#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #
Gradient Descent, Demystified
# `whoami` # `stu` # Machine Learning Engineer @Opendoor # @mstewart141 # [comment]: <> (we are *so* hiring) # # Goal: Puzzle through the gradient descent algorithm towards a working prototype for linear and logistic regression. # Per Wikipedia: # > Gradient descent is a first-order iterative optimization algorithm for finding the __minimum__ of a function. To find a local minimum of a function using gradient descent, one takes steps proportional to the negative of the gradient (or of the approximate gradient) of the function at the current point # ## Ok, but what is a gradient? # Per Khan Academy: # > The gradient stores all the partial derivative information of a multivariable function. # # The gradient is a vector-valued function: a vector of partial derivates. # ![title](gd.png) # source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gradient_descent) # In[2]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import numpy as np import sympy from numpy.linalg import inv from scipy.special import expit from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression, LinearRegression from sklearn.datasets import make_classification from sympy import diff from sympy.solvers import solve from sympy.plotting import plot from toolz import compose, pipe from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all" np.random.seed = RS = 47 # ## Let's look at an example # In[3]: e = 'x*x' plot(e); # In[4]: diff(e) # In[5]: gradient = np.array(['2x']) # In[6]: solve(e) # ### You told us to "step proportional to the negative of the gradient"? # what if `x > 0`, `x < 0`? # # Now, we'll do gradient descent live # ## Starting with linear regression # In[7]: X, Y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=3, n_informative=3, n_redundant=0, n_repeated=0, n_classes=2, random_state=RS) # #### We need to introduce a `bias` term: # In[8]: bias_column = np.ones(X.shape[0]) X = np.c_[bias_column, X] Y = Y.ravel() # ### Aside: do we even need gradient descent? # # $$X_{m \times n}, Y_{m \times 1}$$ # ### Meet the `'normal'` equation: # # $$\begin{equation}y_{mx1} = X_{m \times n}\space\beta_{n \times 1} + \epsilon_{m \times 1}\end{equation}$$ # # $$\begin{equation}\beta_{n \times 1} = (X^{T}X)^{-1}_{n \times n}\space X^{T}_{n \times m}\space Y_{m \times 1}\end{equation}$$ # #### This gives us a way to compute our `beta` vector: # In[9]: betas_normal_eq = inv(X.T @ X) @ X.T @ Y # ## Sanity check: Scikit-learn # In[11]: linreg = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False) linreg.fit(X,Y); # In[12]: betas_sklearn = linreg.coef_ # In[13]: betas_normal_eq betas_sklearn # ## But where are the gradients??? # ### Spoiler: linear and logistic regression aren't so different to optimize # #### To implement gradient descent for linear regression, we will use the identity function. # # #### For logistic regression, we will use the `sigmoid` function: # # $$\begin{equation} F(z) = z \end{equation}$$ # # $$\begin{equation} F(z) = \dfrac{1}{1+e^{-z}} \end{equation}$$ # ### These two functions, let's write 'em up # In[14]: identity = lambda z: z sigmoid = expit def sigmoid(z): return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z)) # ### Why do these $F(z)$ equations matter? What is our hypothesis? # #### Our two hypotheses will be identical, except for the aforementioned functions! # #### Recall the normal equation? # In[16]: hypothesis = X @ betas_sklearn hypothesis_shape = hypothesis.shape hypothesis_shape # ## Gradient Descent! # > Gradient descent is a first-order iterative optimization algorithm # We must define an update step that moves us closer to the solution each iteration. # In[40]: def gradient_descent(X=X, Y=Y, kind='linear', learning_rate=0.01, iterations=int(1e5)): betas = np.zeros(X.shape[1]) assert kind in {'linear', 'logistic'}, f"Whoops! Don't support kind: {kind}." fn = identity if kind == 'linear' else sigmoid def update_step(betas): hypothesis = fn(X @ betas) loss = hypothesis - Y gradient = X.T @ loss * (1 / X.shape[0]) return betas - learning_rate * gradient return pipe(betas, *([update_step] * iterations)) # In[40]: # (tweetable version) def gradient_descent(X=X, Y=Y, kind='linear', lr=0.01, n=int(1e5)): return pipe(np.zeros(X.shape[1]), *([ lambda betas: betas - lr * X.T @ (((identity if kind == 'linear' else sigmoid)(X @ betas)) - Y) * (1 / X.shape[0]) ] * n)) # ### Does it work for linear regression? # In[41]: betas_gd = gradient_descent() # In[42]: betas_gd betas_normal_eq betas_sklearn # ### Great! How about for logistic regression? # ### What saith Scikit? # In[25]: logr = LogisticRegression(fit_intercept=False, C=1e18) logr.fit(X,Y); # In[26]: betas_logr = logr.coef_[0] betas_gdl = gradient_descent(kind='logistic') # In[30]: np.round(betas_logr, 2) np.round(betas_gdl, 2) # ### Bold claim: we're 90% of the way to a fully formed sklearn estimator! # In[32]: class GradientDescentClassifierRegressor: def __init__(self, kind='linear', learning_rate=0.01, iterations=int(1e5)): self.kind = kind self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.iterations = iterations def fit(self, X, Y): self.coef_ = gradient_descent( X, Y, self.kind, self.learning_rate, self.iterations, ) return self def predict(self, X): try: getattr(self, 'coef_') # illustrative fn = identity if self.kind == 'linear' else lambda arr: np.round(sigmoid(arr)).astype(int) return fn(X @ self.coef_) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError('Must fit first!!!') # In[35]: gdcr = GradientDescentClassifierRegressor(kind='linear') gdcr.fit(X,Y); # In[36]: gdcr.predict(X[:10]) linreg.predict(X[:10]) #