#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

cs1001.py , Tel Aviv University, Fall 2017-2018

# # # # Recitation 1 # We have seen some basic types and operations, conversion functions, the function input and several structures that Python has to offer: if-else, while loops, and for loops. We had also solved an excercise of counting the number of zeros in a number inputted by the user. # # #### Takeaways: # #
  1. Try to "play" with types, operators, structures, and built-in functions in order to understand the basics of Python.
  2. #
  3. To tackle programming exercises, try to first imagine what you want the solution to do intuitively and then find ways to implement it.
  4. #
  5. Read the instructions for the submission of home assignments and submit your code as a .py file.
  6. #
  7. Test your code before you submit.
  8. #
# # ## Types and Variables # In[23]: x = 3 y = 3.14 c = "intro2CS" b = True type(x), type(y), type(c), type(b) # ## Operators # In[4]: x + y # In[5]: c + "amir" # In[63]: "4" + "5"3 < 4 and 3==4 # In[6]: c * "amir" # In[7]: c * 2 # In[8]: c * 2.5 # In[9]: c * 2.0 # In[10]: 2 + 2.0 # In[11]: 2**0.5 # In[12]: 2**2.0 # In[13]: 2.0**2 # In[14]: 10%2 # In[15]: 109%10 # In[17]: 9//2 # rounding down # In[18]: 3 < 4 # In[19]: 3 == 4 # In[20]: 3 != 4 # In[21]: True and False # In[64]: 3 < 4 and 3==4 # In[59]: -2%10 # In[24]: type(3 < 4) # ## Conversion Functions # In[25]: int("4") # In[26]: int(4.0) # In[27]: int("4.0") # In[65]: int(4.99) # int() always rounds down # In[28]: float(4) # In[29]: float("3.14") # In[30]: float("3") # In[31]: str(43) # In[32]: str(True) # In[35]: course = "intro" + str(2) + "cs" course # ## If-else structure # In[36]: today = "Monday" strike = "No" my_recitation = "Monday" if today == "Sunday": print("Shvizut Yom Alef") if strike == "Y": print("Stay home") else: print("Lecture in intro to CS!") elif today == "Wednesday": print("Another lecture in intro to CS!") elif today==my_recitation: print("Go to recitation!") elif today=="Monday" or today=="Tuesday" or today=="Friday" or today=="Saturday": print("no intro to CS") else: print("Not a day") # ## Another If-elif-else example # Two conditional structures: # In[61]: n=100 if n > 90 and n%2 == 0: print("hi") if n > 99: print("bye") else: print("something") # Now there is only one conditional structure: # In[1]: n=100 if n > 90 and n%2 == 0: print("hi") elif n > 99: print("bye") else: print("something") # ## the function input() # In[66]: x = input(" please input an integer: ") x # In[67]: x = input(" please input an integer: ") int(x) # ## Introducing Loops! # ### Simple While Loop # In[45]: a = 0 while a < 10: print(a) a+=1 print("value of a: " + str(a)) # ### Counting the number of zeros in a given integer (solution 1) # In[68]: num = int(input("please input an integer: ")) m = num cnt = 0 while num > 0: # if we change to >= we get an infinite loop if num % 10 == 0: cnt += 1 num = num // 10 print(m, cnt) # ### Simple For Loop # In[50]: for c in "amir": print(c) # ### Counting the number of zeros in a given integer (solution 2) # In[52]: num = input("please input an integer: ") cnt = 0 for digit in num: if digit == "0": cnt += 1 print(num, cnt) # ### Counting the number of zeros in a given integer (solution 3) # In[54]: num = input("please input an integer: ") cnt = str.count(num, "0") print(num, cnt) # ## Simple Function Example # In[58]: def amir(a): return a+1 # as opposed to print which will not return the value x = amir(10) x * 2