using Base.MathConstants using Base64 using Printf using Statistics const e = ℯ endof(a) = lastindex(a) linspace(start, stop, length) = range(start, stop, length=length) using Plots #gr(); ENV["PLOTS_TEST"] = "true" #clibrary(:colorcet) default(fmt=:png) #clibrary(:misc) function pngplot(P...; kwargs...) sleep(0.1) pngfile = tempname() * ".png" savefig(plot(P...; kwargs...), pngfile) showimg("image/png", pngfile) end pngplot(; kwargs...) = pngplot(plot!(; kwargs...)) showimg(mime, fn) = open(fn) do f base64 = base64encode(f) display("text/html", """""") end using SymPy #sympy.init_printing(order="lex") # default #sympy.init_printing(order="rev-lex") using SpecialFunctions using QuadGK # Override the definition of SymPy.jl: # @eval SymPy function, ::MIME"text/latex", x::SymbolicObject) print(io, as_markdown("\\displaystyle " * sympy.latex(x, mode="plain", fold_short_frac=false))) end @eval SymPy function, ::MIME"text/latex", x::AbstractArray{Sym}) function toeqnarray(x::Vector{Sym}) a = join(["\\displaystyle " * sympy.latex(x[i]) for i in 1:length(x)], "\\\\") """\\left[ \\begin{array}{r}$a\\end{array} \\right]""" end function toeqnarray(x::AbstractArray{Sym,2}) sz = size(x) a = join([join("\\displaystyle " .* map(sympy.latex, x[i,:]), "&") for i in 1:sz[1]], "\\\\") "\\left[ \\begin{array}{" * repeat("r",sz[2]) * "}" * a * "\\end{array}\\right]" end print(io, as_markdown(toeqnarray(x))) end # 1/1+1/2+...+1/n と log n の比較 # nを大きくするとそれらの差はEuler定数 γ = 0.5772… に近付く # ゆえに, 1/1+1/2+...+1/n は log n + γ でよく近似される. # 以下のプロットでもそれらのグラフはほとんど一致している. f(x) = sum(k->1/k, 1:floor(Int, x)) n = 1:100 x = 1:0.1:100 plot(size=(500,350), legend=:bottomright) plot!(n, f.(n), label="1/1+1/2+...+1/n", lw=2.5) plot!(x, log.(x), label="log(x)", ls=:dashdot, color=:orange) plot!(x, log.(x.+1), label="log(x+1)", ls=:dashdot, color=:darkgreen) plot!(x, log.(x).+eulergamma, label="log(x) + Euler's gamma", lw=2, ls=:dash, color=:red) ?eulergamma a = 1.01 l = 100 n = 1:10^3:2*10^5 f(n) = l*log(n) g(n) = n*log(a) plot(size=(500, 350), legend=:topleft, xlabel="n") plot!(n, f.(n), label="$l*log(n)") plot!(n, g.(n), label="n*log($a)") f(x) = x*log(x) x = 0.001:0.001:1 plot(x, f.(x), xlim=(-0.1,1), ylim=(-0.4,0), label="y = x log x", legend=:top) lfact(n) = lgamma(n+1) # = log n! f1(n) = n*log(n) f2(n) = n*log(n) - n f3(n) = n*log(n) - n + 0.5*log(n) f4(n) = n*log(n) - n + 0.5*log(n) + 0.5*log(2π) function plot_logfactorial(n) plot(legend=:topleft) plot!(n, lfact.(n), label="log n!", lw=1.5) plot!(n, f1.(n), label="n log n", ls=:dash) plot!(n, f2.(n), label="n log n - n", ls=:dash) plot!(n, f3.(n), label="n log n - n + 0.5 log n", ls=:dash) plot!(n, f4.(n), label="n log n - n + (1/2)log n + (1/2)log 2pi", color=:red, ls=:dash) end plot_logfactorial(1:20) plot_logfactorial(10:10:1000) plot_logfactorial(10^16:10^16:10^18) nmax = 100 n = 1:nmax plot(n, @.(10/n + (-1)^n), label="a_n", ylims=(-1.5,10), marker=:o, markersize=3, markerstrokealpha=0) plot!(n, fill(1, size(n)), label="1") nmax = 200 n = 1:nmax plot(n, @.(10/n + sin(4*n)), label="b_n", ylims=(-1.5, 10), marker=:o, markersize=2, markerstrokealpha=0) plot!(n, fill(1, size(n)), label="1")