#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Muscle simulation # # > Marcos Duarte, Renato Watanabe # > [Laboratory of Biomechanics and Motor Control](http://pesquisa.ufabc.edu.br/bmclab) # > Federal University of ABC, Brazil #


# Let's simulate the 3-component Hill-type muscle model we described in [Muscle modeling](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/demotu/BMC/blob/master/notebooks/MuscleModeling.ipynb) and illustrated below: #

# Hill-type muscle model.
Figure. A Hill-type muscle model with three components: two for the muscle, an active contractile element, $\mathsf{CE}$, and a passive elastic element in parallel, $\mathsf{PE}$, with the $\mathsf{CE}$, and one component for the tendon, an elastic element in series, $\mathsf{SE}$, with the muscle. $\mathsf{L_{MT}}$: muscle–tendon length, $\mathsf{L_T}$: tendon length, $\mathsf{L_M}$: muscle fiber length, $\mathsf{F_T}$: tendon force, $\mathsf{F_M}$: muscle force, and $α$: pennation angle.

# The following relationships are true for the model: # # \begin{equation} # \begin{array}{l} # L_{MT} = L_{T} + L_M\cos\alpha \\ # \\ # L_M = L_{CE} = L_{PE} \\ # \\ # \dot{L}_M = \dot{L}_{CE} = \dot{L}_{PE} \\ # \\ # F_{M} = F_{CE} + F_{PE} # \end{array} # \label{} # \end{equation} # # If we assume that the muscle–tendon system is at equilibrium, that is, muscle, $F_{M}$, and tendon, $F_{T}$, forces are in equilibrium at all times, the following equation holds (and that a muscle can only pull): # # \begin{equation} # F_{T} = F_{SE} = F_{M}\cos\alpha # \label{} # \end{equation} # ## Pennation angle # # The pennation angle will vary during muscle activation; for instance, Kawakami et al. (1998) showed that the pennation angle of the medial gastrocnemius muscle can vary from 22$^o$ to 67$^o$ during activation. The most used approach is to assume that the muscle width (defined as the length of the perpendicular line between the lines of the muscle origin and insertion) remains constant (Scott & Winter, 1991): # # \begin{equation} # w = L_{M,0} \sin\alpha_0 # \label{} # \end{equation} # # The pennation angle as a function of time will be given by: # # \begin{equation} # \alpha = \sin^{-1} \left(\dfrac{w}{L_M}\right) # \label{} # \end{equation} # # The cosine of the pennation angle can be given by (if $L_M$ is known): # # \begin{equation} # \cos \alpha = \dfrac{\sqrt{L_M^2-w^2}}{L_M} = \sqrt{1-\left(\dfrac{w}{L_M}\right)^2} # \label{} # \end{equation} # # or (if $L_M$ is not known): # # \begin{equation} # \cos \alpha = \dfrac{L_{MT}-L_T}{L_M} = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{1 + \left(\dfrac{w}{L_{MT}-L_T}\right)^2}} # \label{} # \end{equation} # ## Muscle force # # In general, the dependence of the force of the contractile element with its length and velocity and with the activation level are assumed independent of each other: # # \begin{equation} # F_{CE}(a, L_{CE}, \dot{L}_{CE}) = a \: f_l(L_{CE}) \: f_v(\dot{L}_{CE}) \: F_{M0} # \label{} # \end{equation} # # where $f_l(L_M)$ and $f_v(\dot{L}_M)$ are mathematical functions describing the force-length and force-velocity relationships of the contractile element (typically these functions are normalized by $F_{M0}$, the maximum isometric (at zero velocity) muscle force, so we have to multiply the right side of the equation by $F_{M0}$). # # And for the muscle force: # # \begin{equation} # F_{M}(a, L_M, \dot{L}_M) = \left[a \: f_l(L_M)f_v(\dot{L}_M) + F_{PE}(L_M)\right]F_{M0} # \label{} # \end{equation} # # This equation for the muscle force, with $a$, $L_{M}$, and $\dot{L}_{M}$ as state variables, can be used to simulate the dynamics of a muscle given an excitation and determine the muscle force and length. We can rearrange the equation, invert the expression for $f_v$, and integrate the resulting first-order ordinary differential equation (ODE) to obatin $L_M$: # # \begin{equation} # \dot{L}_M = f_v^{-1}\left(\dfrac{F_{SE}(L_{MT}-L_M\cos\alpha)/\cos\alpha - F_{PE}(L_M)}{a f_l(L_M)}\right) # \label{} # \end{equation} # # This approach is the most commonly employed in the literature (see for example, [OpenSim](http://simtk-confluence.stanford.edu:8080/display/OpenSim/Muscle+Model+Theory+and+Publications); McLean, Su, van den Bogert, 2003; Thelen, 2003; Nigg and Herzog, 2007). # # Although the equation for the muscle force doesn't have numerical singularities, the differential equation for muscle velocity has four ([OpenSim Millard 2012 Muscle Models](http://simtk-confluence.stanford.edu:8080/display/OpenSim/Millard+2012+Muscle+Models)): # When $a \rightarrow 0$; when $f_l(L_M) \rightarrow 0$; when $\alpha \rightarrow \pi/2$; and when $\partial f_v/\partial v \rightarrow 0 $. # The following solutions can be employed to avoid the numerical singularities ([OpenSim Millard 2012 Muscle Models](http://simtk-confluence.stanford.edu:8080/display/OpenSim/Millard+2012+Muscle+Models)): # - A minimum value for $a$; e.g., $a_{min}=0.01$; # - A minimum value for $f_l(L_M)$; e.g., $f_l(0.1)$; # - A maximum value for pennation angle; e.g., constrain $\alpha$ to $\cos\alpha > 0.1; (\alpha < 84.26^o)$; # - Make the slope of $f_V$ at and beyond maximum velocity different than zero (for both concentric and eccentric activations). # # We will adopt these solutions to avoid singularities in the simulation of muscle mechanics. A problem of imposing values to variables as described above is that we can make the ordinary differential equation numerically stiff, which will increase the computational cost of the numerical integration. A better solution would be to modify the model to not have these singularities (see [OpenSim Millard 2012 Muscle Models](http://simtk-confluence.stanford.edu:8080/display/OpenSim/Millard+2012+Muscle+Models)). # ## Simulation # # Let's simulate muscle dynamics using the Thelen2003Muscle model we defined in [Muscle modeling](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/demotu/BMC/blob/master/notebooks/MuscleModeling.ipynb). For the simulation of the Thelen2003Muscle, we simply have to integrate the equation: # # \begin{equation} # V_M = (0.25+0.75a)\,V_{Mmax}\frac{\bar{F}_M-a\bar{f}_{l,CE}}{b} # \label{} # \end{equation} # # where # # \begin{equation} # b = \left\{ # \begin{array}{l l l} # a\bar{f}_{l,CE} + \bar{F}_M/A_f \quad & \text{if} \quad \bar{F}_M \leq a\bar{f}_{l,CE} & \text{(shortening)} \\ # \\ # \dfrac{(2+2/A_f)(a\bar{f}_{l,CE}\bar{f}_{CEmax} - \bar{F}_M)}{\bar{f}_{CEmax}-1} \quad & \text{if} \quad \bar{F}_M > a\bar{f}_{l,CE} & \text{(lengthening)} # \end{array} \right. # \label{} # \end{equation} # # The equation above already contains the terms for actvation, $a$, and force-length dependence, $\bar{f}_{l,CE}$. The equation is too complicated for solving analytically, we will solve it by numerical integration using the [`scipy.integrate.ode`](http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.14.0/reference/generated/scipy.integrate.ode.html) class of numeric integrators, particularly the `dopri5`, an explicit runge-kutta method of order (4)5 due to Dormand and Prince (a.k.a. ode45 in Matlab). We could run a simulation using [OpenSim](https://simtk.org/home/opensim); it would be faster, but for fun, let's program in Python. All the necessary functions for the Thelen2003Muscle model described in [Muscle modeling](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/demotu/BMC/blob/master/notebooks/MuscleModeling.ipynb) were grouped in one file (module), `muscles.py`. Besides these functions, the module `muscles.py` contains a function for the muscle velocity, `vm_eq`, which will be called by the function that specifies the numerical integration, `lm_sol`; a standard way of performing numerical integration in scientific computing: # # ```python # def vm_eq(self, t, lm, lm0, lmt0, lmopt, ltslack, alpha0, vmmax, fm0): # """Equation for muscle velocity.""" # if lm < 0.1*lmopt: # lm = 0.1*lmopt # a = self.activation(t) # lmt = self.lmt_eq(t, lmt0) # alpha = self.penn_ang(lmt=lmt, lm=lm, lm0=lm0, alpha0=alpha0) # lt = lmt - lm*np.cos(alpha) # fse = self.force_se(lt=lt, ltslack=ltslack) # fpe = self.force_pe(lm=lm/lmopt) # fl = self.force_l(lm=lm/lmopt) # fce_t = fse/np.cos(alpha) - fpe # vm = self.velo_fm(fm=fce_t, a=a, fl=fl) # return vm # # def lm_sol(self, fun, t0, t1, lm0, lmt0, ltslack, lmopt, alpha0, vmmax, fm0, show, axs): # """Runge-Kutta (4)5 ODE solver for muscle length.""" # if fun is None: # fun = self.vm_eq # f = ode(fun).set_integrator('dopri5', nsteps=1, max_step=0.005, atol=1e-8) # f.set_initial_value(lm0, t0).set_f_params(lm0, lmt0, lmopt, ltslack, alpha0, vmmax, fm0) # # suppress Fortran warning # warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) # data = [] # while f.t < t1: # f.integrate(t1, step=True) # d = self.calc_data(f.t, f.y[0], lm0, lmt0, ltslack, lmopt, alpha0, fm0) # data.append(d) # warnings.resetwarnings() # data = np.array(data) # self.lm_data = data # if show: # self.lm_plot(data, axs) # return data # ``` # # `muscles.py` also contains some auxiliary functions for entering data and for plotting the results. Let's import the necessary Python libraries and customize the environment in order to run some simulations using `muscles.py`: # In[1]: import numpy as np get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'notebook') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib matplotlib.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2 matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = 12 matplotlib.rcParams['lines.markersize'] = 4 matplotlib.rc('axes', grid=True, labelsize=12, titlesize=13, ymargin=0.01) matplotlib.rc('legend', numpoints=1, fontsize=10) # import the muscles.py module import sys sys.path.insert(1, r'./../functions') import muscles # The `muscles.py` module contains the class `Thelen2003()` which has the functions we want to use. For such, we need to create an instance of this class: # In[2]: ms = muscles.Thelen2003() # Now, we need to enter the parameters and states for the simulation: we can load files with these values or enter as input parameters when calling the function (method) '`set_parameters()`' and '`set_states()`'. If nothing if inputed, these methods assume that the parameters and states are stored in the files '`muscle_parameter.txt`' and '`muscle_state.txt`' inside the directory '`./../data/`'. Let's use some of the parameters and states from an exercise of the chapter 4 of Nigg and Herzog (2006). # In[3]: ms.set_parameters() ms.set_states() # We can see the parameters and states: # In[4]: print('Parameters:\n', ms.P) print('States:\n', ms.S) # We can plot the muscle-tendon forces considering these parameters and initial states: # In[5]: ms.muscle_plot(); # Let's simulate an isometric activation (and since we didn't enter an activation level, $a=1$ will be used): # In[6]: def lmt_eq(t, lmt0): # isometric activation lmt = lmt0 return lmt ms.lmt_eq = lmt_eq # In[7]: data = ms.lm_sol() # We can input a prescribed muscle-tendon length for the simulation: # In[8]: def lmt_eq(t, lmt0): # prescribed change in the muscle-tendon length if t < 1: lmt = lmt0 if 1 <= t < 2: lmt = lmt0 - 0.04*(t - 1) if t >= 2: lmt = lmt0 - 0.04 return lmt ms.lmt_eq = lmt_eq # In[9]: data = ms.lm_sol() # Let's simulate a pennated muscle with an angle of $30^o$. We don't need to enter all parameters again, we can change only the parameter `alpha0`: # In[10]: ms.P['alpha0'] = 30*np.pi/180 print('New initial pennation angle:', ms.P['alpha0']) # Because the muscle length is now shortened by $\cos(30^o)$, we will also have to change the initial muscle-tendon length if we want to start with the tendon at its slack length: # In[11]: ms.S['lmt0'] = ms.S['lmt0'] - ms.S['lm0'] + ms.S['lm0']*np.cos(ms.P['alpha0']) print('New initial muscle-tendon length:', ms.S['lmt0']) # In[12]: data = ms.lm_sol() # Here is a plot of the simulated pennation angle: # In[13]: plt.figure(figsize=(7, 4)) plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 9]*180/np.pi) plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel(r'Pennation angle $(^o)$') plt.show() # Change back to the old values: # In[14]: ms.P['alpha0'] = 0 ms.S['lmt0'] = 0.313 # We can change the initial states to show the role of the passive parallel element: # In[15]: ms.S = {'id': '', 'lt0': np.nan, 'lmt0': 0.323, 'lm0': 0.10, 'name': ''} # In[16]: ms.muscle_plot(); # Let's also change the excitation signal: # In[17]: def excitation(t, u_max=1, u_min=0.01, t0=1, t1=2): """Excitation signal, a hat signal.""" u = u_min if t >= t0 and t <= t1: u = u_max return u ms.excitation = excitation # In[18]: act = ms.activation_sol() # And let's simulate an isometric contraction: # In[19]: def lmt_eq(t, lmt0): # isometric activation lmt = lmt0 return lmt ms.lmt_eq = lmt_eq # In[20]: data = ms.lm_sol() # Let's use as excitation a train of pulses: # In[21]: def excitation(t, u_max=.5, u_min=0.01, t0=.2, t1=2): """Excitation signal, a train of square pulses.""" u = u_min ts = np.arange(1, 2.0, .1) #ts = np.delete(ts, np.arange(2, ts.size, 3)) if t >= ts[0] and t <= ts[1]: u = u_max elif t >= ts[2] and t <= ts[3]: u = u_max elif t >= ts[4] and t <= ts[5]: u = u_max elif t >= ts[6] and t <= ts[7]: u = u_max elif t >= ts[8] and t <= ts[9]: u = u_max return u ms.excitation = excitation # In[22]: act = ms.activation_sol() # In[23]: data = ms.lm_sol() # ## References # # - Kawakami Y, Ichinose Y, Fukunaga T (1998) [Architectural and functional features of human triceps surae muscles during contraction](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9688711). Journal of Applied Physiology, 85, 398–404. # - McLean SG, Su A, van den Bogert AJ (2003) [Development and validation of a 3-D model to predict knee joint loading during dynamic movement](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14986412). Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 125, 864-74. # - Nigg BM and Herzog W (2006) [Biomechanics of the Musculo-skeletal System](https://books.google.com.br/books?id=hOIeAQAAIAAJ&dq=editions:ISBN0470017678). 3rd Edition. Wiley. # - Scott SH, Winter DA (1991) [A comparison of three muscle pennation assumptions and their effect on isometric and isotonic force](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2037616). Journal of Biomechanics, 24, 163–167. # - Thelen DG (2003) [Adjustment of muscle mechanics model parameters to simulate dynamic contractions in older adults](http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~thelen/pubs/jbme03.pdf). Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 125(1):70–77. # ## Module muscles.py # In[24]: # %load ./../functions/muscles.py """Muscle modeling and simulation.""" import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import ode import warnings import configparser __author__ = 'Marcos Duarte, https://github.com/BMClab/BMC' __version__ = 'muscles.py v.1.01 2021/07/15' class Thelen2003(): """ Thelen (2003) muscle model. """ def __init__(self, parameters=None, states=None): if parameters is not None: self.set_parameters(parameters) if states is not None: self.set_states(states) self.lm_data = [] self.act_data = [] def set_parameters(self, var=None): """Load and set parameters for the muscle model. """ if var is None: var = './../data/muscle_parameter.txt' if isinstance(var, str): self.P = self.config_parser(var, 'parameters') elif isinstance(var, dict): self.P = var else: raise ValueError('Wrong parameters!') print('The parameters were successfully loaded ' + 'and are stored in the variable P.') def set_states(self, var=None): """Load and set states for the muscle model. """ if var is None: var = './../data/muscle_state.txt' if isinstance(var, str): self.S = self.config_parser(var, 'states') elif isinstance(var, dict): self.S = var else: raise ValueError('Wrong states!') print('The states were successfully loaded ' + 'and are stored in the variable S.') def config_parser(self, filename, var): parser = configparser.ConfigParser() parser.optionxform = str # make option names case sensitive parser.read(filename) if not parser: raise ValueError('File %s not found!' %var) #if not 'Muscle' in parser.sections()[0]: # raise ValueError('Wrong %s file!' %var) var = {} for key, value in parser.items(parser.sections()[0]): if key.lower() in ['name', 'id']: var.update({key: value}) else: try: value = float(value) except ValueError: print('"%s" value "%s" was replaced by NaN.' %(key, value)) value = np.nan var.update({key: value}) return var def force_l(self, lm, gammal=None): """Thelen (2003) force of the contractile element vs. muscle length. Parameters ---------- lm : float normalized muscle fiber length gammal : float, optional (default from parameter file) shape factor Returns ------- fl : float normalized force of the muscle contractile element """ if gammal is None: gammal = self.P['gammal'] fl = np.exp(-(lm-1)**2/gammal) return fl def force_pe(self, lm, kpe=None, epsm0=None): """Thelen (2003) force of the muscle parallel element vs. muscle length. Parameters ---------- lm : float normalized muscle fiber length kpe : float, optional (default from parameter file) exponential shape factor epsm0 : float, optional (default from parameter file) passive muscle strain due to maximum isometric force Returns ------- fpe : float normalized force of the muscle parallel (passive) element """ if kpe is None: kpe = self.P['kpe'] if epsm0 is None: epsm0 = self.P['epsm0'] if lm <= 1: fpe = 0 else: fpe = (np.exp(kpe*(lm-1)/epsm0)-1)/(np.exp(kpe)-1) return fpe def force_se(self, lt, ltslack=None, epst0=None, kttoe=None): """Thelen (2003) force-length relationship of tendon vs. tendon length. Parameters ---------- lt : float tendon length (normalized or not) ltslack : float, optional (default from parameter file) tendon slack length (normalized or not) epst0 : float, optional (default from parameter file) tendon strain at the maximal isometric muscle force kttoe : float, optional (default from parameter file) linear scale factor Returns ------- fse : float normalized force of the tendon series element """ if ltslack is None: ltslack = self.P['ltslack'] if epst0 is None: epst0 = self.P['epst0'] if kttoe is None: kttoe = self.P['kttoe'] epst = (lt-ltslack)/ltslack fttoe = .33 # values from OpenSim Thelen2003Muscle epsttoe = .99*epst0*np.e**3/(1.66*np.e**3 - .67) ktlin = .67/(epst0 - epsttoe) # if epst <= 0: fse = 0 elif epst <= epsttoe: fse = fttoe/(np.exp(kttoe)-1)*(np.exp(kttoe*epst/epsttoe)-1) else: fse = ktlin*(epst-epsttoe) + fttoe return fse def velo_fm(self, fm, a, fl, lmopt=None, vmmax=None, fmlen=None, af=None): """Thelen (2003) velocity of the force-velocity relationship vs. CE force. Parameters ---------- fm : float normalized muscle force a : float muscle activation level fl : float normalized muscle force due to the force-length relationship lmopt : float, optional (default from parameter file) optimal muscle fiber length vmmax : float, optional (default from parameter file) normalized maximum muscle velocity for concentric activation fmlen : float, optional (default from parameter file) normalized maximum force generated at the lengthening phase af : float, optional (default from parameter file) shape factor Returns ------- vm : float velocity of the muscle """ if lmopt is None: lmopt = self.P['lmopt'] if vmmax is None: vmmax = self.P['vmmax'] if fmlen is None: fmlen = self.P['fmlen'] if af is None: af = self.P['af'] if fm <= a*fl: # isometric and concentric activation if fm > 0: b = a*fl + fm/af else: b = a*fl else: # eccentric activation asyE_thresh = 0.95 # from OpenSim Thelen2003Muscle if fm < a*fl*fmlen*asyE_thresh: b = (2 + 2/af)*(a*fl*fmlen - fm)/(fmlen - 1) else: fm0 = a*fl*fmlen*asyE_thresh b = (2 + 2/af)*(a*fl*fmlen - fm0)/(fmlen - 1) vm = (0.25 + 0.75*a)*1*(fm - a*fl)/b vm = vm*vmmax*lmopt return vm def force_vm(self, vm, a, fl, lmopt=None, vmmax=None, fmlen=None, af=None): """Thelen (2003) force of the contractile element vs. muscle velocity. Parameters ---------- vm : float muscle velocity a : float muscle activation level fl : float normalized muscle force due to the force-length relationship lmopt : float, optional (default from parameter file) optimal muscle fiber length vmmax : float, optional (default from parameter file) normalized maximum muscle velocity for concentric activation fmlen : float, optional (default from parameter file) normalized normalized maximum force generated at the lengthening phase af : float, optional (default from parameter file) shape factor Returns ------- fvm : float normalized force of the muscle contractile element """ if lmopt is None: lmopt = self.P['lmopt'] if vmmax is None: vmmax = self.P['vmmax'] if fmlen is None: fmlen = self.P['fmlen'] if af is None: af = self.P['af'] vmmax = vmmax*lmopt if vm <= 0: # isometric and concentric activation fvm = af*a*fl*(4*vm + vmmax*(3*a + 1))/(-4*vm + vmmax*af*(3*a + 1)) else: # eccentric activation fvm = a*fl*(af*vmmax*(3*a*fmlen - 3*a + fmlen - 1) + \ 8*vm*fmlen*(af + 1)) / \ (af*vmmax*(3*a*fmlen - 3*a + fmlen - 1) + 8*vm*(af + 1)) return fvm def lmt_eq(self, t, lmt0=None): """Equation for muscle-tendon length.""" if lmt0 is None: lmt0 = self.S['lmt0'] return lmt0 def vm_eq(self, t, lm, lm0, lmt0, lmopt, ltslack, alpha0, vmmax, fm0): """Equation for muscle velocity.""" if lm < 0.1*lmopt: lm = 0.1*lmopt #lt0 = lmt0 - lm0*np.cos(alpha0) a = self.activation(t) lmt = self.lmt_eq(t, lmt0) alpha = self.penn_ang(lmt=lmt, lm=lm, lm0=lm0, alpha0=alpha0) lt = lmt - lm*np.cos(alpha) fse = self.force_se(lt=lt, ltslack=ltslack) fpe = self.force_pe(lm=lm/lmopt) fl = self.force_l(lm=lm/lmopt) fce_t = fse/np.cos(alpha) - fpe #if fce_t < 0: fce_t=0 vm = self.velo_fm(fm=fce_t, a=a, fl=fl) return vm def lm_sol(self, fun=None, t0=0, t1=3, lm0=None, lmt0=None, ltslack=None, lmopt=None, alpha0=None, vmmax=None, fm0=None, show=True, axs=None): """Runge-Kutta (4)5 ODE solver for muscle length.""" if lm0 is None: lm0 = self.S['lm0'] if lmt0 is None: lmt0 = self.S['lmt0'] if ltslack is None: ltslack = self.P['ltslack'] if alpha0 is None: alpha0 = self.P['alpha0'] if lmopt is None: lmopt = self.P['lmopt'] if vmmax is None: vmmax = self.P['vmmax'] if fm0 is None: fm0 = self.P['fm0'] if fun is None: fun = self.vm_eq f = ode(fun).set_integrator('dopri5', nsteps=1, max_step=0.005, atol=1e-8) f.set_initial_value(lm0, t0).set_f_params(lm0, lmt0, lmopt, ltslack, alpha0, vmmax, fm0) # suppress Fortran warning warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) data = [] while f.t < t1: f.integrate(t1, step=True) d = self.calc_data(f.t, np.max([f.y[0], 0.1*lmopt]), lm0, lmt0, ltslack, lmopt, alpha0, fm0) data.append(d) warnings.resetwarnings() data = np.array(data) self.lm_data = data if show: self.lm_plot(data, axs) return data def calc_data(self, t, lm, lm0, lmt0, ltslack, lmopt, alpha0, fm0): """Calculus of muscle-tendon variables.""" a = self.activation(t) lmt = self.lmt_eq(t, lmt0=lmt0) alpha = self.penn_ang(lmt=lmt, lm=lm, lm0=lm0, alpha0=alpha0) lt = lmt - lm*np.cos(alpha) fl = self.force_l(lm=lm/lmopt) fpe = self.force_pe(lm=lm/lmopt) fse = self.force_se(lt=lt, ltslack=ltslack) fce_t = fse/np.cos(alpha) - fpe vm = self.velo_fm(fm=fce_t, a=a, fl=fl, lmopt=lmopt) fm = self.force_vm(vm=vm, fl=fl, lmopt=lmopt, a=a) + fpe data = [t, lmt, lm, lt, vm, fm*fm0, fse*fm0, a*fl*fm0, fpe*fm0, alpha] return data def muscle_plot(self, a=1, axs=None): """Plot muscle-tendon relationships with length and velocity.""" try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: print('matplotlib is not available.') return if axs is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(9, 4)) lmopt = self.P['lmopt'] ltslack = self.P['ltslack'] vmmax = self.P['vmmax'] alpha0 = self.P['alpha0'] fm0 = self.P['fm0'] lm0 = self.S['lm0'] lmt0 = self.S['lmt0'] lt0 = self.S['lt0'] if np.isnan(lt0): lt0 = lmt0 - lm0*np.cos(alpha0) lm = np.linspace(0, 2, 101) lt = np.linspace(0, 1, 101)*0.05 + 1 vm = np.linspace(-1, 1, 101)*vmmax*lmopt fl = np.zeros(lm.size) fpe = np.zeros(lm.size) fse = np.zeros(lt.size) fvm = np.zeros(vm.size) fl_lm0 = self.force_l(lm0/lmopt) fpe_lm0 = self.force_pe(lm0/lmopt) fm_lm0 = fl_lm0 + fpe_lm0 ft_lt0 = self.force_se(lt0, ltslack)*fm0 for i in range(101): fl[i] = self.force_l(lm[i]) fpe[i] = self.force_pe(lm[i]) fse[i] = self.force_se(lt[i], ltslack=1) fvm[i] = self.force_vm(vm[i], a=a, fl=fl_lm0) lm = lm*lmopt lt = lt*ltslack fl = fl fpe = fpe fse = fse*fm0 fvm = fvm*fm0 xlim = self.margins(lm, margin=.05, minmargin=False) axs[0].set_xlim(xlim) ylim = self.margins([0, 2], margin=.05) axs[0].set_ylim(ylim) axs[0].plot(lm, fl, 'b', label='Active') axs[0].plot(lm, fpe, 'b--', label='Passive') axs[0].plot(lm, fl+fpe, 'b:', label='') axs[0].plot([lm0, lm0], [ylim[0], fm_lm0], 'k:', lw=2, label='') axs[0].plot([xlim[0], lm0], [fm_lm0, fm_lm0], 'k:', lw=2, label='') axs[0].plot(lm0, fm_lm0, 'o', ms=6, mfc='r', mec='r', mew=2, label='fl(LM0)') axs[0].legend(loc='best', frameon=True, framealpha=.5) axs[0].set_xlabel('Length [m]') axs[0].set_ylabel('Scale factor') axs[0].xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) axs[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) axs[0].set_title('Muscle F-L (a=1)') xlim = self.margins([0, np.min(vm), np.max(vm)], margin=.05, minmargin=False) axs[1].set_xlim(xlim) ylim = self.margins([0, fm0*1.2, np.max(fvm)*1.5], margin=.025) axs[1].set_ylim(ylim) axs[1].plot(vm, fvm, label='') axs[1].set_xlabel(r'$\mathbf{^{CON}}\;$ Velocity [m/s] $\;\mathbf{^{EXC}}$') axs[1].plot([0, 0], [ylim[0], fvm[50]], 'k:', lw=2, label='') axs[1].plot([xlim[0], 0], [fvm[50], fvm[50]], 'k:', lw=2, label='') axs[1].plot(0, fvm[50], 'o', ms=6, mfc='r', mec='r', mew=2, label='FM0(LM0)') axs[1].plot(xlim[0], fm0, '+', ms=10, mfc='r', mec='r', mew=2, label='') axs[1].text(vm[0], fm0, 'FM0') axs[1].legend(loc='upper right', frameon=True, framealpha=.5) axs[1].set_ylabel('Force [N]') axs[1].xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) axs[1].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) axs[1].set_title('Muscle F-V (a=1)') xlim = self.margins([lt0, ltslack, np.min(lt), np.max(lt)], margin=.05, minmargin=False) axs[2].set_xlim(xlim) ylim = self.margins([ft_lt0, 0, np.max(fse)], margin=.05) axs[2].set_ylim(ylim) axs[2].plot(lt, fse, label='') axs[2].set_xlabel('Length [m]') axs[2].plot([lt0, lt0], [ylim[0], ft_lt0], 'k:', lw=2, label='') axs[2].plot([xlim[0], lt0], [ft_lt0, ft_lt0], 'k:', lw=2, label='') axs[2].plot(lt0, ft_lt0, 'o', ms=6, mfc='r', mec='r', mew=2, label='FT(LT0)') axs[2].legend(loc='upper left', frameon=True, framealpha=.5) axs[2].set_ylabel('Force [N]') axs[2].xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) axs[2].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) axs[2].set_title('Tendon') plt.suptitle('Muscle-tendon mechanics') plt.tight_layout(w_pad=.1) plt.show() return axs def lm_plot(self, x, axs=None): """Plot results of actdyn_ode45 function. data = [t, lmt, lm, lt, vm, fm*fm0, fse*fm0, fl*fm0, fpe*fm0, alpha] """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: print('matplotlib is not available.') return if axs is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=2, sharex=True, figsize=(9, 6)) axs[0, 0].plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], 'b', label='LMT') lmt = x[:, 2]*np.cos(x[:, 9]) + x[:, 3] if np.sum(x[:, 9]) > 0: axs[0, 0].plot(x[:, 0], lmt, 'g--', label=r'$LM \cos \alpha + LT$') else: axs[0, 0].plot(x[:, 0], lmt, 'g--', label=r'LM+LT') ylim = self.margins(x[:, 1], margin=.1) axs[0, 0].set_ylim(ylim) axs[0, 0].legend(framealpha=.5, loc='best') axs[0, 1].plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 3], 'b') #axs[0, 1].plot(x[:, 0], lt0*np.ones(len(x)), 'r') ylim = self.margins(x[:, 3], margin=.1) axs[0, 1].set_ylim(ylim) axs[1, 0].plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 2], 'b') #axs[1, 0].plot(x[:, 0], lmopt*np.ones(len(x)), 'r') ylim = self.margins(x[:, 2], margin=.1) axs[1, 0].set_ylim(ylim) axs[1, 1].plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 4], 'b') ylim = self.margins(x[:, 4], margin=.1) axs[1, 1].set_ylim(ylim) axs[2, 0].plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 5], 'b', label='Muscle') axs[2, 0].plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 6], 'g--', label='Tendon') ylim = self.margins(x[:, [5, 6]], margin=.1) axs[2, 0].set_ylim(ylim) axs[2, 0].set_xlabel('Time (s)') axs[2, 0].legend(framealpha=.5, loc='best') axs[2, 1].plot(x[:, 0], x[:, 8], 'b', label='PE') ylim = self.margins(x[:, 8], margin=.1) axs[2, 1].set_ylim(ylim) axs[2, 1].set_xlabel('Time (s)') axs[2, 1].legend(framealpha=.5, loc='best') ylabel = [r'$L_{MT}\,(m)$', r'$L_{T}\,(m)$', r'$L_{M}\,(m)$', r'$V_{CE}\,(m/s)$', r'$Force\,(N)$', r'$Force\,(N)$'] for i, axi in enumerate(axs.flat): axi.set_ylabel(ylabel[i]) axi.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) fig.align_ylabels(axs) #axi.yaxis.set_label_coords(-.2, 0.5) plt.suptitle('Simulation of muscle-tendon mechanics') plt.tight_layout() plt.show() return axs def penn_ang(self, lmt, lm, lt=None, lm0=None, alpha0=None): """Pennation angle. Parameters ---------- lmt : float muscle-tendon length lt : float, optional (default=None) tendon length lm : float, optional (default=None) muscle fiber length lm0 : float, optional (default from states file) initial muscle fiber length alpha0 : float, optional (default from parameter file) initial pennation angle Returns ------- alpha : float pennation angle """ if lm0 is None: lm0 = self.S['lm0'] if alpha0 is None: alpha0 = self.P['alpha0'] alpha = alpha0 if alpha0 != 0: w = lm0*np.sin(alpha0) if lm is not None: cosalpha = np.sqrt(1-(w/lm)**2) elif lmt is not None and lt is not None: cosalpha = 1/(np.sqrt(1 + (w/(lmt-lt))**2)) alpha = np.arccos(cosalpha) if alpha > 1.4706289: # np.arccos(0.1), 84.2608 degrees alpha = 1.4706289 return alpha def excitation(self, t, u_max=None, u_min=None, t0=0, t1=5): """Excitation signal, a square wave. Parameters ---------- t : float time instant [s] u_max : float (0 < u_max <= 1), optional (default from parameter file) maximum value for muscle excitation u_min : float (0 < u_min < 1), optional (default from parameter file) minimum value for muscle excitation t0 : float, optional (default=0) initial time instant for muscle excitation equals to u_max [s] t1 : float, optional (default=5) final time instant for muscle excitation equals to u_max [s] Returns ------- u : float (0 < u <= 1) excitation signal """ if u_max is None: u_max = self.P['u_max'] if u_min is None: u_min = self.P['u_min'] u = u_min if t >= t0 and t <= t1: u = u_max return u def activation_dyn(self, t, a, t_act=None, t_deact=None): """Thelen (2003) activation dynamics, the derivative of `a` at `t`. Parameters ---------- t : float time instant [s] a : float (0 <= a <= 1) muscle activation t_act : float, optional (default from parameter file) activation time constant [s] t_deact : float, optional (default from parameter file) deactivation time constant [s] Returns ------- adot : float derivative of `a` at `t` """ if t_act is None: t_act = self.P['t_act'] if t_deact is None: t_deact = self.P['t_deact'] u = self.excitation(t) if u > a: adot = (u - a)/(t_act*(0.5 + 1.5*a)) else: adot = (u - a)/(t_deact/(0.5 + 1.5*a)) return adot def activation_sol(self, fun=None, t0=0, t1=3, a0=0, u_min=None, t_act=None, t_deact=None, show=True, axs=None): """Runge-Kutta (4)5 ODE solver for activation dynamics. Parameters ---------- fun : function object, optional (default is None and `actdyn` is used) function with ODE to be solved t0 : float, optional (default=0) initial time instant for the simulation [s] t1 : float, optional (default=0) final time instant for the simulation [s] a0 : float, optional (default=0) initial muscle activation u_max : float (0 < u_max <= 1), optional (default from parameter file) maximum value for muscle excitation u_min : float (0 < u_min < 1), optional (default from parameter file) minimum value for muscle excitation t_act : float, optional (default from parameter file) activation time constant [s] t_deact : float, optional (default from parameter file) deactivation time constant [s] show : bool, optional (default = True) if True (1), plot data in matplotlib figure axs : a matplotlib.axes.Axes instance, optional (default = None) Returns ------- data : 2-d array array with columns [time, excitation, activation] """ if u_min is None: u_min = self.P['u_min'] if t_act is None: t_act = self.P['t_act'] if t_deact is None: t_deact = self.P['t_deact'] if fun is None: fun = self.activation_dyn f = ode(fun).set_integrator('dopri5', nsteps=1, max_step=0.005, atol=1e-8) f.set_initial_value(a0, t0).set_f_params(t_act, t_deact) # suppress Fortran warning warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) data = [] while f.t < t1: f.integrate(t1, step=True) data.append([f.t, self.excitation(f.t), np.max([f.y[0], u_min])]) warnings.resetwarnings() data = np.array(data) if show: self.actvation_plot(data, axs) self.act_data = data return data def activation(self, t=None): """Activation signal.""" data = self.act_data if t is not None and len(data): if t <= self.act_data[0, 0]: a = self.act_data[0, 2] elif t >= self.act_data[-1, 0]: a = self.act_data[-1, 2] else: a = np.interp(t, self.act_data[:, 0], self.act_data[:, 2]) else: a = 1 return a def actvation_plot(self, data, axs=None): """Plot results of actdyn_ode45 function.""" try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: print('matplotlib is not available.') return if axs is None: _, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(6, 4)) axs.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], color=[1, 0, 0, .6], label='Excitation') axs.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 2], color=[0, 0, 1, .6], label='Activation') axs.set_xlabel('Time [s]') axs.set_ylabel('Level') axs.legend() plt.title('Activation dynamics') plt.tight_layout() plt.show() return axs def margins(self, x, margin=0.01, minmargin=True): """Calculate plot limits with extra margins. """ rang = np.nanmax(x) - np.nanmin(x) if rang < 0.001 and minmargin: rang = 0.001*np.nanmean(x)/margin if rang < 1: rang = 1 lim = [np.nanmin(x) - rang*margin, np.nanmax(x) + rang*margin] return lim # In[ ]: