import json # Load cat data db = json.load(open('cat-position-data.json')) # Print scale factors of map images to get to 1 pixel per metre # This is used to resize each layer in road.xcf which is 1PPM. for cat in db['cats']: print('{0}: {1:.2f}%'.format(cat['name'], 100.0/cat['pixelsPerMeter'])) from PIL import Image # Get the size of each map image in pixels and hence pixels in road.tiff image_sizes = {} image_scales = {} for cat in db['cats']: im =['name'].lower() + '.jpg') w, h = im.size scale = 1.0/cat['pixelsPerMeter'] w = int(w*scale); h = int(h * scale) print('{0}: {1}x{2}'.format(cat['name'], w, h)) image_sizes[cat['name'].lower()] = (w,h) image_scales[cat['name'].lower()] = scale # This is a list of the X, Y positions of the top-left (i.e. minimum) pixel co-ord of each image in road.xcf image_locs = { 'chip': (2159, 2034), 'coco': (1636, 2007), 'deebee': (1807, 2038), 'ginger': (1294, 2174), 'hermie': (1619, 1880), 'kato': (1948, 2348), 'phoebe': (1948, 2348), 'orlando': (0, 0), # not geo-referenced 'rosie': (1870, 2165), 'sooty': (1481, 2051), } from osgeo import gdal # Open road map and get the geo transform map_ds = gdal.Open('road.tiff') ox, xs, _, oy, _, ys = map_ds.GetGeoTransform() def pixel_to_grid(x, y): return (ox + xs * x, oy + ys * y) pixel_to_grid(0,0) pixel_to_grid(2159, 2034) from osgeo import osr # Setup an OS grid -> WGS 84 projection bng = osr.SpatialReference() bng.ImportFromEPSG(27700) wgs84 = osr.SpatialReference() wgs84.ImportFromEPSG(4326) bng2wgs84 = osr.CoordinateTransformation(bng, wgs84) # Project the points for each cat into os grid and thence WGS84 for cat in db['cats']: name = cat['name'].lower() dx, dy = image_locs[name] # sckip unlocated images if dx == 0 and dy == 0: continue scale = image_scales[name] coords = [] for pt in cat['points']: if not 'projected' in pt: continue x, y = tuple(float(v) for v in pt['projected'].split(',')) x *= scale; y *= scale gx, gy = pixel_to_grid(x+dx, y+dy) # To WGS84 x, y, _ = bng2wgs84.TransformPoint(gx, gy) coords.append((x, y)) geometry = { 'type': 'LineString', 'coordinates': coords } feature = { 'type': 'Feature', 'properties': cat, 'geometry': geometry } json.dump(feature, open(name + '.geojson', 'w'))