#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

cs1001.py , Tel Aviv University, Spring 2020

# # ## Recitation 8 # We continued with another recurssion question. # We reviewed some properties of prime numbers and used them for primality testing. We reviewed the Diffie-Hellman protocol for finding a shared secret key and also tried to crack it. # # ### Takeaways: #
  1. The probabilistic function is_prime, that uses Fermat's primality test, can be used to detect primes quickly and efficiently, but has a (very small) probability of error. Its time complexity is $O(n^3)$, where $n$ is the number of bits of the input.
  2. #
  3. The DH protocol relies on two main principles: the following equality $(g^{a}\mod p)^b \mod p = g^{ab} \mod p $ and the (believed) hardness of the discrete log problem (given $g,p$, and $x = g^{a} \mod p$ finding $a$ is hard). Make sure you understand the details of the protocol.
  4. # #### Code for printing several outputs in one cell (not part of the recitation): # In[1]: from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all" # ## Recursion: another example # ## $N$-Queens # # The $N$ queens problem is to determine how many # possibilities are there to legally place $N$ queens on an $N$-by-$N$ chess # board. Legally means no queen threatens another queen. # # # Solution: # We build the solution incrementally, column by column. # We maintain a partial solution (implemented as a list), which is initially empty. # # The function $legal(partial, i)$ is given: # - a partial solution placing the first $len(partial)$ queens on the leftmost columns # - a positive integer $0\leq i 1$. Think, why is $b$ a witness of compositeness? Let $\mathrm{gcd}(m,b) = r$, then by definition $r ~|~ m$. As $r \leq b < m$ we get that $r$ is a factor of $m$ and thus $m$ is composite. # * Fermat's primality test defines another set of witness of compositeness - a number $1 < a < m$ is a Fermat witness if $a^{m-1} (\textrm{mod}\ m) \not\equiv 1$ # # Why go through all of this work? Our tactic would be to randomly draw a number $b \in {1,\ldots, m - 1}$ and hope that $b$ is some witness of compositeness. Clearly, we'd like our witness pool to be as large as possible. # # Now, if $m$ is a composite number, let $\mathrm{FACT}_m, \mathrm{GCD}_m, \mathrm{FERM}_m$ be the set of prime factors, GCD witnesses and Fermat witnesses for $m$'s compositeness. It is not hard to show that $$\mathrm{FACT}_m \subseteq \mathrm{GCD}_m \subseteq \mathrm{FERM}_m$$ # # But the real strength of Fermat's primality test comes from the fact that if $m$ is composite, then apart from very rare cases (where $n$ is a Carmichael number) it holds that $|\mathrm{FERM}_m| \geq m/2$. That is - a random number is a Fermat witness w.p. at least $1/2$. # # A side note (for reference only) - Carmichael numbers are exactly the composite numbers $m$ where $\mathrm{GCD}_m = \mathrm{FERM}_m$ # # #### Every factor of a composite number is a Fermat's witness # Let $m$ be a composite number and write $m = ab$ for some $a,b>1$. We claim that $a$ is a Fermat witness. To see this, assume towards contradiction that $a^{m-1} (\textrm{mod}\ m) \equiv 1$, i.e. $a^{m-1} = c\cdot m + 1= c \cdot a \cdot b + 1$ for some $c \geq 1$. # # Rearrange the above to get $a(a^{m-2} - c\cdot b) = 1$. However, $a > 1$ and $(a^{m-2} - c\cdot b) \in \mathbb{Z}$, a contradiction. # # # #### Primality test using Fermat's witness # # We can use Fermat's little theorem in order test whether a given number $m$ is prime. That is, we can test whether we find a Fermat's witness $a\in\mathrm{FERM}_m$ for compositeness. Note that if the number has $n$ bits than testing all possible $a$-s will require $O(2^n)$ iterations (a lot!). # # Instead, we will try 100 random $a$-s in the range and see if one works as a Fermat's witness. # In[9]: import random def is_prime(m, show_witness=False): """ probabilistic test for m's compositeness """'' for i in range(0, 100): a = random.randint(1, m - 1) # a is a random integer in [1..m-1] if pow(a, m - 1, m) != 1: if show_witness: # caller wishes to see a witness print(m, "is composite", "\n", a, "is a witness, i=", i + 1) return False return True # For $a,b,c$ of at most $n$ bits each, time complexity of modpower is $O(n^3)$ # In[14]: def modpower(a, b, c): """ computes a**b modulo c, using iterated squaring """ result = 1 while b > 0: # while b is nonzero if b % 2 == 1: # b is odd result = (result * a) % c a = (a*a) % c b = b // 2 return result # #### Runtime analysis: # # * The main loop runs over $b$, dividing $b \to b/2$ at each iteration, so it runs $O(n)$ times. # * In each iteration we do: # * One operation of $b%2$ in $O(1)$ time # * One operation of $b/2$ in $O(1)$ time # * At most two multiplication and two modulu operations # * Multiplication of two $n$ bit numbers runs in time $O(n^2)$ # * Modulu can be implemented by addition, division and multiplication: $a \textrm{ mod } b = a - (a // b) b$ and division runs in time $O(n^2)$ same as multiplication # * Finally, the modulu operation keeps all numbers at most $n$ bits, thus the running time does not increase with each iteration # * In total - $O(n^3)$ # # #### The probability of error: # First, notice that if the function says that an imput number $m$ is not prime, then it is true. # The function can make a mistake only is the case where a number $m$ is not prime, and is excidentally categorized by the function as prime. This can happen if all $100$ $a$'s that the function tried were not witnesses. # # A quick computation shows that if $m$ is **not** a Charmichael number then at least $\frac{1}{2}$ of all possible $a$s are witnesses, so in almost all cases the probability for error is $(\frac{1}{2})^{100}$ (this is extremely low). # # #### Failing over Carmichael numbers # In the rare case where we get a Carmichael number as input we have no guarantee on the performance of the test. In the following example we test whether the Carmichael number $N$ (which is composite) is prime or not using our test. # # The number $N$ comes courtesy of [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmichael_number#Overview) # In[15]: # p is a large prime: p = 29674495668685510550154174642905332730771991799853043350995075531276838753171770199594238596428121188033664754218345562493168782883 # N is a Carmichael number (and is obviously composite): N = p*(313*(p-1)+1)*(353*(p-1) + 1) is_prime(N) # #### Testing the prime number theorem: For a large n, a number of n bits is prime with a prob. of O(1/n) # We decide on the size of the sample (to avoid testing all possible $2^{n-1}$ numbers of $n$ bits) and test whether each number we sample is prime. Then we divide the number of primes with the size of the sample. # In[16]: def prob_prime(n, sample): cnt = 0 for i in range(sample): m = random.randint(2**(n-1), 2**n - 1) cnt += is_prime(m) return cnt / sample # In[17]: prob_prime(2, 10**4) prob_prime(3, 10**4) # In[18]: prob_prime(100, 10**4) # In[19]: prob_prime(200, 10**4) # Diffie Hellman from lecture # # #### The protocol as code # In[8]: def DH_exchange(p): """ generates a shared DH key """ g = random.randint(1, p - 1) a = random.randint(1, p - 1)# Alice's secret b = random.randint(1, p - 1)# Bob's secret x = pow(g, a, p) y = pow(g, b, p) key_A = pow(y, a, p) key_B = pow(x, b, p) #the next line is different from lecture return g, a, b, x, y, key_A #key_A=key_B # #### Find a prime number # In[10]: def find_prime(n): """ find random n-bit long prime """ while(True): candidate = random.randrange(2**(n-1), 2**n) if is_prime(candidate): return candidate # Demostration: # In[21]: import random p = find_prime(10) print(p) g, a, b, x, y, key = DH_exchange(p) g, a, b, x, y, key # In[22]: print(pow(g, a, p)) print(pow(x, b, p)) # #### Crack the Diffie Hellman code # There is no known way to find $a$ efficiently, so we try the naive one: iterating over all $a$-s and cheking whether the equation $g^a \mod p = x$ holds for them. # # If we found $a'$ that satisfies the condition but is not the original $a$, does it matter? # # The time complexity of crack_DH is $O(2^nn^3)$ # In[24]: def crack_DH(p, g, x): ''' find secret "a" that satisfies g**a%p == x Not feasible for large p ''' for a in range(1, p - 1): if a % 100000 == 0: print(a) #just to estimate running time if pow(g, a, p) == x: return a return None #should never get here # In[28]: g, a, b, x, y, key = DH_exchange(p) print(a) crack_DH(p, g, x) # #### Trying to crack the protocol with a 100 bit prime # In[30]: import random p = find_prime(100) print(p) g, a, b, x, y, key = DH_exchange(p) print(g, a, b, x, y, key) crack_DH(p, g, x) # Analyzing the nubmer of years it will take to crack the protocol if $a$ is found at the end (assuming iterating over 100000 $a$s takes a second) # In[31]: a # In[32]: a//100000/60/60/24/365 # In[ ]: