import plotly import time import json import math from numpy import sin, cos, pi, array import numpy as np import scipy.integrate as integrate # Fill in the config.json file in this directory with your plotly username, # plotly API key, and your generated plotly streaming tokens # Sign up to plotly here: # View your API key and streaming tokens here: with open('./config.json') as config_file: plotly_user_config = json.load(config_file) username = "Streaming-Demos" # plotly_user_config['plotly_username'] api_key = plotly_user_config['plotly_api_key'] stream_tokens = plotly_user_config['plotly_streaming_tokens'] # Initialize your plotly object p = plotly.plotly(username, api_key) # Define the Double Pendulum state equations and parameters # Code adapted from (Thx!) G = 9.8 # acceleration due to gravity, in m/s^2 L1 = 1.0 # length of pendulum 1 in m L2 = 1.0 # length of pendulum 2 in m M1 = 1.0 # mass of pendulum 1 in kg M2 = 1.0 # mass of pendulum 2 in kg def derivs(state, t): dydx = np.zeros_like(state) dydx[0] = state[1] del_ = state[2]-state[0] den1 = (M1+M2)*L1 - M2*L1*cos(del_)*cos(del_) dydx[1] = (M2*L1*state[1]*state[1]*sin(del_)*cos(del_) + M2*G*sin(state[2])*cos(del_) + M2*L2*state[3]*state[3]*sin(del_) - (M1+M2)*G*sin(state[0]))/den1 dydx[2] = state[3] den2 = (L2/L1)*den1 dydx[3] = (-M2*L2*state[3]*state[3]*sin(del_)*cos(del_) + (M1+M2)*G*sin(state[0])*cos(del_) - (M1+M2)*L1*state[1]*state[1]*sin(del_) - (M1+M2)*G*sin(state[2]))/den2 return dydx # th1 and th2 are the initial angles (degrees) # w10 and w20 are the initial angular velocities (degrees per second) th1 = 120.0 w1 = 0.0 th2 = -10.0 w2 = 0.0 rad = pi/180 # Initialize your plotly real-time streaming graph with a REST API call # Embed your stream token in one of the traces of a plotly-data object - one token per trace # Also embed 'maxpoints', the number of points that you want plotted at a time # The `iplot` command will embed our plotly graph as an iframe in this notebook # Each plotly graph has a unique url that you can share # Anyone can view your streaming graph in real-time - # viewers see the same data at the same time # (try it! Open up this notebook up in two different browser windows and observer # that the graphs are plotting identical data!) # The unique URL for this graph is def axes(range): return { "autotick" : True, "showgrid" : False, "showline" : False, "zeroline" : False, "ticks": '', "range": range } p.iplot([ { 'x': [], 'y': [], 'type': 'scatter', 'mode': 'lines+markers', 'line': { 'opacity': 0.8 }, 'marker': { 'size': 12 }, 'stream': { 'token': stream_tokens[4], } }, { 'x': [], 'y': [], 'type': 'scatter', 'mode': 'lines', 'line': { 'color': 'rgba(31, 119, 180, 0.15)' }, 'stream': { 'token': stream_tokens[5], 'maxpoints': 100 } }], layout = { 'xaxis': axes([-2, 2]), 'yaxis': axes([-2, 0.5]), 'title': 'Double Pendulum Simulation', 'showlegend': False }, filename='streaming double pendulum', fileopt='overwrite') # Now stream data to this plot! # Write to a plotly stream with plotly-formatted data # In this case, we'll continually integrate the double pendulum equations 20 points a time, # and write the solution, one point at a time # Our plotly-object is formatted as: {'x': x_data, 'y': y_data} s0 =[4]) s1 =[5]) state = np.array([th1, w1, th2, w2])*pi/180. while True: # create a time array from 0..100 sampled at 0.1 second steps dt = 0.05 t = np.arange(0.0, 20, dt) # solve! y = integrate.odeint(derivs, state, t) x1 = L1*sin(y[:,0]) y1 = -L1*cos(y[:,0]) x2 = L2*sin(y[:,2]) + x1 y2 = -L2*cos(y[:,2]) + y1 # Write the solution to plotly's servers, one point at a time for (x1i, y1i, x2i, y2i) in zip(x1, y1, x2, y2): s0.write({'x': [0, x1i, x2i], 'y': [0, y1i, y2i]}) s1.write({'x': x2i, 'y': y2i}) time.sleep(0.08) # plot points 80 ms at a time # Set the new initial state state = np.array([y[-1,0], y[-1, 1], y[-1, 2], y[-1, 3]]) # When you're done, close your stream! s.close() # CSS styling within IPython notebook from IPython.core.display import HTML import urllib2 def css_styling(): url = '' styles = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() return HTML(styles) css_styling()