from ROOT import TFile, RooRealVar, RooDataSet, RooArgSet, RooGaussian, RooChebychev, RooArgList, RooAddPdf, RooFit, TH1F import rootnotes inputfile = TFile("TESHEP_Pedagogical_Data.root") inputchain = inputfile.Get("DecayTree") #Define the variables to be plotted and their upper and lower ranges vars = {"D0_PT" : [2000. , 10000.], "D0_DIRA_OWNPV" : [0.999 , 1. ], "D0_TAU" : [0.00015 , 0.004 ], "D0_MINIPCHI2" : [0. , 50. ]} #Define the mass variable nameofmassvar = "D0_MM" #Define the signal range (from output of previous script) sigrangelow = 1849. sigrangehigh = 1880. #Define the sideband range to be used for the background extraction backgroundrangelow = 1890. backgroundrangehigh = 1914. #Define the background scale factor (from output of previous script) backscale = 1.33 #Define the histograms -- for each variable, one for signal and one #for background histos = {"sig" : {}, "bkg" : {}} for var in vars : histos["sig"][var] = TH1F(var+"Sig",var+"Sig",50,vars[var][0],vars[var][1]) histos["sig"][var].Sumw2() #Tell the histogram it should keep the errors on each point histos["sig"][var].SetMarkerColor(4) #...background is blue histos["sig"][var].SetLineColor(4) histos["sig"][var].SetMarkerStyle(20) histos["sig"][var].GetXaxis().SetTitle(var) histos["bkg"][var] = TH1F(var+"Bkg",var+"Bkg",50,vars[var][0],vars[var][1]) histos["bkg"][var].Sumw2() #Tell the histogram it should keep the errors on each point histos["bkg"][var].SetMarkerColor(2) #Signal is red... histos["bkg"][var].SetLineColor(2) histos["bkg"][var].SetMarkerStyle(24) histos["bkg"][var].GetXaxis().SetTitle(var) #Fill the histograms depending on whether the mass of the event #is in the signal or the background ranges for entry in range(0,inputchain.GetEntries()) : inputchain.GetEntry(entry) tofill = "" #If I am in the signal box fill the signal histograms if inputchain.__getattr__(nameofmassvar) > sigrangelow and \ inputchain.__getattr__(nameofmassvar) < sigrangehigh : tofill = "sig" #Else if I am in the sideband fill the background histograms elif inputchain.__getattr__(nameofmassvar) > backgroundrangelow and \ inputchain.__getattr__(nameofmassvar) < backgroundrangehigh : tofill = "bkg" #Else fill neither and move to the next event else : continue for var in vars : histos[tofill][var].Fill(inputchain.__getattr__(var)) #Subtract the background histograms from the signal ones corrected by the scale factor for var in vars : histos["sig"][var].Add(histos["bkg"][var],-1.*backscale) #Define a canvas on which to plot all of this. What we want to do is plot the #background subtracted signal distributions and the pure background distributions #normalized on top of each other. mycanvas = rootnotes.default_canvas(name="c5", size=(1024, 768)) from ROOT import TLegend mycanvas.Divide(2,2) currentpad = 1 for var in vars : #Which is taller? topbkg = histos["bkg"][var].GetBinContent(histos["bkg"][var].GetMaximumBin()) topsig = histos["sig"][var].GetBinContent(histos["sig"][var].GetMaximumBin()) if (topbkg > topsig) : histos["bkg"][var].DrawNormalized("E") histos["sig"][var].DrawNormalized("ESAME") else : histos["sig"][var].DrawNormalized("E") histos["bkg"][var].DrawNormalized("ESAME") #Set to log scale mycanvas.GetPad(currentpad) legend = TLegend(0.575,0.725,0.875,0.875) legend.AddEntry(histos["bkg"][var], "Background", "p") legend.AddEntry(histos["sig"][var], "Signal", "p") legend.SetTextSize(0.03); legend.Draw() mycanvas.GetPad(currentpad).SetLogy() currentpad += 1 mycanvas from ROOT import TF1, TLatex, kGreen, kBlack, kTRUE, Form; fFitExpo = TF1("fitExpo","expo(0)",0, 30); fFitExpo.SetLineColor(kGreen); fFitExpo.SetLineWidth(2); histos["sig"]["D0_TAU"].Fit(fFitExpo,"rmeh") labels2 = TLatex(0,0,"Fit Parameters"); labels2.SetTextSize(0.04); labels2.SetTextColor(kBlack); labels2.SetNDC(kTRUE); labels2.DrawLatex( 0.3, 0.8, Form( "D^{0} lifetime %.4f #pm %.4f (ps)" % ( -1./fFitExpo.GetParameter(1), fFitExpo.GetParError(1)/(fFitExpo.GetParameter(1) * fFitExpo.GetParameter(1)) ) ) ) mycanvas.Update() mycanvas