#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Communication Acoustics - Exercises # # This repository holds some Jupyter notebooks (using the IPython kernel) which are part of the course material for the exercises accompanying the lecture "Acoustics for Communications" (in German "Kommunikationsakustik") at [Institute of Communications Engineering](http://www.int.uni-rostock.de/)/[Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering](http://www.ief.uni-rostock.de/)/[University of Rostock](http://www.uni-rostock.de/). # # Registered students can access course details via [StudIP](https://studip.uni-rostock.de/dispatch.php/course/overview?cid=bffc495093c66704fb142c8105af4cd0). # # The lectures/exercises are held each summer semester, starting in 2015. # # The notebooks and all additional files should be considered as [Open Educational Resources](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_educational_resources). # ## Syllabus # # The exercises are split into the following units. # Most of them build upon knowledge from previous units, so we should do them in order: # # 1. [Introduction to Python et al., Working with Audio Signals](intro.ipynb) # # 1. [Discrete Fourier Transform](dft.ipynb) # # 1. [Impulse Responses, Convolution](ir.ipynb) & # [Excitation Signals](excitation-signal.ipynb) # # 1. [Room Impulse Responses](rir.ipynb) # # 1. [Binaural Room Impulse Responses (BRIRs)](brir.ipynb), part 1 # # 1. BRIRs, part 2 (second half of the [previous notebook](brir.ipynb)) # # 1. Listening Tests (no notebook available) # # 1. [Binaural Hearing](binaural-hearing.ipynb) # # 1. [Audio Reproduction with Loudspeakers](reproduction.ipynb) # # 1. Loudspeaker Demonstration (no notebook available) # # 1. [Stereophonic Recording Techniques](recording.ipynb) # # 1. Revision (no notebook available) # ## Getting Started # # ### Static Online Version # # The Jupyter notebooks for each topic are available as [static web pages](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/spatialaudio/communication-acoustics-exercises/) as well as for interactive use with [Jupyter](http://jupyter.org/) (formerly known as [IPython](http://ipython.org/)), to be [downloaded from Github](http://github.com/spatialaudio/communication-acoustics-exercises). # # ### Get Notebooks from Github # # We should use [Git](http://git-scm.org/) to pull the files (or download the [zip file](https://github.com/spatialaudio/communication-acoustics-exercises/archive/master.zip)). # If we are new to Git, we should have a look at this [introduction to Git](http://mg.rtfd.org/git.html). # # Alternatively, we can also download individual notebook files (with the extension `.ipynb`) and open them in IPython. # However, some exercises make use of additional files (audio files etc.) which we will then also have to download manually. # # ### Usage of Anconda Python Distribution # # If we want to utilize the [Anaconda](https://www.anaconda.com/products/distribution) distribution platform for Python 3.x to work on the notebooks on a local PC, we can create a dedicated environment `mycomac` using the `environment.yml` in the `.binder` subfolder. # So, firstly we should make sure that we are in the `communication-acoustics-exercises` folder of our choice, e.g. # # cd git/communication-acoustics-exercises/ # # Then, we create the environment by # # conda env create -f /.binder/environment.yml # # Then, we activate the environment by # # conda activate mycomac # # It is a good idea to have explicit knowledge which ipykernel belongs to our environment, so we explicitly install it with a dedicated name # # python -m ipykernel install --user --name mycomac --display-name "mycomac" # # We start a jupyter lab session from terminal # # jupyter lab # # and can play around with the Jupyter notebooks. # We should ensure that we use the `mycomac` kernel. # # We might want to remove an ipykernel named `mycomac` and/or an existing `mycomac` environment once in a while by # # jupyter kernelspec uninstall mycomac # conda env remove -n mycomac # # # ### Interactive Online Version # # If we don't feel like installing Jupyter/IPython, but still want to try out the notebooks, we can [![Binder](http://mybinder.org/badge.svg)](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/spatialaudio/communication-acoustics-exercises/master?urlpath=lab/tree/index.ipynb) and start playing around immediately. # # Note, however, that our changes will not be preserved. # Once we close our browser, everything will be lost! # ## External Links # # At Aalto University, Ville Pulkki gives a lecture called "Communication Acoustics" which is also available as a book (ISBN: 978-1-118-86654-2). # The lecture slides and some other materials including audio examples are available at http://users.aalto.fi/~vpulkki/Communication_Acoustics/. # # Coursera.org offers a free online course with video lectures called [Audio Signal Processing for Music Applications](https://www.coursera.org/course/audio), which is taught by Xavier Serra and Julius O Smith, III. # The topic is not quite the same, but the introductory units are similar and they are using Python, too! # ## Copyright Information # #

# # CC0 # #
# To the extent possible under law, # the person who associated CC0 # with this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring # rights to this work. #