#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # 3+1 Simon-Mars tensor in Kerr spacetime # # This worksheet demonstrates a few capabilities of [SageManifolds](http://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr) (version 1.0, as included in SageMath 7.5) in computations regarding 3+1 slicing of Kerr spacetime. In particular, it implements the computation of the 3+1 decomposition of the Simon-Mars tensor as given in the article [arXiv:1412.6542](http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6542). # # Click [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sagemanifolds/SageManifolds/master/Worksheets/v1.0/SM_Simon-Mars_3p1_Kerr.ipynb) to download the worksheet file (ipynb format). To run it, you must start SageMath with the Jupyter notebook, via the command `sage -n jupyter` # *NB:* a version of SageMath at least equal to 7.5 is required to run this worksheet: # In[1]: version() # First we set up the notebook to display mathematical objects using LaTeX rendering: # In[2]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('display', 'latex') # Since some computations are quite long, we ask for running them in parallel on 8 cores: # In[3]: Parallelism().set(nproc=8) # ## Spacelike hypersurface # # We consider some hypersurface $\Sigma$ of a spacelike foliation $(\Sigma_t)_{t\in\mathbb{R}}$ of Kerr spacetime; we declare $\Sigma_t$ as a 3-dimensional manifold: # In[4]: Sig = Manifold(3, 'Sigma', r'\Sigma', start_index=1) #

The two Kerr parameters:

# In[5]: var('m, a') assume(m>0) assume(a>0) #

Riemannian metric on $\Sigma$


The variables introduced so far satisfy the following assumptions:

# #

Without any loss of generality (for $m\not =0$), we may set $m=1$:

# In[6]: m=1 assume(a<1) # In[7]: #a=1 # extreme Kerr #

On the hypersurface $\Sigma$, we are using coordinates $(r,y,\phi)$ that are related to the standard Boyer-Lindquist coordinates $(r,\theta,\phi)$ by $y=\cos\theta$:

# In[8]: X. = Sig.chart(r'r:(1+sqrt(1-a^2),+oo) y:(-1,1) ph:(0,2*pi):\phi') print(X) ; X #

Riemannian metric on $\Sigma$


The variables introduced so far obey the following assumptions:

# In[9]: assumptions() #

Some shortcut notations:

# In[10]: rho2 = r^2 + a^2*y^2 Del = r^2 -2*m*r + a^2 AA2 = rho2*(r^2 + a^2) + 2*a^2*m*r*(1-y^2) BB2 = r^2 + a^2 + 2*a^2*m*r*(1-y^2)/rho2 #

The metric $h$ induced by the spacetime metric $g$ on $\Sigma$:

# In[11]: gam = Sig.riemannian_metric('gam', latex_name=r'\gamma') gam[1,1] = rho2/Del gam[2,2] = rho2/(1-y^2) gam[3,3] = BB2*(1-y^2) gam.display() #

A matrix view of the components w.r.t. coordinates $(r,y,\phi)$:

# In[12]: gam[:] #

Lapse function and shift vector

# In[13]: N = Sig.scalar_field(sqrt(Del / BB2), name='N') print(N) N.display() # In[14]: b = Sig.vector_field('beta', latex_name=r'\beta') b[3] = -2*m*r*a/AA2 # unset components are zero b.display() #

Extrinsic curvature of $\Sigma$


We use the formula $$ K_{ij} = \frac{1}{2N} \mathcal{L}_{\beta} \gamma_{ij}$$ which is valid for any stationary spacetime:

# In[15]: K = gam.lie_der(b) / (2*N) K.set_name('K') print(K) ; K.display() #

Check (comparison with known formulas):

# In[16]: Krp = a*m*(1-y^2)*(3*r^4+a^2*r^2+a^2*(r^2-a^2)*y^2) / rho2^2/sqrt(Del*BB2) Krp # In[17]: K[1,3] - Krp # In[18]: Kyp = 2*m*r*a^3*(1-y^2)*y*sqrt(Del)/rho2^2/sqrt(BB2) Kyp # In[19]: K[2,3] - Kyp #

For now on, we use the expressions Krp and Kyp above for $K_{r\phi}$ and $K_{ry}$, respectively:

# In[20]: K1 = Sig.sym_bilin_form_field('K') K1[1,3] = Krp K1[2,3] = Kyp K = K1 K.display() #

The type-(1,1) tensor $K^\sharp$ of components $K^i_{\ \, j} = \gamma^{ik} K_{kj}$:

# In[21]: Ku = K.up(gam, 0) print(Ku) ; Ku.display() #

We may check that the hypersurface $\Sigma$ is maximal, i.e. that $K^k_{\ \, k} = 0$:

# In[22]: trK = Ku.trace() print(trK) #

Connection and curvature


Let us call $D$ the Levi-Civita connection associated with $\gamma$:

# In[23]: D = gam.connection(name='D') print(D) ; D #

The Ricci tensor associated with $\gamma$:

# In[24]: Ric = gam.ricci() print(Ric) ; Ric # In[25]: Ric[1,1] # In[26]: Ric[1,2] # In[27]: Ric[1,3] # In[28]: Ric[2,2] # In[29]: Ric[2,3] # In[30]: Ric[3,3] #

The scalar curvature $R = \gamma^{ij} R_{ij}$:

# In[31]: R = gam.ricci_scalar(name='R') print(R) R.display() #

Test: 3+1 Einstein equations


Let us check that the vacuum 3+1 Einstein equations are satisfied.


We start by the contraint equations:


Hamiltonian constraint


Let us first evaluate the term $K_{ij} K^{ij}$:

# In[32]: Kuu = Ku.up(gam, 1) trKK = K['_ij']*Kuu['^ij'] print(trKK) ; trKK.display() #

The vacuum Hamiltonian constraint equation is $$R + K^2 -K_{ij} K^{ij} = 0 $$

# In[33]: Ham = R + trK^2 - trKK print(Ham) ; Ham.display() #

Momentum constraint


In vaccum, the momentum constraint is $$ D_j K^j_{\ \, i} - D_i K = 0 $$

# In[34]: mom = D(Ku).trace(0,2) - D(trK) print(mom) mom.display() #

Dynamical Einstein equations


Let us first evaluate the symmetric bilinear form $k_{ij} := K_{ik} K^k_{\ \, j}$:

# In[35]: KK = K['_ik']*Ku['^k_j'] print(KK) # In[36]: KK1 = KK.symmetrize() KK == KK1 # In[37]: KK = KK1 print(KK) # In[38]: KK[1,1] # In[39]: KK[1,2] # In[40]: KK[1,3] # In[41]: KK[2,2] # In[42]: KK[2,3] # In[43]: KK[3,3] #

In vacuum and for stationary spacetimes, the dynamical Einstein equations are $$ \mathcal{L}_\beta K_{ij} - D_i D_j N + N \left( R_{ij} + K K_{ij} - 2 K_{ik} K^k_{\ \, j}\right) = 0 $$

# In[44]: dyn = K.lie_der(b) - D(D(N)) + N*( Ric + trK*K - 2*KK ) print(dyn) dyn.display() #

Hence, we have checked that all the vacuum 3+1 Einstein equations are fulfilled.

# #

Electric and magnetic parts of the Weyl tensor


The electric part is the bilinear form $E$ given by # $$E_{ij} = R_{ij} + K K_{ij} - K_{ik} K^k_{\ \, j} $$

# In[45]: E = Ric + trK*K - KK print(E) # In[46]: E[1,1] # In[47]: E[1,1].factor() # In[48]: E[1,2] # In[49]: E[1,2].factor() # In[50]: E[1,3] # In[51]: E[2,2] # In[52]: E[2,2].factor() # In[53]: E[2,3] # In[54]: E[3,3] # In[55]: E[3,3].factor() #

The magnetic part is the bilinear form $B$ defined by $$ B_{ij} = \epsilon^k_{\ \, l i} D_k K^l_{\ \, j}, $$


where $\epsilon^k_{\ \, l i}$ are the components of the type-(1,2) tensor $\epsilon^\sharp$, related to the Levi-Civita alternating tensor $\epsilon$ associated with $\gamma$ by $\epsilon^k_{\ \, l i} = \gamma^{km} \epsilon_{m l i}$. In SageManifolds, $\epsilon$ is obtained by the command volume_form() and $\epsilon^\sharp$ by the command volume_form(1) (1 = 1 index raised):

# In[56]: eps = gam.volume_form() print(eps) ; eps.display() # In[57]: epsu = gam.volume_form(1) print(epsu) ; epsu.display() # In[58]: DKu = D(Ku) B = epsu['^k_li']*DKu['^l_jk'] print(B) #

Let us check that $B$ is symmetric:

# In[59]: B1 = B.symmetrize() B == B1 #

Accordingly, we set

# In[60]: B = B1 B.set_name('B') print(B) # In[61]: B[1,1] # In[62]: B[1,1].factor() # In[63]: B[1,2] # In[64]: B[1,2].factor() # In[65]: B[1,3] # In[66]: B[2,2] # In[67]: B[2,2].factor() # In[68]: B[2,3] # In[69]: B[3,3] # In[70]: B[3,3].factor() #

3+1 decomposition of the Simon-Mars tensor


We follow the computation presented in arXiv:1412.6542. We start by the tensor $E^\sharp$ of components $E^i_ {\ \, j}$:

# In[71]: Eu = E.up(gam, 0) print(Eu) #

Tensor $B^\sharp$ of components $B^i_{\ \, j}$:

# In[72]: Bu = B.up(gam, 0) print(Bu) #

1-form $\beta^\flat$ of components $\beta_i$ and its exterior derivative:

# In[73]: bd = b.down(gam) xdb = bd.exterior_derivative() print(xdb) ; xdb.display() #

Scalar square of shift $\beta_i \beta^i$:

# In[74]: b2 = bd(b) print(b2) ; b2.display() #

Scalar $Y = E(\beta,\beta) = E_{ij} \beta^i \beta^j$:

# In[75]: Ebb = E(b,b) Y = Ebb print(Y) ; Y.display() # In[76]: Ebb.coord_function().factor() # In[77]: Ebb.display() #

Scalar $\bar Y = B(\beta,\beta) = B_{ij}\beta^i \beta^j$:

# In[78]: Bbb = B(b,b) Y_bar = Bbb print(Y_bar) ; Y_bar.display() # In[79]: Bbb.coord_function().factor() #

1-form of components $Eb_i = E_{ij} \beta^j$:

# In[80]: Eb = E.contract(b) print(Eb) ; Eb.display() #

Vector field of components $Eub^i = E^i_{\ \, j} \beta^j$:

# In[81]: Eub = Eu.contract(b) print(Eub) ; Eub.display() #

1-form of components $Bb_i = B_{ij} \beta^j$:

# In[82]: Bb = B.contract(b) print(Bb) ; Bb.display() #

Vector field of components $Bub^i = B^i_{\ \, j} \beta^j$:

# In[83]: Bub = Bu.contract(b) print(Bub) ; Bub.display() #

Vector field of components $Kub^i = K^i_{\ \, j} \beta^j$:

# In[84]: Kub = Ku.contract(b) print(Kub) ; Kub.display() # In[85]: T = 2*b(N) - 2*K(b,b) print(T) ; T.display() # In[86]: Db = D(b) # Db^i_j = D_j b^i Dbu = Db.up(gam, 1) # Dbu^{ij} = D^j b^i bDb = b*Dbu # bDb^{ijk} = b^i D^k b^j T_bar = eps['_ijk']*bDb['^ikj'] print(T_bar) ; T_bar.display() # In[87]: epsb = eps.contract(b) print(epsb) epsb.display() # In[88]: epsB = eps['_ijl']*Bu['^l_k'] print(epsB) # In[89]: epsB.symmetries() # In[90]: epsB[1,2,3] # In[91]: Z = 2*N*( D(N) -K.contract(b)) + b.contract(xdb) print(Z) ; Z.display() # In[92]: DNu = D(N).up(gam) A = 2*(DNu - Ku.contract(b))*b + N*Dbu Z_bar = eps['_ijk']*A['^kj'] print(Z_bar) ; Z_bar.display() # In[93]: # Test: Dbdu = D(bd).up(gam,1).up(gam,1) # (Db)^{ij} = D^i b^j A = 2*b*(DNu - Ku.contract(b)) + N*Dbdu Z_bar0 = eps['_ijk']*A['^jk'] # NB: '^jk' and not 'kj' Z_bar0 == Z_bar # In[94]: W = N*Eb + epsb.contract(Bub) print(W) ; W.display() # In[95]: W_bar = N*Bb - epsb.contract(Eub) print(W_bar) ; W_bar.display() # In[96]: W[3].factor() # In[97]: W_bar[3].factor() # In[98]: M = - 4*Eb(Kub - DNu) - 2*(epsB['_ij.']*Dbu['^ji'])(b) print(M) ; M.display() # In[99]: M_bar = 2*(eps.contract(Eub))['_ij']*Dbu['^ji'] - 4*Bb(Kub - DNu) print(M_bar) ; M_bar.display() # In[100]: A = epsB['_ilk']*b['^l'] + epsB['_ikl']*b['^l'] \ + Bu['^m_i']*epsb['_mk'] - 2*N*E xdbE = xdb['_kl']*Eu['^k_i'] L = 2*N*epsB['_kli']*Dbu['^kl'] + 2*xdb['_ij']*Eub['^j'] \ + 2*xdbE['_li']*b['^l'] + 2*A['_ik']*(Kub - DNu)['^k'] print(L) # In[101]: L[1] # In[102]: L[1].factor() # In[103]: L[2] # In[104]: L[2].factor() # In[105]: L[3] # In[106]: N2pbb = N^2 + b2 V = N2pbb*E - 2*(b.contract(E)*bd).symmetrize() + Ebb*gam \ + 2*N*(b.contract(epsB).symmetrize()) print(V) # In[107]: V[1,1] # In[108]: V[1,1].factor() # In[109]: V[1,2] # In[110]: V[1,2].factor() # In[111]: V[1,3] # In[112]: V[2,2] # In[113]: V[2,2].factor() # In[114]: V[2,3] # In[115]: V[3,3] # In[116]: V[3,3].factor() # In[117]: beps = b.contract(eps) V_bar = N2pbb*B - 2*(b.contract(B)*bd).symmetrize() + Bbb*gam \ - 2*N*(beps['_il']*Eu['^l_j']).symmetrize() print(V_bar) # In[118]: V_bar[1,1] # In[119]: V_bar[1,1].factor() # In[120]: V_bar[1,2] # In[121]: V_bar[1,2].factor() # In[122]: V_bar[1,3] # In[123]: V_bar[2,2] # In[124]: V_bar[2,2].factor() # In[125]: V_bar[2,3] # In[126]: V_bar[3,3] # In[127]: V_bar[3,3].factor() # In[128]: G = (N^2 - b2)*gam + bd*bd print(G) # In[129]: G.display() #

3+1 decomposition of the real part of the Simon-Mars tensor


We follow Eqs. (77)-(80) of arXiv:1412.6542:

# In[130]: S1 = (4*(V*Z - V_bar*Z_bar) + G*L).antisymmetrize(1,2) print(S1) # In[131]: S1.display() # In[132]: S2 = 4*(T*V - T_bar*V_bar - W*Z + W_bar*Z_bar) + M*G \ - N*bd*L print(S2) # In[133]: S2.display() # In[134]: S3 = (4*(W*Z - W_bar*Z_bar) + N*bd*L).antisymmetrize() print(S3) # In[135]: S3.display() # In[136]: S2[3,1] == -2*S3[3,1] # In[137]: S2[3,2] == -2*S3[3,2] # In[138]: S4 = 4*(T*W - T_bar*W_bar) -4*(Y*Z - Y_bar*Z_bar) + N*M*bd \ - b2*L print(S4) # In[139]: S4.display() #

Hence all the tensors $S^1$, $S^2$, $S^3$ and $S^4$ involved in the 3+1 decomposition of the real part of the Simon-Mars are zero, as they should since the Simon-Mars tensor vanishes identically for the Kerr spacetime.

# #

3+1 decomposition of the imaginary part of the Simon-Mars tensor

# #

We follow Eqs. (82)-(85) of arXiv:1412.6542.

# In[140]: epsE = eps['_ijl']*Eu['^l_k'] print(epsE) # In[141]: A = - epsE['_ilk']*b['^l'] - epsE['_ikl']*b['^l'] \ - Eu['^m_i']*epsb['_mk'] - 2*N*B xdbB = xdb['_kl']*Bu['^k_i'] L_bar = - 2*N*epsE['_kli']*Dbu['^kl'] \ + 2*xdb['_ij']*Bub['^j'] + 2*xdbB['_li']*b['^l'] \ + 2*A['_ik']*(Kub - DNu)['^k'] print(L_bar) # In[142]: L_bar.display() # In[143]: S1_bar = (4*(V*Z_bar + V_bar*Z) + G*L_bar).antisymmetrize(1,2) print(S1_bar) # In[144]: S1_bar.display() # In[145]: S2_bar = 4*(T_bar*V + T*V_bar) - 4*(W*Z_bar + W_bar*Z) \ + M_bar*G - N*bd*L_bar print(S2_bar) # In[146]: S2_bar.display() # In[147]: S3_bar = (4*(W*Z_bar + W_bar*Z) + N*bd*L_bar).antisymmetrize() print(S3_bar) # In[148]: S3_bar.display() # In[149]: S4_bar = 4*(T_bar*W + T*W_bar - Y*Z_bar - Y_bar*Z) \ + M_bar*N*bd - b2*L_bar print(S4_bar) # In[150]: S4_bar.display() #

Hence all the tensors ${\bar S}^1$, ${\bar S}^2$, ${\bar S}^3$ and ${\bar S}^4$ involved in the 3+1 decomposition of the imaginary part of the Simon-Mars are zero, as they should since the Simon-Mars tensor vanishes identically for the Kerr spacetime.