#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # #

     Image polygon plots in Lightning # ##
Setup # In[1]: from lightning import Lightning from sklearn import datasets # ## Connect to server # In[2]: lgn = Lightning(ipython=True, host='http://public.lightning-viz.org') # ##
Region drawing # The `image-poly` visualization let's you draw polygonal regions on images and then query them in the same notebook! #
# Try drawing a region on the image. Hold command to pan, and option to edit the region. #
# Note that we assign the visualization to an output variable, so that we can query it later, but we must print that output to get the image to show. # In[3]: imgs = datasets.load_sample_images().images viz = lgn.imagepoly(imgs[0]) viz # Draw some regions on the image above. Then check the value of `viz.coords`. # In[4]: p = viz.polygons() # In[5]: lgn.imagepoly(imgs[0], polygons=p) # In this case we drew four regions, so we get four arrays of coordinates (in original image space). #
# The region overlays themselves do not persist on the image after a refresh, so you'll have to draw your own to see them.