data_file.get_node(node_name) print "\n%s %s: '%s'" % (node.name, node.shape, node.title) print '\n List of attributes:' for attr in node.attrs._f_list(): print '\t%s' % attr print "\t %s" % repr(node._v_attrs[attr]) group = '/timestamps' print 'Nodes in in %s:\n' % group print S.store.data_file.get_node(group) for node in S.store.data_file.get_node(group)._f_list_nodes(): print '\t%s' % node.name print '\t %s' % node.title from IPython.core.display import HTML HTML(open("./styles/custom2.css", "r").read())