using Base.MathConstants using Base64 using Printf using Statistics const e = ℯ endof(a) = lastindex(a) linspace(start, stop, length) = range(start, stop, length=length) using Plots #gr(); ENV["PLOTS_TEST"] = "true" #clibrary(:colorcet) #clibrary(:misc) default(fmt=:png) function pngplot(P...; kwargs...) sleep(0.1) pngfile = tempname() * ".png" savefig(plot(P...; kwargs...), pngfile) showimg("image/png", pngfile) end pngplot(; kwargs...) = pngplot(plot!(; kwargs...)) showimg(mime, fn) = open(fn) do f base64 = base64encode(f) display("text/html", """""") end using SymPy using SpecialFunctions using QuadGK # Override the definition of SymPy.jl: # @eval SymPy function, ::MIME"text/latex", x::SymbolicObject) print(io, as_markdown("\\displaystyle " * sympy.latex(x, mode="plain", fold_short_frac=false))) end @eval SymPy function, ::MIME"text/latex", x::AbstractArray{Sym}) function toeqnarray(x::Vector{Sym}) a = join(["\\displaystyle " * sympy.latex(x[i]) for i in 1:length(x)], "\\\\") """\\left[ \\begin{array}{r}$a\\end{array} \\right]""" end function toeqnarray(x::AbstractArray{Sym,2}) sz = size(x) a = join([join("\\displaystyle " .* map(sympy.latex, x[i,:]), "&") for i in 1:sz[1]], "\\\\") "\\left[ \\begin{array}{" * repeat("r",sz[2]) * "}" * a * "\\end{array}\\right]" end print(io, as_markdown(toeqnarray(x))) end function bisection(f, a, b; atol=eps(), maxiter=10^3) f(a)*f(b) > 0 && return NaN aₙ, bₙ = a, b k = 0 while abs(aₙ - bₙ) > atol k > maxiter && return NaN c = (aₙ+bₙ)/2 if f(bₙ)*f(c) ≥ 0 aₙ, bₙ = aₙ, c else aₙ, bₙ = c, bₙ end k += 1 end return (aₙ+bₙ)/2 end f(x) = x^2 - 2 @show ξ = bisection(f, 1, 2) @show √2 @show round(f(ξ), digits=15) x = 1:0.005:2 plot(size=(400,250), legend=:topleft) plot!(x, f.(x), label="y = x^2 - 2") hline!([0], label="y = 0") vline!([ξ], label="x = $(round(ξ, digits=5))", ls=:dash) f(x) = cos(x) - x @show ξ = bisection(f, 0, 1) @show round(f(ξ), digits=15) x = 0:0.005:1 plot(size=(400,250)) plot!(x, f.(x), label="y = cos x - x") hline!([0], label="y = 0") vline!([ξ], label="x = $(round(ξ, digits=5))", ls=:dash) f(x) = 0.6 + 0.4x - 0.8x^2 + 0.3sin(10x-0.5) ξ = bisection(x->f(x)-x, 0, 1) x = 0:0.01:1 plot(size=(400,400), aspect_ration=1, legend=false) plot!(xlim=(0,1), ylim=(0,1)) plot!(x, f.(x), lw=1.5) plot!([0,1], [0,1], color=:black) hline!([ξ], ls=:dash, color=:red) vline!([ξ], ls=:dash, color=:red) φ(x) = sin(x) - 0.5x + 0.1x^2 x = -2.5:0.02:3.5 ε = 0.3 plot(size=(500, 350)) plot!(x, φ.(x), label="y = phi(x)", color=:black, lw=2) plot!(x, φ.(x).+ε, label="phi(x) - eps < y < phi(x)+eps", color=:red, ls=:dash, fill=(:pink, 0.2, φ.(x))) plot!(x, φ.(x).-ε, label="", color=:red, ls=:dash, fill=(:pink, 0.2, φ.(x))) f(x) = sin(x) - 0.5x + 0.1x^2 g(x) = cos(x) - 0.5 + 0.1x^3 plot(size=(450, 280), legend=:top) x = -2.5:0.02:3.5 plot!(x, f.(x), color=:blue, label="f(x)") plot!(x, g.(x), color=:red, label="g(x)") x = -2.0:0.02:3.0 plot!(x, g.(x), color=:red, fill=(0.1, f.(x)), label="") vline!([minimum(x)], color=:black, ls=:dash, label="x=a") vline!([maximum(x)], color=:black, ls=:dashdot, label="x=b") x = symbols("x") diffexpneginvx(n) = diff(exp(-1/x), x, n) [diffexpneginvx(n) for n in 0:3] f(x) = x > 0 ? exp(-1/x) : zero(x) g(x) = x > 0 ? exp(-1/x)/x^2 : zero(x) p1 = plot(ylims=(-0.1, 1.0), legend=:topleft) plot!(f, -10, 20, label="f(x)") p2 = plot(ylims=(-0.1, 0.6), legend=:topright) plot!(g, -10, 20, label="df(x)/dx") plot(p1, p2, size=(700,200)) f(x) = 0 < x < 1 ? exp(-1/x+1/(x-1)) : zero(x) @show Z, err = quadgk(f, 0, 1) # = ∫_0^1 f(x) dx, error g(x) = f(x)/Z h(x) = quadgk(g, -1, x)[1] # = ∫_{-1}^x g(t) dt p1 = plot(legend=:topleft, ylims=(-0.1,2.7)) plot!(g, -1, 2, label="g(x)") p2 = plot(legend=:topleft, ylims=(-0.1, 1.1)) plot!(h, -1, 2, label="h(x)") plot(p1, p2, size=(700,200)) φ(x) = h(x)*h(4-x) plot(size=(400, 200), ylims=(-0.1, 1.1)) plot!(φ, -1, 5, label="phi(x)") f(x) = x == 0 ? 0 : sin(1/x) p1 = plot(size=(400, 250), xlabel="x", ylabel="y") plot!(f, -1.0, 1.0, ylims=(-1.2, 2.0), label="y = sin(1/x)") p2 = plot(size=(400, 250), xlabel="x", ylabel="y") plot!(f, -0.1, 0.1, ylims=(-1.2, 2.0), label="y = sin(1/x)") plot(p1, p2, size=(700, 250)) f(x) = x == 0 ? 0 : x*sin(1/x) p1 = plot(size=(400, 250), xlabel="x", ylabel="y") plot!(f, -3, 3, ylims=(-0.4, 1.5), label="y = x sin(1/x)") p2 = plot(size=(400, 250), xlabel="x", ylabel="y") plot!(f, -0.3, 0.3, ylims=(-0.25, 0.3), label="y = x sin(1/x)") plot(p1, p2, size=(700, 250)) struct WeierstrassFunction{R<:Real, S<:Integer, T<:Integer} <: Function a::R; b::S; N::T end (F::WeierstrassFunction)(x) = sum(n->F.a^n*cos(F.b^n*π*x), 0:F.N) F = WeierstrassFunction(0.6, 13, 100) @show F.a*F.b, 1+3π/2 p1 = plot(legend=false, titlefontsize=11) plot!(title="Weierstrass function: a = $(F.a), b = $(F.b)") plot!(size=(600, 420), xlabel="x", ylabel="y") plot!(F, -2, 2) p2 = plot(legend=false, titlefontsize=11) plot!(title="Weierstrass function: a = $(F.a), b = $(F.b)") plot!(size=(600, 420), xlabel="x", ylabel="y") plot!(F, -2/F.b, 2/F.b) plot(p1, p2, size=(700, 250)) F = WeierstrassFunction(0.85, 7, 100) @show F.a*F.b, 1+3π/2 p1 = plot(legend=false, titlefontsize=11) plot!(title="Weierstrass function: a = $(F.a), b = $(F.b)") plot!(size=(600, 420), xlabel="x", ylabel="y") plot!(F, -2, 2) p2 = plot(legend=false, titlefontsize=11) plot!(title="Weierstrass function: a = $(F.a), b = $(F.b)") plot!(size=(600, 420), xlabel="x", ylabel="y") plot!(F, -2/F.b, 2/F.b) plot(p1, p2, size=(700, 250)) F = WeierstrassFunction(1/4, 3, 100) @show F.a*F.b, 1+3π/2 p1 = plot(legend=false, titlefontsize=11) plot!(title="Weierstrass function: a = $(F.a), b = $(F.b)") plot!(size=(600, 420), xlabel="x", ylabel="y") plot!(F, -2, 2) p2 = plot(legend=false, titlefontsize=11) plot!(title="Weierstrass function: a = $(F.a), b = $(F.b)") plot!(size=(600, 420), xlabel="x", ylabel="y") plot!(F, -2/F.b, 2/F.b) plot(p1, p2, size=(700, 250)) seesaw(x) = abs(x - round(x)) plot(seesaw, size=(400, 250), ylims=(-0.1, 0.7), label="seesaw(x)") struct TakagiFunction{R<:Real, T<:Integer} <: Function w::R; N::T end (F::TakagiFunction)(x) = sum(n->F.w^n*seesaw(2^n*x), 0:F.N) F = TakagiFunction(0.5, 100) p1 = plot(legend=false, titlefontsize=11) plot!(title="Takagi function: w = $(F.w)") plot!(size=(600, 420), xlabel="x", ylabel="y") x = 0:0.001:1 plot!(x, F.(x)) p2 = plot(legend=false, titlefontsize=11) plot!(title="Takagi function: w = $(F.w)") plot!(size=(600, 420), xlabel="x", ylabel="y") x = 0.25:0.00025:0.50 plot!(x, F.(x)) plot(p1, p2, size=(700, 250)) F = TakagiFunction(0.7, 100) p1 = plot(legend=false, titlefontsize=11) plot!(title="Takagi function: w = $(F.w)") plot!(size=(600, 420), xlabel="x", ylabel="y") x = 0:0.001:1 plot!(x, F.(x)) p2 = plot(legend=false, titlefontsize=11) plot!(title="Takagi function: w = $(F.w)") plot!(size=(600, 420), xlabel="x", ylabel="y") x = 0.250:0.00025:0.50 plot!(x, F.(x)) plot(p1, p2, size=(700, 250)) F = TakagiFunction(1/4, 100) p1 = plot(legend=false, titlefontsize=11) plot!(title="Takagi function: w = $(F.w)") plot!(size=(600, 420), xlabel="x", ylabel="y") x = 0:0.001:1 plot!(x, F.(x)) p2 = plot(legend=false, titlefontsize=11) plot!(title="y = x(1-x)") plot!(size=(600, 420), xlabel="x", ylabel="y") x = 0:0.001:1 plot!(x, @.(x*(1-x))) plot(p1, p2, size=(700, 250)) f(x) = 1/x x = 0.1:0.001:1 ε = 0.7 plot(xlims=(0,1), ylims=(0,10), size=(500, 350)) plot!(x, f.(x), label="y = 1/x", lw=2) a = 0.15 δ₀ = a - 1/(1/a+ε) δ₁ = 1/(1/a-ε) - a c = :red plot!([a-δ₀,a-δ₀], [0,f(a-δ₀)], color=c, label="") plot!([a,a], [0,f(a)], color=c, lw=2, label="x = $a") plot!([a+δ₁,a+δ₁], [0,f(a+δ₁)], color=c, label="") plot!([0,a-δ₀], [f(a-δ₀),f(a-δ₀)], ls=:dash, color=c, label="y = 1/$a+$ε") plot!([0,a], [f(a),f(a)], color=c, ls=:dash, lw=2, label="y = 1/$a") plot!([0,a+δ₁], [f(a+δ₁),f(a+δ₁)], ls=:dashdot, color=c, label="y = 1/$a-$ε") a = 0.5 δ₀ = a - 1/(1/a+ε) δ₁ = 1/(1/a-ε) - a c = :orange plot!([a-δ₀,a-δ₀], [0,f(a-δ₀)], color=c, label="") plot!([a,a], [0,f(a)], color=c, lw=2, label="x = $a") plot!([a+δ₁,a+δ₁], [0,f(a+δ₁)], color=c, label="") plot!([0,a-δ₀], [f(a-δ₀),f(a-δ₀)], ls=:dash, color=c, label="y = 1/$a+$ε") plot!([0,a], [f(a),f(a)], color=c, ls=:dash, lw=2, label="y = 1/$a") plot!([0,a+δ₁], [f(a+δ₁),f(a+δ₁)], ls=:dashdot, color=c, label="y = 1/$a-$ε") f(n,x) = x^n x = 0:0.005:1 p1 = plot(xlims=(0,1), legend=:topleft) cycls = [:solid, :dash, :dashdot, :dashdotdot] for n in 1:12 plot!(x, f.(n,x), label="n = $n", ls=cycls[mod1(n, lastindex(cycls))]) end plot(p1, size=(360,370), aspect_ratio=1, title="y = x^n", lw=1.5) f(n,x) = x^n x = 0:0.005:1 n = 3 p1 = plot(xlims=(-0.01,1.01), legend=:topleft, aspect_ratio=1) plot!(x, f.(n,x), label="y = x^$n") plot!(x[1:end-1], 1/2*fill(1, size(x[1:end-1])), label="", color=:red, ls=:dash, fill=(0.1, 0)) plot!([1,1], [1/2,1], label="", color=:red, alpha=0.1, lw=3) plot!([1/2^(1/n), 1/2^(1/n)], [0, 1/2], label="x = 1/2^{1/$n}", color=:black, ls=:dash) n = 9 p2 = plot(xlims=(-0.01,1.01), legend=:topleft, aspect_ratio=1) plot!(x, f.(n,x), label="y = x^$n") plot!(x[1:end-1], 1/2*fill(1, size(x[1:end-1])), label="", color=:red, ls=:dash, fill=(0.1, 0)) plot!([1,1], [1/2,1], label="", color=:red, alpha=0.1, lw=3) plot!([1/2^(1/n), 1/2^(1/n)], [0, 1/2], label="x = 1/2^{1/$n}", color=:black, ls=:dash) plot(p1, p2, size=(600, 250)) g(N, s) = sum(n->1/n^s, 1:N) s = 1.01:0.01:5.00 p1 = plot(title="sum of 1/n^s for n=1,...,N") plot!(ylims=(0.8, 5), xlabel="s") plot!(s, zeta.(s), label="zeta(s)", lw=2) for (ls, N) in [(:dot,3), (:dash, 10), (:dashdot, 30), (:dashdotdot, 100), (:dashdotdot, 300), (:dashdotdot, 1000)] plot!(s, g.(N,s), label="N = $N", ls=ls, lw=1.5) end plot(p1, size=(500, 350)) peano_x₀(t) = t < 1/2 ? 1/2 : t peano_y₀(t) = t < 1/2 ? t : 1/2 n = 0 t = 0:1/(2*4^n):1 x = peano_x₀.(t) y = peano_y₀.(t) plot(size=(200,200)) plot!(title="Peano($n)", titlefontsize=10) plot!(xlims=(0,1), ylims=(0,1)) plot!(aspect_ratio=1, legend=:false) plot!(x, y) function peano_x(n, t) if n == 0 peano_x₀(t) else if t < 1/(2*4^n) 1/(2*2^n) elseif t < 1/4 peano_y(n-1, 4t)/2 elseif t < 2/4 peano_x(n-1, 4t-1)/2 elseif t < 3/4 (1-peano_x(n-1, 3-4t))/2 + 1/2 else (1-peano_y(n-1, 4-4t))/2 + 1/2 end end end function peano_y(n, t) if n == 0 peano_y₀(t) else if t < 1/(2*4^n) 2^n*t elseif t < 1/4 peano_x(n-1, 4t)/2 elseif t < 2/4 peano_y(n-1, 4t-1)/2 + 1/2 elseif t < 3/4 peano_y(n-1, 3-4t)/2 + 1/2 else peano_x(n-1, 4-4t)/2 end end end P = Plots.Plot[] for n in 0:8 t = 0:1/(2*4^n):1 x = peano_x.(n,t) y = peano_y.(n,t) p = plot() plot!(title="Peano($n)", titlefontsize=10) plot!(xlims=(0,1), ylims=(0,1)) plot!(aspect_ratio=1, legend=:false) plot!(x, y) push!(P, p) end plot(P..., size=(800,800), layout=@layout(grid(3,3))) pngplot() P = Plots.Plot[] for n in 0:8 t = 0:1/(2*4^n):1 x = peano_x.(n,t) y = peano_y.(n,t) p = plot() plot!(title="Peano($n)", titlefontsize=10) plot!(xlims=(0,1), ylims=(0,1)) plot!(aspect_ratio=1, legend=:false) plot!(t, x) plot!(t, y) push!(P, p) end plot(P..., size=(800,800), layout=@layout(grid(3,3))) pngplot() n = 8 px = plot() py = plot() t = 0:1/(2*4^n):1 x = peano_x.(n,t) y = peano_y.(n,t) plot!(px, title="Peano_x($n)", titlefontsize=10) plot!(py, title="Peano_y($n)", titlefontsize=10) plot!(px, xlims=(0,1), ylims=(0,1)) plot!(py, xlims=(0,1), ylims=(0,1)) plot!(px, legend=:topleft) plot!(py, legend=:topleft) plot!(px, t, x, label="$n", lw=0.3) plot!(py, t, y, label="$n", lw=0.3) plot(px, py, size=(600,500), layout=@layout(grid(2,1)), legend=false) pngplot() P = Plots.Plot[] for n in 1:9 t = 0:1/(2*4^n):1 dx = peano_x.(n,t) - peano_x.(n-1,t) dy = peano_y.(n,t) - peano_y.(n-1,t) p = plot() plot!(title="Peano($n) - Peano($(n-1))", titlefontsize=10) plot!(xlims=(0,1), ylims=(-1/2,1/2)) plot!(legend=:false) plot!(t, dx, lw=0.7) plot!(t, dy, lw=0.7) push!(P, p) end plot(P..., size=(800,600)) pngplot()