using Base.MathConstants using Base64 using Printf using Statistics const e = ℯ endof(a) = lastindex(a) linspace(start, stop, length) = range(start, stop, length=length) using Plots #gr(); ENV["PLOTS_TEST"] = "true" #clibrary(:colorcet) #clibrary(:misc) default(fmt=:png) function pngplot(P...; kwargs...) sleep(0.1) pngfile = tempname() * ".png" savefig(plot(P...; kwargs...), pngfile) showimg("image/png", pngfile) end pngplot(; kwargs...) = pngplot(plot!(; kwargs...)) showimg(mime, fn) = open(fn) do f base64 = base64encode(f) display("text/html", """""") end using SymPy #sympy.init_printing(order="lex") # default #sympy.init_printing(order="rev-lex") using SpecialFunctions using QuadGK # Override the definition of SymPy.jl: # @eval SymPy function, ::MIME"text/latex", x::SymbolicObject) print(io, as_markdown("\\displaystyle " * sympy.latex(x, mode="plain", fold_short_frac=false))) end @eval SymPy function, ::MIME"text/latex", x::AbstractArray{Sym}) function toeqnarray(x::Vector{Sym}) a = join(["\\displaystyle " * sympy.latex(x[i]) for i in 1:length(x)], "\\\\") """\\left[ \\begin{array}{r}$a\\end{array} \\right]""" end function toeqnarray(x::AbstractArray{Sym,2}) sz = size(x) a = join([join("\\displaystyle " .* map(sympy.latex, x[i,:]), "&") for i in 1:sz[1]], "\\\\") "\\left[ \\begin{array}{" * repeat("r",sz[2]) * "}" * a * "\\end{array}\\right]" end print(io, as_markdown(toeqnarray(x))) end [(n, factorial(n)*(1/10)^(n+1)) for n in 7:13] F₀(x) = exp(1/x)*quadgk(u->exp(-1/(x*u))/u, 0, 1)[1] F₀_ae(x, n=10) = sum(k->(-1)^k*factorial(k)*x^(k+1), 0:n-1) @show Y = F₀(1/10) @show Y_ae9 = F₀_ae(1/10, 9) @show Y_ae10 = F₀_ae(1/10, 10) n = 1:20 plot(size=(500,350)) plot!(ylims=(-0.0001,0.0001)) plot!(legend=:top) plot!(n, F₀_ae.(1/10, n) .- Y, label="error") function G_cf(z; n::Int=2) cf = 1 + (n+1)/z for i = n:-1:1 cf = z + (1+i)/cf cf = 1 + i/cf end return 1 / (z + 1/cf) end G(z) = exp(z)*quadgk(u->exp(-z/u)/u, 0, 1)[1] sympy.init_printing(order="lex") z = symbols("z") for n in 1:3 cf = G_cf(z, n=n) display(cf) end sympy.init_printing(order="rev-lex") display(series(sum((-1)^n*factorial(n)*z^(n+1) for n in 0:9), n=11)) for n in 1:3 display(series(G_cf(1/z, n=n), n=11)) end G_cf(4), G(4) x = 0.05:0.05:4 @time y = G.(x) @time y_cf1 = G_cf.(x, n=1) @time y_cf2 = G_cf.(x, n=2) @time y_cf3 = G_cf.(x, n=3) plot(size=(500,350)) plot!(title="y = G(x) = e^x E_1(x)", titlefontsize=11) plot!(xlims=(0,maximum(x)), ylims=(0,2.3)) plot!(x, y, label="numetical integration") plot!(x, y_cf1, label="continued fractional approximation n=1", ls=:dash) plot!(x, y_cf2, label="continued fractional approximation n=2", ls=:dash) plot!(x, y_cf3, label="continued fractional approximation n=3", ls=:dash)