#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

# UniFI logo #

# Massimo Nocentini
# #
November 20, 2018: cleanup, `sin` and `cos` $g$ polys #
November 16 and 18, 2016: classic $g$ polys #

# Abstract
# Theory of matrix functions, with applications to Stirling array $\mathcal{S}$. #
# In[1]: from sympy import * from sympy.abc import n, i, N, x, lamda, phi, z, j, r, k, a, alpha from commons import * from matrix_functions import * from sequences import * import functions_catalog init_printing() # # Stirling array $\mathcal{S}$ # In[2]: from sympy.functions.combinatorial.numbers import stirling # In[3]: m=8 # In[4]: S2 = define(let=Symbol(r'\mathcal{{S}}_{{ {} }}'.format(m)), be=Matrix(m, m, lambda n,k: stirling(n,k, kind=2))) S2 # this version is the pure one # In[5]: S2 = define(let=Symbol(r'\mathcal{{S}}_{{ {} }}'.format(m)), be=Matrix(m, m, riordan_matrix_exponential( riordan_matrix_by_convolution(d=Eq(Function('d')(z), exp(z)), h=Eq(Function('h')(z), exp(z)-1), dim=m)))) S2 # In[6]: inspect(S2.rhs) # In[7]: production_matrix(S2.rhs) # In[8]: eigendata = spectrum(S2) eigendata # In[9]: data, eigenvals, multiplicities = eigendata.rhs # In[10]: Phi_poly = Phi_poly_ctor(deg=m-1) Phi_poly # In[11]: Phi_polynomials = component_polynomials(eigendata, early_eigenvals_subs=True) Phi_polynomials # In[12]: cmatrices = component_matrices(S2, Phi_polynomials) cmatrices # ## `power` function # In[13]: f_power, g_power, G_power = functions_catalog.power(eigendata, Phi_polynomials) # In[16]: S2_power = G_power(S2) S2_power # In[17]: define(S2_power.lhs, S2_power.rhs.applyfunc(factor)) # factored # In[18]: S2_power.rhs[:,0] # In[19]: assert (S2.rhs**r).applyfunc(simplify) == S2_power.rhs # In[20]: inspect(S2_power.rhs) # In[21]: production_matrix(S2_power.rhs).applyfunc(factor) # ## `inverse` function # In[22]: f_inverse, g_inverse, G_inverse = functions_catalog.inverse(eigendata, Phi_polynomials) # In[23]: S2_inverse = G_inverse(S2) S2_inverse, G_inverse(S2_inverse) # In[24]: inspect(S2_inverse.rhs) # In[25]: production_matrix(S2_inverse.rhs) # In[26]: assert S2_inverse.rhs*S2.rhs == Matrix(m, m, identity_matrix()) assert S2_inverse.rhs == S2_power.rhs.subs({r:-1}) # ## `sqrt` function # In[27]: f_sqrt, g_sqrt, G_sqrt = functions_catalog.square_root(eigendata, Phi_polynomials) # In[28]: S2_sqrt = G_sqrt(S2) S2_sqrt # In[29]: inspect(S2_sqrt.rhs) # In[30]: production_matrix(S2_sqrt.rhs) # In[40]: inspect(S2_sqrt.rhs) # In[33]: production_matrix(S2_sqrt.rhs, exp=False) # In[34]: assert S2_sqrt.rhs == S2.rhs**(S(1)/2) assert S2_sqrt.rhs == S2_power.rhs.subs({r:S(1)/2}) # ## `expt` function # In[35]: f_exp, g_exp, G_exp = functions_catalog.exp(eigendata, Phi_polynomials) # In[36]: S2_exp = G_exp(S2) S2_exp # In[37]: define(S2_exp.lhs, S2_exp.rhs.applyfunc(factor)) # In[38]: S2_exp1 = define(let=Subs(S2_exp.lhs, alpha, 1), be=S2_exp.rhs.subs({alpha:1})) S2_exp1 # In[39]: inspect(S2_exp.rhs) # In[40]: inspect(S2_exp1.rhs) # ## `log` function # In[41]: f_log, g_log, G_log = functions_catalog.log(eigendata, Phi_polynomials) # In[42]: S2_log = G_log(S2) S2_log # In[43]: inspect(S2_log.rhs[1:,:-1]) # In[44]: production_matrix(S2_log.rhs[1:,:-1]) # ## `sin` function # In[45]: f_sin, g_sin, G_sin = functions_catalog.sin(eigendata, Phi_polynomials) # In[46]: S2_sin = G_sin(S2) S2_sin # ## `cos` function # In[47]: f_cos, g_cos, G_cos = functions_catalog.cos(eigendata, Phi_polynomials) # In[48]: S2_cos = G_cos(S2) S2_cos # In[49]: assert (S2_sin.rhs**2 + S2_cos.rhs**2).applyfunc(trigsimp) == Matrix(m, m, identity_matrix()) # --- # Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.