#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ## Testing look-elsewhere effect from combining two searches for the same particle using Gaussian Processes # # by Kyle Cranmer, Dec 17, 2015 # # The correction for 1d look-elsewhere effect (LEE) presented in # *Trial factors or the look elsewhere effect in high energy physics* by Ofer Vitells and Eilam Gross http://arxiv.org/abs/arXiv:1005.1891 # # It is often claimed that when one has two statistically independent searches for the same particle, then a peak in one tells you where to look for the other, thus eliminating the look-elsewhere effect. These searches might be from two different experiments (eg. ATLAS and CMS), two different decay modes, or two different time perieods (eg. run1 and run2). There are various flaws in this logic, as stressed by Bob Cousins in # [these slides](https://indico.cern.ch/event/233551/contribution/1/attachments/389867/542286/cousins_look_elsewhere_14feb2013.pdf). # This issue quickly becomes subtle as the intuitive procedure of using the location of the excess in one search to inform where to look in the other is not fully specified. A few things can be said about the intuitive procedure # * there is a symmetry of switching search1 and search2, so any approach that breaks this symmetry is going to have some weird properties. Our inference should not depend on the order! # * you can decide to break that symmetry by picking one of the searches (without seeing the results) in order to have the correct Type-I error rate (coverage), but that will lead to sub-optimal inference. (And Cousins has pointed out that there may be something insightful to say by connecting to "Buehler's betting game") # * if you use search 1 to *approximately* specify the location of the bump for search 2, then there is still a residual LEE for search 2 (though it will be considerably smaller) # * The combined result doesn't depend on the order, but clearly has a look-elsewhere effect that needs to be corrected # # In what follows I will explore the behavior of the LEE correction for the combination of two searches (which can be trivially extended to more than two searches). # # ### Formalism # # The starting point is to consider a search for a new particle with signal strength $\mu$ and unknown mass $\nu$ on top of a background distribution described by some nuisance parameters $\theta$. We perform the search by scanning over the mass $\nu$ and calculating the test statistic # # \begin{equation} # q(\nu) = -2 \log \frac{ \max_{\theta} L(\mu=0, \nu, \theta)}{ \max_{\mu, \theta} L(\mu, \nu, \theta)} # \end{equation} # # Assuming the background-only is true, $q(\nu)$ is a chi-square random field (with 1 degree of freedom). That means that, for any point $\nu$, the quantity $q(\nu)$ would have a chi-square distribution if you repeated the experiment many times. # # The maximum local significance is based on $Z_{local} = \sqrt{q_{max}}$, where $q_{max} = \max_\nu q(\nu)$. # The correction from local to global significance is given by: # # \begin{equation} # p_{global} = p_{local} + N \exp(-(q_{max}-u_0)/2) # \end{equation} # # where $N$ is the average number of upcrossings above level $u_0$ (i.e. times that $q(\nu) > u_0$). # This $N$ characterizes the search -- searches with good mass resolution over a large mass range will have large values of $N$, while searches with poor mass resolution will have small values of $N$. # # ### Shortcut: Gaussian Processes # # Creating many likelihood scans from pseudo-experiments (toy Monte Carlo) is somewhat time consuming, so here we make realizations of a chi-square random field by using a Gaussian Process. # The main trick we will use is that a chi-square distribution for one degree of freedom is the same as the distribution of $x^2$ if $x$ is normally distributed. As you might have guessed, a Gaussian Process (GP) is like a chi-square random field, but it is Gaussian-distributed at each point. # # Note, the distributions are not independent at each point, there is some covariance. So if the $q(\nu)$ is high at one point, you can expect it to be high near by. We can control this behavior via the GP's kernel. In particular, # $K(\nu, \nu') = Cov[q(\nu)^2, q(\nu')^2]$. We can essentially specify what the mass resolution of our virtual search is via the length scale used in ther kernel. # # For more on the theory of Gaussian Processes, the best resource is available for free online: [Rasmussen & Williams (2006)](http://www.gaussianprocess.org/gpml/). We will [`george`](http://dan.iel.fm/george/current/) -- a nice python package for Gaussian Processes (GP). # # # ### Connection to the asymptotic approximation # # The next major conceptual pilar for this work is the asymptotic approximations for the likelihood ratio. Wilks's theorem states that assuming background-only ($\mu=0$) the distribution of the best fit signal strength $\hat{\mu}$ follows a Gaussian distribution $G(\hat{\mu} | \mu=0, \sigma)$, where $\sigma^2 = \textrm{Var}[\mu]$. With that assumption $q(\mu) = (\hat{\mu}/\sigma)^2$, hence $q(\mu)$ is chi-square distributed. In this way of thinking, the GP is generating results for $(\hat{\mu}/\sigma)$ as a function of the mass parameter $\nu$. # # # This allows us to quickly do combinations on these toy results. Fundamentally, we wish to perform a likelihood combination at every mass point. This is additive in the log-likelihood ratio: # \begin{equation} # q_{12}(\nu) = q_1(\nu) + q_2(\nu) + const # \end{equation} # # This is also a chi-square random field. In the asymptotic limit, the likelihood combination is equivalent to: # # \begin{equation} # \hat{\mu}_{12}(\nu) = \frac{\hat{\mu}_1(\nu) \sigma_2^2(\nu) +\hat{\mu}_2(\nu)\sigma_1^2(\nu)}{\sigma_1^2(\nu)+\sigma_2^2(\nu)} # \end{equation} # # together with variance # # \begin{equation} # Var[\hat{\mu}_{12}(\nu)] \equiv\sigma_{12}^2(\nu) = \frac{\sigma_1^2(\nu)+\sigma_2^2(\nu)}{\sigma_1^2(\nu) \sigma_2^2(\nu)} # \end{equation} # # The important part here is that we can also work out the kernel for the Gaussian process that describes $(\hat{\mu}_{12}/sigma_{12})^2(\nu)$. In particular, the covariance between $\nu_1$ and $\nu_2$ of the GP for combination can be derived from the covariance of the GP for searches 1 and 2. # # **Consider the simple case** where the two searches have the same constant sensitivity: $\sigma_1(\nu) = \sigma_2(\nu) = \sigma$. Then $\hat{\mu}_{12}(\nu) = [\hat{\mu}_1(\nu)+\hat{\mu}_2(\nu)]/2$ and $\sigma_{12}^2 = \sigma^2/2$. So the kernel for the GP that describes the combination is given by: # # \begin{equation} # K_{12}(\nu, \nu') = Cov[(\hat{\mu}_{12}(\nu)/\sigma_{12})^2, (\hat{\mu}_{12}(\nu')/\sigma_{12})^2 # = \frac{1}{2} K_{1}(\nu, \nu') + \frac{1}{2} K_{2}(\nu, \nu') # \end{equation} # # **Correlarry** If two searches have the same mass resolution and statistical power, the effective $N$ needed to calculate the LEE for the combination is the same as the individual searches. (This can be demonstraited with the code below by setting `ratio_of_correlations=1.` # # **Note** In what follows, I'll demonstrate this for the simple case, but this can be extended to have separate $\sigma(\nu)$ curves for searches 1 and 2. # # # ### Basic outline of what will be shown below # # We will create three different Gaussian Processes: # * `gp1` will generate results from experiment 1 # * `gp2` will generate results from experiment 2 # * we will explicitly combine the results from experiments 1 and 2 # * `gp12` will be shown to have the same behavior as the combination of `gp1` and `gp2` # # In[1]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('pylab', 'inline --no-import-all') #plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (6.0, 6.0) #plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 60 # In[2]: import george from george.kernels import ExpSquaredKernel from scipy.stats import chi2, norm # In[3]: length_scale_of_correaltion=1. ratio_of_length_scales=4. kernel1 = ExpSquaredKernel(length_scale_of_correaltion, ndim=1) kernel2 = ExpSquaredKernel(ratio_of_length_scales**2*length_scale_of_correaltion, ndim=1) kernel12 = 0.5*kernel1+0.5*kernel2 # In[4]: # Create the Gaussian process # gp = george.GP(kernel) gp1 = george.GP(kernel1, solver=george.HODLRSolver) #faster gp2 = george.GP(kernel2, solver=george.HODLRSolver) #faster gp12 = george.GP(kernel12, solver=george.HODLRSolver) #faster # In[5]: n_scan_points=250 x = np.linspace(0,100,n_scan_points) # In[6]: # slow part: pre-compute internal stuff for the GP gp1.compute(x) gp2.compute(x) gp12.compute(x) # Show an example of a realization of the Gaussian process for $z(\nu) = (\hat{\mu}/\sigma)$ and $q(\nu) = z^2(\nu)$ # Now lets histogram the values of the random field. # Don't get confused here... if you pick a single point and histogram the value of over many instances, you expect a Gaussian. However, for a single instance, you don't expect the histogram for the value of the field to be Gaussian (because of the correlations). Thought experiments: if you make `length_scale_of_correaltion` very small, then each point is essentially independent and you do expect to see a Gaussian; however, if `length_scale_of_correaltion` is very large then you expect the field to be nearly constant and the histogram below would be a delta function. # In[7]: # evaluate one realization of the GP z = gp1.sample(x) # plot the chi-square random field plt.subplot(121) plt.plot(x,z) plt.ylabel(r'$z(\nu)$') plt.xlabel(r'$\nu$') plt.subplot(122) plt.plot(x,z**2) plt.ylabel(r'$q(\nu)$') plt.xlabel(r'$\nu$') # ## Define some quick helper functions # In[8]: def q_to_pvalue(q): return (1.-chi2.cdf(q, 1))/2 #divide by 2 for 1-sided test def pvalue_to_significance(p): return -norm.ppf(p) def significance_to_pvalue(Z): return 1.-norm.cdf(Z) # In[9]: def num_upcrossings(z): """count number of times adjacent bins change between 0,1""" return np.sum((z-np.roll(z,1))**2)/2 # In[10]: def global_pvalue(u,u0, n): #return (1.-chi2.cdf(u, 1))/2. + np.exp(-(u-u0)/2)*n #1-sided p-value return (1.-chi2.cdf(u, 1)) + np.exp(-(u-u0)/2)*n # 2-sided p-value # ### Define the threshold for counting upcrossings # In[11]: u1 = 0.5 # Check the code to count upcrossings and the LEE correction is working # In[12]: n_samples = 1000 n_plots = 3 plt.figure(figsize=(9,n_plots*3)) z_array = gp1.sample(x,n_samples) n_up = np.zeros(n_samples) for scan_no, z in enumerate(z_array): scan = z**2 exc1 = (scan>u1) + 0. #add 0. to convert from bool to double n_up[scan_no] = num_upcrossings(exc1) if scan_no < n_plots: plt.subplot(n_plots,2,2*scan_no+1) plt.plot(x,scan) plt.plot([0,100],[u1,u1], c='r') plt.subplot(n_plots,2,2*scan_no+2) plt.plot(x,exc1) plt.ylim(-.1,1.1) print('experiment %d has %d upcrossings' %(scan_no, n_up[scan_no])) n_av = np.mean(n_up) print("average number of upcrossings in %d experiments is %f" %(n_samples, n_av)) # ### Make prediction for global p-value for q_max distribution # In[13]: u = np.linspace(5,25,100) global_p = global_pvalue(u,u1,n_av) # ### Generate many toy experiments (via the Gaussian Process), find maximum local significance for each, and check the prediction for the LEE-corrected global p-value # In[14]: n_samples = 10000 z_array = gp1.sample(x,n_samples) q_max = np.zeros(n_samples) for scan_no, z in enumerate(z_array): scan = z**2 q_max[scan_no] = np.max(scan) # In[15]: bins, edges, patches = plt.hist(q_max, bins=30) icdf = 1.-np.cumsum(bins/n_samples) icdf = np.hstack((1.,icdf)) icdf_error = np.sqrt(np.cumsum(bins))/n_samples icdf_error = np.hstack((0.,icdf_error)) plt.xlabel('$q_{max}$') plt.ylabel('counts / bin') # In[16]: # plot the p-value plt.plot(edges,icdf, c='r', label='toys') plt.errorbar(edges,icdf,yerr=icdf_error) plt.plot(u, global_p, label='prediction') plt.xlabel('$u$') plt.ylabel('$P(q_{max} >u)$') plt.legend(('prediction','toys')) #plt.ylabel('P(q>u)') plt.ylim(1E-3,10) plt.xlim(0,25) plt.semilogy() # Wow! that was awesome! Go math! # # Part 2 # ## Now let's do some experiments combining two searches # In[17]: n_samples = 10000 z_array1 = gp1.sample(x,n_samples) z_array2 = gp2.sample(x,n_samples) n_av1, n_av2, n_av12 = 0., 0., 0. q_max = np.zeros((n_samples,3)) q_10 = np.zeros((n_samples,3)) n_plots = 3 plt.figure(figsize=(9,n_plots*3)) scan_no=0 for z1, z2 in zip(z_array1,z_array2): scan1 = z1**2 scan2 = z2**2 scan12 = ((z1+z2)**2)/2 # This is where the combination happens exc1 = (scan1>u1) + 0. #add 0. to convert from bool to double exc2 = (scan2>u1) + 0. #add 0. to convert from bool to double exc12 = (scan12>u1) + 0. #add 0. to convert from bool to double if scan_no < n_plots: aspect = 1. #plt.subplot(n_plots,3,3*scan_no+1) plt.subplot(n_plots,1,1*scan_no+1) plt.plot(x,scan1, c='r', label='search 1') #plt.subplot(n_plots,3,3*scan_no+2) plt.subplot(n_plots,1,1*scan_no+1) plt.plot(x,scan2, c='g', label='search 2') #plt.subplot(n_plots,3,3*scan_no+3) plt.subplot(n_plots,1,1*scan_no+1) plt.plot(x,scan12, c='b', label='combined') plt.legend(('search 1', 'search 2', 'combined')) q_max[scan_no,:] = [np.max(scan1), np.max(scan2), np.max(scan12)] q_10[scan_no,:] = [scan1[10],scan2[10], scan12[10]] #print num_upcrossings(exc1) n_av1 += 1.*num_upcrossings(exc1)/n_samples n_av2 += 1.*num_upcrossings(exc2)/n_samples n_av12 += 1.*num_upcrossings(exc12)/n_samples scan_no +=1 print "n_av search 1, search 2, combined = ", n_av1, n_av2, n_av12 # In[18]: #Simple scaling: print "check simple scailing rule: prediction=%f, observed=%f" %(np.sqrt((n_av1**2+n_av2**2)/2), n_av12) # ## Now let's test the prediction that `gp12` has the same behavior as the explicit combination of search 1 and search 2. # In[19]: z_array12 = gp12.sample(x,n_samples) q12_max = np.zeros((n_samples)) n_up = np.zeros(n_samples) for scan_no, z12 in enumerate(z_array12): scan12 = (z12)**2 q12_max[scan_no] = np.max(scan12) n_up[scan_no] = num_upcrossings((scan12 > u1)+0.) print("average number of upcrossings for combined GP = %f" %(np.mean(n_up))) # Compare $q_{max}$ distribution from direct combination with the prediction from gp12 # In[20]: bins, edges, patches = plt.hist(q_max[:,2], bins=50, alpha=0.1, color='r', label='explicit combination') bins, edges, patches = plt.hist(q12_max, bins=edges, alpha=0.1, color='b', label='predicted') plt.ylabel('counts/bin') plt.xlabel('$q_{max}$') plt.legend(('explicit combination', 'predicted')) # In[21]: u = np.linspace(5,25,100) global_p = global_pvalue(u,u1,np.mean(n_up)) icdf = 1.-np.cumsum(bins/n_samples) icdf = np.hstack((1.,icdf)) icdf_error = np.sqrt(np.cumsum(bins))/n_samples icdf_error = np.hstack((0.,icdf_error)) plt.plot(edges,icdf, c='r', label='toys') plt.errorbar(edges,icdf,yerr=icdf_error) plt.plot(u, global_p, label='prediction') plt.xlabel('$u$') plt.ylabel('$P(q_{max} >u)$') plt.legend(('prediction','toys')) #plt.ylabel('P(q>u)') plt.ylim(1E-3,10) plt.xlim(0,25) plt.semilogy() # Bingo! # In[ ]: