#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations # # This Jupyter/SageMath notebook is relative to the lectures # [General relativity computations with SageManifolds](https://indico.cern.ch/event/505595/) given at the NewCompStar School 2016 (Coimbra, Portugal). # # These computations are based on [SageManifolds](https://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr) (currently version 1.3, as included in SageMath 8.3). # # Click [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sagemanifolds/SageManifolds/master/Worksheets/v1.3/SM_TOV.ipynb) to download the notebook file (ipynb format). To run it, you must start SageMath with the Jupyter notebook, with the command `sage -n jupyter` # This worksheet is divided in two parts: # # 1. Deriving the TOV system from the Einstein equation # 2. Solving the TOV system to get stellar models # # *NB:* a version of SageMath at least equal to 7.5 is required to run this notebook: # In[1]: version() # First we set up the notebook to display mathematical objects using LaTeX rendering: # In[2]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('display', 'latex') # ## 1. Deriving the TOV system from the Einstein equation # # ### Spacetime # # We declare the spacetime manifold $M$: # In[3]: M = Manifold(4, 'M') print(M) # To get some information about the object `M`, we use the question mark: # In[4]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('pinfo', 'M') # Using a double question mark, we get the Python source code (SageMath is **open source**, isn't it?): # In[5]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('pinfo2', 'M') # We declare the chart of spherical coordinates $(t,r,\theta,\phi)$, via the method `chart` acting on `M`; to see how to use it, we again use the question mark: # In[6]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('pinfo', 'M.chart') # In[7]: X. = M.chart(r't r:(0,+oo) th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi') X # ### Metric tensor # # The static and spherically symmetric metric ansatz, with the unknown functions $\nu(r)$ and $m(r)$: # In[8]: g = M.lorentzian_metric('g') nu = function('nu') m = function('m') g[0,0] = -exp(2*nu(r)) g[1,1] = 1/(1-2*m(r)/r) g[2,2] = r^2 g[3,3] = (r*sin(th))^2 g.display() # One can display the metric components as a list: # In[9]: g.display_comp() # By default, only the nonzero components are shown; to get all the components, set the option `only_nonzero` to `False`: # In[10]: g.display_comp(only_nonzero=False) # We can also display the metric components as a matrix, via the `[]` operator: # In[11]: g[:] # The `[]` operator can also be used to access to individual elements: # In[12]: g[0,0] # ## Einstein equation # # Let us start by evaluating the Ricci tensor of $g$: # In[13]: Ric = g.ricci() print(Ric) # In[14]: Ric.display() # The Ricci scalar is naturally obtained by the method `ricci_scalar()`: # In[15]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('pinfo', 'g.ricci_scalar') # In[16]: g.ricci_scalar().display() # As a check we can also compute it by taking the trace of the Ricci tensor with respect to $g$: # In[17]: g.ricci_scalar() == g.inverse()['^{ab}']*Ric['_{ab}'] # The Einstein tensor # $$ G_{ab} := R_{ab} - \frac{1}{2} R \, g_{ab},$$ # or in index-free notation: # $$ G := \mathrm{Ric}(g) - \frac{1}{2} r(g) \, g $$ # In[18]: G = Ric - 1/2*g.ricci_scalar() * g G.set_name('G') print(G) # In[19]: G.display() # ### The energy-momentum tensor # # We consider a perfect fluid matter model. # Let us first defined the fluid 4-velocity $u$: # In[20]: u = M.vector_field('u') u[0] = exp(-nu(r)) u.display() # In[21]: u[:] # In[22]: print(u.parent()) # Let us check that $u$ is a normalized timelike vector, i.e. that $g_{ab} u^a u^b = -1$, or, in index-free notation, $g(u,u)=-1$: # In[23]: g(u,u) # In[24]: print(g(u,u)) # In[25]: g(u,u).display() # In[26]: g(u,u).parent() # In[27]: print(g(u,u).parent()) # In[28]: g(u,u) == -1 # To form the energy-momentum tensor, we need the 1-form $\underline{u}$ that is metric-dual to the vector $u$, i.e. # $u_a = g_{ab} u^b$: # In[29]: u_form = u.down(g) print(u_form) # In[30]: u_form.display() # The energy-momentum tensor is then # $$ T_{ab} = (\rho + p) u_a u_b + p \, g_{ab},$$ # or in index-free notation: # $$ T = (\rho + p) \underline{u}\otimes\underline{u} + p \, g$$ # Since the tensor product $\otimes$ is taken with the `*` operator, we write: # In[31]: rho = function('rho') p = function('p') T = (rho(r)+p(r))* (u_form * u_form) + p(r) * g T.set_name('T') print(T) # In[32]: T.display() # In[33]: T(u,u) # In[34]: print(T(u,u)) # In[35]: T(u,u).display() # ### The Einstein equation # # The Einstein equation is # $$ G = 8\pi T$$ # We rewrite it as $E = 0$ with $E := G - 8\pi T$: # In[36]: E = G - 8*pi*T E.set_name('E') print(E) # In[37]: E.display() # In[38]: E.display_comp() # In[39]: E[0,0] # In[40]: EE0_sol = solve(E[0,0].expr()==0, diff(m(r),r)) EE0_sol # In[41]: EE0 = EE0_sol[0] EE0 # In[42]: E[1,1] # In[43]: EE1_sol = solve(E[1,1].expr()==0, diff(nu(r),r)) EE1 = EE1_sol[0] EE1 # In[44]: E[3,3] == E[2,2]*sin(th)^2 # In[45]: E[2,2] # ### The energy-momentum conservation equation # The energy-momentum tensor must obey # $$ \nabla_b T^b_{\ \, a} = 0$$ # We first form the tensor $T^b_{\ \, a}$ by raising the first index of $T_{ab}$: # In[46]: Tu = T.up(g, 0) print(Tu) # We get the Levi-Civita connection $\nabla$ associated with the metric $g$: # In[47]: nabla = g.connection() print(nabla) # In[48]: nabla.display() # We apply `nabla` to `Tu` to get the tensor $(\nabla T)^b_{\ \, ac} = \nabla_c T^b_{\ \, a}$ (MTW index convention): # In[49]: dTu = nabla(Tu) print(dTu) # The divergence $\nabla_b T^b_{\ \, a}$ is then computed as the trace of the tensor $(\nabla T)^b_{\ \, ac}$ on the first index ($b$, position `0`) and last index ($c$, position `2`): # In[50]: divT = dTu.trace(0,2) print(divT) # We can also take the trace by using the index notation: # In[51]: divT == dTu['^b_{ab}'] # In[52]: print(divT) # In[53]: divT.display() # In[54]: divT[:] # The only non trivially vanishing components is thus # In[55]: divT[1] # Hence the energy-momentum conservation equation $\nabla_b T^b_{\ \, a}=0$ reduces to # In[56]: EE2_sol = solve(divT[1].expr()==0, diff(p(r),r)) EE2 = EE2_sol[0] EE2 # ### The TOV system # # Let us collect all the independent equations obtained so far: # In[57]: for eq in [EE0, EE1, EE2]: show(eq) # ## 2. Solving the TOV system # # In order to solve the TOV system, we need to specify a fluid equation of state. For simplicity, we select a polytropic one: # $$ p = k \rho^2$$ # In[58]: var('k', domain='real') p_eos(r) = k*rho(r)^2 p_eos(r) # We substitute this expression for $p$ in the TOV equations: # In[59]: EE1_rho = EE1.substitute_function(p, p_eos) EE1_rho # In[60]: EE2_rho = EE2.substitute_function(p, p_eos) EE2_rho # In[61]: EE2_rho = (EE2_rho / (2*k*rho(r))).simplify_full() EE2_rho # We subsitute the expression of equation `EE1_rho` for $\partial \nu/\partial r$, in order to get rid of any derivative in the right-hand sides: # In[62]: EE2_rho = EE2_rho.subs({diff(nu(r),r): EE1_rho.rhs()}).simplify_full() EE2_rho # The system to solve for $(m(r), \nu(r), \rho(r))$ is thus # In[63]: for eq in [EE0, EE1_rho, EE2_rho]: show(eq) # ### Numerical resolution # # Let us use a standard 4th-order Runge-Kutta method: # In[64]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('pinfo', 'desolve_system_rk4') # We gather all equations in a list for the ease of manipulation: # In[65]: eqs = [EE0, EE1_rho, EE2_rho] # To get a numerical solution, we have of course to specify some numerical value for the EOS constant $k$; let us choose $k=1/4$: # In[66]: k0 = 1/4 rhs = [eq.rhs().subs(k=k0) for eq in eqs] rhs # The integration for $m(r)$ and $\rho(r)$ has to stop as soon as $\rho(r)$ become negative. An easy way to ensure this is to use the Heaviside function (actually SageMath's `unit_step`; for some reason, `heaviside` does not work for the RK4 numerical resolution): # In[67]: plot(unit_step(x), (x,-4,4), thickness=2, aspect_ratio=1) # and to multiply the r.h.s. of the $dm/dr$ and $d\rho/dr$ equations by $h(\rho)$: # In[68]: rhs[0] = rhs[0] * unit_step(rho(r)) rhs[2] = rhs[2] * unit_step(rho(r)) rhs # Let us add an extra equation, for the purpose of getting the star's radius as an output of the integration, via the equation $dR/dr = 1$, again multiplied by the Heaviside function of $\rho$: # In[69]: rhs.append(1 * unit_step(rho(r))) rhs # For the purpose of the numerical integration via `desolve_system_rk4`, we have to replace the symbolic functions $m(r)$, $\nu(r)$ and $\rho(r)$ by some symbolic variables, $m_1$, $\nu_1$ and # $\rho_1$, say: # In[70]: var('m_1 nu_1 rho_1 r_1') rhs = [y.subs({m(r): m_1, nu(r): nu_1, rho(r): rho_1}) for y in rhs] rhs # The integration parameters: # In[71]: rho_c = 1 r_min = 1e-8 r_max = 1 np = 200 delta_r = (r_max - r_min) / (np-1) # The numerical resolution, with the initial conditions # $$(r_{\rm min}, m(r_{\rm min}), \nu(r_{\rm min}), \rho(r_{\rm min}), R(r_{\rm min})) = (r_{\rm min},0,0,\rho_{\rm c},r_{\rm min}) $$ # set in the parameter `ics`: # In[72]: sol = desolve_system_rk4(rhs, vars=(m_1, nu_1, rho_1, r_1), ivar=r, ics=[r_min, 0, 0, rho_c, r_min], end_points=r_max, step=delta_r) # The solution is returned as a list, the first 10 elements of which being: # In[73]: sol[:10] # Each element is of the form $[r, m(r), \nu(r), \rho(r), R(r)]$. So to get the list of $(r, \rho(r))$ values, we write # In[74]: rho_sol = [(s[0], s[3]) for s in sol] rho_sol[:10] # We may then use this list to have some plot of $\rho(r)$, thanks to the function `line`, which transforms a list into a graphical object: # In[75]: graph = line(rho_sol, axes_labels=[r'$r$', r'$\rho$'], gridlines=True) graph # The solution for $m(r)$: # In[76]: m_sol = [(s[0], s[1]) for s in sol] m_sol[:10] # In[77]: graph = line(m_sol, axes_labels=[r'$r$', r'$m$'], gridlines=True) graph # The solution for $\nu(r)$ (has to be rescaled by adding a constant to ensure $\nu(+\infty) = 1$): # In[78]: nu_sol = [(s[0], s[2]) for s in sol] nu_sol[:10] # In[79]: graph = line(nu_sol, axes_labels=[r'$r$', r'$\tilde{\nu}$'], gridlines=True) graph # The solution for $R(r)$: # In[80]: r_sol = [(s[0], s[4]) for s in sol] line(r_sol) # The total gravitational mass of the star is obtained via the last element (index: `-1`) of the list of $(r,m(r))$ values: # In[81]: M_grav = m_sol[-1][1] M_grav # Similarly, the stellar radius is obtained through the last element of the list of $(r,R(r))$ values: # In[82]: R = r_sol[-1][1] R # The star's compactness: # In[83]: M_grav/R # ### Sequence of stellar models # # Let us perform a loop on the central density. # First we set up a list of values for $\rho_c$: # In[84]: rho_c_min = 0.01 rho_c_max = 3 n_conf = 40 rho_c_list = [rho_c_min + i * (rho_c_max-rho_c_min)/(n_conf-1) for i in range(n_conf)] rho_c_list # The loop: # In[85]: M_list = list() R_list = list() for rho_c in rho_c_list: sol = desolve_system_rk4(rhs, vars=(m_1, nu_1, rho_1, r_1), ivar=r, ics=[r_min, 0, 0, rho_c, r_min], end_points=r_max, step=delta_r) M_list.append( sol[-1][1] ) R_list.append( sol[-1][4] ) # The mass along the sequence: # In[86]: M_list # The radius along the sequence: # In[87]: R_list # To draw $M$ as a function of $\rho_{\rm c}$, we use the Python function `zip` to construct a list of $(\rho_{\rm c}, M)$ values: # In[88]: zip(rho_c_list, M_list) # In[89]: graph = line(zip(rho_c_list, M_list), axes_labels=[r'$\rho_c$', r'$M$'], gridlines=True) graph # Similarly, we draw $M$ as a function of $R$: # In[90]: graph = line(zip(R_list, M_list), axes_labels=[r'$R$', r'$M$'], gridlines=True) graph # and we save the plot in a pdf file to use it in our next publication ;-) # In[91]: graph.save('plot_M_R.pdf')