#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # #Advanced Python Objects Test # ##Advanced Numbers # # **Problem 1: Convert 1024 to binary and hexadecimal representation:** # In[6]: print bin(1024) print hex(1024) # **Problem 2: Round 5.23222 to two decimal places** # In[5]: round(5.23222,2) # ##Advanced Strings # **Problem 3: Check if every letter in the string s is lower case** # In[7]: s = 'hello how are you Mary, are you feeling okay?' s.islower() # **Problem 4: How many times does the letter 'w' show up in the string below?** # In[8]: s = 'twywywtwywbwhsjhwuwshshwuwwwjdjdid' s.count('w') # ##Advanced Sets # **Problem 5: Find the elements in set1 that are not in set2:** # In[12]: set1 = {2,3,1,5,6,8} set2 = {3,1,7,5,6,8} set1.difference(set2) # **Problem 6: Find all elements that are in either set:** # In[16]: set1.union(set2) # ##Advanced Dictionaries # # **Problem 7: Create this dictionary: # {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 8, 3: 27, 4: 64} # using dictionary comprehension.** # In[17]: {x:x**3 for x in range(5)} # ##Advanced Lists # # **Problem 8: Reverse the list below:** # In[22]: l = [1,2,3,4] l.reverse() l # **Problem 9: Sort the list below** # In[24]: l = [3,4,2,5,1] l.sort() l # #Great Job!