#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # #

     Matrix plots in Lightning # ##
Setup # In[1]: from lightning import Lightning from numpy import random, arange, asarray, corrcoef, argsort, array import networkx as nx from sklearn import datasets # ## Connect to server # In[2]: lgn = Lightning(ipython=True, host='http://public.lightning-viz.org') # ##
Simple matrix # Matrices are useful ways to visualize dense tables and correlation matrices data. #
# First we show a random matrix with default styles. #
# You can us the arrow keys to change the contrast (up/down) or the colormap (left/right). # In[3]: mat = random.randn(10,10) lgn.matrix(mat) # ##
Different shapes # Rectanglular matrices will automatically size appropriately. # In[4]: mat = random.randn(10,20) lgn.matrix(mat) # In[5]: mat = random.randn(20,10) lgn.matrix(mat) # ##
Colors # Matrices can be rendered using any colorbrewer colormaps. # In[6]: mat = random.rand(10,10) lgn.matrix(mat, colormap='Reds') # In[7]: mat = random.rand(10,10) lgn.matrix(mat, colormap='Spectral') # ##
Labels # You can label the rows and columns of a matrix. Clicking on the text labels will highlight those rows and columns -- try it! # In[8]: n, m = (8, 16) mat = arange(n*m).reshape(n,m) rows = ['row ' + str(i) for i in range(n)] columns = ['col ' + str(i) for i in range(m)] lgn.matrix(mat, row_labels=rows, column_labels=columns) # You can also turn on labeling of cells by their value. # In[9]: mat = arange(n*m).reshape(n,m) lgn.matrix(mat, numbers=True)