using Base.Test @test 1 + 2 == 3 @test .1 + .2 == .3 @test_approx_eq (.1 + .2) .3 @test_approx_eq (1 + 2, .1 + .2) (3, .3) is_close(x::Number, y::Number, epsilon = eps()) = abs(y - x) <= max(1, abs(x), abs(y))*epsilon is_close(x, y, epsilon = eps()) = all(x -> is_close(x..., epsilon), zip(x, y)) function test_close(a, b, eps, astr, bstr) if !is_close(a, b, eps) println("test failed: $(astr) is not close to $(bstr);\n $(a) vs $(b)") end end macro test_close(a, b) :( test_close($(a), $(b), 1e-6, $(string(a)), $(string(b))) ) end @test_close (1 + 2, .1 + .2) (3, .3) @test_close (1 + 2, .1 + .2) (2, .3) # returns the (center, radius) of the circle, circumscribed around three points function circumscribed_circle(P1, P2, P3) d12 = vec(P1 - P2); n12 = dot(d12, d12) d23 = vec(P2 - P3); n23 = dot(d23, d23) d31 = vec(P3 - P1); n31 = dot(d31, d31) d = norm(cross([d12; 0], [d23; 0])) r = sqrt(n12*n23*n31)/(2d) alpha = n23*dot(d12, d31) beta = n31*dot(d12, d23) gamma = n12*dot(d31, d23) Pc = -(alpha*P1 + beta*P2 + gamma*P3)/(2d^2) (Pc, r) end # the circumscribed_circle tests @test_close ([-1, 1], 1) circumscribed_circle([-2; 1], [-1; 2], [0; 1]) @test_close ([0, 0], 2) circumscribed_circle([2; 0], [0; 2], [sqrt(2); sqrt(2)]) const EPSILON = 1e-5 # finds the orientation of three 2D points # -1 for CW, 1 for CCW, 0 if on the same line function orientation(P1, P2, P3) _, _, cz = cross([vec(P2 - P1); 0], [vec(P3 - P1); 0]) if abs(cz) < EPSILON cz = 0 end sign(cz) end @test 1 == orientation([0; 0], [1; 0], [2; 2]) @test 0 == orientation([0; 0], [1; 1], [2; 2]) @test -1 == orientation([0; 0], [2; 2], [1; 0]) circumscribed_circle([1; 1], [2; 2], [3; 3]) function offset_orthogonal(P2, P3) D = P2 - P3 Dp = [-D[2]; D[1]] P2 + EPSILON*Dp/norm(Dp) end @test 0 != orientation([0; 0], offset_orthogonal([1; 1], [2; 2]), [2; 2]) function f_arc(x, c, R, convex = true) cx, cy = c plusminus = convex ? 1 : -1 cy + plusminus*sqrt(max(0, R^2 - (x - cx)^2)) end @test_close 3 f_arc(1, [1; 1], 2, true) @test_close -1 f_arc(1, [1; 1], 2, false) @test_close 1 f_arc(3, [1; 1], 2, true) @test_close 1 f_arc(3, [1; 1], 2, false) type ArcSeg c::Array{Float64, 1} # arc center R::Float64 # arc radius a::Float64 # segment start b::Float64 # segment end convex::Bool # true if top part of the circle (otherwise concave) m::Float64 # middle point ratio end # makes an arc going through the segment ends function make_arc(f, seg, middle_ratio = 0.5) a, b = seg m = a + (b - a)*middle_ratio pa, pb, pm = [a; f(a)], [b; f(b)], [m; f(m)] # handle the case when all three points are on the same line porient = orientation(pa, pm, pb) if porient == 0 # points are on the same line pm = offset_orthogonal(pm, pb) end c, R = circumscribed_circle(pa, pm, pb) ArcSeg(c, R, a, b, porient < 0, middle_ratio) end # inscribe an arc into itself _arc = make_arc(x -> f_arc(x, [1; 1], 5, true), (3, 4), 0.2) @test_close [1; 1] _arc.c @test_close (5, 3, 4, 0.2) (_arc.R, _arc.a, _arc.b, _arc.m) @test _arc.convex const NUM_INTEGRATION_SAMPLES = 1000 function integrate_trapezoidal(f, x1, x2, N = NUM_INTEGRATION_SAMPLES) @assert(N >= 1) dx = (x2 - x1)/N; s0 = (f(x1) + f(x2))/2 (s0 + sum([f(clamp(x1 + i*dx, x1, x2)) for i in 1:(N - 1)]))*(x2 - x1)/N end # integrate parabola @test_close 2^3/3 integrate_trapezoidal(x -> x^2, 0, 2) @test_close 2^3/3 integrate_trapezoidal(x -> x^2, 0, 2, 10000) @test_close 2^3/3 integrate_trapezoidal(x -> x^2, 0, 2, 1000000) # integrate half a circle (offset by 1 upwards from X axis) @test_close (pi*3^2/2 + 3*2) integrate_trapezoidal(x -> f_arc(x, [1; 1], 3, true), 1 - 3, 1 + 3, 10000) function err(f, arc::ArcSeg) err_metric(x) = abs(f(x) - f_arc(x, arc.c, arc.R, arc.convex)) res = integrate_trapezoidal(err_metric, arc.a, arc.b) end f(x) = 2 @test is_close(2 - pi/2, err(f, ArcSeg([1; 1], 1, 0, 2, true, 0.1)), 1e-4) using Calculus function err_old(f, arc::ArcSeg) err_metric(x) = abs(f(x) - f_arc(x, arc.c, arc.R, arc.convex)) res = Calculus.monte_carlo(err_metric, arc.a, arc.b, NUM_INTEGRATION_SAMPLES) end @test_close (2 - pi/2) err_old(f, ArcSeg([1; 1], 1, 0, 2, true, 0.1)) @test_close (2 - pi/2) err_old(f, ArcSeg([1; 1], 1, 0, 2, true, 0.1)) function circle_segment_area(x, R) theta = 2acos((R-x)/R) R^2*(theta - sin(theta))/2 end @test_approx_eq circle_segment_area(0, 7) 0 @test_approx_eq circle_segment_area(14, 7) pi*7^2 @test_approx_eq circle_segment_area(7, 7) pi*7^2/2 @test_approx_eq circle_segment_area(2, 7) (pi*7^2 - circle_segment_area(7*2 - 2, 7)) function err1(f, arc::ArcSeg) res = err(f, arc) # add the "ears" error fa, fb = f(arc.a), f(arc.b) cx, cy = arc.c[1], arc.c[2] if (fa > cy) != arc.convex # left "ear" res += circle_segment_area(arc.a - (cx - arc.R), arc.R) end if (fb > cy) != arc.convex # right "ear" res += circle_segment_area(cx + arc.R - arc.b, arc.R) end res end f(x) = 2 @test is_close(2 - pi/2, err1(f, ArcSeg([1; 1], 1, 0, 2, true, 0.1)), 1e-4) arc = ArcSeg([1; 1], 1, 0.5, 1.5, true, 0.1) d = f_arc(0.5, arc.c, arc.R) f(x) = d @test is_close(pi - circle_segment_area(d, 1), err1(f, arc), 1e-4) const STEP_RATIO = 0.8 const pick_center_pt = (f, a, b) -> 0.5 function fit_arcs(f, range, tolerance, pick_middle_pt = pick_center_pt) ra, rb = range D = rb - ra rel_tol = tolerance/D ca = ra arcs = [] while ca < rb cb = rb while true middle_ratio = pick_middle_pt(f, ca, cb) arc = make_arc(f, (ca, cb), middle_ratio) E = err1(f, arc) if E <= rel_tol*(cb - ca) arcs = [arcs, arc] ca = cb break end cb = ca + STEP_RATIO*(cb - ca) end end arcs end using DataFrames fmt(x::Float64) = round(x, 3) fmt(x::Array{Float64,1}) = map(fmt, x) fmt(x::Bool) = x ? "yes" : "no" fmt(x) = x function to_table(arcs) DataFrame( c = map(x->fmt(x.c), arcs), R = map(x->fmt(x.R), arcs), a = map(x->fmt(x.a), arcs), b = map(x->fmt(x.b), arcs), m = map(x->fmt(x.m), arcs), convex = map(x->fmt(x.convex), arcs)) end to_table(fit_arcs(x -> x^3/27 + x/5 - 1, [-5 4], 0.1)) function make_g_code(arcs, rformat=true, split_lines=true) fmt(x) = (round(x, 3) == round(x, 0)) ? @sprintf("%d", x) : @sprintf("%.3f", x) function arc2g(arc) a, b = arc.a, arc.b fa = f_arc(a, arc.c, arc.R, arc.convex) fb = f_arc(b, arc.c, arc.R, arc.convex) cx, cy = arc.c res = split_lines ? "\n" : "" res *= (arc.convex ? "G02" : "G03") * " X$(fmt(b)) Y$(fmt(fb)) " res *= rformat ? "R$(fmt(arc.R))" : "I$(fmt(cx - a)) J$(fmt(cy - fa))" end a1 = arcs[1] fa1 = f_arc(a1.a, a1.c, a1.R, a1.convex) "G00 X$(fmt(a1.a)) Y$(fmt(fa1)) " * join(map(arc2g, arcs), " ") end arc = ArcSeg([1; 1], 1, 0, 2, true, 0.1) @test "G00 X0 Y1 G02 X2 Y1 R1" == make_g_code([arc], true, false) print(make_g_code(fit_arcs(x -> x^3/27 + x/5 - 1, [-5 4], 0.1))) # angle of 2D vector to X axis (CCW direction is positive) function vec_angle(c, p) d = p - c atan2(d[2], d[1]) end # normalizes two angle such that range is continuous # and represents the corresponding minor/major arc function normalize_angle_range(anga, angb, convex::Bool) if anga < angb anga += 2pi end if !convex angb += 2pi end anga, angb end using Base.Test a, b = normalize_angle_range(-3.1, 3.0, true) @test_approx_eq a (-3.1 + 2pi) @test_approx_eq b 3.0 a, b = normalize_angle_range(0.2, -0.02, true) @test_approx_eq a 0.2 @test_approx_eq b -0.02 a, b = normalize_angle_range(1.8, 0.7, false) @test_approx_eq a 1.8 @test_approx_eq b (0.7 + 2pi) const ARC_GRANULARITY = 100 function get_arc_points(f, arcs) xp, yp = [], [] for arc in arcs ang(x) = vec_angle(arc.c, [x; f(x)]) anga, angb = normalize_angle_range(ang(arc.a), ang(arc.b), arc.convex) t = linspace(anga, angb, ARC_GRANULARITY) for ct = t cx, cy = arc.c + arc.R*[cos(ct); sin(ct)] xp = [xp, cx] yp = [yp, cy] end end xp, yp end using PyPlot function style_plot() PyPlot.figure(figsize=(5, 3)) PyPlot.rc("axes", edgecolor="#eeeeee"); PyPlot.rc("xtick", color="#777777") PyPlot.rc("ytick", color="#777777") PyPlot.grid(color="#aaaaaa",linewidth=1) end function style_lines(lines) PyPlot.setp(lines[1], color="#99bdee", linewidth=7) PyPlot.setp(lines[2], color="#aa6666", linewidth=2) PyPlot.setp(lines[3], color="#99bdee", marker="o", ls="", ms=4) PyPlot.setp(lines[4], color="#ddddff", marker="o", ls="", ms=3) end using PyCall @pyimport matplotlib.patches as mpatches @pyimport as cm # draw the colormapped circles according to the arc list function plot_circles(arcs) const narcs = length(arcs) # need to jump through the hoops somewhat, # since PyPlot does not expose these things (yet) # import the colormap from Matplotlib cmap = PyPlot.get_cmap("Set2") w = linspace(1, narcs, narcs) rgba = pycall(pycall(cm.ScalarMappable, PyObject, cmap=cmap)["to_rgba"], PyAny, w, bytes=true) # add the circles as "circle patches" for i = 1:narcs arc = arcs[i] fmt(n) = @sprintf("%02x", rgba[i, n]) clr = "#$(fmt(1))$(fmt(2))$(fmt(3))" # convert to "#rrggbb" string format pc = mpatches.Circle((arc.c[1], arc.c[2]), arc.R, edgecolor=clr, fill = false) pycall(PyPlot.gca()["add_artist"], PyAny, pc) end end style_plot() PyPlot.xlim(-15, 15) PyPlot.ylim(-10, 10) plot_circles(fit_arcs(x -> x^3/27 + x/5 - 1, [-5 4], 0.1)) const PLOT_GRANULARITY = 10000 function plot_arc_interp(f, range, arcs) style_plot() # segment junction points xpj = unique(hcat([[x.a x.b] for x in arcs]...)) ypj = map(f, xpj) # middle points xpm = [x.a + (x.b - x.a)*x.m for x in arcs] ypm = map(f, xpm) # interpolated function points xpf = linspace(range[1], range[2], PLOT_GRANULARITY) ypf = map(f, xpf) # arcs points xpa, ypa = get_arc_points(f, arcs) lines = PyPlot.plot(xpf, ypf, xpa, ypa, xpj, ypj, xpm, ypm) style_lines(lines) PyPlot.xlim(range[1], range[2]) plot_circles(arcs) end f(x) = x^3/27 + x/5 - 1 range = [-5 4] plot_arc_interp(f, range, fit_arcs(f, range, 0.1)) err_total(f, arcs) = sum([err1(f, arc) for arc in arcs]) function test_arc_interp(f, range, tolerance = 0.1, print_g_code = true, pick_middle_pt = pick_center_pt) @time arcs = fit_arcs(f, range, tolerance, pick_middle_pt) println("Number of arcs: $(length(arcs))") println("Total error: $(err_total(f, arcs))") plot_arc_interp(f, range, arcs) if print_g_code gcode = make_g_code(arcs, true, false) println("G-code:\n$(gcode)") end end test_arc_interp(x-> 6x^2 + 4x - 8, [-4 4], 0.1, false) test_arc_interp(x-> 6x^2 + 4x - 8, [-4 4], 1, false) test_arc_interp(x-> 6x^2 + 4x - 8, [-4 4], 100.0, false) test_arc_interp(x -> -abs(x - 1) + 2, [-3 4], 0.1, false) test_arc_interp(x -> 2sin(x^3/3) + x - 1, [-3 6], 1.0, false) using Optim function pick_optim_pt(f, a, b) err_s = x -> err1(f, make_arc(f, (a, b), x)) optimize(err_s, 0.0, 1.0, method=:brent).minimum end test_arc_interp(x -> 2sin(x^3/3) + x - 1, [-2 3], 1.0, false, pick_optim_pt) test_arc_interp(x -> 2sin(x^3/3) + x - 1, [-2 3], 1.0, false)