try: from drawnmr import draw except ModuleNotFoundError: import sys, os sys.path.append( os.getcwd()+os.sep+"..") print(sys.path) from drawnmr import draw import nmrglue as ng import bokeh.plotting as bplt from bokeh.models import Range1d # Get data import os, os.path ng_dir = 'nmrglue_data/s4_2d_plotting' if not os.path.exists(ng_dir): print("No %s. Downloading."%ng_dir) import urllib.request, zipfile zipf = '' urllib.request.urlretrieve(''%zipf, zipf) with zipfile.ZipFile(zipf,"r") as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall("nmrglue_data") os.remove(zipf) # Specify data ng_ft2 = 'nmrglue_data/s4_2d_plotting/test.ft2' # read in data ng_dic, ng_data = # Pass to figure class fig2d = draw.fig2d(ng_dic, ng_data) # Change contour_start fig2d.contour_start = 85e3 # Get the bokeh figure fig= fig2d.get_fig() # Alter the figure after creation #fig.xaxis.axis_label = "Nonsense" # Set limits for view fig.x_range = Range1d(183.5, 167.5) fig.y_range = Range1d(139.5, 95.5) # Set larger image size fig.plot_width = 800 fig.plot_height = 800 peaks = fig2d.get_peakpick(pthres=200e3) print(peaks.head()) # Get output. Either to Jupyter notebook or html file if fig2d.isnotebook: from import output_notebook output_notebook(), notebook_handle=True) else: # Save to html filename = "nmrglue_s4_2d_plotting.html" bplt.output_file(filename) # And auto open import webbrowser, os'file://' + os.path.realpath(filename)) #fig2d.change_contour_start(200e3)