#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # *This notebook contains material from [Controlling Natural Watersheds](https://jckantor.github.io/Controlling-Natural-Watersheds); # content is available [on Github](https://github.com/jckantor/Controlling-Natural-Watersheds.git).* # # < [Water Survey of Canada Usage](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/jckantor/Controlling-Natural-Watersheds/blob/master/notebooks/A.02-Water_Survey_of_Canada_Usage.ipynb) | [Contents](toc.ipynb) | [Namakan Lake Water Levels](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/jckantor/Controlling-Natural-Watersheds/blob/master/notebooks/A.04-Namakan_Lake_Water_Levels.ipynb) >

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Download # # Rainy Lake Water Levels # The purpose of this notebook is to create a data series for the water level on Rainy Lake. The data series is written to a file `RL.pkl` that can be read into other notebooks using `RL = pd.read_pickle('../data/RL.pkl')`. # # The data series is constructed using data from stations 05PB007 and 05PB024 from the Water Survey of Canada. The data from the two stations are reconciled and combined to form a unique data series. # ## Read Data from Water Survey of Canada # The Water Survey of Canada currently maintains two stations on Rainy Lake recording lake levels. Station 05PB007, located near Fort Frances, has been in place since 1911. The other, near Bear Pass, has been in operation since 1988. # # The data set is imported into the workspace by running the Water Survey of Canada notebook. # In[1]: # Display graphics inline with the notebook get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # Standard Python modules import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import os import datetime import seaborn as sns sns.set_context('talk') # Modules to display images and data tables from IPython.display import Image from IPython.core.display import display import requests WSC_STATIONS = pd.read_pickle('../data/WSC_STATIONS') WSC_LEVELS = pd.read_pickle('../data/WSC_LEVELS') def mapWSC(stationList): # returns a .png map image S = WSC_STATIONS.ix[stationList,['STATION_NAME','LATITUDE','LONGITUDE']] locs = ["{0},{1}".format(S.ix[s,'LATITUDE'], S.ix[s,'LONGITUDE']) \ for s in S.index] google_maps_url = \ "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?" + \ "size=640x320" + \ "&maptype=terrain" + \ "&markers=color:red%7Csize:mid%7C" + "|".join(locs) display(S) return Image(requests.get(google_maps_url).content) # In[2]: ff = '05PB007' bp = '05PB024' mapWSC([ff,bp]) # ## The Need for Data Reconciliation # In[3]: plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) WSC_LEVELS[ff].plot(color='blue',lw=1) WSC_LEVELS[bp].plot(color='red',lw=1) plt.legend([WSC_STATIONS.ix[ff,'STATION_NAME'] + ' (' + ff + ')', WSC_STATIONS.ix[bp,'STATION_NAME'] + ' (' + bp + ')']) plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Level [meters]') plt.title('History of Measured Rainy Lake Levels'); # There's an obvious difference between the lake level measured at Fort Frances and at Bear Pass in the period from 1988 to 2009. The level sensor at Bear Pass (05PB024) shows a systematic deviation from the historical data near Fort Frances. Let's look take a more careful look. # In[4]: plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) plt.subplot(2,1,1) WSC_LEVELS[ff]['1987':].plot(color='blue',lw=1) WSC_LEVELS[bp]['1987':].plot(color='red',lw=1) plt.legend([WSC_STATIONS.ix[ff,'STATION_NAME'] + ' (' + ff + ')', WSC_STATIONS.ix[bp,'STATION_NAME'] + ' (' + bp + ')']) plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Level [meters]') plt.title('History of Measured Rainy Lake Levels'); plt.subplot(2,1,2) dR = WSC_LEVELS[ff]['1987':] - WSC_LEVELS[bp]['1987':] dR = dR[dR.notnull()] dR.plot(lw=1) plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Level [meters]') plt.title('Difference in Measured Rainy Lake Levels, Fort Frances - Bear''s Pass'); plt.tight_layout() # The abrupt change at the beginning of 2009 appears to be a recalibration of the Bear Pass level sensor. To reconcile the level measurements, we find the mean level difference pre- and post- the 2009 change, then add that difference to the levels reported from Bear Pass prior to 2009. # In[5]: plt.figure(figsize=(10,4)) # find the point at which there is a big shift t = (dR - dR.shift(1)).argmin() # find average differences before and after the shift preAdj = dR[:t][:-1].mean() postAdj = dR[t:].mean() print("Average Sensor Differences:") print(" Pre Adjustment: ", round(100*preAdj,2), " centimeters") print(" Post Adjustment: ", round(100*postAdj,3), " centimeters") # adjust the Bear Pass sensor to have the same mean offset # before the shift as after the shift BP = WSC_LEVELS[bp].copy() BP[:t][:-1] += preAdj - postAdj WSC_LEVELS[ff]['1987':].plot(lw=1) BP['1987':].plot(lw=1) plt.legend(['Fort Frances','Bear''s Pass']) # There may be a sustained and systematic difference lake level between sensors spaced about 27 km apart due to sustained winds or flow. In this case, however, it is difficult to determine what that difference would be, or if the sensors were calibrated precisely to the same datum or to the same average lake level. For those reasons, we adjust the average level recorded at the Bear's Pass station to the average level recorded at Fort Frances for the same period of time. # In[6]: # locate start of BP data series t1 = BP.dropna().index[0] t2 = min(WSC_LEVELS[ff].dropna().index[-1],BP.dropna().index[-1]) BP = BP - BP[t1:t2].mean() + WSC_LEVELS[ff][t1:t2].mean() print(BP.mean()) print(WSC_LEVELS[ff].mean()) # In[7]: WSC_LEVELS[ff]['1987':].plot(lw=1) BP['1987':].plot(lw=1) plt.legend([WSC_STATIONS.ix[ff,'STATION_NAME'] + ' (' + ff + ')', WSC_STATIONS.ix[bp,'STATION_NAME'] + ' (' + bp + ')']) plt.xlabel('Year') plt.ylabel('Level [meters]') plt.title('History of Measured Rainy Lake Levels'); # We finish by combining the adjusted sensor data into a single time series for the level of Rainy Lake. The mean value of the B # In[8]: RL = pd.Series(pd.concat([WSC_LEVELS[ff],BP],axis=1).mean(axis=1)) RL.name = 'RAINY LAKE (RECONCILED)' fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(10,5)) RL.plot(lw=1) plt.ylabel('level [meters]') plt.title(RL.name \ + ' from ' + RL.index.min().strftime('%m-%d-%Y') \ + ' to ' + RL.index.max().strftime('%m-%d-%Y')) # ## Writing the Rainy Lake Level Data Series to a File # # The reconciled historical levels for Rainy Lake are stored in a Pandas Series `RL` and pickled to a file `RL.pkl` for use in other calculations. # In[9]: RL.to_pickle('../data/RL.pkl') RL.head() # In addition, the following cell writes a .csv file `RLstage.csv` where dates are encoded as datenun using the Matlab convention. This file can be read in Matlab and used for Simulink simulations of control policies. # In[10]: RLstage = pd.DataFrame(RL) RLstage['datenum'] = (RL.index - datetime.datetime(1900,1,1)).days + 693962.0 RLstage.to_csv('../data/RLstage.csv') print(RLstage.head()) # test the RLstage.ix[datetime.datetime(1969,12,31)] # ## Statistical Properties of the Level Sensors # # The availability of two sensors provides an opportunity to estimate noise associated with a typical level measurement. Here we attempt to characterize the measurement noise using the signal $d(k)$ for the difference in level measurements between the Fort Frances and Bear's Pass monitoring stations. # # Although the sensors are located on the same body of water, they are approximately 27 km apart therefore introducing the possibility of sustained differences due to hydrology, persistent wind or water flow patterns, systematic measurement bias, or miscalibration of the sensor datums. For these reasons, we following a multi-step procedure to isolate an estimate of measurement noise: # # 1. Detrend $d(k)$ to form $\tilde{d}(k)$ with zero mean with no linear trend. # 2. Confirm $\tilde{d}(k)$ passes routine tests for a stationary time-series. # 3. Remove auto-regressive components of $\tilde{d}(k)$ which are assumed to be due to lake and watershed dynamics. # 4. Confirm the remaining residuals passes routine inspection as an independent, identically distributed source of measurement noise. # In[26]: # d is the difference between the level sensor at Bear's Pass and Fort Frances d = (BP - WSC_LEVELS[ff]).dropna() # detrend from scipy.signal import detrend d = pd.Series(detrend(d.values),index=d.index,name='Level Difference BP-FF') # plot d.plot(lw=1) plt.ylabel('meters') plt.title('Difference in reported Rainy Lake level at Bear''s Pass and Fort Frances') # ### Tests for Stationarity # #### Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test # # The augmented Dickey-Fuller (adf) test is a tool for testing whether a time series possesses a unit root and would therefore be non-stationary. ad is a hypothesis test where the null (H0) is the existence of a unitroot. A p-value less that 0.05 indicates that we can reject the hyptothesis of a unit root with less than 5% probability of a type 1 error. # In[27]: from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acf, adfuller r = adfuller(d) print("ADF Statistic:", r[0]) print("p-value:", r[1]) print('Critical Values:') for key, value in r[4].items(): print('\t{0:>4s}: {1:.3f}'.format(key, value)) # The data set appears to have no unit roots. # ### Correlation Analysis # # Next we test for autocorrelation in the difference between the level measurements at the two stations. # # The Durbin-Watson statistic provides a basic test for autocorrelation. # In[28]: import statsmodels.api as sm print("Durbin-Watson Statistic = ", round(sm.stats.durbin_watson(d),4)) # A value of 2 for the Durbin-Watson statistic corresponds to no autocorrelation, with values in the range 1.5 to 2.5 taken to be generally 'normal'. In this case the statistic has a value of 0.57 suggesting positive autocorrelation. # # Plotting the autocorrelation are partial autocorrelation verifies this conclusion. # In[29]: from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acf, pacf import statsmodels.api as sm fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) fig = sm.graphics.tsa.plot_acf(d.values.squeeze(), lags=100, ax=ax1) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) fig = sm.graphics.tsa.plot_pacf(d, lags=40, ax=ax2) plt.tight_layout() # A lag plot further demonstrates the positive correlation evident in the differences between level measurements. # In[30]: # lag plots plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) pd.tools.plotting.lag_plot(d,alpha=0.4) plt.axis('equal') plt.xlabel('d(t)') plt.ylabel('d(t+1)') # The evident temporal correlations evident suggests the difference in level measurements at the two stations is confounded by lake dynamics. We will attempt to model the dynamics using an ARMA model of the form # # $$d(k) = a_1 d(k-1) + a_2 d(k-2) + e(k) + b_1 e(k-1) + b_2 e(k-2)$$ # In[31]: model = sm.tsa.ARMA(d.values, (2,2)) arma_mod = sm.tsa.ARMA(d.values, (2,2)).fit() print(arma_mod.summary2()) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) fig = sm.graphics.tsa.plot_acf(arma_mod.resid, lags=300, ax=ax1) plt.ylim(0,.1) print(sm.stats.durbin_watson(arma_mod.resid)) # In[32]: p = pd.Series(arma_mod.fittedvalues,index=d.index) e = pd.Series(arma_mod.resid,index=d.index) plt.subplot(2,1,1) plt.plot(p,lw=1) plt.title('Fitted Values') plt.ylabel('meters') plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.plot(e,lw=1) plt.title('Residuals') plt.ylabel('meters') plt.tight_layout() # ### Test for Stationarity # # #### Lag Plots # In[48]: # lag plots plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) pd.tools.plotting.lag_plot(e,alpha=0.4) plt.axis('equal') plt.xlabel('e(t)') plt.ylabel('e(t+1)') # #### Comparing First and Second Halves of the Data Set # # A second test is to split the data set into halves, then test if the distribution of the first half is statistically different from the distribution of the second half. # In[49]: from scipy.stats.kde import gaussian_kde from scipy.signal import detrend n2 = round(len(e)/2) e1 = detrend(e[:n2]) e2 = detrend(e[n2:]) # In[50]: kde1 = gaussian_kde(e1) kde2 = gaussian_kde(e2) def datefrmt(d): return d.strftime("%b %d, %Y") t0 = e.index[0] t1 = e.index[n2] t2 = e.index[-1] dist_space = np.linspace( min(e), max(e), 100 ) plt.plot(dist_space, kde1(dist_space), dist_space, kde2(dist_space)) plt.title('Kernal Density Estimate') p1 = '{0:} to {1:}'.format(datefrmt(t0),datefrmt(t1)) p2 = '{0:} to {1:}'.format(datefrmt(t1),datefrmt(t2)) plt.legend([p1,p2],loc='upper right') # #### Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic # # Given two samples, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) statistic is a two-sided test for the null hypothesis that the samples are drawn from the same distribution. When the KS statistic is small, or the p-value high, we cannot reject the hypothesis that the distribution of the two samples is the same. # In[51]: from scipy.stats import ks_2samp ks_2samp(e1,e2) # The p-value would have to be less then 0.05 to reject the hypothesis that these samples are drawn from the same distribution at the 95% confidence interval. # #### Test for normality of the residuals. # In[377]: from scipy.stats import normaltest normaltest(resid) # The extremely small p-value provides strong evidence that the residuals are not normal. We can confirm this result with a qqplot. # #### qqplot # In[119]: from statsmodels.graphics.api import qqplot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) fig = qqplot(e, line='q', ax=ax, fit=True) # #### Fitting a Normal Distribution # In[246]: import scipy.stats as stats dist = stats.norm # lets try a t distribution first m, s = dist.fit(e) # get mean and standard deviation print(m,s) def nplot(m=0,s=0.004): print("Location = ",round(100*m,3),"centimeters") print("Scale = ",round(100*s,3),"centimeters") # histogram fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) e.hist(bins = round((0.5*e.size)**0.5),normed=1,alpha=0.6,ax=ax1) plt.yscale('log') # plot pdf lnspc = np.linspace(plt.xlim()[0], plt.xlim()[1], len(e)) pdf_g = dist.pdf(lnspc, m, s) # now get theoretical values in our interval ax1.plot(lnspc, pdf_g, label="Norm",lw=3) # plot it plt.title('Distribution fit to empirical data') plt.ylim(0.004,122.0) # qq plot ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) sm.qqplot(e,dist,loc=m,scale=s,ax=ax2,line='q'); plt.title('Quantile-Quantile plot of level differences') plt.tight_layout() nplot(m,s) # We can see that a Normal distribution seriously underestimates the frequency of large events. # #### Fitting a t-distribution. # In[243]: import scipy.stats as stats dist = stats.t # lets try a t distribution first df, m, s = dist.fit(e,10) # get mean and standard deviation # In[244]: from ipywidgets import interact def tplot(df=10,m=0,s=0.004): print("Degrees of Freedom = ",round(df,2)) print("Location = ",round(100*m,3),"centimeters") print("Scale = ",round(100*s,3),"centimeters") # histogram fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) e.hist(bins = round((0.5*e.size)**0.5),normed=1,alpha=0.6,ax=ax1) plt.yscale('log') # plot pdf lnspc = np.linspace(plt.xlim()[0], plt.xlim()[1], len(e)) pdf_g = dist.pdf(lnspc, df, m, s) # now get theoretical values in our interval ax1.plot(lnspc, pdf_g, label="Norm",lw=3) # plot it plt.title('Distribution fit to empirical data') print(plt.ylim()) # qq plot ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) sm.qqplot(e,dist,distargs=(df,),loc=m,scale=s,ax=ax2,line='q'); plt.title('Quantile-Quantile plot of level differences') plt.tight_layout() tplot(df,m,s) # ### Summary # # To summarize, the difference in lake level measurements at the two locations, Fort Frances and Bears Pass, is described by the difference equation # # $$d(k) = 0.00481 \frac{1 - 0.4285B - 0.335B^2}{1 - 1.0689B + 0.0944B^2} e(k)$$ # # where $B$ is the backwards difference operator, and $e(k)$ is an i.i.d. disturbance with a distribution similar to a Student's t distribution with $\nu$ = 4.1 degrees of freedom # The availability of two sensors provides an opportunity to estimate the distribution of the level measurement noise. # # We assume the measurement data at the two locations is given by # # \begin{align*} # y_1(k) & = h_1(k) + e_1(k) \\ # y_2(k) & = h_2(k) + e_2(k) # \end{align*} # # where $e_1(k)$ and $e_2(k)$ are the measurement errors on day $k$. # # Although the sensors are located on the same body of water, they are approximately 27 km apart therefore introducing the possibility of sustained differences due to hydrology, persistent wind or water flow patterns, or systematic measurement bias. For those reasons, we model the difference as w # # \begin{align*} # d(k) & = y_2(k) - y_1(k) \\ # & = \underbrace{h_2(k)-h_1(k)}_{\delta(k)} + \underbrace{e_2(k)-e_1(k)}_{\epsilon(k)} # \end{align*} # # where we will assume $\delta(k) = h_2(k)-h_1(k)$ is a random variate associated with the dynamics of lake level, and $\epsilon(k) = e_2(k)-e_1(k)$ is a difference in measurement errors. # The presence of significant autocorrelation suggests an auto-regressive (AR) or an auto-regressive-moving-average (ARMA) model of the form # # $$d(k+1) = \alpha d(k) + w(k)$$ # # \begin{align*} # d(k) & = y_2(k) - y_1(k) \\ # & = \underbrace{h_2(k)-h_1(k)}_{\delta(k)} + \underbrace{e_2(k)-e_1(k)}_{\epsilon(k)} # \end{align*} # $$\delta(k+1) = \alpha\delta(k) + w(k)$$ # # Then # # \begin{align*} # d(k+1) & = \delta(k+1) + e_2(k+1) - e_1(k+1)\\ # & = \alpha\delta(k) + w(k) + e_2(k+1) - e_1(k+1) \\ # & = \alpha(d(k) - e_2(k) + e_1(k)) + w(k) + e_2(k+1) - e_1(k+1) \\ # & = \alpha d(k) + [e_2(k+1)-\alpha e_2(k)] - [e_1(k+1)-\alpha e_1(k)] + w(k) # \end{align*} # # $$d(k) = \delta(k) + e_2(k) - e_1(k)$$ # In[175]: import statsmodels.api as sm import scipy.stats as stats m,s = stats.norm.fit(e) # get mean and standard deviation sm.qqplot(dR,stats.norm,loc=m,scale=s); plt.title('Quantile-Quantile plot of level differences') print(m,s) # $$d(k+1) = \delta(k+1) + e_2(k+1)-e_1(k+1)$$ # $$d(k) = \delta(k) + e_2(k)-e_1(k)$$ # # # In[44]: dR = BP - WSC_LEVELS[ff] dR = dR[dR.notnull()] # Statistics mu = dR.mean(); sigma = dR.std(); print('Mean = ', round(100*mu,2), 'centimeters') print('Standard Deviation = ', round(100*sigma,2), 'centimeters') # Time series plot of the differences between sensors plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) plt.subplot(2,1,1) dR.plot(lw=1) plt.title('Level Difference: Fort Frances - Bear''s Pass') # Compare empirical and fitted distributions plt.subplot(2,1,2) dR.hist(bins = round((0.5*dR.size)**0.5),normed=1,alpha=0.6) plt.title('Histogram of Level Differences: Fort Frances - Bear''s Pass') ax = plt.axis() r = np.linspace(ax[0],ax[1],100) p = [np.exp(-0.5*((x-mu)/sigma)**2)/(sigma*(2*np.pi)**0.5) for x in r] plt.plot(r,p,linewidth=3) plt.tight_layout() # This distribution is clearly has a narrower central distribution and somewhat longer tails than expressed by a fitted Normal distribution. This is verified by a QQ plot as shown in the next cell. # We will assume the measurement errors have identical statistics, but that there may be a systematic error such that difference $e_2(k)-e_1(k)$ is not necessarily zero-mean. The measureme # # \begin{align*} # e_1(k+1) & = a e_1(k) + \epsilon_1(k) \\ # e_2(k+1) & = a e_2(k) + \epsilon_2(k) + \delta # \end{align*} # # w # # # \begin{align*} # d(k) & = y_2(k) - y_1(k) \\ # \end{align*} # In[ ]: # # < [Water Survey of Canada Usage](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/jckantor/Controlling-Natural-Watersheds/blob/master/notebooks/A.02-Water_Survey_of_Canada_Usage.ipynb) | [Contents](toc.ipynb) | [Namakan Lake Water Levels](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/jckantor/Controlling-Natural-Watersheds/blob/master/notebooks/A.04-Namakan_Lake_Water_Levels.ipynb) >

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