#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # #

     Image plots in Lightning # ##
Setup # In[46]: from lightning import Lightning from numpy import random, asarray, concatenate from sklearn import datasets # ## Connect to server # In[47]: lgn = Lightning(ipython=True, host='http://public.lightning-viz.org') # ##
Basic image viewing # The image plot type shows an image with zooming and panning. #
# Lightning's image viewer is powered by leaflet, so easily handles panning through very large images. # In[48]: imgs = datasets.load_sample_images().images lgn.image(imgs[0]) # Single-channel images will automatically be presented as grayscale. # In[49]: imgs = datasets.load_sample_images().images lgn.image(imgs[0][:,:,0]) # The usual sizing arguments can be used to set the image size in pixels. # In[50]: imgs = datasets.load_sample_images().images lgn.image(imgs[0], width=400)