#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

cs1001.py , Tel Aviv University, Winter 2020

# # # Recitation 3 # We talked about binary numbers (with some theory) and base conversions and implemented an algorithm for base conversion (from decimal to 2<=b<=36). # We examined Python's memory model and analyzed the efficiency of constructing a list using + or += operators. # # # # ### Takeaways: # 1. Make sure you understand binary numbers and base conversions (including the algorithms for conversion to and from a base b to decimal). It is a very useful tool in computer science. # 2. Elements of a list can be changed from inside a function, if this list is given as a parameter. Note that one should use dedicated list functions or the [] operator for mutating the list. # 3. Use [Python tutor](http://www.pythontutor.com) in order to understand what's going on in terms of memory. It can be very helpful. # 4. Try to analyze the number of operations your function does to see how will its runtime scale as a function of the input (we will elabore on this soon). # # ### Python tutor guidelines: # Before you click "Visualize Execution" button, you may want to use the following settings (can be adjusted via the drop boxes next to the textbox): #
  1. Python 3.6
  2. #
  3. # Show exited frames (Python)
  4. #
  5. Render all objects on the heap
  6. #
  7. Draw pointers as arrows [default]
  8. #
# # # ## The binary system and base conversions # When we count natural numbers, we use the decimal system. That is, we represent numbers in base 10, using 10 digits (0-9). # Binary representation (base 2) uses two possible digits: 0-1. # In general, a number in base $b$ will be represented using $b$ possible digits. # # # #### Code for printing several outputs in one cell (not part of the recitation): # In[ ]: from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all" # ## Base conversions # Python has some built-in conversion methods from-and-to decimal, binary and other bases: # In[ ]: bin(10) type(bin(10)) # In[ ]: hex(161) int("345") # In[ ]: int("1101", 2) int("a1", 16) int("a1", 2) # ### Converting from binary to decimal # # Let $x_{[2]} = a_{n-1} ... a_1 a_0$ be the binary representation of a number with $n$ binary digits. # The following formula returns its decimal representation: # $$x_{[10]} = \sum_{0 \le k \le n-1} a_k \cdot 2^k$$ # # Similarly, if $x_{[b]} = a_{n-1} ... a_0$ is represented in an arbitrary base with $b$ digits then: # $$x_{[10]} = \sum_{0 \le k \le n-1} a_k \cdot b^k$$ # ### Converting from decimal to binary # Converting from decimal to binary is done by integer division and modulo operations. # Here is an implementation of the algorithm for conversion from decimal to a general base $b$. # #### Our version for convert_base: # In[ ]: def convert_base(n,b): '''convert_base(int, int)->string Returns the textual representation of n(decimal) in base 2<=b<=10 ''' result = "" while n != 0: digit = n % b n //= b result = str(digit) + result return result # In[ ]: convert_base(10,2) # In[ ]: convert_base(0, 2) # Is the code above correct? What happens in the case where $n = 0$? # #### Improved version of convert_base: # In[ ]: def convert_base(n,b): '''convert_base(int, int)->string Returns the textual representation of n(decimal) in base 2<=b<=10 ''' if n == 0: return "0" result = "" while n != 0: digit = n % b n //= b result = str(digit) + result return result # In[ ]: convert_base(0,2) convert_base(12,3) # In[ ]: convert_base(161,16) # The improved version above fails for $10string Returns the textual representation of n(decimal) in base 2<=b<=10 ''' assert 2 <= b <= 36 if n == 0: return "0" result = "" alphabet = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" while n != 0: ## Complete return result # In[ ]: convert_base(161, 16) convert_base(10, 2) convert_base(10, 80) # ## Memory model # # Understanding Python's memory model means understanding the way Python stores our variables in the memory and the way Python manipulates these variables when we perform operations on them. # # Memory management depends on various properties, including: # * The precide method we use to change our variables # * Whether our variable is of a mutable type or not # * The specific location of our operation within the scope of the code # # Understanding this model will allow us to write better and more efficient code. # # # #### Motivating examples: # In[ ]: def change_num(num): num = 999 x = 30 change_num(x) x # In[ ]: def add_to_list(lst): lst.append(999) mylst = [1,2,3] add_to_list(mylst) mylst # In[ ]: def change_lst(lst): lst = [] mylst = [1,2,3] change_lst(mylst) mylst # #### Programs examined with [Python tutor](http:\\www.pythontutor.com): # In[ ]: #1 basics ##################################################### a = 1000 #1 b = "hello" #2 a += len(b) #3 c = 2*b[:2] #4 if b!=c: #5 c = b #6 del c #7 # In[ ]: #2 lists ##################################################### a = 1000 #1 d = [a,2] #2 d[1] = -1 #3 a = 1003 #4 for x in d: #5a x = 7 #5b # In[ ]: #3 funcs ##################################################### a = 1000 #1 b = "hello" #2 def is_palindrom(a): #3a b = a[::-1] #3b return a==b #3c is_pal = is_palindrom #4 x = is_pal(b) #5 # In[ ]: #4 lists+funcs ##################################################### a = 1000 #1 d = [a,2] #2 def f(a,d): #3a a = 2000 #3b d[0] = a #3c d = [] #3d return d #3e x = f(a,d) #4 # Extend(), append(), sort(), and sorted(): # In[ ]: #5 – lists operators and methods ##################################################### lst = [3,2,1] id(lst) lst lst = lst+[0] id(lst) lst lst.append(4) id(lst) lst lst.insert(1,5) id(lst) lst lst.extend([6,7]) id(lst) lst lst += [8] id(lst) lst # In[ ]: lst id(lst) #sorted returns a sorted copy of the list, and does not change the original one lst2 = sorted(lst) id(lst) lst #list.sort() sorts in place, and does not return anything lst.sort() id(lst) lst # ## comparison between + and += # In what follows we have two different implementations of the same operation: given an input $n$ we construct a list of the range $[0,...,n-1]$. The difference between the implementation is that in build_range1 we append items to our list using the command $lst = lst + [i]$ and in build_range2 we do this via the command $lst += [i]$, which, as we recall, invokes $lst.extend([i])$. # ### memory and running times # In[ ]: import time # In[ ]: def build_range1(n): lst = [] t0 = time.perf_counter() for i in range(n): lst = lst + [i] t1 = time.perf_counter() print("Extending a list n=", n, "times, using the + operator took",t1-t0, "seconds") def build_range2(n): lst = [] t0 = time.perf_counter() for i in range(n): lst += [i] t1 = time.perf_counter() print("Extending a list n=", n, "times, using the += operator (extend()) took",t1-t0, "seconds") build_range1(20000) build_range2(20000) # Empirically, calling $lst = lst + [i]$ is less efficient. Why is that? # # Since a new list is constructed every iteration the number of integers written to memory equals $1+2+ ... + n = \frac{n \cdot (n+1)}{2} \approx \frac{n^2}{2}$. Asymptotically speaking, the number of copy operations grows quadratically with $n$. # # Using invoke, the same list is extended again and again. The number of integers written to memory equals $n$. Asymptotically speaking, the number of copy operations grows linearly with $n$. # # What do we expect will happen if we double the input size $n=40000$? # In[ ]: build_range1(40000) build_range2(40000) # In accordance with the theory, the running time of the inefficient code increases by approximately $2^2 = 4$ as $n$ increased by a factor of $2$, while the running time of the efficient code increases by a factor of approximately $2$.