%pylab inline font = {'family' : 'normal', 'size' : 16} matplotlib.rc('font', **font) hpc = numpy.loadtxt('numa/hpc.txt') aws = numpy.loadtxt('numa/aws.txt') x = hpc[:,0] / (1e9/4.0) plot(x, hpc[:,1] / 60, 'b-', label='total time') plot(x, hpc[:,1] / 60, 'r.') plot(x, hpc[:,2] / 60, 'b--', label='post allocation only') plot(x, hpc[:,2] / 60, 'r*') print x axis(ymin=0) xlabel('Memory size (GB)') ylabel('Time (m) to do same task') #axis(ymax=3600) legend(loc='upper left') savefig('/tmp/fig4.pdf') x = hpc[:,0] / (1e9/4.0) plot(x, hpc[:,1] / hpc[0,1], 'b-', label='total time') plot(x, hpc[:,1] / hpc[0,1], 'r.') plot(x, hpc[:,2] / hpc[0,2], 'b--', label='post allocation only') plot(x, hpc[:,2] / hpc[0,2], 'r*') print x axis(ymin=0) xlabel('Memory size (GB)') ylabel('Lost time r due only to RAM acc') #axis(ymax=40) legend(loc='upper left') savefig('/tmp/fig4b.pdf') x = aws[:,0] / (1e9/4.0) plot(x, aws[:,1], 'b-') plot(x, aws[:,1], 'r.') axis(ymin=0) xlabel('Memory allocation (GB)') ylabel('Time (s) to do standard task') savefig('/tmp/fig3.pdf')