using Base.MathConstants using Base64 using Printf using Statistics const e = ℯ endof(a) = lastindex(a) linspace(start, stop, length) = range(start, stop, length=length) using Plots #gr(); ENV["PLOTS_TEST"] = "true" #pyplot(fmt=:svg) pyplot() #clibrary(:colorcet) #clibrary(:misc) default(fmt=:png) function pngplot(P...; kwargs...) sleep(0.1) pngfile = tempname() * ".png" savefig(plot(P...; kwargs...), pngfile) showimg("image/png", pngfile) end pngplot(; kwargs...) = pngplot(plot!(; kwargs...)) showimg(mime, fn) = open(fn) do f base64 = base64encode(f) display("text/html", """""") end using SymPy #sympy.init_printing(order="lex") # default #sympy.init_printing(order="rev-lex") using SpecialFunctions lgamma(x::Real) = logabsgamma(x)[1] using QuadGK using PyPlot: PyPlot, plt # Override the definition of SymPy.jl: # @eval SymPy function, ::MIME"text/latex", x::SymbolicObject) print(io, as_markdown("\\displaystyle " * sympy.latex(x, mode="plain", fold_short_frac=false))) end @eval SymPy function, ::MIME"text/latex", x::AbstractArray{Sym}) function toeqnarray(x::Vector{Sym}) a = join(["\\displaystyle " * sympy.latex(x[i]) for i in 1:length(x)], "\\\\") """\\left[ \\begin{array}{r}$a\\end{array} \\right]""" end function toeqnarray(x::AbstractArray{Sym,2}) sz = size(x) a = join([join("\\displaystyle " .* map(sympy.latex, x[i,:]), "&") for i in 1:sz[1]], "\\\\") "\\left[ \\begin{array}{" * repeat("r",sz[2]) * "}" * a * "\\end{array}\\right]" end print(io, as_markdown(toeqnarray(x))) end N = 10^8 SimpleSum = sum(n->1/n^2, 1:N) TrueValue = π^2/6 @show SimpleSum @show TrueValue @show SimpleSum - TrueValue; N = 50 sum(n->zeta(n)-1, 2:N) l, n = symbols("l n", integer=true, positive=true) # l = k-1 s = sympy.Sum(1/(l+1)^n, (n,2,oo)).doit().simplify() S = sympy.Sum(s, (l,1,oo)).doit() N = 50 sum(n->(-1)^n*(zeta(n)-1), 2:N) l, n = symbols("l n", integer=true, positive=true) # l = k-1 s = sympy.Sum((-1)^n/(l+1)^n, (n,2,oo)).doit().simplify() S = sympy.Sum(s, (l,1,oo)).doit() @time s = [sum(1/n for n in 10^(k-1):10^k-1 if !in('9', string(n))) for k in 1:8] s[2:end] ./ s[1:end-1] S = cumsum(s) 8 + 23//100 + (1 + 64//100)*(9//10)/(1 - 9//10) n = symbols("n", integer=true) S = sympy.Sum((-1)^(n-1)/n, (n, 1, oo)).doit() N = 1000 SimpleSum = sum(n->(-1)^(n-1)/n, 1:N) TrueValue = log(2) @show SimpleSum @show TrueValue @show SimpleSum - TrueValue; binom(n,k) = exp(lgamma(n+1) - lgamma(k+1) - lgamma(n-k+1)) struct EulerWeight{T} W::T end function EulerWeight(; Lmax=2^6) W = zeros(Lmax,Lmax) for L in 1:Lmax for k in 0:L-1 W[L,k+1] = sum(n->2.0^(-n-1)*binom(n,k), k:L-1) end end EulerWeight(W) end (eulerweight::EulerWeight)(L,k) = eulerweight.W[L,k+1] eulerweight = EulerWeight() L = 2^6 EulerTran = sum(k->eulerweight(L,k)*(-1)^k/(k+1), 0:L-1) TrueValue = log(2) @show EulerTran @show TrueValue @show EulerTran - TrueValue f(s) = sum(k -> eulerweight(L,k)*(-1)^k/(1+k)^s, 0:L-1)/(1-2^(1-s)) x = 0.0:0.005:1.0 y = 13.75:0.005:14.75 z = x' .+ im.*y @time w = f.(z) # plot(size=(600, 500), title="first non-trivial zero of zeta(s)") # heatmap!(x, y, abs.(w), color=:rainbow, xlabel="Re s", ylabel="Im s") # vline!([0.5], color="gray", ls=:dot, label="") cmap = ["prism", "CMRmap", "gist_rainbow_r"] plt.figure(figsize=(6,5)) plt.title("first non-trivial zero of zeta(s)") plt.pcolormesh(x, y, abs.(w), cmap=cmap[3]) plt.xlabel("Re s") plt.ylabel("Im s") plt.vlines([0.5], extrema(y)..., lw=0.2, ls="--") x = 0:0.01:1 y = 12:0.005:45 s = x' .+ y*im @time w = zeta.(s) plt.figure(figsize=(4,10)) plt.subplot(121) plt.pcolormesh(x, y, log.(abs.(w)), cmap="prism") plt.colorbar() plt.grid(ls=":") plt.title("log(abs(ζ(s)))") plt.subplot(122) plt.pcolormesh(x, y, angle.(w), cmap="rainbow") plt.colorbar() plt.grid(ls=":") plt.title("angle(ζ(s))") plt.tight_layout() n = symbols("n", integer=true) S = sympy.Sum((-1)^(n-1)/(2n-1), (n, 1, oo)).doit() N = 10^8 SimpleSum = sum(n->(-1)^(n-1)/(2n-1), 1:N) TrueValue = π/4 @show SimpleSum @show TrueValue @show SimpleSum - TrueValue; L = 2^6 EulerTran = sum(k->eulerweight(L,k)*(-1)^k/(2k+1), 0:L-1) TrueValue = π/4 @show EulerTran @show TrueValue @show EulerTran - TrueValue x = symbols("x", real=true, positive=true) integrate(1/(1+x^3), (x,0,1)) x = symbols("x", real=true, positive=true) integrate(x/(1+x^3), (x,0,1)) x = symbols("x", real=true, positive=true) integrate(x^2/(1+x^3), (x,0,1)) x = symbols("x", real=true, positive=true) integrate(1/(1+x^4), (x,0,1)) x = symbols("x", real=true, positive=true) integrate(x/(1+x^4), (x,0,1)) x = symbols("x", real=true, positive=true) integrate(x^2/(1+x^4), (x,0,1)) x = symbols("x", real=true, positive=true) integrate(x^3/(1+x^4), (x,0,1)) x = symbols("x", real=true, positive=true) s = symbols("s", real=true, positive=true) J = simplify(integrate(1/(1+x^(1/s)), (x,0,1))) sympy.lerchphi(Sym(:z), Sym(:s), Sym(:a)) x = symbols("x", real=true, positive=true) s = symbols("s", real=true, positive=true) J = simplify(integrate(1/(1+x^(1/s)), (x,0,oo))) θ = 2π/10 a(n) = exp(im*n*θ)/n^1.5 sum_a(n) = iszero(n) ? Complex(0.0) : sum(k->a(k), 1:n) N = 70 n = 0:N z = sum_a.(n) plot(size=(400, 400), xlims=(0,1.0), ylim=(0,1.3)) plot!(real.(z), imag.(z), legend=false)#, line=:arrow) θ = 2π/10 a(n) = exp(im*n*θ)/n^1.5 sum_a(n) = iszero(n) ? Complex(0.0) : sum(k->a(k), 1:n) @time anim = @animate for N in 0:70 n = 0:N z = sum_a.(n) plot(size=(400, 400), xlims=(0,1.0), ylim=(0,1.3)) plot!(real.(z), imag.(z), legend=false, line=:arrow) end gifname = "sum_a.gif" @time gif(anim, gifname; fps=10) sleep(0.1) showimg("image/gif", gifname) f(z) = -log(1-z) g(z; N=1000) = sum(n->z^n/n, 1:N) θ = 0.1:0.01:π v = @.(f(exp(im*θ))) w = @.(g(exp(im*θ))) P1 = plot(xlims=(0,π), xlabel="t") plot!(θ, real.(w), label="Re(sum exp(int)/n)", lw=2) plot!(θ, real.(v), label="Re(-log(1-exp(it)))", lw=2, ls=:dash) P2 = plot(xlims=(0,π), xlabel="t") plot!(θ, imag.(w), label="Im(sum exp(int)/n)", lw=2) plot!(θ, imag.(v), label="Im(-log(1-exp(it)))", lw=2, ls=:dash) plot(P1, P2, size=(700,300)) θ = 2π/10 a(n) = exp(im*n*θ)/n sum_a(n) = iszero(n) ? Complex(0.0) : sum(k->a(k), 1:n) N = 400 n = 0:N z = sum_a.(n) plot(size=(400, 400), xlims=(0,1.0), ylim=(0,1.6)) plot!(real.(z), imag.(z), legend=false)#, line=:arrow) θ = 2π/10 a(n) = exp(im*n*θ)/n sum_a(n) = iszero(n) ? Complex(0.0) : sum(k->a(k), 1:n) @time anim = @animate for N in 0:4:400 n = 0:N z = sum_a.(n) plot(size=(400, 400), xlims=(0,1.0), ylim=(0,1.6)) plot!(real.(z), imag.(z), legend=false, line=:arrow) end gifname = "sum_b.gif" @time gif(anim, gifname; fps=10) sleep(0.1) showimg("image/gif", gifname) Q(N) = sum(n->1/n^2, 1:N) R(N) = sum(n->1/(2.0^(n-1)*n^2), 1:N) + log(2)^2 @show Q(10), Q(10)-π^2/6, R(10), R(10)-π^2/6 @show Q(30), Q(30)-π^2/6, R(30), R(30)-π^2/6 [(N, Q(N), Q(N)-π^2/6, R(N), R(N)-π^2/6) for N in 10:10:50] partition_number(n) = sympy.functions.combinatorial.numbers.nT(n) [(n, partition_number(n)) for n in 1:10] q = symbols("q") N = 10 series(prod(1/(1-q^n) for n in 1:N), n=N+1) q, n = symbols("q n") N = 5 M = N*(3N-1)÷2 @time series(sympy.summation((-1)^n*q^(n*(3n-1)÷2), (n, -M, M)), q, n=M+1) |>display @time series(sympy.product(1 - q^n, (n, 1, M)).expand(), q, n=M+1) |> display