#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # # 03-WCS and QGIS # << 02-WCS and Python            04-Introduction to WCPS >> # [QGIS](http://www.qgis.org/en/site/) is a poplular open-source desktop-based Geographical Information System that bases on the collaboration and development of people within the geospatial data community. Based on individual plugins, QGIS can be enriched with a wide range of additional functionalities. # # Per default, QGIS can be used as a WCS compliant data server. ECMWF's WCS server is compliant to WCS 2.0 and gladly, there is a QGIS plugin that can be installed to be also compliant to WCS 2.0. # Thapaliya & Misev (2014) built the [QgsWcpsClient1](https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QgsWcpsClient1/) plugin, which allows to connect to a OGC WC(P)S server and to execute a WCPS query for direct import to QGIS. Figure below shows an example of a WCPS query executed in QGIS to retrieve sea surface temperature data from ECMWF for 31 December 2001. # #
The QGIS desktop application and a simple three step approach to request data via a WCPS query: (1) install and load the [QgsWcpsClient1](https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/QgsWcpsClient1/) plugin, (2) connect to a WCS server endpoint and (3) request data with a WCPS query.
# A connection can be made either to ECMWF's service endpoint or to any other WCS 2.0 server. Further service endpoints are: # * Planetserver: http://access.planetserver.eu:8080/rasdaman/ows # * EO Data Service: http://eodataservice.org/rasdaman/ows # * Marine Data Service: http://earthserver.pml.ac.uk/rasdaman/ows # # Once the connection is established, data on the server can be accessed via a WCPS query. Figure below shows (1) data from the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, the the marine science data provider of EarthServer-2 and (2) ERA-interim sea surface temperature from ECMWF. # #
Two examples of a coverage requested and retrieved via a WCPS query and visualized on-the-fly with QGIS: (1) from Plymouth Marine Laboratory's web service and (2) from ECMWF's webservice. (1) shows the ocean colour from ESA's Climate Change Initiative for 31 December 2001. (2) shows the ERA-interim sea surface temperature for 31 December 2010.
# # WCPS queries can do complex calculations on-the-fly. Figure below shows two examples, how a false-colour composite of the planet MARS and a calculated NDVI from the Landsat8 satellite can be loaded on-the-fly into QGIS for further processing. # #
Two examples of a coverage requested and retrieved via a WCPS query and visualized on-the-fly with QGIS: top: False color composition for a CRISM L observation image from Planetserver and bottom: an on-the-fly calculated NDVI from a Landsat 8 satellite image from the EO Data Service. # *** # Creative Commons License