#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Optimization of Dissipative Qubit Reset # In[1]: # NBVAL_IGNORE_OUTPUT get_ipython().run_line_magic('load_ext', 'watermark') import qutip import numpy as np import scipy import matplotlib import matplotlib.pylab as plt import krotov get_ipython().run_line_magic('watermark', '-v --iversions') # $\newcommand{tr}[0]{\operatorname{tr}} # \newcommand{diag}[0]{\operatorname{diag}} # \newcommand{abs}[0]{\operatorname{abs}} # \newcommand{pop}[0]{\operatorname{pop}} # \newcommand{aux}[0]{\text{aux}} # \newcommand{int}[0]{\text{int}} # \newcommand{opt}[0]{\text{opt}} # \newcommand{tgt}[0]{\text{tgt}} # \newcommand{init}[0]{\text{init}} # \newcommand{lab}[0]{\text{lab}} # \newcommand{rwa}[0]{\text{rwa}} # \newcommand{bra}[1]{\langle#1\vert} # \newcommand{ket}[1]{\vert#1\rangle} # \newcommand{Bra}[1]{\left\langle#1\right\vert} # \newcommand{Ket}[1]{\left\vert#1\right\rangle} # \newcommand{Braket}[2]{\left\langle #1\vphantom{#2} \mid # #2\vphantom{#1}\right\rangle} # \newcommand{op}[1]{\hat{#1}} # \newcommand{Op}[1]{\hat{#1}} # \newcommand{dd}[0]{\,\text{d}} # \newcommand{Liouville}[0]{\mathcal{L}} # \newcommand{DynMap}[0]{\mathcal{E}} # \newcommand{identity}[0]{\mathbf{1}} # \newcommand{Norm}[1]{\lVert#1\rVert} # \newcommand{Abs}[1]{\left\vert#1\right\vert} # \newcommand{avg}[1]{\langle#1\rangle} # \newcommand{Avg}[1]{\left\langle#1\right\rangle} # \newcommand{AbsSq}[1]{\left\vert#1\right\vert^2} # \newcommand{Re}[0]{\operatorname{Re}} # \newcommand{Im}[0]{\operatorname{Im}}$ # # This example illustrates an optimization in an *open* quantum system, # where the dynamics is governed by the Liouville-von Neumann equation. Hence, # states are represented by density matrices $\op{\rho}(t)$ and the time-evolution # operator is given by a general dynamical map $\DynMap$. # ## Define parameters # # The system consists of a qubit with Hamiltonian # $\op{H}_{q}(t) = - \frac{\omega_{q}}{2} \op{\sigma}_{z} - \frac{\epsilon(t)}{2} \op{\sigma}_{z}$, # where $\omega_{q}$ is an energy level splitting that can be dynamically adjusted # by the control $\epsilon(t)$. This qubit couples strongly to another two-level # system (TLS) with Hamiltonian $\op{H}_{t} = - \frac{\omega_{t}}{2} \op{\sigma}_{z}$ with # static energy level splitting $\omega_{t}$. The coupling strength between both # systems is given by $J$ with the interaction Hamiltonian given by $\op{H}_{\int} # = J \op{\sigma}_{x} \otimes \op{\sigma}_{x}$. # The Hamiltonian for the system of qubit and TLS is # # $$ # \op{H}(t) # = \op{H}_{q}(t) \otimes \identity_{t} # + \identity_{q} \otimes \op{H}_{t} + \op{H}_{\int}. # $$ # # In addition, the TLS is embedded in a heat bath with inverse temperature # $\beta$. The TLS couples to the bath with rate $\kappa$. In order to simulate # the dissipation arising from this coupling, we consider the two Lindblad # operators # # $$ # \begin{split} # \op{L}_{1} &= \sqrt{\kappa (N_{th}+1)} \identity_{q} \otimes \ket{0}\bra{1} \\ # \op{L}_{2} &= \sqrt{\kappa N_{th}} \identity_{q} \otimes \ket{1}\bra{0} # \end{split} # $$ # # with $N_{th} = 1/(e^{\beta \omega_{t}} - 1)$. # In[2]: omega_q = 1.0 # qubit level splitting omega_T = 3.0 # TLS level splitting J = 0.1 # qubit-TLS coupling kappa = 0.04 # TLS decay rate beta = 1.0 # inverse bath temperature T = 25.0 # final time nt = 2500 # number of time steps # ## Define the Liouvillian # # The dynamics of the qubit-TLS system state $\op{\rho}(t)$ is governed by the # Liouville-von Neumann equation # # $$ # \begin{split} # \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \op{\rho}(t) # &= \Liouville(t) \op{\rho}(t) \\ # &= - i \left[\op{H}(t), \op{\rho}(t)\right] # + \sum_{k=1,2} \left( # \op{L}_{k} \op{\rho}(t) \op{L}_{k}^\dagger # - \frac{1}{2} # \op{L}_{k}^\dagger # \op{L}_{k} \op{\rho}(t) # - \frac{1}{2} \op{\rho}(t) # \op{L}_{k}^\dagger # \op{L}_{k} # \right)\,. # \end{split} # $$ # In[3]: def liouvillian(omega_q, omega_T, J, kappa, beta): """Liouvillian for the coupled system of qubit and TLS""" # drift qubit Hamiltonian H0_q = 0.5 * omega_q * np.diag([-1, 1]) # drive qubit Hamiltonian H1_q = 0.5 * np.diag([-1, 1]) # drift TLS Hamiltonian H0_T = 0.5 * omega_T * np.diag([-1, 1]) # Lift Hamiltonians to joint system operators H0 = np.kron(H0_q, np.identity(2)) + np.kron(np.identity(2), H0_T) H1 = np.kron(H1_q, np.identity(2)) # qubit-TLS interaction H_int = J * np.fliplr(np.diag([0, 1, 1, 0])) # convert Hamiltonians to QuTiP objects H0 = qutip.Qobj(H0 + H_int) H1 = qutip.Qobj(H1) # Define Lindblad operators N = 1.0 / (np.exp(beta * omega_T) - 1.0) # Cooling on TLS L1 = np.sqrt(kappa * (N + 1)) * np.kron( np.identity(2), np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]]) ) # Heating on TLS L2 = np.sqrt(kappa * N) * np.kron( np.identity(2), np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0]]) ) # convert Lindblad operators to QuTiP objects L1 = qutip.Qobj(L1) L2 = qutip.Qobj(L2) # generate the Liouvillian L0 = qutip.liouvillian(H=H0, c_ops=[L1, L2]) L1 = qutip.liouvillian(H=H1) # Shift the qubit and TLS into resonance by default eps0 = lambda t, args: omega_T - omega_q return [L0, [L1, eps0]] L = liouvillian(omega_q=omega_q, omega_T=omega_T, J=J, kappa=kappa, beta=beta) # ## Define the optimization target # The initial state of qubit and TLS are assumed to be in thermal equilibrium with # the heat bath (although only the TLS is directly interacting with the bath). # Both states are given by # # $$ # \op{\rho}_{\alpha}^{th} = # \frac{e^{x_{\alpha}} \ket{0}\bra{0} + e^{-x_{\alpha}} \ket{1}\bra{1}}{2 # \cosh(x_{\alpha})}, # \qquad # x_{\alpha} = \frac{\omega_{\alpha} \beta}{2}, # $$ # # with $\alpha = q,t$. The initial state of the bipartite system # of qubit and TLS is given by the thermal state # $\op{\rho}_{th} = \op{\rho}_{q}^{th} \otimes \op{\rho}_{t}^{th}$. # In[4]: x_q = omega_q * beta / 2.0 rho_q_th = np.diag([np.exp(x_q), np.exp(-x_q)]) / (2 * np.cosh(x_q)) x_T = omega_T * beta / 2.0 rho_T_th = np.diag([np.exp(x_T), np.exp(-x_T)]) / (2 * np.cosh(x_T)) rho_th = qutip.Qobj(np.kron(rho_q_th, rho_T_th)) # Since we are ultimately only interested in the state of the qubit, we define # `trace_TLS`. It returns the reduced state of the qubit # $\op{\rho}_{q} = \tr_{t}\{\op{\rho}\}$ when passed # the state $\op{\rho}$ of the bipartite system. # In[5]: def trace_TLS(rho): """Partial trace over the TLS degrees of freedom""" rho_q = np.zeros(shape=(2, 2), dtype=np.complex_) rho_q[0, 0] = rho[0, 0] + rho[1, 1] rho_q[0, 1] = rho[0, 2] + rho[1, 3] rho_q[1, 0] = rho[2, 0] + rho[3, 1] rho_q[1, 1] = rho[2, 2] + rho[3, 3] return qutip.Qobj(rho_q) # The target state is (temporarily) the ground state of the bipartite system, # i.e., $\op{\rho}_{\tgt} = \ket{00}\bra{00}$. Note that in the end we will only # optimize the reduced state of the qubit. # In[6]: rho_q_trg = np.diag([1, 0]) rho_T_trg = np.diag([1, 0]) rho_trg = np.kron(rho_q_trg, rho_T_trg) rho_trg = qutip.Qobj(rho_trg) # Next, the list of `objectives` is defined, which contains the initial and target # state and the Liouvillian $\Liouville(t)$ that determines the system dynamics. # In[7]: objectives = [krotov.Objective(initial_state=rho_th, target=rho_trg, H=L)] objectives # In the following, we define the shape function $S(t)$, which we use in order to # ensure a smooth switch on and off in the beginning and end. Note that at times # $t$ where $S(t)$ vanishes, the updates of the field is suppressed. # In[8]: def S(t): """Shape function for the field update""" return krotov.shapes.flattop( t, t_start=0, t_stop=T, t_rise=0.05 * T, t_fall=0.05 * T, func='sinsq' ) # We re-use this function to also shape the guess control $\epsilon_{0}(t)$ to be # zero at $t=0$ and $t=T$. This is on top of the originally defined constant # value shifting the qubit and TLS into resonance. # In[9]: def shape_field(eps0): """Applies the shape function S(t) to the guess field""" eps0_shaped = lambda t, args: eps0(t, args) * S(t) return eps0_shaped L[1][1] = shape_field(L[1][1]) # At last, before heading to the actual optimization below, we assign the shape # function $S(t)$ to the OCT parameters of the control and choose `lambda_a`, a # numerical parameter that controls the field update magnitude in each iteration. # In[10]: pulse_options = {L[1][1]: dict(lambda_a=0.1, update_shape=S)} # ## Simulate the dynamics of the guess field # # In[11]: tlist = np.linspace(0, T, nt) # In[12]: def plot_pulse(pulse, tlist): fig, ax = plt.subplots() if callable(pulse): pulse = np.array([pulse(t, args=None) for t in tlist]) ax.plot(tlist, pulse) ax.set_xlabel('time') ax.set_ylabel('pulse amplitude') plt.show(fig) # The following plot shows the guess field $\epsilon_{0}(t)$ as a constant that # puts qubit and TLS into resonance, but with a smooth switch-on and switch-off. # In[13]: plot_pulse(L[1][1], tlist) # We solve the equation of motion for this guess field, storing the expectation # values for the population in the bipartite levels: # # In[14]: psi00 = qutip.Qobj(np.kron(np.array([1,0]), np.array([1,0]))) psi01 = qutip.Qobj(np.kron(np.array([1,0]), np.array([0,1]))) psi10 = qutip.Qobj(np.kron(np.array([0,1]), np.array([1,0]))) psi11 = qutip.Qobj(np.kron(np.array([0,1]), np.array([0,1]))) proj_00 = qutip.ket2dm(psi00) proj_01 = qutip.ket2dm(psi01) proj_10 = qutip.ket2dm(psi10) proj_11 = qutip.ket2dm(psi11) # In[15]: guess_dynamics = objectives[0].mesolve( tlist, e_ops=[proj_00, proj_01, proj_10, proj_11] ) # In[16]: def plot_population(result): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot( result.times, np.array(result.expect[0]) + np.array(result.expect[1]), label='qubit 0', ) ax.plot( result.times, np.array(result.expect[0]) + np.array(result.expect[2]), label='TLS 0', ) p0_TLS_init = np.array(result.expect[0][0]) + np.array(result.expect[2][0]) ax.legend() ax.axhline(p0_TLS_init, ls=":", c='gray') ax.set_xlabel('time') ax.set_ylabel('population') plt.show(fig) plot_population(guess_dynamics) # The population dynamics of qubit and TLS ground state show that # both are oscillating and especially the qubit's ground state population reaches # a maximal value at intermediate times $t < T$. This maximum is indeed the # maximum that is physically possible. It corresponds to a perfect swap of # the initial qubit and TLS purities. However, we want to reach this maximum at # final time $T$ (not before), so the guess control is not yet working as desired. # ## Optimize # Our optimization target is the ground state $\ket{\Psi_{q}^{\tgt}} # = \ket{0}$ of the qubit, irrespective of the state of the TLS. Thus, our # optimization functional reads # # $$ # J_T = 1 - # \Braket{\Psi_{q}^{\tgt}}{\tr_{t}\{\op{\rho}(T)\} \,|\; \Psi_{q}^{\tgt}}\,, # $$ # # and we first define `print_qubit_error`, which prints out the # above functional after each iteration. # # In[17]: def print_qubit_error(**args): """Utility function writing the qubit error to screen""" taus = [] for state_T in args['fw_states_T']: state_q_T = trace_TLS(state_T) taus.append(state_q_T[0, 0].real) J_T = 1 - np.average(taus) print(" qubit error: %.1e" % J_T) return J_T # In order to minimize the above functional, we need to provide the correct # `chi_constructor` for the Krotov optimization. This is the only place where the # functional (implicitly) enters the optimization. # Given our bipartite system and choice of $J_T$, the equation for # $\op{\chi}(T)$ reads # # $$ # \op{\chi}(T) # = # \frac{1}{2} \ket{\Psi_{q}^{\tgt}} \bra{\Psi_{q}^{\tgt}} \otimes \op{1}_{2} # = # \frac{1}{2} \ket{00}\bra{00} + \frac{1}{2} \ket{01}\bra{01}. # $$ # In[18]: def chis_qubit(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals): """Calculate chis for the chosen functional""" chis = [] for state_i_T in fw_states_T: chi_i = qutip.Qobj(np.kron(rho_q_trg, np.diag([1, 1]))) chis.append(chi_i) return chis # We now carry out the optimization for five iterations. # In[19]: # NBVAL_IGNORE_OUTPUT # the DensityMatrixODEPropagator is not sufficiently exact to guarantee that # you won't get slightly different results in the optimization when # running this on different systems opt_result = krotov.optimize_pulses( objectives, pulse_options, tlist, propagator=krotov.propagators.DensityMatrixODEPropagator( atol=1e-10, rtol=1e-8 ), chi_constructor=chis_qubit, info_hook=krotov.info_hooks.chain( krotov.info_hooks.print_debug_information, print_qubit_error ), check_convergence=krotov.convergence.check_monotonic_error, iter_stop=5, ) # In[20]: opt_result # ## Simulate the dynamics of the optimized field # The plot of the optimized field shows that the optimization slightly shifts # the field such that qubit and TLS are no longer perfectly in resonance. # In[21]: plot_pulse(opt_result.optimized_controls[0], tlist) # This slight shift of qubit and TLS out of resonance delays the population # oscillations between qubit and TLS ground state such that the qubit ground # state is maximally populated at final time $T$. # In[22]: optimized_dynamics = opt_result.optimized_objectives[0].mesolve( tlist, e_ops=[proj_00, proj_01, proj_10, proj_11] ) plot_population(optimized_dynamics)